Create a great era of e-sports

Chapter 559 E-Sports World Cup (please subscribe)

"The eSports World Cup is actually the same as the Football World Cup."

Following Abdulhe's explanation, Mo Yu finally understood what the E-Sports World Cup was.

in short.

In order to enhance the country's influence, diversify the domestic economy and gradually eliminate the economic structure that relies mainly on oil, Saudi Arabia's top leaders have proposed a long-term plan similar to a five-year plan and a ten-year plan - Saudi Arabia's future vision!

The entire plan involves huge investments and will carry out reforms in multiple areas.

The E-Sports World Cup is one of them.

Saudi Arabia will continue to invest 142 billion Saudi riyals, which is equivalent to 277 billion yuan in soft money, to create a super competition covering all the most popular e-sports game projects in the world. Professional players from all over the world will be invited to participate. Each competition project will provide The ultimate goal of an unprecedented super prize pool is to make Saudi Arabia a global e-sports center and a global gaming center!

This is an extremely huge super plan!

It took several years, cost hundreds of billions, and was extremely large-scale!

Mo Yu was instantly dumbfounded after hearing this.

To hold an e-sports competition with the strength of one country and invest hundreds of billions, it’s so fucking awesome just thinking about it!

If he hadn't held the game in his own hands and had many advantages, the e-sports Olympics to be built in the future would probably not be as good as the Saudi E-sports World Cup!

Even so, Mo Yu was afraid.

This is a real waste of money!

Smash it like crazy!

If you don’t treat money as money, it can easily be worth hundreds of billions!

There is no doubt that if it is really done, the E-sports World Cup and the E-sports Olympics he envisioned will be the two largest e-sports competitions in the world in the future, bar none!

And the chance of success in this competition is very high!

With so much money thrown into it, it must be a super plan that covers all aspects of e-sports competitions. Just the high bonuses provided by the competition will make even a professional player unbearable!

Ahmed said that the GAG ​​competition prize money alone will rise to the level of S1 next year, and will continue to rise the year after that. It is ultimately expected that the GAG ​​project will be built into a super game with a total prize pool of over 50 million US dollars or more. Contest!

Mo Yu felt panicked after hearing this and couldn't bear it at all.


Saudi Arabia has money, it has games, and everyone has a bright future.


I’m so envious!

I also want to have that much money to throw at it!

Big dog owner, so fierce!

Mo Yu's expression was almost distorted and he couldn't control it at all.

"One hundred billion, is it worth it?"

"Why isn't it worth it?" Abduh asked strangely: "Besides, it's just a little money? Just sell some oil and it's not a big money."

"That's right." Ahmed also said: "It's just normal, ordinary. As long as you can see the effect of spending this money, it's nothing. You've made a profit!"

Mo Yu: "."

He wanted to say something, but he really didn't know what to say, so he held it back for a long time: "Has the plan started?"

"It will start this year." Ahmed said with a smile: "The Petroleum Cup is just a test of the water. Next year we will add more projects, such as race hegemony, such as Red Alert, such as CSGO, including a series of follow-up projects launched by your company. We will add any game projects that are suitable for the competition to the World Cup. We will also select game projects that players are passionate about around the world and add them to the game, and then expand the scale and increase investment year by year."

Mo Yu didn't have any objections to this.

Although Moyu Games is still the dominant player among global e-sports competitions, others are not stupid and have gradually figured out the requirements for games suitable for e-sports competitions.

Some game companies have also organized competitions for their games, which are a little less popular, but still have a group of fans.

The most important thing is that the competitiveness of these games is indeed not bad, and the viewing pleasure is also very high. There is still an audience for them as competition events.

However, no matter what, with the memory of the past life still there, the games launched by Moyu Company are still the highlight of e-sports. Their popularity ranks among the top of all e-sports competitions in the world, and no game can match it.

The three of them chatted.

Abduh was getting happier, and so was Ahmed.

He asked for instructions: "Your Highness, there have been many foreign tourists coming recently for the competition, which shows that our E-sports World Cup plan is feasible. Since we want to promote the popularity of the event, I would like to ask you to attend the venue on the opening day. May I?"

With the holding of the Petroleum Cup, there were obviously many foreign tourists outside the competition venue. After Ahmed's investigation, they were all GAG players from various countries. Each supported the club and brought exclusive support materials launched by the club with them. It was obvious that Attracted by the oil cup.

As the crown prince of Saudi Arabia, Abdullah is well-known around the world. As long as he can attend the Petroleum Cup, it will definitely push the popularity of the event to a new climax.

This is the celebrity effect.

The Petroleum Cup is new, and there are still few top teams participating, so it lacks a certain degree of popularity. Abduh's attendance at the venue will definitely become the focus of the news media, thereby promoting the Petroleum Cup.

"Of course, no problem. I will be there on the day of the competition." After Abduhe agreed, he turned to look at Mo Yu: "Also, Mo, you have gained my friendship. Dear friend, can you invite me? Are you going to watch the game together?"

"Of course, it's a great honor."

Mo Yu readily agreed.

"Then it's settled."

With a wave of his hand, Abduh called the butler waiting outside to present precious red wine worth millions, and invited Mo Yu to raise a toast with him.

"Cheers to friendship and e-sports!"


As early as when the news of the Petroleum Cup was just confirmed, Saudi Arabia had already started a large-scale publicity.

Needless to say, there is no need to say much about offline. Various press releases are distributed at home and abroad, online and abroad, as much as possible, to continuously build momentum for the event.

And online, they are equally wealthy.

Countries in oil regions are extremely rich, with money in their pockets, and they must spend money directly when doing things.

Although they promised Mo Yu not to increase the tournament prize money without authorization, they also had other ways of spending money.

The first is in the European server.

The entire European server has launched a prize-winning event for watching the game. Anyone who has purchased a ticket for the Petroleum Cup game can use the exclusive number on the ticket stub to draw for ten consecutive draws. Each draw can get at least an epic skin.

In addition, players with tickets will also be drawn on-site to give away exquisite and valuable physical gifts and various items signed by professional players, as well as have offline dinners with professional players, etc.

It can be said that there are many gifts!

Other players who did not buy tickets to watch the game offline can also draw the lottery. As long as they click on the client to reserve the live broadcast of the event, they will immediately get three lottery opportunities without any difficulty.

This time, all the players in the European server were taken care of! (End of chapter)

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