Create a great era of e-sports

Chapter 560: A wonderful fight, a good fight

And outside of publicity.

The clubs participating in the competition are also unambiguous.

Stay in a five-star hotel, have exclusive luxury computers, and have an exclusive luxury training room for the team. The hotel is equipped with chefs from many countries to ensure that every player can have a taste of their hometown. They will be picked up and dropped off by the Trident bus. All kinds of benefits are directly available.

Almost every player who came to compete was full of praise and said that it was worth it. It was an eye-opener.

Some contestants shared their daily photos online, which attracted a large number of netizens to call them NB.

Some players who did not come to participate in the Petroleum Cup were envious during the live broadcast, saying frankly that the local tycoons are indeed extraordinary.

Not only that.

In addition to the players, the commentators, hosts and other staff sent by the five major competition regions to participate in the competition are also treated as well as the players. Their food, clothing, housing and transportation are all made of high-end goods, which is simply enviable.

Of course, while the players are being paid well, Saudi Arabia has also put a lot of effort into the trophy.

Is the Golden Dragon Cup of IMTV Cup awesome enough?

The oil cup is not bad at all.

Although the trophy is not made of gold, it is made of a large amount of precious metals. It is silver and white with crystals inlaid on it, and the top is a precious sapphire worth hundreds of thousands. It is simply noble and luxurious, and it is beyond words.

All the medals received by the players are made of gold. Each medal weighs 368 grams. It is heavy in the hand and the gold is blinding.

It can be said that from top to bottom, the Saudis have already played a big role in the Petroleum Cup. Some netizens have hailed the Petroleum Cup as the number one event after the global finals, nicknamed the Little S Game!

Hotel conference room.

Mo Yu urgently called everyone from the three teams OMG, NB, and IG to gather together for a meeting.

"Mr. Mo, everyone is here."

The assistant looked around the audience and confirmed that the number of players, coaches, substitutes, and team leaders from the three teams was correct. A total of 29 people were present.

Mo Yu nodded slightly and glanced around.

Many familiar faces came into view.

PDD, Xiaoxiao, Gogoing, Liang Xiaoshan, Panacea, Wu State, etc., are all familiar professional players in their previous lives, and some of them are newcomers who are emerging in the current world and have also competed in the professional arena.

"Everyone is here, please be quiet."

Mo Yu knocked on the table, and the place suddenly became quiet.

"I'm sorry for delaying everyone's training, but I have called everyone to a meeting today and I do have something to explain." Mo Yu gestured to the assistant to turn on the projector with his eyes.

Five faces with unshaven faces, high noses and deep eyes, with obvious features appeared on the projection screen.

"Everyone, pay attention to the team on the screen. They are the representative team sent to compete in the Saudi Division of the Petroleum CupTM. The five people on the screen are the players of the team."

The words just fell.

There was a sudden commotion in the conference room.

"Is this a Saudi team?" PDD couldn't help but said in surprise: "It's so cool!"

"It's really hard to look at!" Gogoing, the Vietnamese crocodile, opened his eyes wide: "No, Mr. Mo, why is there a diamond goalkeeper?"

"Damn it, can this be played professionally?"

"Are you sure it's not a joke?"

"It feels like it will break when you touch it. There is no pressure at all. Isn't it easy to defeat me and have a great tailwind?"

"If I had to kill a few times online, I would be embarrassed to say hello to others."

A discussion spread.

Mo Yu heard the words and was unable to stop him.

It’s really outrageous!

The TM team has five players, including a top laner European Master, a jungler European Master, a mid laner European Master, a bottom lane European Diamond 1, and an auxiliary European Diamond 5. Such a lineup can be called 'luxury'!

Compared to other teams whose players are either top scorers or high score masters, the TM team is really so 'luxurious'.

The strongest player in the team is the top laner, a player in the European master group, ranked in the middle. The heroes with the highest proficiency are Stone Man, Dog Head, and Big Tree. I would rather do nothing than make a mistake when playing the main hero.

Super badass player!

Mo Yu had someone specifically check this person's record. When matched with professional players in the European server in daily rankings, he would lose nine out of ten games. The remaining one would most likely be due to his teammate Kerry, and his winning rate was pitifully low. 10%.

Moreover, his score is too low, and the probability of being matched with a professional player is extremely low. He can only meet players who have no time to increase their points because they have to increase their points to meet the club's rank requirements.

Except for the mid laner, the remaining two masters in the middle and jungle are at the bottom of the master group. The player with the lowest score may fall back to the diamond if he is not careful.

However, this is okay, the most annoying thing is the bottom duo!

AD Drill 1 is barely acceptable, but what the hell is auxiliary Drill 5?

Five diamonds!


And it’s the Diamond Five of the European server!

It’s easy to talk about the national server. After all, it is the strongest server unanimously recognized by the majority of players and professional players, but what the hell is the European server?

No professional club has ever said that the European server is of high quality. Professional players have always had to play in the Chinese server to hone their skills.

The professional players in the European server just play casually, just leave an account and get a similar rank score, and more high-level players are still free players.

How should a professional team composed of just these five people fight?

Damn, it’s so terrible!

But Mo Yu couldn't help it. What could he do?

Time is too urgent and too rushed!

There was no place for TM in the Petroleum Cup. When it was temporarily changed to an invitation-only system, Saudi Arabia itself was not prepared at all. In addition, there was no professional e-sports club in the country, so it had to do something special and quickly arrange people to establish it. He founded a professional club, namely TM.

While TM was rushing to put it on the shelves, it couldn't find suitable players for a while, and finally selected these five people to form the team lineup!

These are the five strongest people that can be found in a short period of time!

"Okay, no nonsense."

Mo Yu tapped the table with his fingers, and there were two crisp bangs. The conference room suddenly became quiet, but the eye contact between the players could not be hidden.

He was too lazy to take care of it and said directly: "What happens to the players is other people's business. Anyway, listen up, you three teams. Saudi Arabia provides money and people. It is the main partner of the company and the future strategic partner. He is a big benefactor and must be given face."

"No matter which team is drawn and encounters TM, I don't care whether they win or lose, but they must give enough face, and give in if the number of heads is given. It's best to have a more exciting and beautiful fight back and forth, and don't let others lose too ugly!"

"As for the rest, it doesn't matter!"

"The meeting is dismissed!"

After the announcement, Mo Yu immediately dismissed the meeting, leaving everyone discussing in the conference room.

Although Saudi Arabia did not ask for it, he had to be sensible when facing the big benefactors.

In addition to the domestic teams, he also notified other competition regions, requiring any team other than TM to give in once they encounter TM in the lottery. They cannot let others lose too miserably, and the game experience must be sufficient. It's enough to make people feel that they really tried their best, but the enemy was too strong and they had no choice but to lose the game.

In short, it’s all about trying your best!

Anyone who dares to violate the rules will be fined without any mercy.

Anyway, TM himself knows that it is just a formality. There are no requirements for performance. It doesn't matter whether he makes it out of the group stage or not. It is purely to experience life.

Playing well is the way to go.

As for the rest of winning or losing, just work hard and it all depends on God’s will! (End of chapter)

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