Create a great era of e-sports

Chapter 563 I’ll give you money

"I also have to bear a lot of responsibility for this matter." Cheng Ziyun shook his head and said solemnly: "Mr. Mo, you also know that domestic society has a lot of bad remarks about online games, such as Internet addiction, electronic heroin, etc. It has been widely circulated, and there are many supporters of such remarks. If I sign the rights to broadcast the event, I don’t know how big a storm of opinions will come when it is broadcast. I’m afraid I won’t be able to handle it!”

Cheng Ziyun shook his head repeatedly and refused to let go.

After checking so much information, watching so many videos, and even coming to the Petroleum Cup in person to witness the grand event, it can be said that he now has an inner estimate of how huge the ratings the global finals will bring.

But that's not how it works.

It's okay if the opposition is small, but if it is too loud, he can't handle it. He may even lose his job seriously, and some angry netizens will do human flesh searches to find out his real identity information. He will be notorious on the Internet for thousands of years, attracting Countless parents denounced him, scolding him for misleading their children and harming young people.

If that happens, he will be ruined.

When Cheng Ziyun thought about that situation, even though he was optimistic about the global finals, he couldn't help being terrified.

"Mr. Mo, if nothing happens during the game, it will be fine. If something goes wrong, some traditional people will look down upon me and report me for human-human search. Then I will be really dumb and talkative. I can’t explain it, but I will be stared at by them on the pillar of shame and will be stigmatized for the rest of my life.”

"By that time, I will truly be worse off than alive."

"I dare not take such a big risk."

Cheng Ziyun was in a dilemma, and he expressed his interests and risks. He was worried and fearful in his heart, and he did not dare to gamble at all.

Mo Yu also had a headache after hearing this and didn't know what to do.

Cheng Ziyun's worries are not entirely possible.

Online games have been developing for so many years, and they have always been burdened with an indelible stigma since their debut. It seems that online games are inherently guilty of original sin and deserve to be scolded.

Even in later generations, online games have become popular all over the world, but there are always some people who can't stand it.

Just like that year of the Asian Games in Hangzhou.

Behind a lot of praise there are always people making unsupportive remarks.

‘How can the country allow games to be included in the Asian Games? ’

‘It’s simply immoral and promotes bad things! ’

‘Games must be banned vigorously! ’

‘Xiao Ma should be sentenced! ’

‘Things that harm young people should be completely banned, and there should be no online games in the world! ’

‘It is recommended that the country ban all game companies and send everyone who develops games to jail! ’

Such comments have never ceased and are even supported by many people.

This will be the case more than ten years later, let alone now?

Mo Yu thought about it and decided to come up with the final killer move. If this didn't work, then he would completely give up the hope of being broadcast live on CCTV.

"Ten million!"

He held out a finger.

Cheng Ziyun was stunned for a moment, then shook his head: "Don't say 10 million, even if it's free, I wouldn't dare. Mr. Mo, please don't force me."

Mo Yu said in a deep voice: "It's not that you give me 10 million, but I give you 10 million!"

"Huh? What! You give us ten million?"

Cheng Ziyun was stunned for a moment, thinking that he was hallucinating.

The broadcast rights of the S2 Global Finals are a hot commodity among major online live broadcast platforms. They often offer hundreds of millions, but now Mo Yu gives him 10 million in return?

what's the situation?

He looked at Mo Yu with suspicion, suspecting that Mo Yu was out of his mind.

However, Mo Yu smiled and said: "Yes, I heard that the annual advertising efficiency of sports channels does not seem to be very good?"

"This? What do you mean?"

Cheng Ziyun's heart moved, and he vaguely felt that Mo Yu might do something.

"You should have guessed it." Mo Yu laughed: "How about I invest 10 million to buy a few advertising slots to release GPL event promotional videos in exchange for the sports channel broadcasting the S2 Global Finals?"

Advertising revenue is a major revenue pillar for television stations.

However, the income of the sports channel in this area is really not much. It only broadcasts various sports events, and the audience is relatively narrow. Unlike the various variety shows and TV series on other channels, the broadcasts are booming, and the annual advertising is hundreds of millions. Several hundred million in revenue.

Sports channels don’t receive many advertisements, so getting Mo Yu 10 million is definitely a big deal!

This is also the way he came up with. Everyone exchanges, which can also be said to be using advertising fees to buy Cheng Ziyun Songkou.

"Such a large amount of advertising revenue should be rewarded by your superiors, right? This is your work achievement!" Mo Yu's tone was a little seductive.


Cheng Ziyun was immediately moved after hearing this.

Although he is the director of the sports channel, his job responsibilities are not responsible for advertising matters.

But then again, to get a huge amount of advertising money for Taiwan, everyone has an obligation to do it, let alone him?

Ten million in advertising fees is also a good thing for him. Once he can win it, he will definitely be rewarded by a higher level, and even go further.

Temptation hit him, and his heart skipped a beat, but he still couldn't help but have all kinds of worries in his mind, fearing that the worst would happen, and everything would be over.

One hundred million has nothing to do with him!

"That's not appropriate."

Cheng Ziyun's tone was slightly hesitant.

Seeing this, Mo Yu thought about it and continued to raise his bet.

He persuaded: "Lao Cheng, let me tell you, you don't have to worry too much. The attitude of the top management towards e-sports is very obvious. It is support rather than suppression. You don't have to worry too much about public opinion. There can't be that many extreme people. The worst-case scenario you imagine will most likely not happen. At most, some people will express their dissatisfaction. It is completely impossible to report human flesh. There are no such serious consequences, right?"

"Well, let me add another 5 million, 15 million for advertising. This is not a small amount of money. If you can go back with the contract, you will definitely be praised!"

Mo Yu offered a new price.

Cheng Ziyun suddenly felt his throat was dry and didn't know what to say. He couldn't say the words of rejection for a long time. All his previous worries seemed to have been blown away by the sugar-coated bullets that Mo Yu brought out.

His mind is now in a mess, and his mind is filled with the benefits that such a large advertising contract will bring to him.

Promotion, salary increase, and leadership praise seem to be just around the corner!

Mo Yu took a sip of wine at this time and observed the changes in Cheng Ziyun's demeanor.

I saw that this man's face was green and red, and he didn't speak for a long time, with a tangled expression.

Seeing this, he couldn't help but smile, knowing that things were almost done.

Just hesitation means that the originally determined answer has changed, and the weight on one end of the scale has tilted. Otherwise, if Cheng Ziyun was really unwilling, he would reject it immediately without even thinking about it.


It’s the red advertising money that understands people’s hearts best!

Mo Yu sighed, feeling like he had fallen.

He drank and ate food leisurely beside him. A few minutes later, Cheng Ziyun exhaled a long breath, and finally his expression turned firm: "Okay, I promise that the broadcast will be done well. I don't know how to sign the contract?"

He finally let go, and Mo Yu finally laughed.

He stood up and picked up the bottle of high-end red wine worth tens of thousands of yuan on the table and poured a glass for Cheng Ziyun. He said with a gentle expression: "There must be rewards for your efforts. I have invested such a large amount of advertising fees and I don't charge your broadcast fees. Let me get some blood back, too?"

"So the sports channel will not broadcast exclusively, I will also sell the broadcast of the event to several other platforms."

Douyu, Huya, and IMTV are all for sale.

The price can be lowered.

Mo Yu didn’t believe it couldn’t be sold.

It is absolutely easy for a family to get back 10 to 20 million. Although it is not enough to make up for the losses, the hidden benefits brought by CCTV Sports Channel are large enough.

He will never lose money on this business anyway!

Speaking of which, due to the continuous surge in the total number of players this year, S2's Battle Pass has sold 95 million US dollars globally so far. According to the 25% share, the total prize pool of the global finals has far exceeded last year's 14.32 million, and This is not the final destination.

There will also be a super sales peak during the competition!

Coupled with the subsequent launch of commentary voice packs, player voice packs, player signature stamp stickers, championship skins, etc., the company will have another extremely considerable income in its account.

With so much money in the account, it's a waste to give the sports channel a mere 15 million in advertising fees.


Cheng Ziyun readily agreed. Since he had relented, the rest didn't matter.


Mo Yu smiled while stroking his palms. (End of chapter)

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