Things went well.

That night, Mo Yu received Shang Xingyue's report.

"What did you tell him? Just after Lao Cheng came back, he told me that he planned to buy the broadcast rights of S2, and he even made a special call to the leaders of the station."

"It's nothing, it's all about human nature." Mo Yu smiled and said, "He also told you about this?"

"I didn't say it directly. It just told me to take the program team to prepare for an interview in South Korea next month. I knew it as soon as I heard it. As for the phone call, I caught a few glances."

"You don't have to worry about this matter. The matter has been settled anyway." Mo Yu smiled and asked: "By the way, "E-Sports World" will be broadcast soon, right?"

On the other side of the phone, Shang Xingyue nodded and said, "Yes, this Saturday."

"It's only been two days. The first issue was an interview with this year's GPL Summer Season. I don't know what the ratings are."

Shang Xingyue was a little worried, fearing that the program would be canceled due to poor ratings.

Before "E-Sports World" was broadcast, Travel TV's program had already been broadcast, and the effect was pretty good.

The program lasted only half an hour, and the production level could only be said to be pretty good. Even so, after a few episodes, it still attracted many netizens to watch it, and the ratings continued to rise.

Now that "E-Sports World" is still being broadcast on CCTV, Mo Yu concluded that the ratings will not be too bad.

Mo Yu consoled him: "Don't worry too much, the ratings shouldn't be too bad. After all, this is the first time that an e-sports related program is broadcast on a TV station like CCTV. It will definitely attract a lot of viewers. To say the least, Even if the ratings are too bad, it’s not a big problem, just do it slowly.”

Shang Xingyue said: "I hope so."

The two chatted for a while and then hung up the phone.

Saturday, 11am.

CCTV Sports Channel.

"E-Sports World" premieres.

It started with a few brief scenes of the competition being stacked one after another, and then the title E-Sports World in six large characters appeared on the big screen.

Immediately afterwards, the program got down to business.

Shang Xingyue and Teacher Duan sat on the sofa chairs in the studio, one on the left and the other on the right.

"Hello everyone, welcome to the world of e-sports, I am the host Duan Xuan."

"I am the show host Shang Xingyue."

The two of them, one on the left and the other on the right, are dressed in a younger style. Duan Xuan is wearing a yellow T-shirt and jeans, while Shang Xingyue is wearing white T-shirts and sneakers. They are completely different from the traditional program crew's suits and ties, sitting upright.

In fact, this outfit was specially arranged.

Considering that most of the viewers watching the show are young people, and e-sports itself is a sport that young people pay attention to, the host's attire is sporty and youthful.

However, depending on the audience's preferences, the audience may not actually care what Duan Xuan wears, but many fans will definitely not be too satisfied with what Shang Xingyue wears.

Didn't you see, on the commentary stage, all of the female commentators were wearing black stockings, high heels, and big white legs? I don't know how many eyeballs they attracted. This is the most orthodox female host outfit that fans like to see!

It's a pity that this is what fans like to watch, and Mo Yu thinks it's better as it is now.

Let's leave Shang Xingyue's beauty to him alone!

The entire program is played from 11 o'clock to 12 o'clock, lasts for one hour, and is divided into six sections.

They are "Commanding Heights of Video Games": news and information section; "Minority Report": review section; "Beach Landing": professional information section; "Game Pioneer": character section; "Arena": event section; "Taking E as Reality": Creative section.

Among them, the longest content is the competition section of Arena.

The content of the program begins with an introduction to some of the latest online games, the most influential game production companies, various related software and hardware products, the latest developments in the industry, etc.

Then make focused comments on the industry through interviews with professionals.

Then we will discuss some e-sports related games launched on various game platforms, such as PC, PS2, XBOX, mobile games, etc.

Next are the on-site interviews of the events and interviews with professional players that players are most concerned about.

Finally, let’s talk about some creativity and briefly discuss some content that combines e-sports with real-world sports.

In the first episode of the program, Zhang Zhaoyang and Lu Zibo appeared.

Zhang Zhaoyang discussed the promising future development of e-sports and the huge market from the perspective of a professional; Lu Zibo talked about some things in the professional arena from the perspective of a professional player.

The main remaining content is the scene of the GPL Summer Split Finals.

"It was really shocking at the scene. As the most famous e-sports game in the world, the "Gods and Gods" professional league has become an e-sports feast that millions of viewers can't live without. I was so immersed in it during the on-site interview that I almost Forgot about the interview assignment for the show.”

"Hahaha, it seems that Xiao Shang is also an e-sports enthusiast."

"Forget it, anyway, I will occasionally go to the site to experience it when I have time."

"It's a pity. Just seeing the game makes people fascinated. I wish I could go to the stadium and experience it for myself."

"Teacher Duan can definitely go!"

"I will definitely go to Jingzhou if I have the chance!"

The two chatted and laughed happily on the show and talked about a lot of e-sports related content.

That afternoon.

Not long after the show aired, it became a hot topic on the Internet, and related hot searches appeared on Weibo.

Many netizens are discussing it.

"I watched a program broadcast on CCTV Sports Channel today. It was really interesting. I highly recommend it!"

"CN eSports, Best eSports!"

"We have great hopes of winning the championship this year, Lao Zhang said it himself!"

"The World Championship trophy will still remain in the GPL!"

"Can the Emperor Star continue its mythology? I feel like The and God are very confident!"

"To be honest, I never seem to pay attention to it. Now there is a professional league in the game?"

"No? You don't play GAG?"

"I know GAG, but why are there any professional games?"

"How can CCTV broadcast this kind of program? Isn't it openly teaching bad children?"

"I won't watch sports channels anymore. They promote games!"

"Strong boycott!"

Discussions online are mixed, both good and bad.

Those who know it like it praise it vigorously, those who don’t know it criticize it. There are also some people who don’t pay attention to e-sports at all. If they hadn’t watched the show, they might not know that the outside world has been turned upside down.

In short, there is anything to say.

A mess.

But precisely because of the broadcast of the program, GAG has once again become the focus of discussion among domestic people. More people have learned about the game, the GPL, and the professional league.

Not only online, but also offline.

The first episode of "E-Sports World" was aired, sparking a wave of discussion.

Along with this wave of discussion, the ratings of the program skyrocketed, and it didn't take long for the ratings to be calculated!

"2.6% for first broadcast and 3.1% for replay!"

"It's on fire!" (End of this chapter)

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