Create a great era of e-sports

Chapter 565 Team Song

With the rise of the Internet, more and more people choose to watch programs online, and the number of viewers of traditional TV channels is decreasing every year.

Although the sports channel is owned by CCTV, its ratings are only in the middle among TV stations across the country, and it is not the most powerful channel.

The programs with the highest ratings on the channel are usually the games of major overseas football teams. The highest ratings can reach 6% or 7%, while the worst programs have less than 1%!

"E-Sports World" is a program about e-Sports.

The premiere itself performed well, with a ratings of 2.6%, which is enough to be proud of.

However, this is just the beginning, the replay the next day is the real surprise!

With the fermentation of online discussions, more and more people are paying attention to this program. Many people are full of novelty and come to check in. Coupled with GAG's own huge user base, the ratings of the next day's rebroadcast instantly increased again and again. The increase actually exceeded the first broadcast!

It’s quite an eye-opener.

The first rebroadcast's ratings of 3.6% have already established a foothold on sports channels, and even among all TV programs in the country, it is definitely a program with the potential to become a hit!


Shang Xingyue could not restrain her excitement and immediately shared her joy with Mo Yu.


Mo Yu smiled and said, "You can rest assured now."

"Yeah." Shang Xingyue said with a smile: "The ratings for the first episode were pretty good, and the station also gave it a special award."

"That's good."

Mo Yu was sincerely happy for Shang Xingyue.

Shang Xingyue's identity may not be clear to some middle- and low-level employees, but the senior executives of the sports channel must be well aware that as long as they make some achievements with their family connections, these small achievements can be magnified infinitely. , became Shang Xingyue's promotion resources.

As long as Shang Xingyue can have a voice on CCTV in the future, it will be of great help to him.

At the very least, it won’t be so troublesome to have games on sports channels in the future, and there won’t be a situation where other Asian Games events are broadcast but e-sports games are not.

The entire business is his strongest backend!

After several days of competition.

The Petroleum Cup has reached its final stage.

TM from Saudi Arabia did not make it out of the group stage and fell in the top 16. Five fledgling young people started e-sports in Saudi Arabia. At the same time, due to the official announcement of the E-sports World Cup plan, several new players emerged in Saudi Arabia. clubs, but more wealthy people choose to contact existing clubs in GEU.

Among the three domestic teams, IG failed to create a miracle and fell in the quarterfinals.

OMG performed a little better than them, reaching the semi-finals, but ultimately missed the finals.

The remaining NB.

Although this individual team, which had fought all the way up from the lowest level of the cup, had received investment from sponsors, it had finally reached its limit.

They were the dominant team in the BC two-level cup. Facing the professional teams in the A-level cup, they were unable to fight back. They were beaten violently in various ways and had no choice but to stop in the group stage.

This is also the third time they have failed in the group stage.

The IMTV Cup and Emperor Star Cup are all the same, and now the Petroleum Cup has the same result.

It can only be said that there is indeed a huge gap in strength. If NB wants to go further, it must undergo more difficult training!


After several rounds of competition, only the last two teams remained from the sixteen teams participating in the Petroleum Cup!

One team is FNC, a giant from the European division that has seized the last opportunity this year and has reached the finals. The S2 ticket is only one step away from them.

The opponent is the entire team G2, also from Europe.

The two European teams gathered on the final stage, which excited many European viewers and believed that the world champion is expected to fall to GEU this year.

The game starts on the evening of November 18th.

The scene was full of fans who had traveled thousands of miles to support the team, and the stands were clearly divided into two groups.

The feeling of watching the game in the GEU division is pretty good.

The Europeans did a good job in creating a good atmosphere when watching the game. Led by the leader, thousands of fans cheered and cheered, and some even sang the team song.

"This song is kind of interesting, did you do it?"

Abduh was busy with work, so Mo Yu borrowed his exclusive box to meet with Li Jiahui of the European branch, who was also his former assistant.

"Yes." Li Jiahui nodded and said: "Many football clubs have team songs. I also learned from this and asked the following clubs to follow suit and unite people's hearts."

Mo Yu asked with interest: "How is the effect?"

He didn't expect the team song. It seemed that he had never heard of the e-sports clubs in his previous life. Now, under the leadership of Li Jiahui, the European division has developed a team culture, which made him very curious.

E-sports clubs are no better than those football clubs. First of all, they have just been established. The future situation is unknown. It is difficult for them to exist for decades or hundreds of years like football clubs. Some clubs perform poorly in one season and investors withdraw their capital. If no one takes over, Then he completely disappeared.

Therefore, many clubs may only produce team uniforms and peripherals when it comes to team culture, all of which are used to make money. No one has ever thought of making a team song to condense a pure team culture.

"Not bad." Li Jiahui said: "Every club said that fans are happy to accept it, and it is widely spread."

At this time, there was a burst of singing in the audience. Looking through the box, the fans were enthusiastic and cohesive, just as Li Jiahui said.

Mo Yu was even more interested: "What about the origin of the song? Was it written by a professional songwriter?"

"That's not the case." Li Jiahui shook his head and said: "I think the creators may be first-class in terms of professional ability, but they don't understand what an e-sports team needs to express, and they can't grasp what fans are interested in, so some I asked them to find the team songs among the fan base, but there are also a few teams that hire professional singers to compose them.”

"From a performance perspective, songs written by fans may be more popular."

It is impossible for every singer to play games and watch competitions. Many professional singers may not know anything about e-sports. If they want to write a song that fits the mood of e-sports in a short time, they will only end up with a piece of shit. Ignorant scum.

on the contrary.

Team fans are different.

I have a deep understanding of e-sports culture, I know the hot memes about online e-sports, and I am also a loyal fan of the team. What I write may be a bit less professional, but it is definitely not inferior in appeal.

Moreover, there are also big bosses among the fans who hide their secrets.

"Not bad."

Mo Yu listened attentively for a few words. Although the singing in the audience was a little messy due to the high pitch of the two parties, it could still be heard clearly with so many people singing in unison.

After hearing these few words, Mo Yu couldn't help but feel very satisfied.

"The team song can be promoted vigorously. You have done a good job in Europe!" (End of Chapter)

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