Create a great era of e-sports

Chapter 566 ESL Event Company

It has been less than two years since Li Jiahui was transferred to the European branch. Although his performance in the overall strength of the competition area is average, he has done a good job in creating the overall cultural atmosphere in the competition area.

Compared to several other divisions.

GEU is not the strongest, but it is definitely the most buggy and the most topical.

Not only has the team song been created, but it has also made achievements in many aspects of the competition area, including youth training, e-sports celebrities, behind-the-scenes work, competition area promotion, club style, etc., constantly expanding GEU’s e-sports culture towards national e-sports. Competition continues to evolve.

"You have done a good job in the past two years, what are your plans next?" Mo Yu asked.

"Continue to increase promotion efforts, increase the influence of e-sports, and expand the overall market." Li Jiahui mused: "The atmosphere in Europe is more open, and the acceptance of e-sports is better than that in China. With the current generation of people The growth will definitely have great potential in the future.”

"I plan to start infiltrating from the cultural aspect, starting from the entertainment industry slowly, moving forward step by step, and making e-sports culture like football culture."

Li Jiahui proposed an extremely long-term plan.

"Like football?" Mo Yu said in surprise: "I'm afraid this is difficult, right?"

"It is difficult but not completely unfeasible." Li Jiahui shook his head: "Although e-sports has only been around for a few years, it has attracted the attention of young people in the new era, and the industry itself has great potential, with an endless supply of new forces. Each generation All young people will have their favorite games, and as long as they continue to promote and promote them for decades, it is not impossible to achieve."

The gaming industry is constantly evolving.

From the earliest handheld era to the current PC era, to the future mobile game era, and even the imaginary VR era and holographic era, video games have become an indispensable entertainment activity in the daily lives of hundreds of millions of people. .

As long as gaming, the ninth art, does not decline, e-sports, which was born out of gaming, will never decline and will have a long lifespan of hundreds of years or even longer.

Sooner or later in the future, e-sports will definitely become one of the mainstream sports in the world.

This is Li Jiahui's goal.

Mo Yu admired Li Jiahui very much and also appreciated his ambition, but his words were too empty.

He wanted to see Li Jiahui in action.

"This goal is too long-term. Let's talk about the specific operations. What are your plans for next year?"

Mo Yu sat back, his body looking very relaxed.

However, Li Jiahui straightened his body and said seriously: "I have a few ideas at the moment."

"Tell me about it." Mo Yu waved his hand and asked him to tell.

Li Jiahui sat upright: "The first is to attract investment, attract more investors to join the e-sports industry, and promote the development of professional clubs; the second is to find ways to cooperate deeply with the entertainment industry, and launch e-sports through making movies, advertising, etc." Stars will then attract more traffic; the third is to host next year’s MSI and S3 and promote the establishment of other game event systems.”

He said three points, and Mo Yu nodded secretly when he heard the words.

Whether it is attracting investment or cooperating with the entertainment industry, the purpose is to develop and expand the existing situation, let more funds and traffic flow into the e-sports industry, and strengthen the development of the entire industry.

Behind the joining of a popular star are the millions of fans that the star brings. As long as a part of it can be converted, it will bring hundreds of thousands of new traffic to e-sports.

The participation of investors can boost the economic benefits of the e-sports industry and attract more funds.

With funds and people, the e-sports industry will have no worries about logistics and can continue to grow.

As for the third point, Mo Yu was a bit hesitant.

Among the five major competition regions, there are three competition regions in Europe, North America, and Southeast Asia that have not held S competitions.

As for S3, Mo Yu actually prefers to play in the North American region.

Because among the remaining three divisions, the North American division has the largest total number of players and the best economic benefits. Moreover, geographically, North America is a whole and there are many European countries, so coordination is more difficult.

Mo Yu thought for a while and replied: "MSI can give it to you, but S3 is not in a hurry for now. I will think about it again. You have arranged these three points well. Do you have any more?"

Although Li Jiahui is a little disappointed not to get the definite commitment of S3, it is not bad to have MSI.

And S2 hasn't started yet, so he doesn't need to be too anxious.

"Also." Li Jiahui nodded: "There is an ESL company in Germany who has contacted me several times and wants to cooperate with the company to win the right to host A-level events in the next five years. I plan to cooperate with them, and it happens that the IMTV Cup will only be held this time. , it happened to be vacant.”


Mo Yu had heard this name in his previous life.

Headquartered in Cologne, Germany, it is a world-renowned e-sports event hosting company. The IEM that players are familiar with is hosted by their company, and the subsequent series of events including CSGO, DOTA2 and other games are also the same, which is very famous.

But the current situation is not very clear.

"What's going on with this company?" Mo Yu asked.

Li Jiahui replied: "The specific situation is not clear, but the funds are sufficient. Not long after the company was founded, the main business announced to the outside world is to host sports events. However, according to the more detailed information disclosed by the other party, it should be focused on e-sports. Not only We are also very interested in hosting GAG events, including Race Hegemony and Red Alert launched by the company. We have also contacted several other game companies that have done well in competitions in Europe. They have a huge appetite. The situation is similar to that in Saudi Arabia. "

"That's kind of interesting."

Mo Yu became interested.

It seems that the ESL companies in this world are similar to those in the previous life, all focusing on e-sports.

According to Li Jiahui's introduction, although this company is new, it is very strong and has a strong desire for cooperation.

"It's a good thing to have a big appetite." Mo Yu asked: "The more fixed the three major A-level cup competitions are, the better. It would be best if they can continue like the Petroleum Cup. Moreover, two of this year's three competitions are in China, and the distribution is too uneven. Yes, it would be great to send one to Europe, but I don’t know the situation of ESL as clearly as you do. According to your wishes, can you do it for them?"

"should be no problem."

Li Jiahui thought about it and said in a deep voice: "I have been to their headquarters in Cologne. Judging from the appearance, they are indeed rich and wealthy, but this is nothing. According to the information revealed by their company executives, this company also has a relationship with Cologne Exhibition." Cooperation, and if we are willing to authorize, then they will definitely pay the licensing fee for the event, and they are also willing to accept the company's supervision of the event, so I think there should be no problem."

He is still very careful in his work.

I have investigated ESL from all aspects. After several investigations, I feel in my heart that ESL is indeed powerful. It will not mess around after receiving the authorization for the event. It may not be as wealthy as the Petroleum Cup, but it must be in line with the company's policies. It’s absolutely okay to ask.

"I mean you can give it to them!"

Li Jiahui gave his own opinion. (End of chapter)

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