Create a great era of e-sports

Chapter 567 The sick G2

There are four major game exhibitions in the world.

CJ in China, E3 in beautiful countries, neon Tokyo Show, and the last one is Gamescom in Germany.

This exhibition has been held for 7 years since 2002. It is the largest, most authoritative and most professional comprehensive business exhibition and interactive game entertainment exhibition in Europe. It is also the only exhibition in Germany that focuses on game software, hardware, entertainment equipment, information software and Large international exhibition of equipment.

Every year, world-renowned game companies are invited to participate!

Moyu Company also participated in the exhibition this year and got a good booth location.

If ESL can cooperate with Cologne Exhibition, then there is no doubt about its minimum strength.

Mo Yu thought about it for a moment and replied: "Since you have investigated them and there is no problem, let me leave this matter to you to discuss. As long as you confirm that ESL is indeed capable of hosting it, you can sign the contract."

Three major cups.

This year's all are authorized to go out.

Don't worry about the Petroleum Cup, Saudi Arabia has almost signed a permanent contract.

There is still one year left in the Emperor Star Cup.

The remaining game has no results for the time being. This year it is the IMTV Cup, but next year has not been decided yet.

If no company is willing to host the event before the start of the competition, Mo Yu plans to do it on its own, but now that ESL has emerged, there is no need to worry.

The other party is willing to cooperate for a long time and has the strength, so it is a good choice.

The only problem is that the two major cup competitions may be in Europe in the future, which is not good, but other problems are not big.

"Okay, I'll reply to them tomorrow."

Li Jiahui nodded.

Today's game was originally at night, so it was too late to contact him.

"Well, you can go ahead and do it. In addition, the contract must clearly stipulate the scale of the event. No matter what, there can't be any problems in the three major A-level events." Mo Yu instructed.


Li Jiahui also knows that no matter what, the three major A-level competitions are the top cups of the GAG ​​competition system. If ESL's various streamlinings make them like Internet cafe competitions, then this contract will not be signed anyway.

"Then let's do it. I'll make up my own mind about the rest." Mo Yu stood up and walked to the front of the box. Looking at the scene where the game had already started, he didn't bother to discuss work anymore. He turned around and smiled brightly at Li Jiahui: " It’s game time!”

While the two were talking, the game in the audience had entered the third round.

Although G2 is a newly emerging team in the European division and likes to be active, no one will doubt the strength of this team.

They won the championship in one fell swoop when they appeared in the Summer Split. Trampling other teams at their feet has proven that their competitive level is no weaker than anyone else.

Although FNC lost, it is still a powerful team in the hearts of the audience.

The battle between the two teams can be described as a battle between dragons and tigers, which is very exciting to watch.

Until today's final, the two teams have been competing against each other, with back and forth. So far, each side has won one game.

For G2, this game is both for training and for bonuses, while for FNC, this is the last ticket to break into S2. They must go all out in every round without any slack.

"Dear viewers, after the previous two games, the score between the two sides is 1 to 1. These two teams have competed in the league and now they are competing in the Petroleum Cup. I believe that both G2 and FNC have a good idea of ​​their respective strengths. !”

"Now, let's move on to Game 3 of tonight's finals!"

"Whoever wins, whoever gets the third match point first!"

"We'll see!"

The situation has reached the most critical moment, and the atmosphere in the stadium has reached its highest level. Whether it is fans from both sides or players from both sides, everyone knows that the third game is an extremely critical game. Whoever can win it will have the lead. The opponent's psychological pressure will be greatly increased!

After losing two games, the team will be eliminated after one more loss. At this time, the psychological pressure on the lagging team is too great. It is not only the players, but also the coaches responsible for planning and arranging tactics. The same is true for the on-field commanders. They are afraid of taking the blame. Not daring to take a chance, hesitating, making poor decisions, etc.

In BO5 games, it is rare for five rounds to be played. Most of them are 3-1 or 3-0. This is the reason.

How can it be so easy to fight back in a desperate situation!

Soon, the game started.

The two sides entered the game.

As soon as the game started, the two sides were in close combat. Both sides wanted to gain an advantage through the invasion of first-level regiments. When they met, it was a ten-man battle.

"Wow, are you so grumpy at the beginning?"

"Everyone started fighting!"

"Xiao Pao jumped up after receiving the assist. It's over, FNC is at a disadvantage!"

The situation on the field was changing rapidly. FNC originally had the first move advantage, but as a result, G2's small cannon Braum in the bottom lane was so good that the first-level team was simply invincible.

Finished in one wave.

All ten players on the field had their skills transferred, and the two sides played a 4-for-3 game. Not only did FNC fall into a head disadvantage, they even only got one head in the bottom lane. The opponent's cannon got two heads, and they were behind before they even got online.

as expected.

Next ten minutes.

All the lower and middle towers were lost, the economy was 3,000 yuan behind, and FNC's situation was worrying.

Just when everyone thought FNC might be gone, the situation on the field took a huge turn.

19 minutes.

Little dragon group.

G2 took the lead in starting the team, but FNC seized the opportunity on their backhand, grabbing the dragon first and then the kill.

ADC's holy gun game immediately started to show off. With the perfect big move from the fire girl in the middle, he first collected the misplaced cannon and swept it with his backhand big move to help the team regain the advantage. G2 was unable to stop it and three of them died. FNC took advantage of the situation and turned around. Dao Dalong.

A wave of rise!

The situation changed so quickly that the whole audience exclaimed!

"This wave is all coming back!"

"G2 Xiaolong made a mistake, but FNC didn't catch the perfect opportunity to start a team!"

"The fire girl's ultimate move is so perfect. The most powerful cannon in the G2 team was instantly killed. I should have retreated decisively at that time, but I ended up with a brain twitch!"

"The situation has turned!"

The on-site commentators couldn't believe it, and G2 fans were holding their heads in disbelief!

My team is sick again!

As early as in the league, G2 had a river curse.

Even though they swept GEU without any opponents, they had a fatal flaw. As long as the three elements of the river, the lead, and the dragon were gathered together, huge mistakes would most likely occur, giving the opponent a chance to make a comeback.

This phenomenon is called the G2 phenomenon!

The G2 phenomenon occurs occasionally in the league. When participating in cup matches, fans are worried to death. As a result, it has not appeared in the IMTV Cup and Emperor Star Cup. It has not even been sick until this game. European audiences thought that the curse was far away. go.

As a result, they never expected that the curse did not go away, but was waiting for them at a key place!

The G2 phenomenon happened in this extremely championship game!

All the advantages accumulated previously in terms of economy, morale, heads, resources, equipment, and vision were all destroyed in one wave.

FNC holds the baron in hand and begins to advance in an all-round way!

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