Create a great era of e-sports

Chapter 568 S2 is about to start

"Congratulations to FNC for completing the reversal and taking the lead in winning the match point!"

As the game ended, FNC fans at the scene sang loudly, and there was a huge roar inside and outside the stadium.

The home team is ahead!

Facing G2, who had suppressed them in the league throughout the summer split, FNC once again proved themselves that they are still the strongest force in the European division and no one can ignore them.

And G2.

The barrage flooded the screen, all helpless.

No one knows when the G2 phenomenon will break out, but this game once again proved that as long as the G2 phenomenon breaks out, G2 will lose the game.

This is already considered the truth, and there is no sign that it will be overturned yet.

"G2 is quite strong, but unfortunately, and I don't know why, they often make mistakes like this." Li Jiahui shook his head helplessly: "They made it several times in the second half of the year, and they lost every time. If not for this, they might not be able to compete this year. A record of winning every small game.”

"Hahaha, maybe this is the deepest gene that has been engraved in the G2 team since its establishment."

Mo Yu laughed out loud.

This is G2, the G2 he is familiar with!

The most impressive team with the most famous scenes!

"Maybe." Li Jiahui shook his head and asked about another thing: "Mr. Mo, I heard that DOTA seems to have been developed and is ready to be launched?"


Mo Yu nodded.

It lasted nearly a year, and under the leadership of Zhang Yiming, the DOTA project has progressed rapidly. It has been confirmed that the game has basically been developed. As for the internal testing method, it has not yet been decided. His idea is to arrange it after S2. Before the Spring Festival.

"I have high hopes for DOTA and will build a competition system that is not inferior to GAG around the game itself. You in the European Division can make preparations to avoid being in a hurry."

Li Jiahui perked up after hearing this.

GAG is already the best and largest game in the world in e-sports. The company has invested countless amounts in it. The event itself is also welcomed by a large number of players. Leagues, cups, mid-season tournaments, world championships, etc. This event from low to high has built the e-sports ecology of the entire game into an extremely complete state, ranking first in the world!

Now, Mo Yu wants to bring DOTA up again, and even build it into a scale comparable to GAG. The opportunities contained in it are simply unimaginable.

If the European branch can also develop DOTA, then he may not have to stay away from his hometown and can be directly transferred back to the Jingzhou headquarters to take charge of high positions.

"Mr. Mo, I wonder when the game will be launched?" Li Jiahui asked.


Mo Yu smiled.

On the field.

The game entered the final round, and members of both sides worked hard to win the championship.

In this game, G2 did not make any mistakes, but FNC played better.

In the first twenty minutes, G2 was beaten to pieces and defeated by a perfect invincible operating rhythm.

Twenty minutes later.

FNC quickly captured the Baron and advanced in a wave of lane changes, widening the economic gap between the two sides to 7,000 yuan. The game basically entered garbage time. Even the commentators were predicting that the winning rate of both sides had reached 82. G2 wanted to make a comeback unless FNC made two consecutive team-killing mistakes, otherwise there would be no hope of reversal.


FNC seems to be on rampage mode this time.

The first twenty minutes were perfect, and although there were occasional small mistakes in the follow-up, they were quickly made up for, without giving G2 any chance, and even several consecutive waves of precise attacks completely defeated G2.

There is no suspense in the game.

32 minutes.

FNC's five-person team pushed down the three-way high ground of G2. G2 desperately tried to fight and forced a group start, but it was of no use at all due to the huge gap in equipment.

Finally, a wave of 0 for 5 was played!

Watching FNC's five extremely tempting remaining health push the incisor tower and attack the crystal, Mo Yu couldn't help but imagine that if GAG also had a buy-to-live gameplay, maybe G2 would have a chance to make a comeback now!

But GAG didn’t buy it!

So the game is completely over.

Bang, the base explodes!

FNC got the last ticket to this year's global finals, and they seized the last chance!

Among the goldfish in the sky.

Everyone in FNC lifted the trophy and became the champions of the first Petroleum Cup!

So far.

All quotas for the S2 Global Finals have been confirmed.

Sixteen teams are about to go to Busan, South Korea in the last part of November, settle in the hotel arranged by South Korea, and start the preparation mode!

"Director Cheng, I'm waiting for your good news!"

At the Imperial Capital Airport, Mo Yu grabbed Cheng Ziyun's hand with a smile on his face.

After the Petroleum Cup ended, he and the CCTV Sports Channel team took the same flight back to China. At this time, the two sides were parting ways at the airport.

"Don't worry, there will be news in two days at most." Cheng Ziyun said: "I have already communicated and discussed this matter with the leaders in Taili, and there will be no problems."

"Thank you very much." Mo Yu smiled and said, "As soon as your news arrives, I will immediately arrange for someone to come over to sign the contract, and then pay the advertising fee. Happy cooperation!"

“Happy to work with!”

Cheng Ziyun's eyes were eager.

Although broadcasting S2 may have serious consequences, to be honest, he has figured it out.

As one of the top executives of CCTV, he has already relaxed his attitude towards e-sports, and he has brought back such a large amount of advertising money. The credit is there, so it is not a big problem for the station to suppress some negative news.

As long as the news doesn't spread to everyone and make the whole Internet agitated, then he doesn't have to worry too much.

"Okay, Mr. Mo, time is urgent. I have to go back to Taili to resume my duties, so I won't stay any longer. I wish you a safe journey!"

Cheng Ziyun waved goodbye and led Shang Xingyue and his group out of the airport.

Mo Yu watched him off.

Towards the end of the year, the company was busy with affairs, and he could not stay in the imperial capital. He had to transfer and fly back to Jingzhou as soon as possible.

A few hours later.

Mo Yu arrived in Jingzhou before getting off work in the afternoon. The first thing he did after getting off the plane was to ask the driver to drive to Mojing Sports.

At this time, Mojing Sports has become a huge company that is not inferior to the scale of Moyu Game. The office area is full of employees from the competition.

The company has five main departments: GAG, CSGO, Race for Hegemony, Red Alert, and Training, as well as other departments such as finance, personnel, and logistics.

Among them, the training department is responsible for cultivating new talents, training employees' professional abilities, and connecting talents cultivated by university star programs.

The other four departments are responsible for four games respectively.

The department has referees, hosts, live broadcasts, directors, logistics, security, commentary, makeup, costumes, camera, directors, etc., and a lot of small departments, covering every position required for a game.

When Mo Yu walked in the company, he could see many commentators and hosts who often appeared on the court busy preparing in the company, including Tian Weiwei, Haier Brothers, Xiao Cang, MISS, Bella, Wang Duoduo, Wang Zhaozhao, Remember, Guan Zeyuan , Yu Shuang, Ren Dong.

Some of them have already received notices and will go to South Korea to take on domestic commentary, interviews and other work during S2.

Others are preparing to go to CCTV, Douyu, Huya, Moyu, and IMTV, the five platforms that also have S2 broadcast rights, to represent the company and other people to form the second-tier channels of each platform to participate in event explanations. (End of chapter)

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