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55. Saving Sunagakure's Economy Starts With Vigorously Developing Cat Ear Girl Culture!

Temari fell out of love again.

This time Naruto finally chose Ai Luozi, the vixen, and went with her.

Every time I went to my uncle's house, I fell in love once.

But soon, she mustered up her courage again.

The blonde loli Temari thinks that she failed because the custom-made cat ears and cat tail decorations were not realistic enough and not cute enough.

So she found the best clothing store in Sunagakure, and ordered the most realistic and cutest cat ear dress.

Facing the mirror, Temari put on the cat-ear girl uniform, and felt that the cat-ear cat tail was so realistic and fluffy,

She felt that this time she would be able to snatch her Naruto from that bitch of Ai Luozi!

"Sister! Are you going to uncle's house again?"

Kankuro, a kid in black with a layer of oil paint on his face, looked at his well-dressed sister and was a little disappointed.

"Obviously you liked to hear me talk about puppetry before,

But recently, you always dress up in a strange way and go to your uncle's house to play,

And every time I go happily, but come back crying,

what is going on? "

"No way race! I want you to take care of it! I'll kill you if I ask again!"

Blonde loli Temari waved her small fist viciously,

The little boy in black, Kankuro, was so frightened that he held his head and flinched.

He is really afraid of his sister.

Maybe in front of Naruto, Temari is a kind and gentle lady who can't unscrew the bottle cap,

But in front of her younger brother Kankuro, she is an invincible and mighty big sister who can smash his brother's dog's head with one punch.

Temari snorted and kicked Kankuro aside who exposed her scar.

My stupid brother Ou!

Really which pot should not be carried!

Why do I always go out with a smile and come back crying,

Will you speak?

Do you think I want to cry?

Isn't that because Ai Luozi, that stinky and shameless vixen, knows how to use her furry ears and tail to mark my Naruto all day long?

And I cry, that's to arouse my Naruto's pity, understand?

Otherwise, we two, you punch me, I punch you,

I beat you until you cried and cried, ten or so times, and I couldn't shed a single tear.

Sister Sand Shinobi, you take this title as a joke!

I read it in the book, as long as I pretend to be bullied by Ai Luozi all day long and cry pitifully, my role will be the silly, white, sweet and pitiful heroine,

And that stinky cat of Ai Luozi is the vicious supporting actress who always bullies the heroine, sooner or later the hero will discover her evil true colors,

Then the hero and heroine can be together and live a life without shame or impatience.

Every time I think about the final plot, the blond loli Temari holds her red face in her hands and shakes it non-stop.

He kept muttering things like [I hate it, I'm ashamed to death].

Kankuro trembled, feeling that the older sister who said she hated her shyly was more scary than usual,

But he was curious about the purpose of his sister's visit to his uncle's house.

Kankuro has always regarded his Jinchūriki brother as a monster, and has always been afraid of him, so he rarely goes to his uncle's house, after all, Gaara used to live there.

But now Gaara's younger brother is gone, and her elder sister dresses up very strangely and cutely every day, and happily runs to her uncle's house, but comes back crying,

It must be a monster scarier than Gaara to make such a scary sister cry!

I really want to know what kind of monster it is?

Kankuro really wanted to go to his uncle's house to find out, but he was afraid.

But in the end, he mustered up the courage to follow his sister to his uncle Yashamaru's house.

at the same time,

Several cat ears and cat tail decorations made by Miss Temari, a fashionista in Sunagakure, have all become the hottest items in Sunagakure recently.

Girls wear cat ears and cat tails to attack their favorite male gods, and the success rate is greatly improved.

And her latest custom-made cat-eared girl uniform received unanimous praise once it was launched, and some people even used it as a sex toy.

Hearing that some people in the village called the cat-eared girl Saigao from time to time, Fourth Kazekage Luo Sha ordered his subordinate Anbu Ninja to investigate the matter.

As a result, Luo Sha was dumbfounded when he saw from the investigation report that his precious daughter Temari had actually triggered the Sunagakure cat-ear girl wave.

His first reaction was to close all the stores that produced this kind of cat-ear girl products,

Temari wears cat ears and cat tail decorations and even a cat ear girl uniform, how can others follow suit,

Wouldn't it be possible for others to YY her precious daughter Temari?

However, he later found out from the report that the emergence of cat ear girl culture has actually promoted consumption within Sunagakure, and the economy, which was originally stagnant, has also accelerated its development again.

Who would have thought that the culture of cat-eared girls who had just become popular would have such benefits.

Support, must strongly support!

"Master Fourth Kazekage, you have also seen the report! There are shameful things like cat ear decorations and cat ear girl uniforms in our village!"

Baki, the leader of the Sand Shinobi combat unit, broke into Kazekage's office, his face flushed with anger,

"If you let the Konoha next door know that our village has made this thing, you will die of laughter!

Banned, all must be banned! "


Fourth Kazekage Rosa nodded.

"Support, must support!"

Fourth Kazekage and Baki exclaimed at the same time: "Baki, what did you say?"

Baki took it for granted that Master Fourth Kazekage would order to kill this shameful thing, but Kazekage actually supported it, and was stunned for a while.

Then he was so angry that he scolded Kazekage: "Luo Sha, my old man, I didn't expect you to be such Kazekage!

You daughter control!

You pussy with cat ears! "

"No, old man Baki, you misunderstood me, look at this."

Luo Sha threw the report "The Impact of Cat Ear Girl Culture on Sunagakure's Economic Development" to Baki,

He was not happy at first, but the more he looked at it, the brighter his eyes became, and finally he was pleasantly surprised:

"Our economy in Sunagakure is saved!

The cat ear girl is high!

To save Sunagakure's economy, start from vigorously developing the cat ear girl culture! "

Fourth Kazekage Rosa nodded.

Those who know me, Baki too!

[Hey, the high-energy plot hasn't been written yet, can anyone guess it? I already had a hint above, Kankuro followed his sister to Yashamaru's house, what fun things will happen? It's almost ready to come out! 】

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