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56. Tangtang Fengying Actually Invested In Maoerniang Clothing Store! Temari Gaara Cat Ear Girl Unif

Outside Kazekage's office, the owners of several cat-eared girl cultural goods captured by Anbu ninjas trembled.

It's over!

Captured by Anbu's men!

Die, die, die!

According to the rumors, few of those who were taken away by the Anbu ninja can come back alive!

It is an extravagant hope to be sent to prison to live.

Think about it too, in order to make money, they followed Miss Temari's cat ears and cat tail decorations, and even cat ears girl uniforms,

Kazekage-sama must think that their actions have offended Ms. Temari,

Especially the shopkeeper who copied Temari's customized cat-ear girl uniform to make sex toys, was so scared that he peed.

Even if other people can live, it is impossible for him to live!

Who doesn't know now, Miss Temari likes to wear cat ears and cat tail decorations, and even likes to wear cat ears girl uniforms,

In order to make money, he actually made a sexy uniform. This is not his own death. Isn't this making people YY Miss Temari?

Especially the old-fashioned Baki who always hated these embarrassing things the most, looked at them as if they were dead before storming into Hokage's office angrily.

If they can survive this time, they will close the store immediately and never do this kind of business again!

Baki came out.

The shopkeepers immediately knelt down on the ground.

"Forgive me, Master Baki, we don't dare anymore! Please don't kill us!"

Baki laughed, and took a look at an old chrysanthemum that suddenly bloomed. It looked weird and made all the shopkeepers feel their scalps go numb.

"Don't worry, I won't kill you."

"Don't kill us?"

All the shopkeepers cried with joy, like a group of children who have graduated for decades,

"Then after we go back, close the shop immediately, and never do anything that will insult Sunagakure's reputation!"

"Closed the store?"

Baki, the leader of the Sand Shinobi combat force, turned his face horizontally,

"How dare you? I'm Immune to Death!"

All the clothing store owners cried again.

You promised not to kill us!

In the end, within a few seconds, you were going to kill us again!

Where is the trust between people?

Baki also realized that his scarred face was scary, so he smiled on purpose to make it even scarier.

"Smart people don't say dark words, Fourth Kazekage decided to invest in your store."

Shopkeepers: "???"

Although I heard the words clearly, I didn't understand what they meant at all.


Fengying wants to invest in some of our stores that were arrested for vulgarity?

Master Baki, are you trying to kill us so that you can inherit our storefront?

But this joke is not funny at all!

Baki was helpless, and continued to explain: "Not only can you not close the door, but you have to go back and manage it well, and develop the cat ear girl culture that has just emerged in this village, so as to better promote consumption and develop the Sunagakure economy..."

"Is my shop all right?" a shopkeeper interrupted, raising his hand.

"What are you selling?" Baki asked.

"I made Miss Temari's cat-ear girl uniform into a sexy uniform for men and women..."

Before he could finish his sentence, he was interrupted by Baki waving his hand.

Baki was silent for a moment, then shook his head:

"You are hopeless, that daughter Fengying has already heard what you just said."

At this moment, a roar came from the Hokage office:

"Go to hell, YY my Temari bastard!"


the other side.

Kankuro followed the cutely dressed cat-ear girl to subdue her elder sister Temari to the outside of Yashamaru's house, but dared not go in.

After Temari went in, Naruto Gaara and his disciples were once again shocked by his attire.

"Sister, you are..."

Gaara asked, pointing to Temari who was wearing the cat-ear girl uniform.

"Don't call me sister! I'm not your sister! I don't have a shameless sister like you!"

The blonde cat-eared loli girl Temari snorted.

Gaara felt a little wronged.

You are really my sister!

But I'm really not your sister!

It's true!

The blonde cat-eared loli girl Temari walked up to Naruto, turned around and asked with a smile:

"Naruto, do I look good?"

Naruto nodded with a smile.


"Then you touch it."

Three years older than Naruto, so Temari, who was taller than Naruto, lowered his head, brought the cat ears to Naruto, and signaled him to touch it.

Naruto raised his hand and touched it.

"Furry, just like the real thing."

Temari was overjoyed, and put his butt up again, "Touch it again!"

Naruto was taken aback, "You don't want me to touch your ass, do you?"

Temari blushed, "No, I want you to touch my tail!"

Naruto touched it, and felt that it felt good.

Gaara was in a daze the whole time.

Sister, what do you want to do?

The blonde cat-eared loli girl Temari patted her chest and said proudly:

"Look, I'm so cute,

Now Ai Luozi has cat ears and cat tails, and I also have them,

Now, Naruto, you should treat me...

Well, you get it! "

Naruto was really dumbfounded.

Who would have thought that Temari actually made a cat-eared loli girl uniform with reference to the girly Gaara's appearance, just to surpass her younger brother Gaara's status in her heart.

"But your cat ears and cat tail are fake after all, they are man-made!

And mine, but really, all natural! "

Not far away, Gaara's light words came.

Temari felt as if he had been hit hard.

This vixen is right!

No matter how realistic his uniform is, it is still a fake.

What can be worthy of Naruto can only be the real thing. Am I really no match for this little vixen?

Ah, failed again!

She is indeed a woman who is qualified to be my lifelong love rival!

"Ai Luozi, bully!"

Temari pursed his mouth, and the pear blossom brought rain, and I ran out crying pitifully.

Naruto looked at Gaara, his eyes seemed to ask, why did you become competitive?

Pure natural cat ears cat tail?

See what makes you proud!

Who was the one who was so ashamed that he exploded before?

Seeing that she made her sister cry again, Gaara quickly chased after her and apologized.

"Sister, I'm sorry, I shouldn't be telling the truth!"

Temari stumbled when she heard the words, then ran faster and cried even worse.

[It's still close, it hasn't been written yet, does anyone guess what will happen next? Really high energy! 】

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