"Well, have you heard? The elder Li daoran just went to the Tongtian tower and personally inspected it. He found that the reward Earth Dragon essence stored on the ninth floor had been taken away, which means that the fierce man who got through the Tongtian tower actually exists! "

"Ah? Is it true that someone can be so fierce? "

"The elder went to see it himself. Can it be false?

The elder also said that he didn't know why the disciple chose not to appear because of his concerns, but he could guarantee that as long as he was public, no matter what concerns he had, the elder could help him solve them. No matter what resource status he wanted, the sect would meet him. "

"Any conditions? It's enviable... "


Walking in the door, Chu Yun heard such a dialogue.

Immediately, a strange look appeared on his face.

Li daoran said that any concern can help him solve, but Li daoran certainly doesn't know that Chu Yun's biggest concern now is Li daoran himself!

The only way to solve his worries is to let Li daoran end it by himself, but Chu Yun estimates that the big elder who speaks a lot is certainly not so generous.

Chu Yun strolled slowly on Mingzhao peak and passed the library Pavilion. Because he just triggered the task here yesterday, Chu Yun didn't plan to come back in a short time and was preparing to leave.


"Task trigger"

"Task content: clean the library loft"

"Task time limit: within half an hour"

"Task reward: three bait for each product"


When the system prompt sound fell, Chu Yun was stunned immediately, and an unexpected color appeared in his eyes.

"What's going on? Triggered another task of cleaning the library yard? Didn't it trigger yesterday? "

Chu Yun accidentally looked at the library and his eyes were full of doubts. Is there anything special about the library that deserves the release task of the system several times?

However, the task has been released, and Chu Yun will not be stunned.

He strode into the library, picked up the broom in the corner and began to clean.

Dong Dong Dong——

When the bell rang, an old man in gray walked into the courtyard. When he saw Chu Yun, he was stunned again.

"Little guy, why are you here again?"

Xu Bo asked with a wry smile.

While sweeping the yard, Chu Yun said, "didn't I say it yesterday? I want to help you share the pressure. Where can I sweep all day?"

As he said this, he had made up his mind that he would come back to the library tomorrow to see if he would continue to trigger the sweeping task.

Xu Bo opened his mouth and stared at Chu Yun's sweeping figure for a while. He really didn't understand what the once talented disciple wanted to do.

People should always be profitable.

Xu Bo's greatest advantage is that he takes care of the library and has the right to read the books.


Many disciples own this power. As an inner disciple, Chu Yun is a true biography of Yifeng and a former senior brother of zongmen. The library is not limited to him. He doesn't need anyone's permission to go in and read the books.

In other words, Uncle Xu has no use value for him. What is his purpose of sweeping the floor every day?

"Can't you really want to take care of my lonely old man?"

Xu Bo shook his head with a bitter smile.


The next day, Chu Yun also got up early in the morning and went directly to the library.


"Task trigger"

"Task content: clean the library loft"

"Task time limit: within half an hour"

"Task reward: three bait for each product"


Chu Yun's eyebrows picked up when the familiar system prompted the sound, revealing a complex expression that was both unexpected and expected.

"Did you really trigger another task? What is the bug location of this library? Can I fix the brush task? And such a good thing? "

Chu Yun rubbed his chin hard and couldn't understand it.

However, he also found a rule when he triggered tasks everywhere these days, that is, it is easier to trigger some tasks where auras gather or where they are more important.

The library Pavilion is undoubtedly one of the most important places in Yuanhe sect. Although the frequency of triggering tasks is a little unreasonable, it is also in line with this law.

"Uncle Xu, you got up so early today. Your energy is great!"

Chu Yun pushed the door in. As soon as he entered the hospital, he saw Xu Bo in his familiar gray clothes and sweeping the floor with a broom. Now it's not Chenshi.

"I'm afraid you'll come again today and rob me of my work."

Xu Bo snorted twice.

Chu Yun made a ha ha and said, "where is robbing a job? I'm just helping you share the pressure."

Then he picked up another broom from the corner and cleaned it with Uncle Xu.

"Oh, I don't know what happened to you."

Xu Bo looked at the passionate Chu Yun on his face, sighed gently, and said, "I know you were the eldest martial brother of Yuanhe sect. Now you fall from a high place, you must feel bad, but you don't have to paralyze yourself with these things all the time. You are still young, don't cultivate martial arts, and there are other ways to go."

Chu Yun smiled and said, "I appreciate your kindness, but if you want to paralyze yourself, it's really nothing like this.

In my opinion, it's right to respect the old and love the young. In the past, I was busy practicing and couldn't take these into account. But now, I don't need to practice. I have a lot of time. It's nothing to help you. "

These words are also Chu Yun's true thoughts. He is not an indigenous person in the world. His mind is not strong in respect of martial arts and strength is everything. He is still very kind under the influence of socialist core values in the 21st century.

"All right."

Xu Bo smiled bitterly, sighed sadly, and said nothing more.

Then they cleaned the courtyard.


"Congratulations, task completed"

"Task reward (three bait for each product) has been distributed to your system space, please check it"


The system prompts the sound. Chu Yun is satisfied and is ready to leave.

"Don't hurry yet."

Uncle Xu stopped him and whispered, "I've been busy all morning. Come to me and have a rest and drink a bowl of tea."

"Well, I'll bother you."

Chu Yun smiled casually, but did not refuse. He followed Uncle Xu and left.

They came to a corner of the library loft, where there was a small hut, which was Xu Bo's residence.

At dawn every day, Uncle Xu will come out of the hut to clean the library. It has been like a day for decades.

Before immortal Shangyuan became the patriarch, Uncle Xu had swept the floor in the library Pavilion. In terms of seniority, there are not many people older than Uncle Xu in the whole Yuanhe sect.

"No matter how old you are, you're just a sweeper."

Uncle Xu smiled faintly and poured Chu Yun a cup of tea.

The tea bowl is not new. There are lines left by many years on the porcelain surface, and there are several gaps at the mouth of the bowl, but Chu Yun doesn't care. He sniffs deeply, and a light and sweet smell emerges. Immediately, he lights up, says good tea, and then drinks it up.

"I planted the tea myself. How does it taste?"

"Pretty good!"

Chu Yun gave a high evaluation and said, "it's an ordinary green tea, but it's extraordinarily sweet. Is there any special way to grow tea?"

"I tried the method of growing tea I saw in Songling's travels."

Hearing Chu Yun's praise, Uncle Xu touched his beard and smiled faintly.

"Do you usually like reading such books?"

Chu Yun asked casually.


Xu Berton shook his head and said, "I don't see it anymore these years."

Chu Yun nodded and thought that Uncle Xu had been sitting in the library for decades. Even if he was interested in reading books earlier, it should be boring after so many years?


The truth that Xu Bo didn't say is——

He has read millions of books in the library Pavilion in recent decades, including Kung Fu and martial arts, travel notes and anecdotes, and literary poetry collections.

Moreover, he is not only reading books. He has the ability to never forget. As long as he reads those books once, he will never forget them again.

Now he has no books to read.

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