"Who is it? Who on earth got through the Tongtian tower? "

The sound of doubt spread among the crowd, like a wave, which confused many testers who had just been sent out of the Tongtian tower.

In fact, these testers also wondered why they were sent out in advance. After hearing the comments around, they were stunned to learn that someone had opened the Tongtian tower.

When people around asked who had broken through Tongtian tower, this group of the ignorant testers shook their heads and no one stood up.

"One person is missing."

The disciple with good eyesight took a look at the number of those present and said, "there are a total of 79 people in this group, but there are only 78 present."

"Did the man disappear? Who the hell is he? "

The huge question made people unable to stop. Only a beautiful figure stood beside them, as if thinking.

"The man who left just now is the eldest martial brother Chu Yun?"

Zhao Lingling tilted his head and showed confusion in his eyes.

Her martial spirit is called "three eyed civet". Her talent is to enhance her eyesight. This ability can make it easier for her to detect the flaws of her opponent's moves in wartime.

Chu Yun's disguise deceives the people around him, but Zhao Lingling can recognize it at a glance.

"Hasn't he been abandoned? Why does he appear here and dress up?"

Zhao Lingling muttered, suddenly surprised in his heart.

She turned her head and looked at the nine storey sky tower glittering with gold. In her smart eyes, a color of disbelief appeared.


What happened in the Tongtian tower spread all over the sect gate in a very short time.

At that time, all levels of Yuanhe sect were in great shock, and the enthusiasm of the event had reached the point that no one knew.

Even the leader of Yuanhe sect, immortal Shangyuan, and the peak leaders of each peak are asking who the disciple who got through the Tongtian tower is.

They almost used all means to check the identity of the man and want to find him.

It's no exaggeration for a person who can do such a thing to call him a peerless genius. As long as this person stands up and shows his identity, countless honors, resources and status will sprinkle on him like a rainstorm.


This man, but never showed up.

This makes many people feel puzzled, especially those young disciples who are eager to become famous. They want to break their heads and wonder why they just don't grasp such a beautiful opportunity?

"Scenery, glory... What's the use? Once Chu Yun was also the great elder martial brother of zongmen with boundless scenery. As a result, he was robbed of his martial spirit and turned into waste firewood?

In such a world where martial arts are respected, the most important thing is always to improve their own strength. External things are not important. "

Chu Yun hummed and shook his head.

He returned to xiaoqingfeng, sat down on the fishing platform, hung the spirit bait just rewarded by the system on the fishing rod, threw it into the water with a brush and began fishing.


"Congratulations, you have obtained the martial arts experience of shadow step (Da Yuan man), the martial arts skill of spirit level"


The system prompt sounds in my mind.

This was the first time Chu Yun used lingpin bait for fishing, and the things he caught were as expected. It was a perfect lingpin martial art.

All bait can only catch all martial arts skills, and this spiritual bait can catch spiritual martial arts skills.

The light group floated into Chu Yun's body and turned into many enlightened principles, which made Chu Yun completely master the spiritual body method of the great and complete realm in a moment, and he was very happy for a time.

In Chu Yun's opinion, among all the rewards, the first one is the reward of martial arts cultivation. This reward can directly enhance his cultivation level and greatly improve his combat effectiveness.

Secondly, Da Yuanman's martial arts experience or martial arts understanding can also bring him great strength improvement.

On his first night in the world, Chu Yun was attacked and killed, which made him feel insecure all the time. Before his strength was raised enough to fight the elder Li daoran, Chu Yun felt that he was better to be a low-key man.


"Congratulations, you have obtained an ice crystal sword (ordinary product)"


"Congratulations, you have obtained ten seeds of youyue grass spirit"


"Congratulations, you have obtained ten years of martial arts cultivation"


After using lingpin bait, Chu Yun fished with the remaining three fanpin bait. As a result, he accidentally won a reward for martial arts cultivation.

When the white light turned into light spots and flew into Chu Yun's body, his cultivation immediately began to soar.

From the peak of the three products in Qianjun territory to the four products in Qianjun territory, then the five and six products in Qianjun territory, and finally stopped until they were promoted to the seven products in Qianjun territory.

"Call -"

For a long time, Chu Yun adjusted his breath and opened his eyes again.

Two fine mans flashed away in his eyes, emitting deep vigor.

"Qianjun territory, seven products!"

The corner of his lips slowly raised a radian. Finally, he recovered his former cultivation, made a new breakthrough on this, and reached the state of seven grades in the critical territory.

At this time, compared with Chu Yun, who once had the "earth demon ape", his cultivation level was only two grades worse, but his combat power was very different.

In a word, it's a fact that Chu Yun, who was once at his peak, was tied together. None of them is the opponent of Chu Yun today.

"OK, have a good sleep and continue to do the task tomorrow!"

Chu Yun contentedly returned to his residence and fell asleep.


What's that?

It doesn't exist. I get stronger when I fish!


The next day, early in the morning.

Chu Yun woke up naturally after sleeping, then walked down xiaoqingfeng comfortably and continued to wander in the zongmen.

Different from the past, Chu Yun could hear all kinds of people talking about his opening up the Tongtian tower yesterday.

Among them, most people are both sighing and confused. They are surprised at what kind of ability the mysterious man has to achieve this degree. At the same time, they are also guessing who the real identity of the mysterious man is.

However, there are still voices of doubt.

They doubt whether this person exists or not. After all, no one has seen with their own eyes that someone has opened the Tongtian tower layer by layer. People outside can only see a light spot, keep rising, and finally shine on the ninth floor.

What if this is not a real person? Is it possible that there is something wrong with the magic instrument of Tongtian tower? Is it possible that no one can get through the sky tower?

This speculative position is also supported by many people.

After all

For most people, this kind of thing is incredible.

In Yuanhe sect, most disciples can only reach three or four floors, and a few geniuses can reach five or six floors. There is no one in ten thousand on the seventh floor. Now, a fierce man suddenly appears and has opened up all the nine floor sky tower. How can ordinary disciples accept this?

If this is true, compared with the existence of terror, they are too small and worthless, so they would rather believe that it is not true.

For this idea of self deception, Chu Yun just smiled and didn't speak.

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