"I thought the central hive would be different, and the result was the same."

In the central hive, honey pool.

Chu Yun said with some disappointment as he sipped his mouth.

The voice fell, and several beautiful shadows were nearby. They couldn't help laughing and shaking their shoulders.

After breaking through the eight beehives, they came to the last central beehive. As Chu Yun said, there was no difference between this beehive and the other eight beehives. Even the queen bee and queen bee were not in the beehive.

They walked in and ate the honey in the honey pool according to the process. The process was calm and nothing happened. It was quiet and even a little disappointing.

At least it's the last level, but there's no work at all?

"Well, don't be poor."

Su Baiyue smiled helplessly, shook her head, pointed to the light transmission door in the center of the honeycomb and said, "there is the portal to the palace ruins. Let's go."

When the voice fell, the women obviously took a deep breath and seemed to cheer themselves up. Seeing this, Chu Yun also touched his chin and stepped up.

When the figures of all the people passed through the portal together, the feeling of spinning around reappeared. When they reopened their eyes, their body shape had appeared in another world.

Dark, cold, wet

What you can see is a palace made of obsidian. They are standing in front of a gate. In the thick darkness, it is difficult to see the surrounding situation clearly.


Suddenly there was a sound. On the walls on both sides of the palace, a flame rose up, emitting a purple light. The flame was not an ordinary flame, but the flame light was purple.

Under the strange light, all kinds of details of the environment in the palace were revealed, so that people could see all kinds of murals on the stone wall.

Chu Yun looked at it curiously and found that the content of the mural was very inappropriate for children. There were a large number of nude drawings and some wild animals doing something indescribable.

"Don't mind too much. After all, this palace has a long history. The aesthetic and moral concepts at that time are quite different from what we are now."

Su Baiyue cleared her throat and let everyone's attention return.

Chu Yun shrugged his shoulders and said, "I don't think there's anything. After all, these are not important, as long as the treasure hidden in the palace is serious."

As he spoke, he smiled shyly with white teeth.

Su Baiyue said, "this will not disappoint you. According to the information I got, the palace is divided into three areas. On the left is the experimental area, on the right is the cultivation area, and in the middle is the living area, that is, the area where we were transmitted.

In these three areas, the living area is the resting place for the palace owner and his subordinates. There should be few valuable places, but the cultivation area includes martial arts, weapons, pill room and so on, which is very worth exploring. "

Chu Yun heard the speech, nodded to understand, and then asked, "what about the experimental area?"

"I'm sorry I can't tell you."

Su Baiyue shook her head and said, "about the experimental area, it is one of the secrets of our Tianxing Pavilion. Our main task here is to recycle some materials and things in the experimental area, so I must be clear in advance. You are not suitable to intervene in this part, childe Chu."

"... I see."

Chu Yun smiled to show understanding.

After all, this palace belongs to Tianxing Pavilion. An outsider sneaked in and took some treasures. As for the experimental data of ancient times, it is useful for Tianxing Pavilion, but not for him.

Seeing his promise, Su Baiyue was a little relieved, nodded and said, "OK, let's go in and start searching from the bedroom and study of the palace owner in the living area. If there is anything valuable in this area, it can only be stored here."

Chu Yun nodded and agreed.

"Let's go."

Su Baiyue walked in front and said, "pay attention to the stone bricks under your feet. You can only step on the black parts, white and cyan stone bricks. Try not to touch them, because at that time, both white and cyan symbolized disadvantage and may be assigned organs. I don't know whether they are specific. In short, be careful."

With that, Su Baiyue accelerated two steps, led the way in front, and a crowd followed closely behind.

Through the gate, the people came to a spacious hall, where the lights were bright, but there was nothing in the air except silence.

Chu Yun took a look and found that the various utensils and decorations in the hall were mainly bronze, which was very consistent with the background when the Tianji Dynasty had not been established thousands of years ago.

When they passed through the main hall, they came to an upward winding ladder. After picking up the ladder, they came to a platform. There were rows of dense rooms on both sides. At a glance, there were thousands of rooms, but the area of each room was not large.

Based on the principle that they would rather search indiscriminately than make mistakes and omissions, they went in room by room, but most of them found nothing. At first glance, those small rooms were for servants, and there were even few things to decorate.

After walking through this area, they came to an open-air garden. Unfortunately, after thousands of years, there was nothing but soil in the garden. It was surrounded by a dark land without any green.

Through the garden, they came to a stone castle. When they looked up, they saw that there was an open-air platform on the top of the stone castle, which was obviously the windowsill of a house.

"Looks like we found it."

Song Ruoxi smiled and said, "such a room is in line with the temperament of the owner of this palace."

They felt the same way when they heard the speech. Along the way, they had deeply felt the pomp of the owner of the palace. At the same time, they couldn't help looking forward to the treasures in the palace.

In order to save time, they no longer searched from the lower rooms, but directly soared up from the wall on the outer edge of the stone castle to the open-air balcony.

Those who have already reached the mountain and sea can fly by themselves, and they can also take their sisters and fly with her. Chu Yun is embarrassed. Although he hasn't arrived at the mountain and sea, he flies up by himself with Yan linggong. Fortunately, the effect doesn't look much worse.

Came to the balcony and looked inside. A wide room appeared in front of them. The first goal was a huge bed.

How big is it?

There are no twenty somersaults on this bed, from the head of the bed to the end of the bed.

"Was the human body so big before? Were they all giants?"

Song Ruoxi's eyes are tongue tied.

"Maybe there are more people sleeping in this bed..."

Chu Yun smiled.

Elsewhere, in this huge room, there are many sundries, rows of cabinets, a huge desk, and many strange ornaments and sculptures. The whole room is full, but it doesn't seem empty at all.

Su Baiyue's eyes had fallen on the cabinets with all kinds of books. He clapped his hands and said, "everyone, do it yourself, have plenty of clothes and food, find it."

The voice fell. She had taken the lead in coming to those cabinets and began to rummage through the cabinets, looking for the experimental data of the possible owner of the palace.

Song Ruoxi didn't know what the information needed by the organization was, and Su Baiyue didn't tell them, so at the moment, they cheered and came to the pile of sundries, enjoying their curiosity.

For such old relics, everything in them can be regarded as antiques. Everything can bring them no small rarity.

Chu Yun also walked around here, and suddenly thought of something. He took out the bluestone gate from the system space while everyone was not paying attention, and then entered it.

After a while, Chu Yun took out a little yellow dog from inside, and immediately put the bluestone gate away. The process happened too fast and didn't attract any attention.

"Woof, woof, woof!"

Rhubarb screamed. As soon as he opened his mouth, it immediately aroused everyone's idea.

"Ah, what a lovely little dog. Where did you come from?"

Song Ruoxi was the fastest to come together. They didn't even look for the treasures in the room. They all looked at rhubarb with a novel face. Sure enough, women had no resistance to this cute creature.

"Is it the dog in this room? God, how many years has it lived... "

Li Zilan was surprised.

"No, no, no..."

Chu Yun shook his head and said, "this is my dog. It is also a spirit beast. Its smell is sensitive and can help me find something, so he let it out."

The voice fell. Song Ruoxi and others showed envy on their faces. They reached out and kneaded rhubarb's face, rubbed their ears and said, "such a lovely dog is still a spirit beast. I really envy you..."

"Well, don't delay the business."

At this time, Su Baiyue's voice came from the rear, so that the women had to let rhubarb go temporarily.


Chu Yun said to rhubarb.

Rhubarb shook his head and tail. As soon as he stood on the ground, he was full of spirit and began to smell. The single horn on his forehead sent out bursts of aura.

As a nugget spirit beast, looking for treasures is its nature. It has been staying in the space of the bluestone gate before. Although it's fun to play with the beautiful girl Xiao Li, the days when it can't find treasures must be full of regrets for the nugget spirit beast.

Therefore, as soon as it came out, it was full of energy. It searched everywhere in the room. The frequency of tail shaking made people doubt whether it was going to take off.

After a while, rhubarb came to a wall. The dog claws pointed at the wall. A burst of dog planing successfully attracted Chu Yun's attention.

"Is there a secret door?"

Chu Yun's eyebrows moved. He saw that rhubarb's claws were planing on the wall, but he didn't even leave a mark. He knew that the wall must have been reinforced and protected. Then there must be something worth protecting behind the wall.

He came to the wall and pressed it with his hand. From the feedback of strength, the protective power of the wall is really very strong. I'm afraid the strong in mountain and sea will not have any effect.


Chu Yun didn't have time to find any mechanism tricks. He directly took out the Dragon ancient sword and cut it into the wall with sucking strength.

In other words, Tianpin sword is Tianpin sword. Needless to say, it's strong and sharp. Although it's hard, Chu Yun cut the wall bit by bit.

As the smell inside the wall leaked out, the cry of rhubarb became more and more excited. The smell of baby also made it unable to stop.

Soon, Chu Yun cut off the shape of a door and threw the heavy wall into the back room, making a heavy dull sound.

"Childe Chu, did you find anything there?"

Song Ruoxi and others were attracted by the news and gathered together.


Chu Yun nodded and looked into the wall. He saw that a burst of bright light fell into his eyes. It was the light emitted by the monster crystal core. Stacked in the dark room, it was like a pile of diamonds, emitting the light of wealth.

"Come here, it seems that I found a big fish."

Chu Yun said.

The voice fell, and all the women greeted them one after another. Even Su Baiyue, who had been waiting at the table looking for experimental data, was attracted.

Chu Yun walked through the door he had just pulled out and entered the dark room. Although there was no light source here, he could clearly see the things in the dark room through the mountain of monster crystal cores.

There is no doubt that it is the treasure house placed in the bedroom by the owner of the palace. The mountain of monster crystal cores, each of which has a grade of more than level 4, of which several are particularly large, but rare level 5 monster crystal cores.

Like the crystal core of the fifth order monster in Nirvana!

In addition, there are several books on the ground. It seems that all of them are Kung Fu and martial arts.

Chu Yun took it up and looked at it. There were four Tianpin martial arts and more than a dozen local martial arts and martial arts. On the side, there were several weapons and armor, all of which were of the highest grade, and even a Tianjie long knife.

For a moment, the breath of everyone present could not help but stagnate slightly, because the value of the things in the treasure house was... Incredible.

The appearance of this scene makes them feel like they are dreaming. Only in the dream will there be such a large number of treasures.

Chu Yun paused, turned and looked at Su Baiyue, raised his hands with a smile and said: "first, I don't want to kill each other for the treasure, let alone fight against you girls. Don't attack me from behind..."

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