The voice fell, and all the women couldn't help but stare at Chu Yun.

"What did childe Chu say? How could we be the kind of people who kill their benefactor for the sake of treasure?"

Song Ruoxi frowned and said.


Li Zilan and others echoed one after another.

"Well, well, I'm wrong. Don't say this..."

Chu Yun smiled, waved his hand, crossed the line, then looked at the glittering treasures in the treasure house and said, "now, let's share the stolen goods."

Su Baiyue nodded, came forward and said, "according to our original agreement, we'll split the treasures we met in the palace in half. Childe Chu, you can choose first."

Chu Yun took a look at the speech and said, "you can point out what you particularly want now. I'm more interested in those skills and martial arts, but nothing else."


Su Baiyue is also a cheerful and straightforward character. After hearing this, he came to the pile of treasure without hypocrisy, picked up the Tianpin long knife and said, "this knife should be the most valuable of the pile of treasure, but childe Chu didn't use a knife, so I chose it."

Chu Yun nodded, looked for it in the pile of skills and said, "here is another Tianpin Sabre technique, you can take it together."

Su Baiyue put it away and said to Chu Yun, "you can choose the rest at will."

Chu Yun looked for four Tianpin martial arts, one of which was the sabre technique he had just handed over to Su Baiyue, and three of which were Tianpin martial arts called Shenyuan phantom formula, Tianpin palm called dari Chunyang palm and Tianpin sword called tianmark nine swords.

"I want all these three Tianpin skills and martial arts."

Chu Yun said.

Su Baiyue nodded and had no objection.

In fact, compared with Tianpin lingbing, although the value of Tianpin Kung Fu is also high, it is still inferior.

After all, spiritual soldiers can be used when they are picked up. They can immediately enhance the strength of martial artists. However, martial arts and skills take time to practice, and they usually have high requirements for qualification. If they can't meet them, there will be no progress in decades.

Therefore, Su Baiyue took a Tianpin Sabre technique and a Tianpin long sabre. Their value is not much worse or even higher than Chu Yun's three Tianpin skills.


For Chu Yun, his martial arts understanding accumulated for hundreds of years is useless. He is worried about where to find some high-quality martial arts skills to learn, and now these three martial arts are just right.

One skill, one palm technique and one sword technique all meet the needs of Chu Yun. Although the Tianpin long Dao is also good, it is much inferior to the ancient dragon sword.

After dividing the most valuable Heavenly Treasures in the treasure house, both sides are satisfied, and then they begin to divide the skills, martial arts and weapons at the local level.

For these objects, Chu Yun himself has a lot, so the demand is not so big. He directly said, "you can choose these things. I don't have anything special. Just choose the rest for me."

When the voice fell, song Ruoxi and others immediately cheered. They couldn't plug in the things of Tianpin, but the treasures of dipin were just right, so they went up one after another. One person chose one or two things that were satisfactory, and the quantity they took away was naturally more than half.

Su Baiyue saw this and took the initiative to say, "we have more choices here. You can take more in the monster crystal core."


Chuyun smiled and put away the rest of the ground weapons and said, "just take it as I gave it to your sisters. Just divide the rest of the monster crystal core equally."

The voice fell. Song Ruoxi and others naturally felt a burst of warmth. They looked at Chu Yun and the waves in their eyes flowed. They really couldn't bear to look at each other.

After dividing other things, the rest is the mountain of monster crystal cores. It's very easy to get these. Calculate the total number according to the quantity, and then divide it in half. There's nothing to choose.

Although different monster crystal nuclei have different energy attributes, the value of rare energy attributes outside will be slightly higher, but on the whole, they are still very poor.

When Su Baiyue was dividing, he would deliberately divide those rare monster crystal cores into Chu Yun's pile, which could be regarded as making some compensation for the land product spirit soldiers he sold in the last round.

Chu Yun sees this scene in his eyes and feels comfortable in his heart. When he works with an open and bright person, his heart is open and bright, but needless to say, everything is in his heart.

After a friendly distribution, everyone was full of money and satisfied. After leaving the stone castle, Chu Yun's gold digger spirit beast was the pioneer to search around the ruins.

They first went to the cultivation area on the right. After searching the treasure house of the palace owner in the living area, there would not be anything valuable.

In the cultivation area, what people see is a lot of martial arts practice fields, various cultivation rooms, and various auxiliary cultivation arrays that have completely distributed their spiritual power and lost their effectiveness.

Rhubarb rummaged through the boxes and cabinets in the cultivation area for a long time, but they didn't find anything valuable. When they came to the pill room, they were surprised, but after entering, they found that the stored pills in the pill room had become drug residue because of the lack of long-term storage protection.

"It seems that there is nothing good here for us to take away."

Chu Yun sighed.

"Well, after searching the treasure house, we have got a lot. At this time, we shouldn't be too greedy."

Su Baiyue shook her head, but there was still a trace of disappointment in her eyes.

In fact, for her, the most valuable thing in the relic should be the nirvana pill that may exist. The reason why those martial artists outside the mountain and sea came to work hard in the relic is also the nirvana pill. Now, although she has taken a lot of treasures, the nirvana pill has disappeared, which has frustrated her greatest expectation.

Chu Yun is also quite sorry about this, but he is not in a hurry. After all, he is still only the peak of Wanshi territory, and has not even broken through the mountain and sea territory. Even if Nirvana pill is a necessity, he is not in such a hurry to get it.

"Now I still have a relic map outside Jinxia city of Daming mansion in my hand. It will open in a few days. At that time, I can go there and have a look. Maybe there will be Nirvana pill there..."

Chu Yun thought in his heart.

After this trip to the palace ruins, he tasted the sweetness of exploring the ruins, especially when someone led the way.

Although Chu Yun can also get a lot of treasures by fishing, how can he feel when he sees a pile of glittering treasures as soon as he opens the door?

This is for nothing!

"Childe Chu, next, we're going to the experimental area."

Su Baiyue pondered for a moment and said to Chu Yun that he had made a notice. The implied meaning of this sentence is that they are not suitable to go together on the next road.

After a pause, Su Baiyue pointed to the back of the living area and said, "the exit of the palace is behind the stone castle. You can go out from the dark path and pass through the protective array from the inside. You won't be hurt. At that time, you can directly appear in the lake outside, and no one will notice."

"I see."

Chu Yun nodded and said with a smile, "however, I'm not in a hurry. I'll wait for you here all day. If you haven't come out of the test area one day later, I'll think you're in danger. At that time, I'll enter the test area to find you."

When the voice fell, Su Baiyue obviously paused for a moment, a strange light flashed in his eyes, his tone was hasty, but he covered it up well, and said: "whatever... Whatever you want..."

With that, Su Baiyue turned around and entered the experimental area with song Ruoxi and others.

Chu Yun sat cross legged outside the experimental area, took out the Tianpin sword technique, tianmark nine swords, just obtained from the treasure house, and learned it.


"You have unused martial arts understanding (403 years). Do you want to use it?"


Chu Yun nodded, and then quickly looked up.

Tianpin martial arts is really a little high for Chu Yun's peak cultivation in the 10000 stone realm. Even if he uses his martial arts understanding, he understands it slowly.

One year, two years, three years, four years

Martial arts savvy is rapidly consumed, but Chu Yun's learning progress is not fast.

"Tut tut Tut, Tianpin's martial arts are worthy of Tianpin. It's really difficult to learn. If I hadn't opened it, this skill would not be enough for me to learn for decades?"

Chu Yun shook his head.

Recalling the punch ye cangyun hit him in the second level trial, Chu Yun still remembers it.

It's the power of Tianpin's martial arts. It's amazing. If Chu Yun hadn't been prepared and threw out the Tianshui Liuyun array and trapped ye cangyun and others, he wanted to get away with his strength. It's really unknown whether he could do it.

The time of cultivation passed quickly. In a twinkling of an eye, one day was about to pass. Chu Yun spent 50 or 60 years of understanding and mastering the Tianyin nine swords before he could get started.

It is conservatively estimated that it will take more than 200 years of martial arts understanding and more than four days to master the tianken nine swords.

"It's too slow..."

Chu Yun couldn't help but sigh and felt anxious for his talent.

If his talent is better, one year's understanding can be used for two years. How can the effect of learning slag reading a year's book be compared with that of learning bully reading a year's book? But the hateful thing is that he is not a learning bully, but a learning slag. He can only rely on a lot of time to stack, and the effect is so slow

However, if this idea is known by others, I'm sure to kill him angrily.

A Book of Tianpin sword technique, Tianpin!

It takes you one day to get started. In four days, you can master it to a perfect state.

That's it... It's too slow???

Is there any justice in this world, or is there any royal law?

If you stand on the street and others spit, you can drown Chu Yun.

"You really haven't left..."

At this time, a sound of footsteps came from the channel of the experimental area. Su Baiyue came out with song Ruoxi and others. Seeing Chu Yun waiting outside, she couldn't help laughing.

Chu Yun raised his eyes and put away the sword spectrum in his hand. Seeing that the expressions of the other people were very happy, he smiled and said, "it seems that you have found what you want. Congratulations."


Su Baiyue patted a box on her back, filled with all kinds of files, and said, "if we get these, our task of this trip will be successfully completed, and we can go back and resume our life."

"Then aren't you about to leave the huge city of Linghai?"

Chu Yun asked.

"Don't you want us, childe Chu?"

Song Ruoxi smiled, looked at Chu Yun, squeezed her eyes and said, "you can go with us. Our Tianxing pavilion has a good treatment, a long history, an old force, trustworthy and widely recruit talents..."

Chu Yun smiled and said, "if I have a chance in the future, I will go to your place. After all, where there are friends, I will go."

"That's a deal."

Su Baiyue nodded and said, "after we go back, we'll leave. I'll send someone to deliver the Taiyi Jinsha that Prince Chu needs. Then we'll have a chance to see you again."

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