Wolf smoke, animal tide invasion.

People living in Linghai city know what that wolf smoke means.

Therefore, the hunters and farmers who were still hunting and farming outside the city were in a hurry one after another, and they ran to Linghai city with their families.

This is outside the city. Although there is a great wall defense line and fortress area protection outside the evil spirit mountains, every time the animal tide invades, some fish will escape the net.

For these ordinary farmers who have no combat power and no one to protect, the emergence of any monster can easily kill them.

Therefore, whenever the animal tide invades, people outside the city must immediately enter the Linghai giant city to take refuge. When the animal tide passes, the city Lord's house will send guards to search for those monsters outside the city. Once found, they will follow the law. Until this time, farmers can safely return to their homes.

Indeed, such a life seems very awkward, and it has to be carried out every once in a while, but there is no way. The farmers and hunters outside the city are themselves the lowest people in Linghai giant city. The capable people have basically moved into the city.

"Young man, let's go!"

At this time, an old farmer pushed his car with two seven or eight year old dolls, some bedding and dry food. He was about to rush to Linghai city. Seeing Chu Yun's slow appearance on the road, he couldn't help saying.

Chu Yun smiled when he heard the speech. Seeing the old farmer's house behind him, he said, "old man, don't you worry about the destruction of your home?"

"Alas, how can I not worry."

The old farmer shook his head, walked all the way and said, "but people can walk, but houses can't walk..."

As he spoke, he gradually went away.

When those monsters break through the line of defense and enter the farmland area outside the city, they often destroy wantonly in the village and look for possible human beings. In addition to monsters, some unscrupulous thieves will also turn boxes and cabinets door to door during this period.

Chu Yun couldn't help shaking his head and looking at the old farmer's back. He was a little silent. Since he came to the world, he has been in contact with the martial arts cultivation class. Since ancient times, he has been poor, rich and martial arts. How many people who can practice martial arts are the rich class who have no worries about food and clothing, and this is the first time he has been in contact with such bottom people.


Chu Yun sighed, then looked up at the rising direction of the wolf smoke, and suddenly had a confusion in his heart, that is, since the Great Wall has been built, why not finish it?

If the Great Wall, as the defense line of Linghai giant city against external invasion, has a complete coverage, it is impossible for monsters to come in. These people living outside the city can also be much better.

However, according to shopkeeper Yang, less than half of the Great Wall defense line was built many years ago. The remaining distance is guarded by major forces stationed in various regions in a scattered form.

Compared with the word by word defense of the Great Wall defense line, this means of defense naturally lags far behind. It is easy to miss the net. At the same time, it is more inconvenient to concentrate the defense force. Logically, it should be replaced by the Great Wall defense line earlier.


Over the years, the construction of the Great Wall defense line has not continued, and it continues to this day.

"Stone... Stone... Where are you..."

At this time, a low call came from the front.

As soon as Chu Yun followed the sound, he saw an old woman on crutches, bent, walking slowly, her eyes were white, and she was careful when walking. Obviously, her eyes could not be seen.

"Old man, who are you looking for?"

Chu Yun came forward and asked.

The old woman shivered obviously when she heard someone talking. She seemed to be afraid, but Chu Yun's voice was gentle and didn't seem evil. Then she slowly opened her mouth: "I'm waiting for my son... He went hunting in the mountain and hasn't come back yet. I heard that there is smoke in the north again. I have to wait for my son to come back to the city..."

Chu Yun's heart moved and looked at the mountain behind him. He was about to say something, but a system prompt sounded in his mind.


"Task trigger"

"Mission objective: find Orion stone"

"Task reward: Ten spirit bait"

"Task time limit: within one day"


When the prompt sound fell, Chu Yun gave a slight meal. He wanted to help the poor old woman. Now with the task reward, it is naturally the best.

So he said, "old man, do you have anything close to your son? I have a hound with a good sense of smell. You can find your son by following the smell. "

With that, Chu Yun took out the bluestone gate, released rhubarb and let it bark twice.

"Yes, yes..."

When the old woman heard that Chu Yun wanted to help her, she nodded and said, "my house and I are right behind. Clothes are all at home..."

Chu Yun nodded and helped the old woman back to a thatched house at the foot of the mountain. After standing in the yard and waiting for a while, the old woman took out her clothes. It was a dress sewn with deer skin, with several scattered silver coins on it.

"All the money at home is here..."

The old woman whispered.

"Old man, what are you doing?"

Chu Yun was stunned.

The old woman sighed, smiled and said, "I don't know if you really want to help my old woman. If you're a hero in the autumn wind, you'll take all the valuable things from my house. If you really want to help me, the money should be given to you as a gift of thanks..."

Chu Yun heard the speech. For a moment, he was touched in his heart and smiled bitterly. He took the deer skin clothes and put them together in the breath of rhubarb. He asked it to smell it hard for a few times. After remembering the taste, he returned it again.

"My hound has remembered your son's taste. Let's go into the mountain and look for it. Don't go out, old man. Just wait in this house. If I bring your son back later and don't see you, your son will be worried."

"OK... Ok..."

The old woman nodded quickly. Her eyes didn't focus, but she held the deerskin clothes and touched the intact silver coins on them. She couldn't help saying, "you are really a kind-hearted childe..."

Chu Yun smiled, turned around and took rhubarb into the mountain.

A hunter who goes hunting in the mountain can't go much or far with the feet of ordinary people. From the fact that the old woman and her son depend on each other, the hunter should not go out for a few days.

Therefore, the scope of the search was really not large. Chu Yun took rhubarb and walked around, sniffing around. After a while, he found the trace of the hunter in the big pit dug by a man.

With a bow on his back and a short knife at his waist, the hunter was falling into a deep pit in an uncomfortable position. There was dark blood behind his head. Although his breath was still there, it was very weak.


"Congratulations, task completed"

"Task reward (ten spirit bait) has been distributed to your system space. Please check it."


When the prompt sound fell, Chu Yun didn't respond. Ten spirit bait wasn't worth his attention.

It can be seen that this big pit is obviously a trap dug by a man. The hunter should have stepped in by himself and passed out to this day.

"The situation is bad..."

Chu Yun stretched out his hand and shot out with his spiritual power. He landed on the hunter, took it out of the pit and slowly placed it on the flat ground.

He stretched out his hand to check the hunter's injury. The bruise on his body was nothing serious, but the back of his head hit on the stone was badly hurt. If there were no panacea, his life would be over.

Chu Yun thought about it, took out the bluestone gate again, and went in with rhubarb.

"Come back so soon?"

Xiao Li's figure floated in front of Chu Yun like an elf.

Chu Yun smiled and said, "I'll get a fruit. Someone outside is hurt."


Xiao Li took off a fruit and handed it to Chu Yun. He said, "is one enough?"

"Just a mortal, should be enough."

Chu Yun nodded.

Then, he left the bluestone gate and took it back into the system space. Then, he broke open the red fruit and sent a small piece into the hunter's mouth. He refined the medicine in the fruit with his spiritual power and smoothly crossed into the hunter's body.

The effect of this local grade compound Sudan fruit is no different from that of selling high-priced panacea. It is naturally easy to catch an ordinary person's skin injury.

After a while, the hunter's fingers shook twice on the ground. Then his eyebrows wrinkled slowly and his eyelids opened slowly.

When he raised his eyes and saw Chu Yun, the hunter was obviously startled. He quickly moved back twice, put his back against a tree trunk, looked at Chu Yun and said, "who are you?"

"The man who came to save you."

Chu Yun smiled faintly and said, "your name is stone. Go home. Your mother is waiting for you at home."

When the voice fell, the stone was obviously stunned. He rubbed his head hard. When his hand touched the back of his brain, he found that there were blood stains on his hand. He suddenly took a breath and thought of what had just happened... He accidentally walked through the pit arranged by other hunters. His head was very painful as soon as he fell down, and then he lost consciousness soon

According to the amount of bleeding, he should have died long ago. How can he wake up now... Moreover, his head doesn't hurt at all, and he doesn't find a wound when he feels it

"Eunuch, I......"

The stone knew that Chu Yun must have saved him, so he quickly raised his head and wanted to say something.

But unexpectedly, the figure in front of me had already disappeared.


When we returned to Linghai giant city, the animal tide had basically receded.

The scale of the four wolf smoke is not big. Shopkeeper Yang in Yuanhe pavilion has taken shopkeeper Liu and others to support. It is expected that there will be no problem.

When Chu Yun returned to his residence, he took out his fishing rod and just got ten spirit bait. Although the reward is not so strong for Chu Yun today, it is better than nothing.


"Congratulations on getting a black stone puppet"


"Congratulations, you have obtained ten broken spirit crossbows and arrows"


"Congratulations, you have got a light shadow stone"


"Congratulations, get a bottle of black silver water with special material"


"Congratulations, you have obtained 80 years of martial arts cultivation"


Chu Yun's figure couldn't help but be shocked when the prompt sound fell. With the light regiment flying into his body, the cultivation at the peak of Wanshi territory finally began to move forward.

Eighty years of martial arts accomplishments have been placed on ordinary people, but Chu Yun, a "big stove" with two local martial spirits, can only make him a step forward.

Now, what Chu Yun needs is just this step forward.

After all

His cultivation has been stuck at the peak of Wanshi territory for a long time. As long as he takes another step, he can reach the mountain and sea territory.

Now, the time has come.


The spiritual power in the body surged like a wave, went up against the current, hit the sea of the soul, integrated with the power of the soul, and reached the wonderful realm of the unity of heaven and man.

Chu Yun was shocked, and a large number of psychic powers poured into Yuanhe Pavilion. Although it was not as amazing as when Uncle Xu took Yanling fruit, it also formed a psychic tide in a small range.

The surging spiritual power poured into Chu Yun's body, cooperated with the sea of spirits, washed Chu Yun's body again and again, and finally returned to peace.

Mountain and sea, first grade!

"Call -"

Chu Yun breathed out a long breath and came to Linghai giant city for nearly two months. Finally, he broke through.

It's also a black face. I used so many ground bait before, but I couldn't catch some martial arts accomplishments. When I finally broke through, I also relied on spirit bait for 80 years.

However, people should also be satisfied. Whether it is the 300 years of local bait or the 80 years of lingpin bait, the result is the same, which can help him break through the mountains and seas. As long as he crosses this threshold, Chu Yun's combat power will be greatly improved.

When he was still in Wanshi territory, Chu Yun was able to fight against the strong at the peak of mountain and sea territory, even with one enemy against many. Now, he has stepped into mountain and sea territory, and facing the same situation, I'm afraid he has to press them.

It is said that ye cangyun is the first person in Nirvana. Chu Yun now wants to know how many moves the other party can take in his hands?

Chu Yun smiled and was in a good mood. He went fishing again and used up all the remaining spiritual bait.

At this time, there was a sound in Yuanhe Pavilion. It seemed that shopkeeper Yang who went out to resist the animal tide came back with Liu Chuang and others.

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