"I'm back. How's it going?"

Chu Yun smiled and came to the lobby. Shopkeeper Yang and Liu Chuang were dusty. When they saw Chu Yun, they quickly got up to salute.

"Big shopkeeper, my subordinates are lucky to live up to their orders and come back with their brothers."

Shopkeeper Yang smiled and bowed his hand to Chu Yun.

Chu Yun nodded. The scale of the four wolf smoke animal tide is really not very good. With the ability of shopkeeper Yang and others, it is enough to cope with it.

On one side, Liu Chuang sighed and said, "when he came back, I heard that another person in the defensive area was kidnapped by demons. It is said that the missing person is a small affiliated family of the Wang family. A man under my hand has just married their woman..."

"... what did you say?"

Chu Yun was stunned for a moment, his eyebrows frowned, and suddenly turned to look at Liu Chuang.

Liu Chuang's body was stiff. He thought he had said something wrong and stuttered: "I, I said that I have a man who has just married a woman of this family..."

"No, not that..."

Chu Yun took a deep breath, stared at Liu Chuang seriously and said, "you just said that all the fighters in the defensive area were taken away by demons!"

Shopkeeper Yang didn't know why Chu Yun had such a big reaction. He quickly came forward and made a round, saying, "we also listened to the herald. The news should not be false."

"Check it immediately."

Chu Yun's thoughts came out one by one. After breathing out a deep breath, he said to shopkeeper Yang: "send someone to the city Lord's house and the Wang's affiliated family to find out whether this matter is true or not. Go immediately!"

When the voice fell, shopkeeper Yang and Liu Chuang looked at each other. Although they didn't know why Chu Yun cared so much, there was no doubt that it was a big event, so they nodded one after another and hurriedly sent someone to check it.

Chu Yun didn't leave. He sat in the hall, closed his eyes and meditated.

"Another warrior in the defensive area was kidnapped by demons in the evil spirit mountain... How is this possible? The demons in the evil spirit mountain have no ability at all. They unconsciously abduct the warriors in a whole area. They rely on the traitors of the human family in the huge city of Linghai, the sun family and their internal and external cooperation.

The sun family arranged the array in the defensive area in advance to make the martial artists who went to that area unconscious, and then the demons would take away the people and gods unknowingly. Without the cooperation of the sun family, how could the demons in the evil spirit mountain achieve the same effect? "

Chu Yun's heart was full of waves, and he obviously came to a conclusion——

There are traitors in Linghai giant city!

There is not only one family like the sun family! Others hide deeper. Like the sun family, they are all doing things to betray their peers!

"Big shopkeeper..."

Before long, Liu Chuang came back and hurriedly said, "the news is confirmed. It's true."

"... unforgivable!"

Chu Yun took a deep breath and showed anger in his eyes. After the sun family was found out, he thought things like this would be cut off here, but who would think that there was more than one adultery!

The Wang family, the Zuo family, the Liu family, and even Ling yuange or Yu Hengge, which are the same four families, are all suspected of this. Only families with such a size can have this ability to associate with demons.

In a short while as like as two peas, the young cabinet keeper returned, and the news of confirmation came to the same place. The royal family in the Heihe River area was indeed taken away by the demons. The scene was exactly the same as the Hengyuan chamber of Commerce, which was previously missing in Raymond Lam District, and there was no sign of any fighting.

"Big shopkeeper, what happened?"

Shopkeeper Yang couldn't help asking.

Chu Yun took a deep breath and said, "they are not missing or kidnapped by demons, but betrayed."

"Who? By whom? "

"A big force in Linghai giant city, such as the sun family, colludes with demons and eats human blood steamed bread."

Chu Yun clenched his fist and said, "the sun family colluded with the demons. What they have to do is to arrange a psychic hypnosis array with the soul stone in the defensive area in advance. When the martial arts stationed in the area enter it, the array will launch, and all of them will fall into a coma. In this way, when the demons come, they can easily take all of them away, This is the truth of the weird magic that has been in the evil spirit mountain for so many years. "

The voice fell, and everyone present was stunned and shocked, because the amount of information contained in this matter had made them a little slow but God came.

"This... Shopkeeper, how did you know this?"

Shopkeeper Yang trembled.

Chu Yun said, "from the president of guigen chamber of Commerce affiliated to the sun family, I found the skill of refining Xi soul stone and the array drawing of relic hypnosis ecstasy array. Originally, I thought it was over, so I didn't make it public, but I never thought there were such traitors in Linghai city!"


There was an uproar among the people present, one after another with uncontrollable excitement.

For so many years, rumors of strange magic have been circulating in the evil spirit mountain. It can abduct all the martial artists in an entire area without being aware of the ghosts. Moreover, such things happen almost every time the animal tide comes.

Over time, regardless of the scale of the animal tide, the warriors who went to resist the animal tide couldn't help worrying, for fear that such a terrible thing would happen to themselves.

But who wants to

There is no such terrible magic and demons at all. There are only greedy and dirty people.

For the benefit of the demons, they don't hesitate to sell their peers, treat their own kind as animals, and sell them to those man eating demons by two catties.

This kind of thing, just think about it, makes people feel angry from the bottom of their heart.

"Boss, what do you want to do?"

Shopkeeper Yang took a deep breath, pressed his emotions and said.

"It's natural to find out those traitors!"

Chu Yun said in a deep voice.

After a pause, he said again: "however, this kind of thing is very important. We still need to think long-term and plan carefully. To investigate and even attack other top-level forces, we can't do it without the cooperation of the city Lord's house. Therefore, I'm going to talk to the city Lord's house in detail now."


Shopkeeper Yang nodded again and again and said, "I will restrain the brothers in the pavilion and ask them not to talk disorderly for the time being."

Chu Yun heard the speech, patted shopkeeper Yang on the shoulder, and then left immediately.

The city Lord's mansion.


Qin Wuji was surprised by Chu Yun's visit.

"Good nephew, why are you here?"

Qin Wuji asked.

Chu Yun arched his hands, looked serious and serious, and said, "Lord, I have a very important thing to tell you myself."

"What's up?"

Qin Wuji sat up slightly from his chair and felt the weight of Chu Yun's words.

Chu Yun took a deep breath and said, "you should know that the martial arts in Heishui river area were kidnapped by demons. What I want to say is that in Linghai giant city, forces similar to the sun family colluding with demons have not been killed."

"... what did you say?!"

Qin Wuji suddenly got up, stared at Chu Yun and said in a deep voice, "is there anyone else colluding with demons?"

"That's right."

Chu Yun nodded, took out two things, put them on the table and said, "I got them from guigen chamber of Commerce. One is the skill of refining Xi soul stone, and the other is the array diagram of using Xi soul stone to arrange hypnosis and enchantment array. Should the city Lord understand these two things? The sun family colludes with the demons. What they have to do is to use the hypnotic ecstasy array to confuse the martial artists stationed in the area, and then let the demons take them away! "


Qin Wuji's face became gloomy, and the anger in his eyes was like thunder rolling in the dark clouds. With a big hand, he took the two things and swept them word by word with a murderous look.


He clapped his hands on the table and directly smashed the table in front of him.

"... shameless! Shameless! "

Qin Wuji roared.

Chu Yun was startled. The momentum of the strong in Nirvana when he was angry was really terrible. Even if he had broken through the mountain and sea, he still felt a lot of pressure.

He hurriedly got up and said, "Lord, I thought that the sun family had done everything before, so I didn't take this matter to heart again, but who would think that the traitors in Linghai giant city are not just the sun family. At present, the martial artists in Heishui river area are missing again, that is, those traitors have taken action, and we have to find him!"

"They deserve to die!"

Qin Wuji roared like an angry lion, panting like an ox. after a long time, he calmed down. Looking at Chu Yun, he asked, "who else knows about this?"

"Some of my subordinates in the cabinet are my confidants."

Chu Yun replied.

Qin Wuji nodded and said, "let them say nothing for the time being. I need some arrangement to find out the spies."


Chu Yun nodded and said, "Lord, I have an idea."


"I suggest that you immediately send people to the Great Wall defense line and send people to stare at every defensive area. Before the next animal tide comes, the spies in Linghai giant city will certainly send people to arrange the array. As long as they take action, they will expose their waistcoats and be captured by us. At that time, they can catch the traitors in one fell swoop!"

Chu Yun paused and said, "in addition, we can also start from the direction of Xi soul stone. As far as I know, the output of Xi soul stone in the city is not large, and the traitors in the city need a stable and large number of Xi soul stones to make hypnosis and enchantment array. It's difficult to hide others from such a large number of purchases.

If we can find out where all the soul stones in the city have gone, maybe we can find the black hand behind the scenes. "


After hearing this, Qin Wuji couldn't help clapping his hands and said, "good ideas, all good ideas..."

"Lord, I'm flattered."

Chu Yun arched his hands, which he thought of on his way here. In fact, he didn't have much wisdom. He just grasped the two key points of Xi soul stone and defensive area.

The traitors not only need a large number of soul stones, but also arrange arrays in the defensive area. There are too many flaws that can be exposed. As long as they pay attention to the source and destination, they will be able to find their traces.

"Well, do as you say."

Qin Wuji nodded, patted Chu Yun on the shoulder, took a deep breath, and said, "my virtuous nephew is not only unparalleled in poetry, but also resourceful. He is a material that can be made. Staying in Yuanhe Pavilion is really wronging you. How about you? Are you interested in following me?"

Chu Yun was stunned when he heard the speech. Qin Wuji was about to say something, but he gently raised his hand, pressed it on Chu Yun's chest and patted it gently.

"Although I have many children, I really value no one except Shuangyan. If you like, I can recognize you as..."

Before he finished, there came a step outside the study, and the door was pushed open.

Qi Guan said, "Lord, there is an urgent report from the demon house in town..."

Qin Wuji frowned.

Chu Yun took advantage of the situation, stepped down the slope and bowed his hand and said, "well, I'll leave first. I'll focus on the investigation about the source of Xi soul stone. On the other hand, I'll give it to the city Lord."

"... OK, go."

Qin Wuji nodded and watched Chu Yun leave.


After leaving the city master's house, Chu Yun breathed out slowly. With the cooperation of the city master, it was much easier for him to find out the traitors colluding with demons in the city.

But there is one thing that people care about, that is, the last words of the city Lord, which obviously means to accept him as an adopted son

Be reasonable, that's not very good.

Chu Yun has no interest in recognizing others as his father.

Even if it was as strong as Uncle Xu, Chu Yun just called master to hug his thigh. Compared with Uncle Xu, Qin Wuji, a strong man in Nirvana, although powerful, could not compare with the former in Chu Yun's heart.

After returning to Yuanhe Pavilion, Chu Yun came to shopkeeper Yang and said, "I have discussed with the city master. We should start at both ends to catch the traitors. Our responsibility is to find out the source of the Xi soul stone. From now on, I want you to use all available relations and means to find out where the Xi soul stone in Linghai city has gone, Those people need a lot of soul stones and a stable supply of goods, which is definitely not difficult to find out. "

"Yes, chief shopkeeper. I'll check it now."

Shopkeeper Yang nodded and took orders.

"Call -"

Chu Yun sat on the chair and breathed out a long breath.

The matter of colluding with demons is enough to provoke anger and resentment. He is also very angry. Now the 60 day old shopkeeper's deadline is coming to an end. Chu Yun really hopes to find out and eliminate those traitors within this period of time.

After all

Sixty days later, the ruins of Jinxia city in Daming mansion will be opened. If there is nothing fatal, Chu Yun will never want to miss it.

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