"The military order has come. Let's go."

Chu Yun stood up. Although there were countless puzzles in his heart after he came back from Tianxia bank, the animal tide invaded on a large scale and the situation was critical, but he couldn't care about anything else.

The traitors who collude with demons are hateful, but the harm they can cause is only the fighters in a defensive area in each animal tide.

Now, if the animal tide of seven wolf smoke can't resist, it will lose the lives of millions of civilians in Linghai giant city!

Chu Yun can tell which is light and which is heavy.

Immediately, the people and horses in Yuanhe Pavilion immediately gathered and headed out of the city.

As early as when the wolf smoke rose, shopkeeper Yang had organized the martial artists in the pavilion, and now Chu Yun came back, naturally he could start immediately.

On the way out of the city, Chu Yun also met many fighters from various forces, gathered together and rushed to the Great Wall defense line outside the city.

At the same time, there are many Jianghu individual tourists on the road. They are not affiliated with a certain force, but they must go as long as their cultivation reaches above the critical territory, otherwise they will be expelled from Linghai city by the city master's house.

"Big shopkeeper, let's go out of the city together!"

At this time, a cry came from the side and rear. Chu Yun looked back and saw a familiar figure walking forward with a group of people and horses.

"Qiu Shan..."

Chu Yun smiled and said, "OK, then follow."

Liang Qiushan nodded quickly when he heard the speech, and led the Liang family behind the martial artists in the Yuanhe Pavilion.

Shopkeeper Yang turned to look at Liang Qiushan. Seeing that Liang Qiushan's face was not very good, he whispered, "are you hurt?"

"I was hurt accidentally when I met the animal tide last time."

Liang Qiushan smiled bitterly, then quickly shook his head and said, "small injury, it's not in the way."


Shopkeeper Yang sighed when he heard the speech and said, "the last animal tide was only four wolf smoke, but now it is seven. I really don't know how many people will bury their bones on the border line when the animal tide recedes."

The voice fell, and everyone around was silent. It had not been against such a large animal tide for many years. Everyone present was very nervous.

After a long time, Chu Yun took the people to the Great Wall defense line. When he entered the military aircraft camp, he found that the city Lord Qin Wuji had come here, but he didn't know when he came back.

"Everybody, the situation is urgent. We don't talk much."

Qin Wuji saw that Chu Yun had brought people in, and all the forces and horses in the camp had basically come together. He said, "the scale of the animal tide is very large, and it has invaded from all directions. This piece, this piece, and this area all need your garrison. You should make every effort to go!"

After a pause, Qin Wuji looked around, glanced at everyone's face and said, "now, I'll start distributing tasks. Lord Wang, you take people to garrison the Blackstone mountain area! Master Liu, you take people to garrison the shanghekou area! I wish you, shopkeeper, take someone to garrison... "

There was a solemn atmosphere in the military aircraft camp. In the quiet air, only Qin Wuji distributed the voice of the task. The forces mentioned by him in the first wave were the top forces in the Linghai giant city. The areas they were stationed in were also the most dangerous key organs. They would face the impact of animal tide at the first time.

When the three families present, as well as Ling yuange and Yu Hengge, were assigned defensive tasks, Qin Wuji's eyes naturally fell on Chu Yun's face.

"Shopkeeper Chu, you take people to garrison the Huangjing mountain area!"


The voice fell and many people looked at each other.

Because, compared with the identity of the top forces of Yuanhe Pavilion, the defensive area of Huangjing mountain is really too relaxed.

At least two of the areas that have not been allocated are more dangerous than the defensive area of Huangjing mountain, while Qin Wuji arranged Yuanhe Pavilion in Huangjing mountain.

Many people looked at Chu Yun and couldn't help showing envy, jealousy and hatred. Their sour roots hurt. They thought it was good to be favored by the city Lord. They could be so biased and taken care of.

At Chu Yun's side, shopkeeper Yang and shopkeeper song looked at each other. They were all happy. It was a good thing that they could be assigned to a safe place in such a dangerous animal tide as seven wolf smoke.

"Well, all areas have been arranged. Let's go now!"

Qin Wuji waved his hand.


In the military tent, everyone took orders one after another, turned around and went out of the big tent and rushed to the defensive area.

Chu Yun didn't leave in a hurry. After other forces had made big accounts, he stayed and hugged his fist: "Lord, I have something to tell you."


Qin Wuji nodded.

Chu Yun told Qin Wuji everything about his contact with Villa leader Sun today.

"... Tianxia bank!"

A trace of anger appeared in Qin Wuji's eyes, but he soon pressed it down. He took a deep breath and said, "it's urgent. The background of the world's banks, let alone me, even if it's the Lord of one house, it's not easy to provoke. We need to think about it in the long run."

Chu Yun said: "however, villa leader Li has said such words. He must know the situation behind the Xi soul stone. He just deliberately stopped talking. If we can force him to speak, there will be no doubt about it."

"After this war, I'll press questions."

Qin Wuji took a deep look at Chu Yun, walked forward and patted him on the shoulder.

"Then I'll rest assured."

Chu Yun nodded and turned out of the big account.

Outside, shopkeeper Yang and others were waiting. Seeing Chu Yun coming out, they quickly welcomed him.

"Big shopkeeper, what did the city Lord say?"

Shopkeeper Yang asked.

Chu Yun shook his head and said, "if you don't say these for the time being, it's important to resist the animal tide first."

The voice fell, and shopkeeper Yang nodded.

Chu Yun looked at Liang Qiushan and said, "I just heard that the city Lord has placed your Liang family in the fenghekou area? It should be a very dangerous defensive area? "

"More than danger..."

Liang Qiushan smiled bitterly and said, "the fenghekou is the outermost defensive area in the southwest of the evil spirit mountains. If the animal tide invades from the southwest, the fenghekou area will be the first place to be impacted by the animal tide, which can be regarded as a first-class and dangerous defensive area."

With that, Liang Qiushan couldn't help but sigh. He was injured in the last animal tide. Before he could get well, he came to such a more dangerous animal tide and was arranged in such a more dangerous place. It seems that God wants to destroy his Liang family

"In that case, let's exchange."

Chu Yun patted Liang Qiushan on the shoulder and said, "you take the Liang family to the Huangjing mountain area, and I take the yuanhege people to the fenghekou area."

"Ah, this..."

Liang Qiushan was stunned. The look in his eyes was very complex, both surprised and moved.

Chu Yun smiled and said, "needless to say, if you don't have the special favor of the city Lord, our Yuanhe pavilion was originally going to places like fenghekou. Now since it's inconvenient for you, change with us."

"The big shopkeeper... I don't want to thank you for your kindness. I have nothing to repay Liang Qiushan. I'm willing to go through fire and water for the big shopkeeper!"

Liang Qiushan's eyes were red, his hands clasped fists, and directly knelt on one knee to Chu Yun.

"Don't do that. Go."

Chu Yun patted Liang Qiushan on the shoulder, helped him up and said.

Immediately, Liang Qiushan took the Liang family's men and horses all the way to the defensive area of Huangjing mountain, while Chu Yun took yuanhege's men and horses to the defensive area of fenghekou.

"Alas, Bai is happy."

Shopkeeper Yang smiled bitterly and said slowly when he saw that Liang Qiushan had left.

Chu Yun looked at him and said with a smile, "since the Liang family is a vassal of our Yuanhe Pavilion, we naturally have to pay more attention to it at the critical moment."

"That's the reason."

Shopkeeper Yang bowed his hand, which is also quite agreed.

Although many martial artists in Yuanhe pavilion are disappointed with Chu Yun's move, they are only disappointed. It is not enough to question Chu Yun.

Since Chu Yun came to Yuanhe Pavilion, the prestige he has established is undoubtedly inferior to that of the previous big shopkeepers of Yuanhe Pavilion. Many guys admire Chu Yun and respect Chu Yun. Now Chu Yun says he wants to change places, so they don't hesitate.

Immediately, a crowd rushed to the southwest.

The fenghekou area is the border between the evil spirit mountain range and the southwest boundary of the spirit sea area. There is a river valley. The upstream is on the other side of the evil spirit mountain range. Although it is frozen all year round, there is also a part of the water flow. Therefore, some monsters often come to drink.

The defensive area of fenghekou is arranged in a canyon downstream of the water source, and a wall is built to completely block both sides of the canyon.

When Chu Yun arrived with the crowd, there were already scattered monsters coming to the defensive area of fenghekou. Under the city wall, they fought fiercely with the soldiers guarding the city.

"You have arrived. I don't know which reinforcements are coming?"

Seeing Chu Yun and others coming, the soldiers guarding the city looked very happy and quickly asked.

As soon as Chu Yun waved, shopkeeper Yang beside him had already taken the warriors of Yuanhe pavilion to the wall and began to support the soldiers at the head of the city.

"Yuanhe Pavilion."

Chu Yun smiled faintly and said.

When the city guarding soldiers heard the speech, they immediately brightened their eyes and repeatedly said, "OK, OK, now the animal tide is coming, which is fierce. They need a strong reinforcement like you. Please enter the city quickly!"

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