This is the second time Chu Yun came to the defensive area.

Although I have just entered the city, I still feel the great difference in the atmosphere.

The urban defense soldiers in fenghekou area are more silent than the soldiers Chu Yun saw in guanyangpo area. They almost don't have any expression on their faces. They are like machines. They do what they should do. Even if someone makes a mistake, they won't scold loudly. Instead, other soldiers will rush up immediately to make up for the mistake, Maintain the current situation.

This is a natural state under high pressure.

Compared with them, the soldiers in guanyangpo area were more like providing for the aged and leisurely in the urban defense. When Chu Yun took people there, he even saw many objects such as reclining chairs and enjoyed them very much.

Compared with the two sides, Chu Yun naturally appreciates the behavior of these soldiers in the fenghekou area. He has a feeling that he is receiving the Forged Blade under the heavy hammer.

When you come to the city wall and look at it from a distance, you can see that from the mountain forest at the southwest corner of the evil spirit mountain, there are large areas of trees flying dust and countless tree crowns falling down. From this point, you can infer how rampant and chaotic the scene in the mountain is.

Dong Dong Dong——

The fierce footsteps were dull, like a muffled thunder, more like an old drummer, struggling to wave the drumstick, and each sound made people tremble.

Pressure, great pressure.

The people in Yuanhe Pavilion who came to the city wall were still laughing, but now they have restrained their smile, but they can't laugh at all.

Linghai giant city has not experienced such a scale of animal tide for many years. It is very rare to see more than five wolf smoke. Now these seven wolf smoke together, the scale of animal tide also makes them frightened.

"Array charging!"

With the roar of the sergeant guarding the city, the soldiers on the city wall immediately filled with monster crystal cores and entered the array furnace. In an instant, dazzling array brilliance lit up on the city wall of fenghekou city defense, and the defense magic tools at the head of the city were ready to go.

When the figure of the first monster rushed out of the forest and came to the snow-white ground of the glacier, the sergeant guarding the city gave an order, and the soldiers on the city wall launched their magic weapons one after another.

Whew, whew, whew——

Streamers of light shot towards the glacier. Some of those lights were crossbows and arrows, and some were shells. They were not ordinary. Especially with the blessing of the city guarding array, their power was more unusual.


The explosion sounded one after another, and the herd in front of the animal tide was seriously damaged. A large number of demon beasts fell on the road of charging.

"Change the bomb! Continue charging! "

The sergeant roared out instructions, and his soldiers carried out the orders in an orderly manner.

Accurate, efficient and disciplined.

This is Chu Yun's biggest feeling while watching the war.

On one side, shopkeeper Yang said: "in the front defensive area, the soldiers guarding the city are well-trained and elite. They are very professional in controlling the array and can be trusted. What we have to do is to prevent them from breaking into the city when the animal tide approaches the city defense."

"I see."

Chu Yun nodded, but his eyes were looking at the glacier in the distance.

I saw that under the coverage of one round of long-range attacks, although many monsters died in the animal tide, the small black spots that stopped will be covered by the shadow of other monsters immediately, giving people the feeling that there is no effect. The scale of the monsters is still so huge.

The sergeant guarding the city also looks very ugly at the moment. In the past, after such a long-range attack, the scale of the animal tide will be sharply reduced with the naked eye, which can greatly improve his morale.

Now, the scale of animal tide is too large. After an attack, there is little difference in visual effect, which gives people a great sense of powerlessness and frustration, and even tends to give birth to despair.

After all, it is too long to experience such a large-scale animal tide attack. Even the elite soldiers in the front line are not ready for the hardest battle.

"Roar -"

At this time, a deafening roar sounded in the animal tide.

A huge dark shadow jumped up from the animal tide and made great efforts to jump to the wall. When it soared into the air, the people on the wall turned pale and saw that it was an extremely huge chimpanzee. Two people with half a person's feet mastered the fist and smashed it on the protective array.

Bang bang!

The array vibrated and the energy fluctuated violently.

As soon as the sergeant's face changed, he realized that the chimpanzee was a fourth-order monster comparable to the mountains and seas.

Before he did anything, a figure had leaped up from the top of the city.


A sword sounded, and a raging fire suddenly lit up on the sharp body of the sword. It was a terrible dragon that extinguished all, emitting the majestic dragon power of crushing all sentient beings.

The chimpanzee's ferocious face showed a humanized unexpected emotion. The hands that were originally pounding the protective array also poked out and grabbed the figure holding the sword.


A flash of sword light flashed, followed by a splash of blood.

The chimpanzee's big hand was directly cut off by a sword. The blood was sprayed out without money from the fracture, and evaporated into light red water vapor by the hot dragon inflammation.

"Ow, Ow!"

Chimpanzees howled and tore their hearts and lungs with pain, but Chu Yun's attack was not over. After a sword cut off the chimpanzee's arm, the blade turned and went towards the chimpanzee's neck.

Another sword light flashed by. In this sword, it seemed to contain nine sword meanings. The chimpanzee tried to dodge and dodged sideways in the face of Chu Yun's attack.

But somehow, after Chu Yun stabbed out, it seemed as if he was splitting to the right at the same time. After the chimpanzee dodged to the side, he avoided the stab, but he couldn't avoid the cut to the right.

Click wipe——

The sound of bone fracture is still very clear in the sound of sharp blades entering the meat. There is still fear and consternation in the eyes of chimpanzees, but the whole head has fallen off the neck and fell into the animal tide with the body.

"Dead, dead..."

On the city wall, the soldiers guarding the city stared at the scene with disbelief.

The terrible chimpanzee, whose strength is comparable to that of the strong man in human mountain and sea, hit the fenghekou city defense with a few punches. The city defense array fluctuated for a while. Such a terrible existence was killed by Chu Yun's two swords?

What level of strength is this? Ordinary mountain and sea warriors, even at the peak of mountain and sea, can't do it so easily?

Chu Yun received his sword, but his eyes were staring at the animal tide. There was a figure retreating against the tide. When Chu Yun cut off the chimpanzee's arm with his sword, he was already retreating towards the evil spirit mountain.

There is no doubt that it must be a fourth-order monster comparable to the martial arts in the mountain and sea, but the other party knows how to hide himself and how to judge the situation.

After Chu Yun showed his terrible strength, the other party knew it was impossible to beat Chu Yun, so he decided to leave and quit the beast tide.

"It's a demon. It's more cunning than human beings."

Chu Yun shook his head.

Immediately, he looked down at the animal tide. Some of those demon beasts with low intelligence seemed crazy after the chimpanzee died. They rushed up to rob and eat the chimpanzee's body, hoping to evolve themselves through the blood of the stronger, and then break through the grade.

And some monsters with lower intelligence attacked Chu Yun, jumped up and attacked Chu Yun standing in the air.

Chu Yun didn't move. A flame lit up all over his body. Rolling Longyan bloomed around, almost turning his body into a small sun.

Those monsters who rushed up didn't touch Chu Yun's close body, so they were burned by the Dragon inflammation around them. Even they themselves turned into the fuel of dragon inflammation, fell into the beast tide, and ignited other monsters together.

But of course

It is impossible to burn the animal tide by using Longyan as a flame.

Chu Yun looked at the soldiers struggling to defend the city and looked at the glacier in the distance. He had an idea in his heart. Immediately, he walked away and came directly to the top of the glacier.


Chu Yun's body was like a shell. He suddenly fell and crashed into the glacier. The Dragon burning around him was burning. Before approaching the ice surface, the hot temperature had made the glacier melt into a big pit.

His figure fell into the glacier. What we can detect is that the thickness of the glacier is very terrible. He went down for more than ten seconds before he finally entered the glacier below.

Then, facing the glacier above, Chu Yun cut out with a sword. From bottom to top, the sword Qi cut through, just like drawing a line on the glacier.

This line soon turned into cracks. Huge cracks spread over the whole glacier, and the senhan ice water at the bottom of the glacier also gushed up at the same time.

Chu Yun's body went out of the glacier, and then quickly smashed through several important fulcrums of the glacier. Many monsters around him have fallen into the glacier.

In a short time, the ice surface of the whole glacier has been completely defeated by Chu Yun, and the glacier under the glacier has now survived, like a cold big hand holding the lifeline of the animal tide.

The animal tide rushing out of the evil spirit mountain was originally to step on the glacier to attack the wind estuary, but now the glacier at the foot has disappeared and replaced by the bitter cold glacier.

In the animal tide at the front, some monster with higher intelligence thought it was wrong and wanted to stop, but the animal tide at the back pushed them forward like a rolling wave.

Under the threat of this animal tide, a large number of monster beasts directly rushed into the glacier. Although not all monster beasts are afraid of water, most monster beasts have no ability to go ashore after rushing into the glacier.


Chu Yun was floating quietly on the bank at the moment. As soon as he saw a monster coming up from the water, he bent his fingers and shot out with a smart light, directly penetrating its key.

When dealing with these small monsters, it is undoubtedly very appropriate to use the martial arts of low consumption and strong penetration. Almost no monsters can come out from under Chu Yun's eyelids. Those who are lucky enough to climb ashore soon become cold corpses and fall into the glacier.

After the glacier broke, the level of the glacier rose, and the river immediately spread and flooded, pouring back towards the wind estuary.

The monsters that had rushed under the wall of fenghekou were soon submerged by the poured ice water. Half the space under the wall had been soaked by the river. Most of them were very reluctant to protect themselves in the water, let alone attack the wall.

Shopkeeper Yang, shopkeeper song and others stood on the wall and looked at the thousands of miles below. All the monsters were soaked in water. They all looked excited and couldn't help raising their hands and shouting.

"The power of the big shopkeeper!"

"The power of the big shopkeeper!"

"The power of the big shopkeeper!"


The noncommissioned officers and soldiers of the urban defense were also stunned. Unexpectedly, there was such a fierce man who could break the glacier and drown the animal tide directly on his own.

Not to mention how powerful and terrible strength it needs to do this, the key is that ordinary people don't think about it at all!

Fighting against the beast tide is often hard behind the city wall. It can make use of the advantages of terrain to create this effect, which can be said to be an eye opener for many soldiers.

Of course

For them, it doesn't make much sense to open their eyes.

After all, the operation of smashing the glacier with bare hands has nothing to do with vision. It depends on terrible strength.

Chu Yun has both.

Under the backflow of the glacier, the river was soaked in the animal tide, and the water surface basically stayed at nearly half of the position below the city wall. Therefore, the soldiers and Yuanhe Pavilion standing on the city wall were not negatively affected, but took advantage. After all, the animal tide is now in a state of near collapse.

In the direction of the evil spirit mountain, a large number of demons and beasts are still running towards this side with black eyes. In a daze and ignorance, they have rushed into the glacier.

Many times, once the general trend is formed, it is not so easy to change. The front doesn't want to move forward, but the back will push you forward.

Those monsters are the same. Even if they detect something wrong and want to get out of this tide, they can't do it at all. They can only helplessly follow the monsters in front and rush into the glacier.

"It's amazing..."

The sergeant guarding the city took a deep breath and looked at the figure standing in the air on the edge of the glacier. His heart was very hot, but his eyes were full of respect!

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