When Xiao Yang Jian heard the speech, he immediately fell into meditation.

He thought about it carefully and then said tentatively, "master, after you left, I began to understand the skill. While looking at the blue stone gate, I seemed to see some special things in it. Then... Then my spirit and attention were more and more attracted by it... Then... I seemed to understand something, I learned some rules... And then... I don't remember anything... "

With that, Xiao Yang Jian couldn't help being silent. He stared at his hands and touched the clothes that had become tight wrapped around him. He still didn't adapt to his changes at the moment.

But his words made Chu YunRuo think.

"It sounds as if you have some traction and touch with the mystery contained in the bluestone gate, which leads to the power in the bluestone gate injected into you..."

Chu Yun slowly breathed out a breath and said, "however, your body is still too young to bear so much and so huge power. After it pushes your cultivation to the peak of the physical state, you can't bear the immediate power before you break the state. This makes your body spawned by this energy. Now you are eight or nine years old, He grew up to be eighteen or nine.

If I hadn't just stepped in as a teacher, I'm afraid you would have become old and even died naturally... "

As soon as he said these words, Xiao Yang Jian shivered first.

Then he quickly looked at Chu Yun and said, "master, your body..."

Chu Yun was stunned when he heard the speech. Then he waved his hand in a funny way and said, "you will care about Shifu. It's good. However, the energy in the bluestone gate can't help me. On the contrary, it makes me a blessing in disguise. My cultivation has improved a lot, which is almost equivalent to 300 years of cultivation."

That's not true.

Because after Chu Yun absorbed that energy, his realm was promoted from the fourth grade of mountain and sea to the seventh grade of mountain and sea, and three small realms were promoted.

You know, Chu Yun's previous reward for 300 years of martial arts cultivation only improved his level of three grades. Now the effect of this accident has been comparable to this. It's not too much to say that it's a blessing in disguise.

"Master, I'm fine..."

When Xiao Yang Jian heard the speech, he was relieved and said, "if the master is hurt because of me, Xiao Yang Jian will really forgive his crime."

Chu Yun patted him on the shoulder, helped him up, looked at the tight clothes Yang Jian was wearing, couldn't help shaking his head and smiling.

Immediately, Chu Yun grabbed it, took out a set of his own clothes from the storage space, gave it to him and said, "your body has grown up now, and that suit is not suitable for you. Come on, change this body."

"Thank you, master."

Xiao Yang Jian took over his clothes and looked at the "children's clothes" tight on his body. He blushed. Then he slowly took off his clothes and changed Chu Yun's suit.

In the process, Chu Yun turned around and looked out of the window. Although they were both men, Xiao Yang Jian was still a child with a thin face. He didn't have to create embarrassment as a master.

After a while, Xiao Yang Jian put on his clothes and said to Chu Yun, "master, I've changed it."

Chu Yun heard the speech, turned around and immediately brightened his eyes.

I saw that the little Yang Jian behind him was tall and strong. Standing there, he was like a giant jade pillar. His face was firm and handsome, revealing a pure youthful spirit.

"Yes, disciple. I'm no less handsome than Shifu."

Chu Yun smiled and said that Xiao Yang Jian was a little shy. He lowered his head. He didn't continue to tease and said, "how do you feel about your body, do you have any discomfort or pain?"

"... No."

Xiao Yang Jian carefully felt his own physique, took a deep breath, and punched in place. His movements were crisp and powerful. He fought an ordinary fist, but it was like a thunderclap.

"I feel that my body has become particularly strong, there is nothing unsuitable, and my body seems to contain a special energy..."

He picked up a scattered porcelain tea cup from the ground and put it in his hand. With a sudden grasp of his wide and slender palm, the porcelain cup in his hand was clenched into powder.

The appearance of this scene made Chu Yun's eyebrows pick.

"Very good..."

He looked at the porcelain bowl powder in Xiao Yang Jian's hand and said: "ordinary martial artists in the critical territory, those below six grades, do not have your current strength. That energy gave birth to your physique and strengthened your physique at the same time. Let me feel it as a teacher..."

Chu Yun said. He stepped forward and put a finger on Xiao Yang Jian's meridians. The spiritual power in his hand was just about to be sent out, but he was accidentally rejected.


Chu Yun was a little surprised and sent more spiritual power to explore Xiao Yang Jian's meridians. As a result, they were rebounded by a spiritual power.

Little Yang Jian looked at his master and frowned. He thought something was wrong. He bit his lips tightly and said, "master, my body... Has something bad happened?"


Chu Yun shook his head and said thoughtfully, "you're standing right. Let me have a try."

With that, he bent his fingers and shot out with a spiritual power, shooting at Xiao Yang Jian's thigh.


The spiritual power shot at Xiao Yang Jian's thigh. Xiao Yang Jian subconsciously wanted to hide, but he didn't hide. The next moment, the spiritual power fell on his leg, as if it had fallen on an iron wall, and was directly bounced away.

Seeing this, Chu Yun immediately laughed and said, "good disciple, you found it now! Now your body has become different from ordinary warriors, forming a special spirit body! "

"What spirit body?"

Xiao Yang asked hurriedly.

"Broken demon spirit body!"

Chu Yun looked at Xiao Yang Jian with fiery eyes and said, "now your physique is inviolable, and other people's spiritual power can't invade your body. Just now I attacked you with the spiritual power of Qianjun territory, but I was directly bounced away by your body. This shows that you can resist the spiritual attack of wuzhe in Qianjun territory just by your physical power!"

Hearing the speech, Xiao Yang Jian was stunned, then looked at his thigh that had just been beaten, rubbed it and said with a bitter smile: "although the spiritual power didn't invade my body, it still hurts to hit my leg..."

"Ah, why is a big husband afraid of pain?"

Chu Yun said, pulling little Yang Jian and said, "come on, let me try again, and see if the attack at the level of wanshijing can break your broken demon body?"

"... ah? Come back. "

Xiao Yang Jian is beating drums in his heart. In his cognition, wanshijing is already a strong man. In Shunfeng escort agency, only several confidants of his father Yang Ningzhi have this cultivation, and each one is a person he respects very much.

Now, Chu Yun even wants to use the attack of Wanshi territory to deal with his eight year old child in the flesh territory... Well, his flesh is no longer eight or nine years old.


It was another burst of spiritual power that landed on Xiao Yang Jian's leg and was directly bounced away again.

At the same time, Xiao Yang Jian couldn't help but murmur. His whole body shook back, his feet soared directly, and he was impacted forward by the inertia of this blow, so he had to fall face and bite the ground.

However, Chu Yun naturally wouldn't make a fool of his apprentice. With a gentle push of his right hand, he dragged Xiao Yang Jian's body up with a gentle spiritual force and landed safely on the ground.

"Very good, very good, and some incredible!"

Chu Yun slowly breathed out a breath and said, "I've just observed carefully. When the spiritual power shot by the teacher fell on your leg, it was not only bounced away by your body, but also melted a small part. With such characteristics, you will be invincible in battle in the future!

However, this does not mean that you can ignore other people's spiritual attacks, especially those whose realm is much higher than yours. Although their spiritual power itself will not hurt you, the strength of the impact will still affect you. "

With that, Chu Yun planned to stop. There was no need to try again for a higher level of spiritual attack in Xiao Yang Jian, because if it was higher, the impact alone would be enough to break Xiao Yang Jian's leg. In reality, when he met such an opponent, Xiao Yang Jian had no choice but to die whether he broke the demon body or not.

After listening to Chu Yun's words, Xiao Yang Jian was very happy. Although he still had some difficulty in understanding some details of Chu Yun's words, he still understood the truth, that is, he suddenly became so strong, which he didn't dare to think of before.

"Just... Accidentally broke master's bluestone gate..."

Looking at the fragments and powder of the bluestone gate on the ground, Xiao Yang Jian felt extremely remorse. He suddenly opened his eyes and said, "Sister Li, rhubarb and Xiaobai who live in the gate..."

"It's okay."

Chu Yun shook his head with a smile and said, "I confirmed their safety at the first time. They are fine now and have not been affected."

As soon as he said this, Xiao Yang Jian breathed a sigh of relief. He was afraid and pressed his hand on his chest to give himself good luck.

Chu Yun's mind moved. The sun mark in the center of his eyebrows emitted a light and fell in front of him, forming a light door. He said, "now, the power of the bluestone gate is divided into two. The Yang is the teacher and the Yin is on you. I can open the door with this mark. You should also try."

The voice fell

Xiao Yang Jian touched his eyebrows, also felt the lunar mark there, tried to use it, and sure enough, a light door was radiated from it and fell in front of him.

Seeing this, Chu Yun said, "I wonder if your door also leads to the medicine garden. Let's go in and have a look."

With that, Chu Yun stepped into it. Seeing this, Xiao Yang Jian hurriedly followed up.

One after another, they entered the gate. The moment they passed through the light gate, they soon came to the familiar place, and the fragrance of the medicine garden came to their faces.

At the moment, Xiao Li was waiting for them with rhubarb and Xiaobai. When he saw Chu Yun and Xiao Yang Jian coming, he hurried forward, and then Xiao Li was surprised.

"Isn't this the human cub? How did he get so big all of a sudden?"

Xiao Li looked at Xiao Yang Jian in surprise.

Little Yang Jian scratched his head and whispered, "Sister Li, I don't know what's going on."

"There was an accident. The bluestone gate was broken. Its power dissipated and integrated into me and my disciples. However, you don't have to worry. We still have the way to open the gate. Now it seems that it should be more convenient. Not only me, but also Xiao Yang Jian can open the gate at any time."

Chu Yun said, suddenly moved in his heart and said, "in this way, you and my teachers and disciples can meet directly through the transit station of medicine garden space no matter where they are?"

Xiao Yang Jian was stunned when he heard the speech, and then his eyes lit up, nodded and said, "it seems like this. I can open the light door, master. You can open the door in two places, and we can go back and forth between the two places at any time."

"Hahaha, this is too tricky."

Chu Yun couldn't help laughing. Although the calling speed of the light gate is not as fast as direct blinking, even in actual combat, if the opponent doesn't consciously destroy the light gate, Xiao Yang Jian and Chu Yun have a direct means of long-distance blinking and direct escape for thousands of miles.

This is sick!

Xiao Li listened. Although he didn't know what they were talking about, he understood the general meaning.

"So you can come in and play with me at any time in the future?"

Xiao Li flew around happily in mid air and said, "otherwise, you might as well move in. Now it has been expanded and become so big. It doesn't matter if you come in and build some houses. You can live in as many people as you want."

The voice fell, and Chu Yun's heart moved, because what he said was also very reasonable. The space in the bluestone gate has now been expanded to a very outrageous extent. Chu Yun doesn't even know where its boundary is.

Now that there is enough space, it is also a very good choice as a place where you can carry in and live.

"Good idea, but we still have to wait a while to see if the space is stable. In case it shrinks back, it will be a big trouble."

Chu Yun pondered for a while and said wisely.

Xiao Yang Jian couldn't help but shout in his heart when he heard the speech. My master is so steady.

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