In order to test the security in the space of Qingshi gate, Chu Yun thought a little and decided to walk to the boundary.

At his speed, flying at full speed, more than half a day is enough to cross the whole area of Jinxia city. Now there is Xiaobai around, which makes it easier to explore.

Therefore, Chu Yun asked Xiao Yang Jian and Xiao Li to stay in the center of the medicine Park, but he rode Xiaobai and went in one direction at a high speed.

To be honest, this is also the first time Chu Yun rode Xiaobai to fly at full speed. It can be seen that Xiaobai himself is also wronged. This is the first time he has acted with his master since his birth.

Therefore, Xiaobai completely riveted her strength in order to express herself. She flew at full speed. The terrible speed surprised Chu Yun himself.

"Even if it is the strength of the nirvana, if there is no special means of flight or speed secret, it will not be enough."

Chu Yun thought to himself that safety is the first thing when wandering the Jianghu, and now there are more and more means to protect his life.

In the process of marching, Chu Yun looked around. There was still nothing in front and on the left and right sides. There was an empty land surrounded by a vast white sky.

Of course, it is not accurate to say the sky. Except that the earth under their feet is indeed composed of soil, what they have in the rest of the space is nothing. After flying to a certain height, they will touch something like an air wall and have to reduce the height.

"It's too far. As far as I can see, it has exceeded the whole city of Jinxia city. After the expansion of this space, I'm afraid it will become bigger than the whole Daming mansion..."

Chu Yun breathed out slowly, and if so, it would be terrible. It's equivalent to taking a small world with you!

You know, here can not only store things, but also live people!

If Chu Yun is willing, he can even move some humans from the outside to enter the space of the bluestone gate and live in it.

Of course

If so, there will be many problems to be solved, because there is nothing here except air and land. Normal human beings, even martial ones, need more than this. If they want to survive here for a long time, only special creatures such as Xiao Li can do it.

"If we can't build a completely self-sufficient internal circulation and ecological chain in this space, then this space can only allow people to live in a short time. All living materials should be purchased from the outside, but even so, this is an unimaginable existence."

Chu Yun thought in his heart.

After flying for a full hour, Chu Yun patted Xiaobai's neck and said, "go back."

Although he knew that after the expansion of this space, it could not be endless, he had flown for so long and had not reached its boundary, which was enough to prove that Chu Yun did not need to care about whether there was a boundary in this place in the short term.

The existing space has been able to meet all the needs of Chu Yun. No matter what he wants to toss around here, it can be completely realized.

The first idea that came to Chu Yun's mind was to build some areas where people can live for a short time. If they encounter anything unsatisfying outside, they can hide in this space for a temporary rest. Moreover, he is not alone, and can pull as many people in.

After another period of time, Chu Yun returned to the area where the medicine garden was located.

To be honest, it's really a little difficult.

Because after flying so far, it's too difficult to find the location of the medicine garden by eye observation. Chu Yun only dares to fly in a straight line in one direction, and then return from the straight line to find it.

"Master, how are you?"

Xiao Yang Jian was teasing rhubarb. Seeing Chu Yun flying back on Xiaobai, he quickly stood up and asked.

"Very big."

Chu Yun said, slowly breathing out a breath and said, "the area of this space is much larger than I imagined. It basically has no end. The whole area is bigger than the Daming mansion itself. I'm afraid you'll wait here, so I won't go any further."

"Bigger than the whole Daming mansion..."

Xiao Yang Jian has some eyes and tongue tied. He takes a house with him

Isn't that cool?

Chu Yun looked at Xiao Li and said, "you were born in this space. Now such drastic changes have taken place in this space. What's wrong with you?"

"That's not true... But if I really want to say, I seem to have some strange things in my mind, such as some information. I haven't taken it seriously just now. Now there are more and more information..."

Xiao Li rubbed his head in distress. The halo in his head sent out a flash of red. It looked scary, like the robot was overloaded.


Chu Yun was startled and thought Xiao Li's head was going to explode.

Xiao Li stuck out his tongue and smiled. The red light on his head suddenly flashed. He walked around from red, orange, yellow, green, blue and purple, like a running lantern. It turned out that this was freely controlled by her luminous essence.

"Nothing is nothing, but I really want to have a sleep to digest and deal with the extra news... I haven't felt so sleepy for a long time..."

Xiao Li began to yawn as he said.

"All right."

Chu Yun nodded and said, "it seems that the change in space will indeed affect you, but I don't think it should be a bad change."

Xiao Li also lit a small brain like a running lantern. His body slowly floated up, gradually faded and disappeared into the air, leaving only one sentence: "when I wake up, I'll play with you again..."

With that, the figure was gone.


Xiao Yang Jian looked at Xiao Li's disappearance in surprise and said, "sister Xiao Li, isn't she human?"


Chu Yun nodded and said, "she is a special life, living with light. Since she became conscious, she has been in the space of the bluestone gate. Up to now, it has been hundreds or even thousands of years."

Xiao Yang Jian smelled the speech and couldn't help sighing: "even if she is not human, she will feel lonely..."

"Just come in with her more in the future."

Chu Yun said, patted Xiao Yang Jian on the shoulder and said, "OK, let's go out."

Xiao Yang Jian nodded in response and took the initiative to open the light door and let Chu Yun go first. A moment later, they appeared on the ninth floor of the uneven building together.

"Chu Yun?!"

At this time, a startling voice came from the side.

Chu Yun followed his reputation. It was Zhao Qianli with Yang Xiaochan beside him. They stood in the conference hall and looked blankly at the Chu Yun two who suddenly appeared from the light door.

Previously, when Chu Yun sensed that something had happened to Xiao Yang Jian from Beichen street, he flew over as fast as possible. Although Zhao Qianli didn't know what had happened, he hurried over with Yang Xiaochan for the first time.


When they arrived, Chu Yun just took Xiao Yang Jian into the space inside the bluestone gate, so when they entered the gate, they only saw a light door.

Zhao Qianli tried to touch the light door, because he felt that Chu Yun might be inside. However, he had not studied Zhengshen Qingyuan decision, so he couldn't let the forces in the light door recognize him and couldn't get in at all.

At a loss, Chu Yun suddenly appeared with Xiao Yang Jian, and immediately startled Zhao Qianli.

"What just happened..."

Zhao Qianli quickly came to Chu Yun and was about to ask what had just happened. He glanced at the corner of his eye and saw little Yang Jian following behind Chu Yun... No, it should be said that he was a big Yang Jian now. He was immediately surprised: "you... Hiss, how do you look like Yang Jian! Is it... "

"It's me, uncle Zhao."

Xiao Yang Jian smiled bitterly and talked, but his eyes paid more attention to Yang Xiaochan beside Zhao Qianli. He was nervous and looking forward to it. He didn't know whether this sister could recognize himself after the change.


Yang Xiaochan looked at him, opened his mouth in surprise and said, "second brother, second brother... What are you going to eat? How can you become so high at once... I want to eat, I want to eat..."

When Xiao Yang Jian heard the speech, the color of the bitter smile on his face became stronger. He went forward, hugged his sister in his arms and said, "the second brother didn't eat anything, just... It became like this all at once..."

Zhao Qianli was stunned. He came back to Chu Yun for a long time. He poked his back waist and asked in a very low voice, "what's going on?"

"An accident."

Chu Yun also helped his forehead and said with a bitter smile: "however, on the whole, it's all good changes. This little guy has a blessing in disguise. Not only has his cultivation soared to the peak of the physical state, but also he has obtained a special spirit body, which can be immune to the influence of other people's spiritual power. His future is unlimited."

Zhao Qianli's eyes widened, and his eyes were full of the expression of "do you deliberately coax me when you see that I'm easy to cheat?" he almost didn't ask whether it was true or not?

"It's true."

Chu Yun nodded again and said with confirmation.

"All right."

Zhao Qianli rubbed his face and said, "since you think there's no problem, that's OK. It's inconvenient for me to ask more about the inheritance of your school."

With that, Zhao Qianli couldn't help looking at Xiao Yang Jian with strange eyes and said, "now, you take your sister out and say that some people believe in father and daughter..."


Little Yang Jian looked resentful, looked at his broad figure, hands and feet, and couldn't help sighing.

Although the cultivation soared and got the spirit body, it was really a very happy thing, but I grew so tall at once. I was several years old and didn't know how to explain to my mother.

But fortunately, since he became a teacher, Xiao Yang Jian didn't see his mother every day. It's reasonable to cover up in a short time. It's best not to let Yang know first, lest she worry about herself.

"Disciple, come with me."

At this time, Chu Yun patted Xiao Yang Jian on the shoulder and motioned him to follow him to leave the uneven building.

Xiao Yang Jian put down his sister, followed Chu Yun obediently and said, "master, what are we going to do?"

"Do you remember what I said to you before?"

Chu Yun smiled and said, "I promised that if you can reach the peak of cultivation in the physical realm within a month, I will give you a special gift, a gift you want very much. Now, in only one day, you have completed this task."

"Does that count..."

Xiao Yang Jian could not help scratching his head. He looked a little embarrassed. In fact, he was ready to complete the master's requirements through hard cultivation, but the emergence of this change was a little overwhelming.

"Of course."

Chu Yun nodded and said, "if you say anything, it's the water you pour out. A man spits a nail and a promise is a lifetime. You can't be careless."

Xiao Yang Jian nodded when he heard the speech. Then he couldn't help looking at Chu Yun with curious eyes and said, "well, master, what gift did you prepare for me?"

"Ha ha."

Chu Yun smiled, his eyes sharp and said, "master took you to kill."

The voice fell, and Yang Jian's body shook.

"Murder? Kill who? "

"Black tiger mountain."

Chu Yun opened his mouth in a deep voice, looked into the distance and said, "since I first saw you as a teacher, you have been practicing hard. At your young age, you are willing to work so hard. You can't do it without the support of hatred. After I decided to accept you as an apprentice, I have been waiting for you to take the initiative to ask me to take you for revenge, but you never meant that, If I'm right, you're not going to tell me this at all. You just want to avenge yourself after you practice, right? "


After these words, Xiao Yang Jian fell into silence. Then he nodded deeply and said, "master, you're right. I'm going to avenge this revenge myself."

"I believe you won't treat Shifu as an outsider. The reason you don't want to tell me is that I'm afraid I'm in danger when I go to Heihu mountain?" Chu Yun couldn't help smiling.

Xiao Yang Jian didn't speak, but his expression was tacit, and that's the truth.

In his opinion, the bandits in Heihu mountain are powerful. His father Yang Ningzhi, as a martial artist in the mountain and sea, also brought the elite of the whole Shunfeng escort agency, but the whole army was destroyed.

Chu Yun is so young that even if his accomplishments are high, he can't reach the level of nirvana. If he can reach the mountain and sea, he is already a dragon and Phoenix among people. It seems that Chu Yun and his father should have the same strength with the escort agency. They won't be the opponents of the evil bandits of black tiger mountain at all.

In that case, in order not to give Chu Yun trouble, Xiao Yang Jian never mentioned the word "revenge" in front of Chu Yun from the moment he worshipped his teacher.


If he doesn't mention it, it doesn't mean that he doesn't hate it in his heart.

The Revenge of killing your father is the disaster of exterminating your family.

Such deep hatred can only be washed away with blood. If Xiao Yang Jian is a weak and cowardly man, it's okay, but his temperament is as firm as iron. How dare he forget such hatred?

Therefore, what little Yang Jian thinks in his heart is to practice hard and learn from his teachers. When he grows up, he will go to Heihu mountain to settle accounts with those evil bandits and revenge.


Little Yang Jian also never thought that Chu Yun could see his thoughts in this aspect very thoroughly, and had already prepared to avenge him.

To be honest, when Chu Yun said that paragraph, little Yang Jian's heart suddenly showed endless emotion. Looking at Chu Yun's smiling face, his eyes slowly turned red.

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