The old village head closed his eyes. At that moment, the noise around seemed to disappear.

There was silence.

He waited for his death in a complicated mood.

Although he had imagined this moment countless times, when it came to the end, a trace of dark fear slowly climbed into his heart.

There was a cry in my ear.

Was your head cut off? Why don't you feel at all

The old village head slowly opened his eyes.

In front of him, I don't know when two figures appeared. They were unfamiliar, but they were impressed. They were the two foreigners who came to the village this morning.


One of them sighed. Facing the stunned eyes of the villagers, he slowly turned around and looked at the old village head: "you are worthy of the responsibility of the village head of Quanyong village."


The old village head trembled slightly, and many complex sour and astringent appeared in his heart. Although he didn't expect Chu Yun to come back, at the moment, his most concerned problem was not this. He pointed to the two brothers Wang Ji and Wang Li and said, "heroes, let them go, they are poor people who have to..."

Chu Yun was silent, then nodded, turned his eyes again and looked at Wang Ji and Wang Li. At the moment, the disabled brothers have no too intense emotions, no despair, no excitement, no fear.

They looked at each other and sat on the ground one after another. Their bodies were thin and dry like two pieces of wood, dead and dead, and they looked like they had accepted their fate.

Although Chu Yun didn't expect to come back, now that they have returned to Quanyong village, it's completely impossible for anyone to tell the bandits in Heihu mountain.

"You really should wait seven days."

Chu Yun gave a sigh slowly. It was not advice, but his own sigh.

Because this advice, an ordinary word, can not change the inherent concept of the villagers, and he is not willing to continue to spend more words.

"Come out."

As soon as Chu Yun waved, the door of space opened, and the figure of rhubarb, the gold digger spirit beast, jumped out of the door of space. He was majestic. Although he was small, his deterrent power could not be underestimated.

"In order to prevent you from doing anything irrational in these seven days, I will let this spirit beast stare at you in these seven days. If our teachers and disciples fail to succeed in seven days, when the people of Heihu mountain come to take responsibility, you can also throw the responsibility on me. I left the spirit beast coercion, so you don't have a chance to report."

Chu Yun said, ordering rhubarb to stay here and follow the old village head. Then he patted the stunned little Yang Jian. One by one, they disappeared into the dark night again.

This time I left, I really left.

After leaving rhubarb, no matter who the villagers are, they can no longer hurt the old village head.

As for Wang Ji and Wang Li

To be honest, Chu Yun doesn't know how to deal with it. As an outsider, all he can do is to dispel the haze over the black cloud mountains. For the cruel life of an individual, he can't save it.

"I'm sorry to let you see the cruel truth of the world."

Chu Yun sighed softly.

He looked at Yang Jian beside him and said, "but men are born to face all the cruelty of the world. What do you think now?"

"It's too complicated..."

Xiao Yang Jian took a deep breath and said, "the things in his mind are too complex. I don't know what to say, but I know... We must eradicate the black tiger mountain, not only for the tragedy of our Shunfeng escort agency, but also for thousands of people."

"You're right."

Chu Yun smiled, nodded and said, "this is what we should do."


After they left Quanyong village, they pushed all the way to the southeast.

On the way, they also passed some villages.

Similar to the situation in Quanyong village, almost all villages in the heiyun mountains have been actually controlled by the bandits in Heihu mountain. Naturally, they don't keep hands on the fat sheep in the past.

Chu Yun and Xiao Yang Jian will also take advantage of this rare opportunity to teach them that not all fat sheep are soft and docile, and some will show their tusks.

One night, the two disciples pushed two or three villages. In the last village named Shangyan village, Chu Yun learned a key intelligence.

The eight headed one eyed dragon of Heihu mountain often haunts one place, that is Wuqing mountain next to the southeast official road.

Before heiyun mountain was unified by Heihu mountain, there was a group of mountain bandits in Wuqing mountain. Later, it was annexed and destroyed by Heihu mountain, which became the territory of the one eyed dragon of the eight masters.

Because it is not far from the official road, the one eyed dragon often lives in the stronghold of Wuqing mountain.

After learning the information, Chu Yun immediately rushed to the Wuqing mountain with Xiao Yang Jian without hesitation.

Early in the morning, it was just dawn.

The night that wuqingshan just passed was a carnival all night.

After making money, casual little thieves and bandits can often go to the nearby cities to have fun, but big thieves with names like Cyclops are not so free.

No matter what you eat, drink, or enjoy, you have to put it on your own territory before you can feel at ease. Unless he doesn't bring any of his subordinates and goes alone in secret, you can go out for a "private visit in micro clothes", but after all, such opportunities are still rare.

At the moment, a feast that lasted all day and night on Wuqing mountain has just ended. Not long ago, the one eyed dragon took the bandits on Wuqing mountain and cut a big order. The harvest is almost second only to that of Shunfeng escort agency.

According to the Convention, every time there is a huge harvest, the bandits will have a carnival all night to celebrate, which is natural for all of them.

After all, when a bandit, who doesn't pin his head on his belt? Muddle along, have fun day by day, get drunk today, live and dream of death, this is their pursuit.

In the spacious hall on the top of the mountain, the three characters "Juyi hall" are hung high, but under the golden plaque, it shows an extremely dirty scene.

Playing with the dying women and brutally tortured bodies, the spread is full of wine pools and meat forests, and there is nothingness everywhere after a crazy carnival.

Seeing the sky gradually lit up, just above the hall, a tall, middle-aged man with an eye mask on his face stood up, yawned, glanced at several women who had no movement like dead bodies, sneered and scolded: "it's boring... Fourth Wang, go and bring 20 more women up!"

With that, a bandit grinned and said, "boss, there's no more. I've used up all the inventory on the mountain tonight. Now I don't have to play..."

"His grandmother's, why is it used up?"

The one eyed dragon opened his mouth and scolded and said, "are you rich in your own pocket? Can you bear the loss of Kidney Qi? "

The words fell, and the bandits in the hall burst into laughter.

Then someone volunteered: "boss, I'm going to search Wang Laosi's yard now. This boy usually takes care of these. He must have caught many people. Maybe those good-looking women have been secretly enjoyed by him! Ha ha ha... "

"Stop the fuck!"

As soon as Wang Laosi heard this, he staggered to his feet and was about to catch up with him. But when they came to the hall door, they found that two figures had appeared in front of the door.

"Where did you come from, son of a bitch? Get out of my way! "

The bandit walking in front looked drunk. He didn't see who the man was, but he opened his mouth and scolded.

The voice fell

A sword light flashed in front of the door, and the head that had just opened fell to the ground.

Make a 'poop'.

Wang Laosi and the other bandits who chased him out were stunned at the sight. They were confused with wine. At this moment, they finally woke up a lot, but before they made any response, the sword light lit up again, and then the blood splashed, driving several heads flying.

Chu Yun took his sword and went to the front door of the hall. Looking at the scene in the hall, his eyebrows immediately frowned, and then he stretched out his hand to stop it.

"Disciple, don't go in."


Yang Jian was stunned.

"It will dirty your eyes. Wait outside. As a teacher, I will catch the one eyed dragon and give it to you."

With that, Chu Yun stretched out his hand and pushed it back gently.

Xiao Yang Jian's figure was immediately pushed to the martial arts field outside the hall by a gentle force. There were pieces of corpses lying down all the way to the mountain road below. Chu Yun killed Xiao Yang Jian along the way.


In the hall, the one eyed dragon frowned and showed his murderous spirit in his eyes. During his speech, the momentum of the whole body was already in full swing, and the soul light was surging. It turned into a powerful martial soul, which was actually ranked in the seventh grade.

You know, it's very good for a mountain bandit and a reckless person who has become a bandit to have the cultivation in the mountain and sea. It's very rare that the one eyed dragon itself has a seven grade martial spirit.

After all

No matter what kind of forces in the Daming mansion, the mountain, sea and territory warriors with seven grade martial spirits can be regarded as the absolute backbone, even the high-level leaders in many places.

The one eyed dragon, with such talent, did not take the right path, but became a bandit and became a murderous bandit. Then there may be an imaginable way to know what kind of madness he did in the process of his growth.

"A cheeky snake with only one eye?"

Chu Yun looked at the soul of the one eyed dragon and said, "that's why you call the bandit 'one eyed Dragon'?"

"Boy, don't embarrass yourself if you don't have eyes. The martial spirit of our boss is a rare seven grade martial spirit" one eyed black Jiao ". Do you know what Jiaolong is? That's a kind of dragon! "

In the hall, a bandit spoke up and took the initiative to denounce Chu Yun's "ignorance of goods". As the holder of the "one eyed black Jiao", the one eyed dragon was also extremely proud. He looked at Chu Yun with a sneer and seemed to be waiting for him to ask for mercy.

"Dragon Wu soul..."

Chu Yun couldn't help laughing and shook his head.

Then, a blazing light suddenly appeared in the hall, turned into a raging flame, instantly lit the whole hall and set wuqingshan on fire.

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