Yang Jian was alone, waiting in the martial arts arena outside the hall.

There was nothing around except the bodies of bandits everywhere.

Before climbing Wuqing mountain, Chu Yun often asked him to do it himself to deal with ordinary bandits and hone his combat experience and skills.


After climbing Wuqing mountain, Chu Yun never let Xiao Yang Jian out again.

Little Yang Jian vaguely knew what it was because of.

Master, he doesn't want to indulge in hatred.

Xiao Yang Jian himself did find this. After walking up the Wuqing mountain, everything he saw with the naked eye may trigger a flame in his heart.

Any thing he sees, even if it is just an ordinary plant and tree, will make Xiao Yang recall a lot of things and associate a lot of things.

Father... Brother

The Revenge of killing my father... The disaster of killing my family

This kind of scene overlapped and piled up together, which made Xiao Yang Jian feel that he seemed to be controlled by some emotional force, and the whole person became very different from the past.

Xiao Yang Jian knew that was the power of hatred.

In the past, Xiao Yang Jian felt that there was nothing wrong with the power of hatred. It can make him work harder, work harder and admit defeat more. These are indispensable qualities on the way to strength, and these feelings of hatred can be given to him.

But now

Looking back, Xiao Yang Jian finally realized that hatred would also make him lose himself and control his behavior and emotions.

Master brought him to avenge, not to vent and sink.

"In this matter, I hope you can only get one result instead of enjoying the process. There's nothing to enjoy. It will only make you look different."

Recalling what Chu Yun had just said in his mind, Xiao Yang Jian was silent. He looked at Chu Yun walking into the hall and saw a raging fire in the whole hall.

Since Master said that it was very dirty and would dirty his eyes, it should be the most ideal way to dispose of such a place by burning it with a fire?

Before long, there was a sound of fighting in the hall, but soon everything was calm. Then, Chu Yun walked out of the "gathering hall" which was almost burned to ruins with a figure.

Chu Yun threw a figure in front of Xiao Yang Jian.

"That's him."

Chu Yun said.

Xiao Yang Jian's body trembled slightly. Looking down, he saw that it was a man with only one eye. His face was covered with a ferocious scar, which spread from the top of his head to his chin. He didn't know where to go now. He exposed the ferocious scar eye.

"I want you to know who killed you."

Xiao Yang Jian took a deep breath, grasped the overlord soul lock gun in his hand, looked at the one eyed dragon and said.

"Hero, spare your life..."

With a sad face, the one eyed dragon has been frightened. Now he curls up and wants to shrink himself into a turtle. He doesn't even have the courage to look up at Chu Yun.

For a long time, what he is most proud of, and one of the many bandits in Heihu mountain, is that he has a seven grade martial spirit "one eyed black Jiao", which is the biggest proof that he can grow from a lonely and unknown son of grass-roots hunter to today's giant bandits.


Just a moment ago, Chu Yun's body was shocked, but the hot fire tore all the beliefs of the one eyed dragon.

Under the fiery dragon fire, the "one eyed black dragon" of the one eyed dragon, as Chu Yun said, became a one eyed cheeky snake, twisting and crawling like a loach, but it was unable to be powerful.

What a cruel threat is that?

So that the one eyed dragon felt that he was like a humble grass in the dust, while Chu Yun was the sun hanging high above the nine days.

Xiao Yang Jian was suddenly disappointed.

Looking at the one eyed dragon, I was extremely disappointed. In his imagination, the person who could kill his father and destroy the whole Shunfeng escort agency should be an extremely terrible existence.

In Xiao Yang Jian's imagination, he and that terrible existence have fought countless times in his dream, but when the dream is close to the reality, it is skinny and makes people unable to raise any interest.

Xiao Yang Jian glanced at Chu Yun with inquiring eyes.


Chu Yun nodded.

Then, Xiao Yang Jian shot out, directly through the one eyed dragon's heart, and suddenly twisted.

For a moment, the one eyed dragon's heart broke, and the whole person convulsed violently. After shaking twice, everything returned to calm again.

The one eyed dragon died. His revenge for killing his father was finally rewarded.

Little Yang Jian raised his head. His mood was very complicated. He looked at Chu Yun and said, "master, I wanted to tell him who I am. I wanted him to know that he died in my hands. The person who killed him was Yang Jian, the son of Yang Ningzhi of Shunfeng escort agency. I wanted him to die in regret, but..."

"He doesn't deserve it."

Chu Yun shook his head, walked forward, patted Xiao Yang Jian's hair and said, "killing him is just a means to mourn your father's spirit in heaven. The object you really want to convey your mind is not this vicious bandit, but your dead father. There's nothing to say to him."

"... you're right."

Xiao Yang Jian nodded, squeezed out a smile on his face and said, "master, let's go down the mountain. I don't want to stay here any longer."

Chu Yun understood his mood, so he took Xiao Yang Jian all the way down the mountain.

I can clearly feel that after going down the mountain, Xiao Yang Jian's mentality has changed greatly, and the whole person seems to be more relaxed.

No, it is not simply light, but uses this floating joy to cushion the sadness surging up in the depths of my heart.

A tragedy first brings hatred, and when the hatred is dispelled and the great hatred is rewarded, what remains is endless sadness.

And this, only time can cure, will slowly fade, but will never disappear completely.


Chu Yun is very confident in Xiao Yang Jian. He will usher in his new life. From the moment he knows himself, Xiao Yang Jian should usher in a new life. Today, it is just the beginning.


Deep in the black cloud mountains, black tiger mountain.

On a mountain peak hidden in the mountains and fog, the two figures are playing chess.

"Military division, you won another step."

A middle-aged man in white touched the beard on his chin and sighed gently.

Opposite the chess game, a man in a black Taoist robe could not see his age clearly, and his appearance was very ordinary. He belonged to the type that he could not recognize when he was thrown in the crowd.

At the moment, he a white point on the chessboard. In an instant, a dragon connected from beginning to end, reborn in a desperate situation and won an absolute victory.

The two men, one dressed in black and holding white chess, while the other dressed in white and holding black chess, played chess against the dawn on the misty mountain.

In this scene, there is a sense of detachment outside the world. If you don't say the identity of these two people, I'm afraid others will mistakenly think that they are two immortals playing chess here.

"Yes, I'm in charge."

The man in black smiled, and then slowly picked his white chess pieces back. It seems that he wants another game.

"No more."

The dragon in the cloud shook his head and said, "you always win. It's meaningless. You're the military master of Heihu mountain. I can't compete with you in chess."

The military master smiled and said, "why do you belittle yourself? You and I are here, but the division of labor is different. Who can't compare with who?"


The dragon in the cloud sneered twice, played with the black chess piece in his hand, threw it up and caught it, threw it up and caught it, suddenly grabbed it with a big hand, squeezed the chess piece into powder, crushed it in the palm, and distributed it in the flowing wind on the top of the mountain.

As soon as he patted the table, he leaned forward, almost close to the military master's face, with his eyes facing each other, and said, "it has been eight years. In these eight years, I don't know how many times I have made a request to you. What do you want before you agree to let me join formally?"

"Ha ha."

Hearing the speech, the military master couldn't help laughing. Facing the domineering and oppressive look of the dragon in the clouds, he was in no hurry. He still picked up the chess pieces and said, "don't be impatient. I've seen your contributions one by one in the past eight years and sent you a report every time. Before long, your requirements will be met by the top, It's just the difference between earlier and later. "

"Don't be careless with me here. I'm really annoyed by you now!"

The dragon in the cloud took a deep breath, stared at the military division with sharp eyes and said, "this month at the latest. When you contact there next time, I will get a clear answer. Otherwise, I won't do what you have told me!"


As the voice fell, the military master narrowed his eyes slowly and looked at the dragon in the cloud for a while.

For a moment, he smiled slowly, "OK."

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