"Are you all right?"

Xiao Li, who was waiting in the rear, was startled at the sight of this scene and hurried forward to ask.

At the same time, she opened her hands, and a emerald green light emerged between her palms, which turned into a curtain of light to envelop Chu Yun and Fu Yun.

Under the action of this light curtain, the damage suffered by Chu Yun and his companions immediately slowed down a lot. The impact of the explosion was not strong, but it happened to break out in the cave. With the help of the corridor at the entrance, a relatively strong shock wave was formed. Now after Xiao Li's treatment, they are no longer in great trouble.

Chu Yun frowned and looked at the cave in front of him. After the explosion just now, the hole of the cave had completely collapsed, and even the mountains above had collapsed a lot.

"They knew we would come!"

He gritted his teeth and said.

The appearance of this scene in front of us is not normal. It must be what the behind the scenes noticed.

Chu Yun didn't hesitate. Holding the ancient dragon sword, he chopped several swords at the cave in front, not to hurt people, but to clean up the road.

Under the light of his swords, the stones that collapsed and piled up at the entrance of the mountain were cut into powder one after another, and the original outline of the entrance of the mountain was barely visible.

Xiao Yun and Xiao Li followed the figure of Chu Yun and explored into the collapsed cave together.

No matter what happened, they had to go into the cave to find out.

At the moment, there is no breath of strangers in the collapsed cave. In fact, think about it. Such a strong explosion takes place in such a narrow cave. The power of explosion will be doubled if it is concentrated in one place.

Even a warrior in Nirvana may not survive in such a fierce explosion center.

The three men filed in and walked into the cave one after another. They saw nothing but gravel.

After exploring for some distance, Chu Yun finally made some discoveries.

Some instruments used to make medicine appeared in front of them. Although they have been blown to pieces and broken, they can still vaguely identify the purpose of these things.

He went forward and picked up the utensils one by one.

After taking a look, Xiao Li said, "the remaining plant ingredients here are highly toxic. They are all raw materials that pollute the water source."

"So it is."

Fu Qingyun's face was cold.

Chu Yun looked at the empty cave and all kinds of broken instruments scattered on the ground, and slowly gave a sigh and said, "if I guessed correctly, there is a special induction array at the entrance of the cave. As long as someone enters the cave, the induction array will trigger and directly trigger the explosion in the cave.

This is an extreme defense, which can ensure that anyone who doesn't know this induction array won't get anything even if he enters the cave. "

"But didn't Miss Li just say there were people in the cave?"

Fu Qingyun asked, "in such a short time, the person in the cave must have no time to respond. They arranged such an array, didn't they let their own people die in the explosion at any time? It doesn't make sense. "


Chu Yun sighed and said with a bitter smile, "perhaps in the eyes of our enemies, protecting the secrets in the cave from outsiders is more important than the life of the people who do business... The common sense we think and our own life are just a bunch of cold numbers and interests in their eyes."

To tell the truth, Chu Yun really feels a great pity at the moment.

Because the task of phase III was in this cave, but the clue was interrupted with an explosion. The man behind the scenes blew himself up in the cave. If you want to trace it, it's as difficult as heaven.

The cunning and hot behind the scenes are far beyond their imagination. They are cautious and unreasonable. They can break their hands resolutely at the most unexpected moment.

Be cruel to others and to yourself


Fu Qingyun's face is also very ugly.

After this explosion, they have lost all traces of the behind the scenes man. The only clue they still have is the three portraits. But the sea of people is vast. What can three portraits do?

In this world, there is no lack of means to change. Whether it is the art of changing appearance or the art of change, even as long as you wear an ordinary mask, you can hide those three people in the crowd.

Fu Qingyun continued to explore a distance, which seemed to be a little unwilling.

But until she dug through the whole cave and reached the end of the cave, she still didn't find anything.

The only thing worth mentioning is that there is a trace of blood gas left on the mountain wall near the depths of the cave. Although it is very difficult to detect, it can still be determined that it is the breath of human blood.

Obviously, at the time of the explosion, the man in the cave stood at this position and was directly blown to pieces. There were no bones left, only a little blood left on the mountain wall.

"Let's go..."

Chu Yun sighed slowly, looked at Yu Yun and said, "after this man died, the behind the scenes man must have known that we have tracked down their clues.

After you go back, you can report the matter to the head of the mansion and let him and the whole court know that there are such evil people in Daming mansion.

I have a hunch, a very strong hunch.

These anti-human guys must be brewing a great conspiracy. Maybe they are not only against Cangnan region, maybe the whole Daming mansion and even the whole Tianji Dynasty are among their hunting targets. "

Fu Qingyun took a deep breath, nodded and said, "I understand that there is no need to hide. I will ask people to issue a wanted notice to search for the whereabouts of the three guys within the scope of the whole Tianji Dynasty."


It has only been seven or eight days since the Jiaolong rebellion.

In these eight days, he delivered a total of four secret letters to Jinxia city.

The first letter explained that there were demons in Hanoi at sunset. The reply given by the command house was to allow local autonomy. As a result, Xu Binglei entrusted Chu Yun to Cangnan region the next night.

In the second letter, Fu Qingyun and Chu Yun joined hands to kill Jiaolong. Fu Qingyun told the governor that the threat of Jiaolong had been lifted and the flood in Cangnan jade had been controlled. It was good news.

The third secret letter and the second one were only less than a day apart.

Fu Qingyun explained in the secret letter that the water vein of Cangnan region was polluted on a large scale, and asked the Lord to call on the doctors in Jinxia city to come to Cangnan region to treat the people.

The fourth secret letter was just sent out after Li Yun, Chu Yun and Xiao Li returned to Cangnan giant city, detailing the current situation in Cangnan region.

The threat of floods has receded and the pollution of water sources has been controlled.

There are only two things left that need great attention.

The first is the information about the behind the scenes. Fu Qingyun sorted out all the information she had, including what had just happened in the cave, and sent it to Zheng Tianyang, the head of the government.

In the letter, pay off Yun explained to the government leader with the most solemn attitude the great threat of these people. Whether it is manipulating Jiaolong to make waves and create flood disasters, or polluting water sources after that, it is an extremely insane evil. If it is not eradicated, something worse will happen in the future.

The second thing is more important, that is

Food shortage.

After the spread of the flood, although the flood has receded, the people in Cangnan have fallen into the dilemma of hunger and cold.

Before this year's harvest, the grain was flooded by the flood. Now the whole area in Cangnan is short of grain, which has become a foregone conclusion.

In the past, according to this level of disaster, as long as it was reported, the imperial court would allocate funds for disaster relief.

However, because of the long journey, it always takes time for news to come back, but the people in Cangnan always need food to fill their stomachs, otherwise they will risk starvation.

Therefore, he had to speak to Jinxia city first and let Zheng Tianyang, the head of the government, take charge of the people in Cangnan.

When the fourth secret letter reached Jinxia City, the officials in the command house were still arguing about the first three secret letters.

Cangnan region, as one of the territories of Daming Prefecture, has such a disaster. It is impossible and unreasonable to let Jinxia City ignore it completely.

However, whether it's killing Jiaolong or inviting a famous doctor to Cangnan to treat patients and save people, it's a matter of great investment and no benefit. From the original heart, the big people in Jinxia city don't want to get involved.

But the situation on this fourth secret letter is different.

The troublesome things have been relieved. Although the existence of those behind the scenes who are the most troublesome is thrilling, fortunately, their various conspiracies have been broken, and they don't know when to rise next time.

The world is full of wonders. There are always a few lunatics like this every once in a while. For the big people in Jinxia City, it's no big deal as long as they don't go crazy.

To say the problem of food shortage, although it seems to be a losing business, it is actually the opposite.

For the world's dignitaries, a good life for the poor is not necessarily a good thing, but the disaster for the poor is by no means a bad thing.

Those civilians who could only survive on the food and clothing line had a house and a piece of land at home. Even if they were well-off and self-sufficient, the dignitaries could not squeeze any oil and water from them.

Once a disaster occurs, these civilians will naturally become sellers and farmland products, and even sell themselves into the homes of powerful people in exchange for survival rations.

Although Cangnan region is short of food, it is not short of money.

Whether the fields and houses in Cangnan, or even the civilians themselves, are valuable goods in the eyes of many powerful people.

As long as they raise the price of grain, they can make a lot of money in it. They can exchange the insignificant grain for land, real estate, or even the opportunity for others to sell themselves as slaves to serve themselves.

For a moment, the major chambers of Commerce and family forces in Jinxia city were moved by the wind.

Some people have long heard the wind and have been secretly storing food. At this moment, after hearing the news that Cangnan region has been calmed down, he immediately rushed over with a large number of grain.

Of course they are not going to help the victims.

Instead, they are using their food to bid up food prices, to force the victims to have no choice, to force them to sell their houses and to sell them as slaves.

If they are in a world without martial arts, of course, it is very risky for them to do so. If a man is angry and blood splashes three feet, excessive bullying can easily arouse people's anger and even create chaos and uprising.

However, in such a world with martial arts, the strong take all, the weak have nothing, and 100000 victims are tied together, which is not the opponent of a strong martial artist.

Therefore, dignitaries often have no scruples when they squeeze them. They are afraid that they are too soft hearted and don't earn enough.

Of course

In such an event, the government did not do nothing.

They will receive the disaster relief funds and food allocated by the imperial court and distribute them to the victims.

This can save some people, but it can't save everyone. The food shortage in a region is too big. Even if the imperial court wants to save them all, it doesn't have this ability.


It's not necessary.

When the money and food for disaster relief are distributed, it is always deducted by officials at all levels to fill their own pockets.

Many times, giving 10000 taels of silver is almost as effective as giving 100000 taels of silver.

Because the vast majority of officials do not want to rescue all the victims, but to complete the above performance requirements and make more money for themselves under the condition of ensuring the survival of certain victims.

If nine thousand taels of silver can save 80% of the people and meet the requirements of the above in the past, they will leave one thousand taels and save only 80% of the people.

When 100000 taels of silver are handed out, they will still use the 9000 taels to save 80% of the people. Damn 20 adults will not survive because of that much silver, because the money will fall into the hands of officials at all levels.

And the most ironic thing is

Many times, no matter how much money is handed out, it can't save 80% of the victims.

After major disasters, those who can survive more than 30%, even if they pass, and those who can survive more than 50%, are even good officials with ability and ability.

However, no matter how many people are eventually saved, it is certain that those officials who handle the money and food for disaster relief will certainly earn a number they are satisfied with.

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