Jinxia City, inner city.

Tianguang restaurant.

This is the most high-end restaurant in Jinxia city and the most high-end restaurant in Daming mansion. The cost of a meal is often 10000 Liang silver. Ordinary people don't eat or drink and save money for a lifetime. They may not be able to scrape up enough money for a big meal here.

At the moment, in the top box, the major chambers of Commerce in Jinxia city and the forces of local families gathered here one after another.

"Everybody, what are you calling us here for today? I'm sure you all know?"

An old man slowly picked up the tea cup and took a sip. A faint smile appeared on his face. A fine light twinkled in his turbid eyes.

When the voice fell, the people present looked at each other. They all looked the same, confident and with a touch of banter, as if they were going to talk about something and play with it.

"Master Liu, you Liu family are the native of Daming mansion." what does Master Liu mean? "

A refined middle-aged man smiled and spoke slowly.

"How about a kilo of grain and twenty liang of silver?"

Master Liu smiled faintly.

"Twenty liang?"

The rugged man touched his chin, looked at Liu's master with a smile and said, "you've been a lot softer recently, but you're only twenty liang?"

Under normal circumstances, one or two silver coins can buy 30 kilograms of grain.

The price offered by the Liu family leader was twenty Liang silver. He bought a kilogram of grain, and the price was 600 times higher!

And such an increase is actually said by strong men to be kind-hearted and soft... If a conversation here falls into the ears of outsiders, it must be tongue tied.

"Twenty Liang is not low."

The Liu family leader slowly picked up the tea cup, took a sip and said, "when there was a famine in Lingyun house three years ago, the highest price of grain was only 26 Liang silver a kilo. They are all villagers in the land of one house. We can make some money if we make some money. It's not easy to go too far."

The elegant middle-aged nodded and said, "Master Liu said politely, but... I agree with brother sun. Twenty Liang silver is indeed different from our expected price. How about stabilizing the final price at about twenty-five Liang silver according to the market price of Lingyun mansion?"


"I agree. Twenty five liang of silver is about the same."

"Master Liu, think about it carefully. It's rare to have such a good opportunity. Don't you make more money? Isn't it a tyrant?"


Hearing the speech, everyone at the scene agreed. When they heard that other profiteers in Lingyun house could earn 26 Liang silver, they would suffer too much if they only earned 20 Liang.

They all want money but no life. They all want money but no face. Why can they earn five Liang silver less than others?

You know, the chambers of Commerce and families who can sit here today have hoarded up to a few million kilograms of grain during this period. Five Liang silver is less than one kilogram, and how much is less than one million kilograms?

"Good, good..."

Master Liu stretched out his hand and pressed it, indicating that everyone should calm down. Then he sighed gently and said, "this man is old and always wants to accumulate some virtue for future generations. Since you all want to sell 25 Liang silver, it's up to your wishes. However, I have to say something ugly. Since you have determined the final price, you should follow this, If someone runs away at a low price, you know the consequences. "

It is useless to bid up grain prices by one family alone, and it is easy to be targeted and regulated by the government. Therefore, forces that want to make a fortune in this disaster should unite to control the trend of grain prices. Only by uniting as a whole can they make a lot of money safely and steadily.

"We naturally know the meaning of Master Liu."

The refined middle-aged man smiled and said, "well, after the arrival of the disaster relief food of the imperial court, it's just some small families who know later. They are all unworthy guys. They just pick up a leak behind us. It's not a worry."

The rough man sneered and said.

Next to him, the elegant middle-aged man sipped his tea and said, "I heard that the young lady of the Xu family, the Minister of the Ministry of war, also collects grain everywhere. In addition, she also united with Her Highness the second son of the prince of Qi's residence. It seems that she wants to help the victims in Cangnan..."

The voice fell, and all the people present couldn't help laughing and shaking their heads.

"Some fools born with gold keys, who don't earn money but want to take food to relieve those mud legs, are really stupid. It doesn't matter. If they want to relieve the disaster, let them relieve the disaster. When the food in their hands is released, the victims in Cangnan still have to listen to us."

The strong man still had a sneer on his face.

"Do you know how much food they have saved?"

Master Liu asked softly.

"I don't know..."

The refined middle-aged man shook his head and said, "however, Xu Binglei was on duty in the command house and was also one of the first people to know that famine would occur in Cangnan. With the financial resources of the Xu family, if he wanted to collect grain wholeheartedly, how could he collect more than one million kilograms over the past eight days?"

On one side, the strong man nodded and said, "this figure is almost the same. After all, we have almost sold out the grain in the whole Daming mansion. Even if she has money, she can only buy it in the nearby Qingyun mansion and Shaoyang mansion. But this time, I don't know how long it will take. Moreover, when the price increases here, the prices of the nearby houses will also increase, Plus the cost of transportation... The Xu family can't make it. "

"The Xu family can't make it. What about the king Qi's house? It's no secret that his Highness the second son likes Miss Xu family. If Prince Qi's house gives full support, we'll be in trouble. "

One frowned, slightly worried.

"Don't worry."

At this time, the head of the Liu family shook his head and said, "even if the prince Chengde in the king's house really lost his head and wanted to make his son crazy, we have already taken the lead. The grain in our hands can be sold at a high price at any time, and it will take a long time at most."

When the voice fell, the people at the scene nodded one after another and said, "Master Liu's words are right. That's exactly the truth. As long as we work together, what does king Qi's house count?"


There was a burst of laughter, and the guests and guests in the field were all happy.

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