It rains on the eighth day of August.

After the flood of the sunset River and the subsequent water pollution, this month is indeed a disaster prone season for the people of Cangnan.

The sudden disaster was like a blow to the head, which plunged the people of Cangnan into despair. Many people thought they could not survive in this troubled world, but in the end, a miracle happened.

A young man from Jinxia City cut off the dragon, moved the mountain and cut off the water, and saved all the people from fire and water.

The emergence of Chu Yun brought fiery hope to many people, but after the excitement and blood cooled a little, a colder and more realistic problem reappeared in everyone's heart.

That is


Since the flood began in early August, the grain in Cangnan has been almost consumed, or most of the grain reserves have been destroyed by the flood.

Because there have been more terrible things than food shortage these days, people's concerns have not been put here for the first time.

Now, those terrible disasters have passed, and food shortage has become a problem that can not be ignored.

Fu Qingyun, as the leader of Cangnan region, has been worried about this for more than one night.

She is not a naive and romantic girl. How could she not know what the profiteers in Jinxia city are thinking?

Now, with the disaster and the lack of food in Cangnan, Jinxia city will certainly bring support and save many people from hunger.

However, they did not come with kindness, but with greed. They wanted to exchange the ordinary food in their hands for the most precious things of the people in Cangnan during this disaster period.

In no exaggeration, this is a naked plunder.

But Cangnan region has no way.

People always have to eat. If they don't eat, they can't live. If they can make more people survive, Fu Qingyun knows what choice to make, even if she doesn't want to.


With a deep sigh, he pinched the center of his eyebrows with his fingers.

Just received a reply from Jinxia city's command house. Now the command house is mobilizing granaries and preparing 3 million kilograms of grain to support Cangnan region.

This 3 million kg of grain sounds like a lot, but it is a drop in the bucket in front of millions of victims in Cangnan. It can't last long,

According to Fu Qingyun's understanding of the imperial court, in response to the famine in Cangnan, the imperial court should take out about 10 million kilograms of food for disaster relief. However, after various layers of exploitation, how much is left is still unknown.

"As I told you, the food problem in Cangnan is not a problem."

Chu Yun saw a sad face, his lips slowly raised, showed a faint smile, and said in a light tone.

Fu Qingyun looked up at him and said, "I know you have raised a lot of food for Cangnan in response to this famine. I'm afraid there will be more than a million kilograms, but for millions of people in Cangnan, how many days can you eat these millions of kilograms of food?"

Then he shook his head with a bitter smile, and his heart was still very heavy.

As the leader of Cangnan region, no one knows better than her how much food to prepare for this famine, which will be a very, very terrible astronomical figure.

Chu Yun looked at her seriously, word by word, and said firmly, "no matter how much food I need, I can take it out."

Hearing this firm words, he couldn't help but be slightly stunned. For a time, he didn't know whether Chu Yun was telling the truth.

This sounds too much like a fake empty talk, or a man with a forced face blowing cowhide in front of a woman.

However, although the contact time with Chu Yun was not long, Fu Qingyun also knew that Chu Yun was not a boaster. No matter how incredible it sounded, the big words he said were finally realized by him one by one.

However, can he really do it if he alone, or an uneven building, takes out enough rations for millions of people to eat for at least a month?

Or how can this be done?

If the miracle doctor little Li brought by him can save the food that has been washed away by the flood, there may still be a chance, but little Li admits that she can't save the dead plants.

So, what should Chu Yun do?

"Dong Dong Dong!"

The knock came from outside the door, and adjutant Li's voice rang out.

"Lord, Prince Chu... Two people came outside and said they were friends of Prince Chu."

Fu Qingyun glanced at Chu Yun and asked, "what are their names and origins?"

Aide Li replied, "they are a man and a woman. The man said his name was Zhao Qianli and the woman said his name was Xu Binglei."

"Ha ha..."

Chu Yun showed a long lost smile on his face and said, "please invite them in. Those two are my friends."

"Yes, Mr. Chu."

When adjutant Li heard the speech, he immediately nodded in response and turned away. Before long, a complex sound of footsteps came. When the door of the study was pushed open, the figures of Zhao Qianli and Xu Binglei appeared beside adjutant Li.

"Good brother, long time no see!"

As soon as Zhao Qianli saw Chu Yun, his eyes immediately emitted light. He quickly stepped forward and gave Chu Yun a warm hug.

Chu Yun's face was full of helpless expressions, smiled bitterly and said, "I've just left for eight or nine days. If I don't know, I thought I've been gone for several years."

"Every day is like a year, every day is like a year..."

Zhao Qianli said with a smile.

Beside him, Xu Binglei, the young lady of the Minister of the Ministry of war, seemed to be much more calm. When she entered the study, her eyes swept the faces of Chu Yun and Fu Yun one by one, and nodded with them, even if she had seen them.

"Miss Xu, meet again."

Fu Qingyun got up from behind her desk with a look of emotion and said, "that day, in Jinxia City, Miss Xu and I just met each other, and didn't even say a word. Unexpectedly, Miss Xu was the first person who wanted to help me. I can't repay this kindness."

"Fu domain master, you are very kind."

Xu Binglei shook her head slowly and said, "I've heard all the things here. The person who really helped you is childe Chu. I just made a commission to him on your behalf. The person you really want to thank is childe Chu."

Fu Qingyun nodded when she heard the speech and was about to say something.

Zhao Qianli laughed and said, "you've come and gone to thank me. My ears are a little sour. I've come all the way to deliver food. I don't know if anyone wants to thank me?"

Fu Qingyun pursed her lips and smiled. Xu Binglei on one side also smiled with laughter under her calm expression. The atmosphere was cheerful and active at once.

Seeing this, Chu Yun couldn't help laughing and shaking his head.

I have to admit that his good brother, no matter what the environment, has a magic that can make the atmosphere active. Maybe this is his innate talent.

After laughing, it's time to talk about business. Chu Yun looked at Zhao Qianli and Xu Binglei and said, "tell me about the situation when you came here."

"After this period of raising, we have collected a total of more than 4.2 million kilograms of grain. At present, it has been transported to Cangnan region in batches. It is expected that it will all arrive in five days."

Xu Binglei said.

The voice fell, and pay off Yun slowly breathed out a sigh. It was obviously a lot easier. The 4.2 million kg of grain was more than the amount supported by Jinxia city's ruling house. With the 7 million kg of grain, we can survive in at least a few days. If we stick to it more, we can wait until the disaster relief money and grain from the imperial court arrive.

However, she also knew in her heart that it was just barely supporting. Seven million kilograms of grain sounded a lot, but it was distributed among millions of people, but everyone had to tighten their belts.

Predictably, there will be many, many people. In these days, he was starved to death, which is inevitable.

"I know that the food we brought this time is not a very rich number for millions of people in Cangnan."

Xu Binglei said slowly, then looked at Chu Yun and said, "you said earlier that you had other ways to get food. I'm afraid the remaining gap is only for you."

In fact, when she said this, her heart was also very bottomless, because even if she knew the inside story, she didn't know how Chu Yun could mobilize enough food to fill the huge gap.

"No problem."

Chu Yun nodded, looked as confident as usual, and said, "no matter how much food Cangnan region needs, I can make it up."

This is the second time that Fu Qingyun heard Chu Yun's confident words today. Perhaps it is because she has more confidence in Chu Yun with the more than 4 million kilograms of grain brought by Xu Binglei and Zhao Qianli.

She pondered for a moment and said, "with the current financial situation of Cangnan region and the purchasing power of the people in various cities, if the grain price increases by more than ten times, they have no other way except to sell their houses and fields and even sell themselves as slaves."

Fu Qingyun meant to remind Chu Yun that if he needed to buy food at a very high price, this road would be a completely unworkable road for the people of Cangnan.

Even that road is not much different from those profiteers who are ready to make a wave of disaster money in Jinxia City, or it is essentially the same thing.

If this is Chu Yun's solution, although Fu Qingyun can understand it, he will be disappointed.

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