With the help of the gods, the strength of the spirit clan has soared, making the war situation that was originally conducive to the Terran become full of crises, the comprehensive war has been losing, and the Terran warriors have suffered heavy casualties.

However, in this extreme adversity, Chu Yun did not give up. He still led the Terran to carry out positive resistance, which made the spirit family very difficult to eat the hard bone of the Terran even if it had the upper hand.

The war lasted for a long time, and the two races continued to suffer casualties. Basically, every time a spirit warrior died, the Terran would lose 100 people. However, because of the death of that spirit warrior, the Terran would have another warrior with spiritual power, so the war can continue.


Generally speaking, Terrans are still in danger of overturning.

Finally, on this day.

Nine days Xuannv came again, flew and landed in the camps with casualties everywhere, and looked at Chu Yun with mocking eyes.

"So far, you still refuse to obey? As a human being, you have worked hard enough, but in the face of the mighty heavenly power, what's the use of just working hard? "

Jiutian Xuannv opened her mouth lightly and said, "I cherish talent and can't bear to see you die in battle. Therefore, this is the last time. Kneel down and worship me. I'll take you to heaven to be a God. If I don't obey, I'll ask the emperor of heaven to lower the divine sword and completely destroy your human race!"

"Terrans can perish, but they will not surrender!"

Chu Yun is sonorous and powerful.


Jiutian Xuannv shook her head coldly, looked around and said, "there is another ethnic group that has perished because of stupidity."


Another trance.

After Jiutian Xuannv left, Chu Yun sent his most trusted department to follow all the way.

Finally, the route of Jiutian Xuannv to lingzu was determined.


Chu Yun pretended to attack on the battlefield and forged the situation that he was going to fight to the death with the strength of the whole family. On the one hand, he led all his powerful warriors to ambush on the only way for Jiutian Xuannv to go to the spirit family.

Jiutian Xuannv didn't lie. She returned to Tianting this time. She asked the emperor of heaven to give Tianting divine sword to take it to the spirit family and completely solve the hard bone of the human family.

However, what she didn't expect was that when she took the divine sword to the spirit family, she encountered a interception on the way!

Chu Yun hides in a forest with a group of Terran warriors.

Seeing Jiutian Xuannv flying down from the top of a high mountain connected with the cloud, he immediately narrowed his eyes and made a few gestures to the people, then held his breath and prepared to do it.

In these days of fighting with the spirit family, Chu Yun's mastery of the spirit power has reached an unprecedented level. Even the leader of the spirit family is defeated when he fights with him on the battlefield. He must have the help of more than three elders of the spirit family in order to draw with Chu Yun.

Chu Yun doesn't know how strong the strength of the God of heaven is, let alone how strong the nine heavenly Xuannv holding the Heavenly Sword is, but anyway, he must kill this woman and seize the divine sword. In this way, the Terran will have a chance to turn defeat into victory!


Chu Yun struggled to get up. When Jiutian Xuannv flew over the top of the forest, he suddenly jumped up and hit Jiutian Xuannv on the back with a heavy fist in the air.

Just listen to a loud bang, followed by the sound of bone fracture. Chu Yun's long-awaited full-strength punch directly gave Jiutian Xuannv a mouthful of blood.

"... poof!"

Nine days Xuannv's face showed surprise, and her eyes were more frightened and angry: "Xuanyuan?! How dare you... "

Before she finished, her body had been heavily hit on the ground, and the surrounding cries of killing began. The warriors of the Terran first had a wave of arrow rain, and then a group of people rushed up one after another with weapons.

Nine days Xuannv was flustered. A flash of light flashed in her hand, and then a golden sword appeared. She waved the sword fiercely, and the sword light turned into a circular arc and stirred around. The arrow rain was cut into powder one after another.

Then, she cut off several swords and directly cut off several Terran warriors who rushed in front. They died on the spot. Even if they were blocked with weapons, they still couldn't stop the power of the divine sword.

Even if it is a huge shield that is more generous than people, under the sword of the divine sword, it is still cut with people with shields, and there is no room to fight back.

The power of the divine sword is so terrible!

"Step back!"

Chu Yun frowned when he saw this. He realized that with the power of God and divine sword, no matter how many ordinary people there are, even those who can control their spiritual power can only use cannon fodder.

He took a deep breath, showed his sharpness in his eyes, and rushed to Jiutian Xuannv with big steps.

"Come on, kill yourself!"

Jiutian Xuannv was full of anger. She was no longer indifferent and arrogant. A mouthful of blood still stuck to her chin, and her clothes looked very messy. She looked like a fierce resentful woman.

Facing Chu Yun's footsteps, she held a divine sword and went up to cut it, but Chu Yun immediately avoided it, and then several swords cut it out, and Chu Yun avoided it one by one.

With the power of the divine sword, the body was born and died when it was touched. In the face of the deadly move of Jiutian Xuannv, Chu Yun made a crazy attack. Chu Yun kept avoiding, but he was always looking for a chance to fight back.


Chu Yun grabbed a gap after Jiutian Xuannv wielded her sword too much, immediately rubbed her body forward, grabbed Jiutian Xuannv's sword wrist with one hand, and then suddenly punched, summoned up all her spiritual power and bombarded Jiutian Xuannv's chest.

When she heard a loud bang, the chest of Jiutian Xuannv shook violently. While spitting out blood, she fell back and fell heavily to the ground. She was already seriously injured.

The divine sword in her hand has been released and fell into Chu Yun's hand.

"Here's a sword like this. It's really blind."

Chu Yun shook his head.

"Give me back the sword, you damn despicable people!"

Nine days Xuannv coughed blood, but her eyes showed panic. She lost her divine sword. She couldn't explain to the emperor of heaven. This is the first treasure of heaven.

However, Chu Yun gave a faint sneer and said, "you should care more about your life than this sword."

"... dare you kill me? I am God! "

Nine days Xuan Nu's face showed disdain, but she saw that Chu Yun came step by step, and the divine sword and blade in her hand cut off. Her arrogant expression stiffened on her face and rolled to the ground with her head.

Then Chu Yun leaned down and sucked out the aura of the nine day Xuannv, disdaining to sneer: "he claims to be a God, but he is just a stronger spiritual family. It's ridiculous."

Then he looked down at the magic sword in his hand, took a deep breath, and said, "it's wronged you to fall into the hands of those bird people in the heaven. From today on, you're -- Xuanyuan sword!"

"... the sword of the emperor!"

After the wind, he knelt down with a group of people and shouted with tears in his eyes: "emperor! Emperor! The emperor! "


Chu Yun laughed loudly and looked around. He was full of pride. He took a deep breath and said, "after the wind, let's go. This time, we'll kill the spirit family first, and then destroy the heaven. I want the birds in the sky to know that my people will never give in! Today is the day when God Tu destroys immortals! "

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