Another trance.

Chu Yun saw that he led the Terran to return to the battlefield of the spirit family.

Holding the Xuanyuan sword, the emperor's sword, he killed all sides on the battlefield. No one can stop him. Anyone who touches the enemy will die.

The spirit clan was destroyed, and all the warriors of the spirit clan became an opportunity for the awakening of the human race.

Overnight, the spirit clan was replaced by the human clan. All the spirit clan warriors turned into human clan warriors. Even if there was the help of the God in the sky, it could not reverse the defeat.

The emperor of heaven was so angry that he wanted to mobilize the gods of heaven to conquer the world and completely destroy the Xuanyuan family. However, before they had any action, Chu Yun killed heaven alone and with a sword!


After killing Jiutian Xuannv, Chu Yun absorbed the charm of her body and already had the power of the so-called "God". He killed Tianting and relied on his own strong power and the power of Xuanyuan sword. At the highest place in the world, the gods had no power to fight back, like slaughtering sheep and cattle.

Finally, with Xuanyuan sword, Chu Yun entered the LingXiao palace and came to the emperor of heaven.

The emperor of heaven at that time was no longer dignified.

With the help of heaven and earth, he fought with Chu Yun twice. Chu Yun cut off two souls, three souls and seven souls, leaving only one soul, but he was unable to recover the defeat.

"Just a humble human like a mole ant, why can it be so strong..."

The emperor shook his head and his eyes were full of blood.

"Is this your last words?"

Chu Yun sneered.

The emperor of heaven looked at the LingXiao Temple full of corpses, and suddenly realized that he was the only one who was killed by Chu Yun.

He shook his body, took a deep breath and said, "you can't kill me! I am the emperor of heaven. I guard the space of Kyushu with the LingXiao palace. You know, there are nine continents between heaven and earth, collectively known as Kyushu. They are always close to each other. Once Kyushu gets together one day and the nine world barriers collide with each other, the world will be destroyed! The existence of heaven is to maintain the stability of Kyushu. Once I die, Kyushu will die! "

The voice fell, and Chu Yun sneered. Of course, he didn't believe this.

So he went forward and cut off the head of the Heavenly Emperor with a sword on the LingXiao palace.

So far

There is no spiritual family or divine family in the world.


Another trance, thousands of memories passed in front of Chu Yun.

After returning to the world from heaven, Chu Yun, as the most powerful human in the world, was respected as the emperor by all human races.

The Protoss and the spirit race withdrew from the stage of history and completely became the past, while the Terran rose and became the strongest race in Kyushu under the leadership of Chu Yun.

Without the spirit clan's devouring of all Terran newborns, a large part of Terran newborn babies are born with aura and can control aura. When they are three or five years old, they can tear tigers and leopards by hand, open steles and crack stones.

In the past, among the three major races pressing on the Terran, the promotion demon race still exists.

However, the demon family is not a whole, but scattered demon animals. When the human family rises, the demon family can no longer take anything from the human family as before.

On the contrary, under the leadership of Chu Yun, the Terran went deep into the mountains, wantonly hunted and killed monsters, nourished the physical strength of the Terran with its blood, and made the strength of the whole ethnic group flourish.

Everything seems to be developing in a good direction.


One day, the minister, dressed in blue silk, was so noble that he found Chu Yun with a sad face.

"Your Majesty, I have bad news."

With a bitter meaning behind the wind, he said: "I'm afraid the words of the emperor of heaven before his death will come true. His subordinates observed that the distance between Kyushu is shrinking, and each continent is rapidly approaching each other. Although it is still very far away, it... Will collide in hundreds of years at most!"


Chu Yun frowned when he heard this, and then there was a silence.

It turned out that the emperor of heaven was telling the truth.

To be honest

Chu Yun didn't think about this possibility when he killed him, but even if it was true, Chu Yun had to kill him.

Because for the Terrans, the rules set by the heaven are unacceptable. Even if the world will perish tomorrow, he must end the oppression and rule of the heaven over the Terrans.

"I'll find a way."

Chu Yun said, picked up Xuanyuan sword, got up from his magnificent palace and left to the former site of Tianting.

He remembered that the emperor of heaven said before his death that the LingXiao palace was the key to suppressing the stability of Kyushu space. Now to stabilize Kyushu space, we must also start with the LingXiao palace.


When Chu Yun came to the heaven and entered the LingXiao palace, he suddenly found that the place had collapsed and broken into nine pieces. It seemed that he could not gather and was still moving away.

Chu Yun was anxious and used various methods. He exerted his strength on the nine fragments of LingXiao palace, but he could not affect them at all. Even if he had any influence, it was very little.

And just then

A mysterious voice sounded from the bottom of Chu Yun's heart.

"Making the Kyushu tripod with two of the three souls and seven souls and absorbing the fragments of the LingXiao palace with the Kyushu tripod can ensure the permanent stability of the Kyushu space, but the price is that you will lose these two souls and seven souls forever, and you will lose your life. There is only one soul left, which will fall into reincarnation forever and cannot exceed life.

Will you

The voice fell and Chu Yun was silent.

He had no doubt about what the voice said.

All thoughts are focused on the choice that points directly to the heart. Is he willing to do so?

If he does, he will lose two souls and seven souls, leaving only one remnant soul. He will live forever and cannot exceed life.

What if you don't?

He is the emperor and the most powerful existence in Kyushu. All creatures and all existence can't go against his will. No matter what he wants to do or how he wants to enjoy it, he just depends on what he likes.

Along the way, he tasted so many hardships. He worked hard with the Chiyou family, the spirit family and the divine family. Finally, he finished fighting everyone, and finally got his place today and became


Kyushu will be destroyed, but

That's hundreds of years later!

Hundreds of years!

He can be the "emperor" and die all the time!

No one has ever lived for hundreds of years. Chu Yunguang thinks that even if the end happens one day, it must be after his death.

After I die, despite the flood? I've been happy all my life. I can live as I want. Isn't it good to live so happily?

"Emperor, Emperor..."

Chu Yun's mouth slowly grinned and then laughed: "what is the emperor? Earn your life! The emperor is not a high honor and privilege, but the responsibility to protect the human race!

I am the emperor, I am the leader of the Terran

Why should I cherish this body?

Come on, take my body as the tripod and my soul as the fire, and let the light of the emperor shine on Kyushu! "

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