
"Congratulations, you have gained a lot of cosmic magic power."


"Congratulations, you have completed the fifth stage of cosmic magic power charging"


"Congratulations on opening... The temple of time and space"


When the third prompt sounded, Chu Yun was a little stunned. After listening to the beginning, he thought there was a sixth stage behind the fifth stage?

As a result, the next stage of charging is not started, but

Temple of time and space!

Looking at the mountains and fields around, filled with the corpses of demons and gods in the whole universe, Chu Yun took back his eyes and thought that he had returned to Kyushu.

Then, he looked at the space-time Temple options in the system panel, and a little weird appeared in his heart. After a little meal, he opened it.


"The temple of time and space has been opened"


The prompt sound fell, and in the sky in front of Chu Yun, translucent marks emerged, and then spread, gradually turned into a holding palace, gradually became solid from the sky in a translucent situation, and finally turned into a shining temple.

Chu Yun looked at the gate of the temple and frowned slowly. He didn't know what this thing was used for. He flew up. The next moment, he had come to the gate of the space-time temple.

When I walked in, the system prompt sounded in my mind——

"Welcome, master of the temple of time and space"


"Are you, system?"

Chu Yun frowned. In his impression, it seemed that the system had never "communicated" with him. Every prompt sound was just a prompt and did not have the ability to talk.

At the moment, when Chu Yun entered the temple of time and space, he could feel that the system at the moment seemed to be able to communicate with him.


The system prompt sound paused for a moment, and then said: "I am the fishing system of all things, and also the will of the universe, which is composed of the sum of the broken world will of countless worlds destroyed by the demon clan. The evil family has wreaked havoc in the universe and destroyed countless worlds and creatures, which is not what the universal law wants to see. "

Chu Yun heard the speech, and then kept silent for a moment. He said, "so you chose me to fight against the demon clan. Now, is the existence of the space-time temple also used to help me deal with the demon emperor?"


The system prompt tone gave a definite answer again, saying: "the demon God Emperor has swallowed up the source of heaven and earth of all the worlds he has destroyed, and his own vitality has reached a level almost equal to that of the universe. Unless one day the universe collapses, he is immortal, and no conventional or unconventional destructive means can kill him, The temple of time and space can disintegrate his life from another angle. "


Chu Yun raised his eyebrows.

"Change the past."

The system prompt answered.

"... change the past? You mean, go back to the past and stop the demons from destroying and devouring those worlds? How can this be done? Although I have mastered the way of time and heaven, I can't turn back time, let alone the whole universe. " Chu Yun shook his head and felt incredible.

"Of course, it is impossible to directly change the past. The existing facts that have happened will be fixed by the realistic force of the universal law and pushed back forcibly, so that no one can reverse the time of the whole universe.

However, the temple of time and space can use a real object to let the user's spirit return to a certain point in time when the object once existed and attach itself to the person most closely related to the object.

In this way, the user's will can pass through the past. If something can be completed on the past timeline to meet the conditions of the laws of the universe, the crossing channel will be temporarily fixed, allowing your power to pass through and completely block the space of the world.

You should know by now that after becoming a God, the power of space you own can completely close the world barriers of a world. If you can completely block a world that has not been invaded by the demon clan at the past time point, the world will be free from the invasion of the demon clan. "

The system explained.

The voice fell, and Chu Yun soon remembered something. With a wave of his hand, a mountain of items appeared in the temple of time and space.

Each one was the wool collected by Chu Yun from the demon palace of the demon God Emperor. At that time, he just wanted to disgust the demon God Emperor, but now it seems that it is still of great use.

"I see what you mean."

Chu Yun picked up one of them and said, "this thing comes from the world destroyed by the demon clan. The temple of time and space can turn back the time of this single item. In this process, my spirit is attached to it, so I can follow the time of this thing and go back to the past.

Once I succeed, my will will will be attached to the person who has the closest contact with this thing, which can be understood as a short attachment or loss. After I borrow his body and complete some things, the past will be modified, and the demon family will not be able to destroy the world.

Then, the demon God Emperor cannot swallow the source of heaven and earth in that world, and his own vitality will be lost. If I block all the worlds he has invaded, then today's demon God Emperor is an ordinary demon God who has not swallowed any world, right? "


The system prompt sounds immediately.

Chu Yun nodded and had to say that the solution provided by the system was really a genius logic.

Because the demon God Emperor has swallowed countless worlds and his own vitality is too huge to be killed, the solution is not to start with the current demon God Emperor, but from the past demon God Emperor.

Chu Yun can go through the world that has not been swallowed up by the demon God Emperor, change some things, and completely block the world barriers of that world. In this way, the demon God Emperor has never reached that world or swallowed that world on the existing timeline.

Because of this, the vitality of the demon God Emperor will always lack that piece. After Chu Yun blocks all the worlds he has swallowed, then on the existing timeline, the demon God Emperor is an ordinary demon God who has never swallowed any world. It's easy for Chu Yun to kill him.

"Unfortunately, I can't really cross the past. Otherwise, if I cross in the opposite direction with the flesh, I will directly return to the beginning of the birth of the demon God Emperor and kill him. There won't be so many things later..."

Chu Yun thought of this and couldn't help shaking his head.

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