However, the idea can only stay in the stage of thinking, which can not be realized.

First of all, Chu Yun didn't have any items that were close to the demon God Emperor and could directly flow back to the birth of the demon God Emperor.

Secondly, even if there is, Chu Yun can't pass on his own strength.

Only will can cross the past.

"What if my will died in the past?"

Chu Yun pondered for a moment and asked, "will I die?"

"No, but for each item, there are only two opportunities to trace back to the past, that is, you can only fail twice at most. After both attempts fail, the item will lose its traceability."

The system prompt answered.

Chu Yun nodded when he heard the speech. Then his eyes looked around the collection and suddenly thought of something.

After he withdrew from the temple of time and space and put it away, he came to an incomparably dense mountain, surrounded by green grass and trees like the sea, full of natural fragrance.

Among them, there is a pure and flawless white figure roaming in the forest, free and unrestrained, with a long lost comfort and relaxation on his face.

"Miss daisia, meet again."

Chu Yun smiled.


Daisia stopped. She stood barefoot in the flowers. She was beautiful like a fairy in the flowers. Her long sharp ears shook and said, "I didn't notice your arrival. It seems that you have been successfully promoted to God."


Chu Yun nodded and said, "speaking of this, I have to thank miss daisia. If you hadn't helped me, I wouldn't have been so easy to bring the Kyushu tripod back to Kyushu."

"It's just easy."

Daisia shook her head, looked away from Chu Yun, looked at the flowers and said, "since you have become a God, it's no problem to protect the world in a short time. Even without my help, those ordinary demons who invaded will not be your opponents."

This is an iron law. No matter what the strength of the new gods is, as long as he has the strength of gods, he will be able to stop the demon invasion from the outside world.

After all

If the demon family wants to come through the turbulent flow of space, it must have been seriously injured and its life hangs on the line. Even if there are a large number of saints, it is possible to kill them, let alone serious gods.

"The demon clan doesn't have that chance."

Chu Yun shook his head and said, "I've been abroad once and killed many demons."

"... how dare you!"

Daisia was stunned and said, "you have just been promoted and your strength is unstable. Even if you can defeat ordinary demons, it is difficult to escape after being surrounded by a group of demons, not to mention the existence of the demon emperor outside the country. If you meet him, you will be dead..."

Then she looked at Chu Yun and looked strange, but she couldn't help asking, "how many demons did you kill?"

"Kill all."

Chu Yun answered lightly.

"... huh?"

Daisia's slender eyebrows picked up. It was because she had experienced countless storms and hardships, and her state of mind was firm, which was incomparable. At the moment, it took a long time to finally react. Chu Yun said what these three words mean.

"No... what does it mean to kill all? A demon God or a group of demons? Why did you kill them all? "

Asked daisia, unable to laugh or cry.

"It means literally."

Chu Yun said, "I cleared all the demons outside the world barrier of Kyushu, and then killed them outside the demon palace. I killed all the demons there, together with the earth demons and heaven demons. Maybe a small number of demons will escape, but most of them have died under my sword."


Daisia stood there stunned and looked at Chu Yun with very strange eyes. Her expression seemed to be listening to some nonsense ghost story.

To be honest, Daisy really didn't see it before. Chu Yun was such a bragging guy. He just promoted to God and blew the sky.

"It's not that I don't believe you... Well, I just think you're talking nonsense."

Daisia said ruthlessly, "how is this possible? The demon God is not a cabbage on the side of the road. You can kill it if you want? Moreover, if you have all killed in the demon palace, how can the demon God Emperor not show up? "

"He was afraid of being beaten by me."

Chu Yun continued to answer and said honestly, "I fought with him. He copied my ability, but he couldn't defeat me. I killed him 327 times. Then he ran away and refused to fight with me again. I took this opportunity to kill the whole demon clan."


As the voice fell, daisia was really silent this time, and her eyes were full of shock.

Because she never told Chu Yun that the demon God Emperor has the ability to copy everyone's ability. Although she knows it, she doesn't think it's necessary to say it.

After all, once the demon emperor has copied a person's ability, all the abilities he has copied before will disappear. Therefore, the demon emperor will take the initiative to copy each other's ability only when he meets an opponent he can't defeat, so as to keep himself at the same level with the other party.

Since Chu Yun knows that the demon God Emperor has this ability, it means that the demon God Emperor has used this ability in front of Chu Yun, in other words

Chu Yun, who has just been promoted to God, is the most powerful opponent the demon God Emperor has ever seen!

Only in this way can Chu Yun know this information.

"What you just said... Is true?"

Daisia was shocked.

"What did I lie to you for?"

Chu Yun spread his hand and asked as he should.

Looking at his magnanimous expression, daisya suddenly felt that she couldn't. after wandering in the universe with the demon family for thousands of years, daisya had seen countless amazing geniuses and many earth shaking gods, but no one had ever been like Chu Yun.

After a short spiritual impact, daisia's brain ran rapidly and soon thought of a deeper layer. She looked blazing at Chu Yun and said, "the demon emperor's strength is not as good as you. If you can kill him all the time, is it really possible to kill him completely?"

"For the time being, it's impossible."

Chu Yun shook his head regretfully and said, "his vitality is almost the same as that of the whole universe. I can't kill him now, but... I have other ways to weaken the life source of the demon God Emperor."

"What can I do?"

Daisia was shocked immediately, and something seemed to be lit in her heart. It was the first spark of hope she saw after thousands of years of despair.

Chu Yun replied, "remember I stole all the treasures in the demon palace? Those things are taken from the world destroyed by the demon God Emperor. I can use the art of time tracing to cross the world before it has been destroyed by the demon family, and attach my will to the person who has the closest contact with this thing.

By completing some things, I can change the past, modify the laws of the universe, transfer my power to the past, and completely seal the space barrier of that world.

In this way, when the timeline of that world is invaded by the demon family, the demon God Emperor has no way to swallow it in the face of the perfect and completely sealed world barrier.

In this way, the past has been modified. Today's demon God Emperor, in his own history, has never successfully invaded that world, nor absorbed the source of heaven and earth of that world, and his endless vitality lacks a large part.

One world is like this. What if I seal all the world he has invaded? Then today's demon God Emperor will become an ordinary demon God who has never swallowed up the source of heaven and earth in any world! "


The voice fell, and daisia fell into a complete shock, and the whole person's brain was numb.

However, she soon realized something, raised her head, looked at Chu Yun like a life-saving straw, and said, "if the past was modified, would the destroyed world be..."

"That's right."

Chu Yun nodded, smiled and said, "if I can succeed, the destroyed world will come back to life. All the creatures who died under the invasion of the demon clan can come back."

"... what do you need me to do for you?"

Daisia took a deep breath, her white cheeks and red eyes.

"Tell me, which one is the object of starlight continent?"

Chu Yun put all the collections in the demon palace in front of daisia and asked her to choose among them.

Daisia glanced around, then recognized a sword and said, "this."

Chu Yun grabbed the sword in his hand and said, "do you know the origin of this thing? Does it have anything to do with you?"

"Yes, but I don't know much."

Daisia thought for a moment and said, "this sword is called Chenguang. It is the sword of a sword God in Xingguang mainland. At the time of the invasion of the demon family, many kingdoms in the southern continent resisted the demon family under the leadership of the sword God. Later, the sword God died in the hands of the demon God Emperor, and his sword became the spoils of the demon God Emperor and was collected in the demon palace, Because I was born in the northern continent, I don't have much intersection with the sword God.

I only know that the sword God, named boon white, was born in the Duke family of a small country in the southern continent, but later, when the family broke down, boon white wandered between the continents alone with his ancestral Chen lightsaber, rose in adversity, became stronger and stronger, and finally became the sword God famous in the mainland. "

"I see."

Chu Yun nodded and said, "so if I use this Chen lightsaber to reverse time, there is a great possibility that I will be attached to this boonwright... What about you? The life of elves is very long. Where were you when the boonwhite sword God was active on the mainland? "

"I'm in the shadow forest."

Daisia replied, "the life span of elves is indeed longer than that of humans, but this boonwright sword God is actually my elder. I was born after he became a God. If you go back to before he became a God, I was not born at that time, but if you reshape the later stage, you can ask me for help and do anything."

"How can I gain your trust?"

Chu Yun asked.

After thinking for a long time, daisia finally breathed out slowly and said, "when you find me, just tell me this spell and I will believe you."

As she spoke, daisia opened her thin lips and recited a mantra. It was not easy to remember and difficult to understand. Chu Yun's memory clearly remembered it, but after listening to it, she still forgot it and couldn't remember it.

"What spell is this? It's amazing."

Chu Yun was surprised.

"This is a spell that only the leader of the elf family knows. It is a single biography of each generation. It is used to open and enter the tree of life. You heard it just now. Have you forgotten everything now? This is normal, because in order to prevent eavesdropping by others, the spell must be disassembled into several paragraphs in a unique way and memorized in segments, so that it can be completely recorded. In other words, if the Elven clan leader who has mastered the spell memory method teaches it carefully, others cannot know it. "

Daisia said, dividing this spell into several paragraphs with a special rhythm, and each paragraph was handed over to Chu Yun separately. Finally, after all the segments coincided, Chu Yun finally wrote it down and repeated it to daisia.

"You are very talented."

Daisia smiled and said, "when I remembered this spell, it took me several times as long as you."

"Besides, you should tell me something that only you know."

Chu Yun said, "just because there is a spell, you may doubt whether I learned it from other elves. I can't completely trust you. You'd better tell me something very private that only you know."


Daisy Arden thought for a while, thought for a long time, finally bit her lip and said, "well... You can tell me, you know I don't like the opposite sex. What I like is the girl of the same family. The person I once secretly loved is luluna. She is my brother's wife and my sister-in-law."


For a moment, countless question marks appeared in Chu Yun's mind, which was somewhat confused by daisia's sentence.

What's the matter? Is there so much information?

Daisia is a female elf. She doesn't like men. She likes women. So far, it's easy to understand, but... The person you secretly love is your eldest brother's wife and your sister-in-law... Isn't that exciting?

"What's your expression?"

Daisia's face became ugly and said angrily, "I've never told anyone about it, if not..."

"I understand, I understand..."

Chu Yun nodded hurriedly, indicating that he understood. While taking back his eyes, he couldn't help but sigh in his heart. It's really impossible to judge a person by appearance, and the sea water can't be measured

I didn't expect you to be like this, daisia!

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