With a creak——

The heavy wooden door of the study was pushed open, and an old man with gray hair and glasses on the bridge of his nose stepped in.

Chu Yun looked up and saw each other's face. He remembered his identity. He was the steward of the Duke's house, Mr. Yite.

Looking at the embarrassed color on the other party's face, Chu Yun looked calm and asked, "housekeeper Yite, what happened?"

Butler ITT smiled bitterly, sighed softly and said, "young master, Prince Norton has just come for the Duke's business... He means that if we are willing to hand over the core technology of Gauss magic guide array, he will plead with the king to save the Duke from prison."

The voice fell, and Chu Yun didn't know what was going on, but the memory of the matter in his mind had emerged.

It turned out that at the moment, of the three men in charge of the white family in the Duke's house, the father and the eldest brother are gone, leaving Boone white alone.

Among them, the eldest brother of Boone white, Bette white, previously designated by the king as the son-in-law, will marry the king's youngest daughter, Princess Elise. The two sides would have held a wedding last month.

But what people did not expect was that the night before their marriage, betterwhite left Princess Elise and escaped from the high-collar Kingdom overnight.

In this regard, Princess Elise was heartbroken and tried to commit suicide several times. Fortunately, she was stopped. The king was even more angry. She arrested Duke white on the charge of teaching her son and sent him to prison.

So far, Duke white has spent nearly a month in prison and has not been released. People have been terrified up and down the Duke's house.

The "Prince Norton" in the mouth of Butler ITT is a member of the royal family of the high collar Kingdom and now the king's brother. The "Gauss magic guide array" he asked the Duke's house is an extremely important research achievement of Duke white.

For the forces at the national level, the magic guide array is a very important basic composition. In this world, the magic guide array is very useful. It can make arrays for the whole city and fortress, and can be burned into weapons, vehicles or various tools.

Different magic guide arrays have different efficiency of absorbing magic, so they can be divided into high and low.

The Gauss magic guide array independently developed by Duke white is an excellent magic guide array, which is widely used in the high collar Kingdom and several surrounding countries.

As a developer, Duke white holds the core code of Gaussian magic guide array. In the future, the iterative upgrading of Gaussian magic guide array can only be based on this source code.

Every time Duke white develops a new version of Gauss magic guide array, he can charge a large amount of royalties to all users. It is based on this that Duke White won the Duke's position in Gaoling kingdom.

At the moment, Duke White was sent to prison by the king because his son escaped marriage. Prince Norton can help, but he wants to ask Duke white for the core technology of Gauss magic guide array

Chu Yun touched his chin and asked, "what conditions did he offer?"

"Prince Norton hopes that we can give him the core code of the Gauss magic guide array. After he gets it, he will find another direction and continue to develop it. The original Gauss magic guide array still belongs to our white family."

Housekeeper Yite pushed the glasses on the bridge of his nose and said slowly.


Chu Yun smiled and said, "if so, the conditions he offered are not harsh. What do you think?"

"I think I can promise him."

In fact, housekeeper Yite has already thought about it. This time, he came to tell Chu Yun about it just to inform his young master.

It's not that he committed a crime and didn't see Chu Yun as a young master, but because boon white has always been a character who is obsessed with the sword and doesn't care about anything else.

Otherwise, Prince Norton came to the Duke's house to discuss such an important matter. It's impossible that he didn't invite his young master, because it's really unnecessary. The young master has never been in contact with these family matters before and is unwilling to intervene.

"I think so. Although the core code is important to the white family, the way it earns benefits mainly depends on subsequent update iterations. This code is the Duke's original creation. When it comes to update ability, no one in the whole kingdom can match it. In that case, even if this code is sent out, it will not pose any threat to the white family, Because Prince Norton does not have the Duke's R & D ability. "

Housekeeper Yite spoke slowly, trying to keep his voice calm, so as not to make the young master feel that they had made a wrong decision, and then said: "the family must not be ownerless all day. The Duke has been imprisoned for nearly a month. The people in the family are worried and are looking forward to the Duke's return, and Prince Norton is his Majesty's brother, The relationship between the two sides is close. If he is willing to intercede for the Duke, it will be safe. "


The voice fell. Chu Yun thought for a moment, then shook his head: "we can't agree."

"... why?"

Housekeeper Yite was slightly stunned. He was really surprised by the young master's reaction.

In the past, the young master never participated in family affairs. He only knew how to cultivate martial arts. Since the Duke's accident, although he was worried, he never meddled in anything. Why did he suddenly have his own idea on such an important event today?

That doesn't bode well.

Housekeeper Yite was about to speak, but Chu Yun raised his hand to stop him.

"Don't worry, I'm not unreasonable."

Chu Yun shook his head and said calmly, "I have some problems. I hope you can think about it."

"... young master, please say."

Housekeeper Yite thought about it and finally nodded to see what the young master thought.

"First question, do you think Prince Norton came here for himself or for his majesty? Or is he asking us for the core technology of the magic guide array for himself, or is he asking for it for the king? "

Chu Yun raised his first finger and asked slowly.

The voice fell, and the Butler frowned, thinking carefully, and said, "Prince Norton is a famous peacemaker of Wang Dounei. What is the contradiction in his family, but he always finds him to reconcile it from what he has respected to his face, but... He never seemed to hear what Prince Norton asked for anything, because he was a idle king. There is no shortage of money and power. Basically, it can also be said that there is no desire and no demand. "

"Therefore, he came to ask for the core technology of the magic guide array for the king."

Chu Yun nodded.

"I can't be so sure..."

Housekeeper ITT hesitated.

"In fact, it is possible, because, Duke... Father, he has been locked up for so long."

Chu Yun said, "for a peacemaker, the most important thing is how willing both sides are to settle things. On his father's case, the king imprisoned him for so long, which was obviously very angry, and his anger never subsided.

You know, his father is a high-ranking official who worships the Duke. He is an important Minister of the high-ranking kingdom. Although the big brother's escape from marriage has a great impact, it is not enough for the king to keep his father in custody.

There must be demons when things happen. Prince Norton is good at dancing and never offends anyone with a head and face. How can he take the initiative to touch his Majesty's bad luck for his own selfish desires and in order to obtain the core technology of the magic guide array from us?

If you were Prince Norton, you begged the king. If the king asked about your motives, how would you answer? Does Prince Norton really have the courage? "


Housekeeper Yite was lost in thought, then nodded and said, "young master, what you said is reasonable. Prince Norton did not dare to do such a thing, but... Even if it is determined that Prince Norton asked for the core technology of the magic guide array for his majesty, what can he do? Why should we refuse? "

"Because my father refused."

Chu Yun said in a deep voice.


Housekeeper Yite was surprised when he heard the speech. He looked at Chu Yun unexpectedly and said, "since the Duke was sent to prison, the king has forbidden anyone to visit the prison. Young master, how did you meet the Duke? Did you sneak in... "

Chu Yun shook his head and interrupted housekeeper Yite's conjecture, saying, "I haven't seen my father during this period, but I know that my father must have rejected it, otherwise the king can directly get the core technology of Gauss magic guide array in prison. Why should Prince Norton come to us?

And this is the main reason why I decided to refuse Prince Norton, because

Father, he disagreed.

In fact, if you think about it carefully, you should know that father should agree. He is not a penny pincher. If the king wants the core array of our family, brother, he has done such a wrong thing. Even if we take out the core technology of the magic guide array to compensate the king and Princess Elise, it is not difficult, At least my father should agree.


Even though he was in prison and faced imprisonment, he still refused.

I don't know what's behind this, but we should believe in the decision made by my father. At least until I find out the situation, we can't hand over the core technology of the array. "


His words were so eloquent that housekeeper Yite was stunned.

Before that, he always thought that the young master was a reckless man with simple mind and developed limbs, but today's words refreshed housekeeper Yite's understanding of the young master.

Because Chu Yun's inference is indeed a new way, and has found a strong supporting point as his argument, that is, because his father disagrees, we can't agree.

According to the understanding of housekeeper Yite to his own Duke, the Duke of goswhite is indeed not a person who doesn't pull a dime. On the contrary, he is also a good man with high EQ and good at transposition thinking.

Master Bette fled the day before the wedding, abandoned Princess Elise and did such an excessive thing that Princess Elise wanted to commit suicide several times. As master Bette's father, Duke white has the responsibility and obligation to make some compensation to Princess Elise and the royal family.


Duke white refused even if he was in prison.

There must be something hidden in it!

"Young master, you're right. Then I'll reply to Duke Norton and say we have to think about it."

Housekeeper Yite saluted Chu Yun, and then immediately turned and went out.

Chu Yun nodded and looked at the other party's back, but his heart fell into some thinking.

His reasoning was based on Boone White's memory and some off-site factors, which was what daisia had said to him.

"This sword, named Chenguang, is the sword of a sword God in Xingguang mainland. When the demon clan invaded, many kingdoms in the southern continent resisted the demon clan under the leadership of the sword God. Later, the sword God died in the hands of the demon God Emperor, and his sword became the spoils of the demon God Emperor and was collected in the demon palace, because I was born in the northern continent, So there is not much intersection with the sword God.

I only know that the sword God, named boon white, was born in the Duke family of a small country in the southern continent, but later, when the family broke down, boon white wandered between the continents alone with his ancestral Chen lightsaber, rose in adversity, became stronger and stronger, and finally became the sword God famous in the mainland. "

This is the original words of daisia at that time. She specially pointed out that Boone white wandered on the mainland only after the family was broken, not after the country was broken.

In other words, at some time in the future, the white family, that is, the Duke's house, will be completely destroyed, and Boone white will therefore become a wanderer.

Since the temple of time and space sent Chu Yun to the white family, it happened to catch up with the key point at which the white family experienced such an important storm.

Well, Chu Yun has enough reason to suspect that this is what led to the collapse of the white family!

According to the original history, how will the story develop?

Buen white didn't hear anything outside the window. He just wanted to be a sword God. He never intervened in family affairs. He must agree with the old housekeeper's desire to exchange core technology for the Duke.

In other words

The white family handed over the core technology of the magic guide array, which led to the collapse of the white family later!

Since he already knew this, Chu Yun would not agree.

This is not because Chu Yun has any emotional factors for the family who has just crossed over, but because Chu Yun crossed over to change the past history. In that case, it is natural to draw a clear line with the past history. How to do the opposite.

It was not long after the old housekeeper turned and left that a familiar system prompt sounded in Chu Yun's mind——

"The world process has changed"

"Mission open: investigate the truth"

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