Sure enough

The mission appears!

Chu Yun's eyebrows were picked, and his eyes showed a joking color.

Sure enough, his choice was right.

"Investigate the truth... There is another secret behind this matter. I said that with bett White's character, it doesn't look like a person who will run away from marriage and abandon his family."

Chu Yun touched his chin. In his memory, or in Boone White's memory, his eldest brother, Bette white, has always been a good man with a strong sense of responsibility. No one offends, treats people leniently and politely, rarely does anything annoying, and considers others everywhere.

If such honest people are suppressed for a long time and suddenly break out, they may indeed do some sensational things, but the key to the problem is that there is no incentive.

There must be a reason for an honest man to abandon his family and leave the princess to escape from the imperial capital the day before the wedding?

Although Princess Elise Chu Yun is not familiar, he has also seen her. She looks very good and has outstanding temperament. She can perfectly combine the hard conditions that a princess should have. At least it is more than enough to match the Duke's son, Bette white.

In that case, what reason does betterwhite have to escape marriage? If he had someone he liked long ago, even if he didn't like this kind of parental engagement, but the problem is no, at least boon white, his brother, doesn't know anything about it.

"Well, the first step of the investigation is to start with Princess Elise..."

Chu Yun stood up, touched Chen lightsaber around his waist, and walked out of the study.

Out of the study, out of the tall stone castle manor, Chu Yun refused to follow any of the family servants and went to the palace alone.

Princess Elise is a princess to be married. Before she gets married, she naturally wants to live in the palace. Chu Yun is going to visit the woman who may have become his sister-in-law.

When they came to the palace and revealed their identity and intention, many guards in the palace looked at Chu Yun unfriendly. At least they didn't have due respect for a duke's son.

However, it can also be understood that, after all, those who can guard the Royal Palace are basically trusted troops of the royal family, dedicated to safeguarding the royal dignity, and the Duke white family has violated the psychological bottom line of these loyal royal officials by doing such excessive things to the royal family.

"Let's go and meet your majesty with me first."

The captain of the bodyguard said to Chu Yun lightly, with a very cold tone. After that, no matter what Chu Yun responded, he turned and walked into the palace, followed by several bodyguards.

Chu Yun observed the strength of the members of the imperial palace guard team and found that most of the ordinary guard members were only the level of swordsman, and a small number of the general role of commander was the level of swordsman, while the guard leader who led Chu Yun in front was the level of swordsman, the same as boon waite.

Of course, there are many high-end forces in the king's capital, such as swordsmen comparable to saints or first-class masters of Dharma saints who use magic, but such figures are big people on the famous side. Naturally, they will not appear in this small court guard team. Most of those who can condescend to serve as guards will rise to the top in the middle three realms and can break through the great swordsman, Or the strong in the upper three realms at the level of the great devil guide, each of whom is unwilling to let others go.

He followed the bodyguard and came to the palace. He went up a very long ladder step by step, and finally came to the gate of an ancient castle.

The captain of the bodyguard took Chu Yun in and changed his feet from a hard and heavy stone brick road to a soft road with bright red carpet. Along the way, they finally came to a hall. King Chesley III was sitting on the throne and looked at Chu Yun coldly.

"The youngest son of the white family, are you here to intercede for your father?"

Chesley III asked coldly.

Chu Yun glanced at the king and saw that the king's cultivation was quite good. He was not a sword, but a saint specializing in magic, which can also be called a Dharma saint.

He put his left hand on his chest, bowed to the king and said, "Your Majesty, you misunderstood. I'm here to see Princess Elise."


The king gave a cold hum, and his look was obviously angry. His calm face appeared with an angry look and said, "your damn brother fooled my daughter and made her short-sighted several times. Now what are you doing to see her?"

"I want to replace my brother and express the white family's apology to Princess Elise. If I can, as long as Princess Elise speaks, we are willing to make compensation and hope to make up for it."

Chu Yun said calmly.

At the mention of words such as' compensation 'and' compensation ', the king's anger obviously calmed down.

He looked at Chu Yun with a calm face for a while, waved his hand and said, "OK, I'll give you this opportunity. Go and meet my poor daughter, the God of Cangshan. I really hope she can stick to this heavy blow as soon as possible."

When the voice fell, Chu Yun bowed again, then turned around and followed the bodyguard to a garden at the back of the palace from the side path.

At the moment, Princess Elise is in the garden.

At the moment Chu Yun walked out of the hall, he vaguely felt that a faster figure went to the garden along the same path as them at a faster speed.

He looked up at the bodyguard in front of him. The other party's pace was much slower than at the beginning. It seemed that he wanted him to see Princess Elise later.

"It seems that the king has something to tell Princess Elise. He deliberately dragged me here..."

Chu Yun's eyes are so fierce that he can see each other's intentions at a glance.

However, the so-called "see through without telling".

He came here to observe. When he could see more, he would try to see more. He wanted to know what medicine the father and daughter sold in the gourd.

The garden of the Royal Palace was very large. It took Chu Yun a long time to finally come to a small pavilion by the lake. In the pavilion, he met Princess Elise.

It was a woman wearing a white dress, dark green hair, and a beautiful face. Her eyes were blooming with a faint black mark around her eyes. It seemed that she had just cried. The whole person looked like a little flower that was wilting. She was very gaunt, and a pair of lovesickness became ill.

"Good afternoon, beautiful princess Elise."

Chu Yun stepped forward, saluted Princess Elise with the noble etiquette of the Duke's son, and kissed the back of her hand.

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