Of course, Chu Yun won't expect them to believe it. After all, this kind of thing is still too sensational for ordinary people. There must be enough facts in front of them to prove everything.

The tree of life is the best proof.

The reason why Chu Yun always insisted on going under the tree of life is that Chu Yun got the control spell of the tree of life from daisia before he came to the starlight continent.

As long as Chu Yun controls the tree of life with this spell, his own safety will be guaranteed first, because according to daisia, the tree of life, as the mother tree of the elves, is the source of life of all elves. Under the shelter of the tree of life, no elves can hurt him.

Secondly, the spell that controls the tree of life, as the information that only the leader of the elf family knows, Chu Yun, an outsider knows, which itself is enough to explain the problem.

"Now, let's talk frankly. What I'm doing now is just trying to prove to you that what I said is true. You don't want to believe it. I can understand it, but at the same time, I have a way to prove to you what I said. Just let me come to the tree of life. It's a very simple thing. I'm here, If I can't prove it when I get there, I can't escape. Why not? "

Chu Yun smiled faintly and asked.

The voice fell, and the elf clan leader was always calm, and several shadow elf saints in the dark jungle, that is, several elders of the shadow elf clan, also appeared one after another and surrounded Chu Yun in the middle.

"If you want to get close to the holy land so much, it's hard for us not to doubt that you have any bad intentions towards the holy land. If you really want to express your goodwill to the elves, take the initiative to let Princess Feiya go. We can talk without going to the holy land."

The elder of the elf family said in a deep voice.

After the ambush failed, he no longer hid his toughness.

In order to prevent Chu Yun from approaching the tree of life and causing damage to the tree of life, they are unwilling to let Chu Yun take another step, even if Chu Yun holds Princess Feiya in her hand and can take her life at any time.

"That's embarrassing."

Chu Yun shrugged his shoulders and said, "before I came to this world, I didn't know that the Elves were so hostile to mankind. Now that I know it, naturally, I won't be too naive and place my life entirely on the point that you will keep your promise.

In fact, in the final analysis, this is just a very simple thing. If you don't believe me, as long as I go to the Holy Land and come under the tree of life, I will naturally prove everything I said.

And you suspect that I went to the holy land to damage the tree of life. It's just a preconceived evil idea. I didn't mean that. "

"Ha ha!"

A shadow elf sneered and said, "when you came to the elf family, you kidnapped the princess of the elf family and threatened her life. Dare you say you have no malice towards the elf family? Facts speak louder than words. I'll say what you say! "

Chu Yun calmly looked at each other and replied, "I kidnapped princess Feiya only as a last resort. If you don't believe me, you can ask Feiya. Did I show any hostility when I showed up? It was Princess Feiya who immediately attacked me as soon as she saw me. I was forced to stop her. "

The voice fell, and all the elders in the elf family looked at Princess Feiya kidnapped by Chu Yun with questions in their eyes.


Princess Feiya faced the people's eyes. Somehow, her pretty face flushed slightly, then nodded and said: "he didn't lie... Indeed, I saw him a human, sneaking into the elf family, and took several sisters to catch people first. Unexpectedly..."

When they heard the speech, their expression changed slightly. It was at this time that they knew that Princess Feiya had moved her hand first.

In this way, Chu Yun's words are much more reasonable.

Originally, people didn't want to believe him because when they saw Chu Yun, they saw him holding the princess. They were full of bad feelings. But now they know that the princess took the initiative and was captured by this human. A small change of information is enough to affect many things.

"If I really have bad intentions, why did I take the initiative to show up in front of Princess Feiya? My reconnaissance ability can allow me to sneak in quietly, avoid any patrols and secret outposts, and quietly approach the tree of life. If I didn't come with sincerity, why take the initiative to show up? "

Chu Yun asked again.

The words made several elders of the elves silent one after another.

Chu Yun's words are not bragging. He can find the location of several shadow elf saints in the dark jungle. From this point of view, it is enough to prove that his reconnaissance ability can avoid most threats in the elf family.

If Chu Yun really has a bad intention, maybe he can sneak into the Holy Land quietly without disturbing anyone.

Of course

In fact, this is simply impossible, because in some places, the strength of their defense is simply an iron bucket. They can't go around or drill in if they want to.

Holy land is such a place.

The elder of the elves held his breath, and his attitude was still hard. In his opinion, unless Chu Yun took the initiative to release Princess Feiya and let all the initiative return to the hands of the elves, it was impossible for Chu Yun to get close to the holy land. Therefore, they even sacrificed Feiya.

A princess, although important, is an object that can be sacrificed at a critical moment compared with the lifeblood of the whole elf family - the tree of life.

In other words, not only the princess, for the elves, anyone is insignificant and can be sacrificed compared with the tree of life. All elves have already made this awareness, including the princess Feiya.


Just as the elder of the elf family was about to speak, a figure flew from the distant sky.

She came here with supreme brilliance and bright light.

As soon as Fang entered, the darkness in the dark jungle seemed to be illuminated, and the whole world became clearly visible and radiant.

"Her Majesty..."

The elder elves knelt on one knee for the first time, and the ordinary elves in the rear had knelt for a long time.

The beautiful and noble figure fell into the dark jungle.

She stared, she saw.

The world is in her eyes.

Chu Yun also looked at each other. No one knew that this was the queen of the elves.

At the same time, it is also the spirit family


"... mother!"

Princess Feiya, who was kidnapped by Chu Yun, had always been quiet, but at the moment, seeing the arrival of the elf queen, the whole person became excited and didn't even care about the danger close at hand.

In fact, she really doesn't care.


When the Fairy Queen appeared on the scene, Chu Yun had put the Chen lightsaber around Princess Feiya's neck away and put it into the scabbard.

With a smile in his eyes, he made a gesture of hugging the elf queen and calmly said, "the emperor of Kyushu, Chu Yun, have seen the elf queen."

Ceremony, using peer ceremony.

Although, the fairy queen is the God of the fairy family, with a long life span, not just thousands of years?

However, in terms of realm, they are both gods, and they are naturally equal.

Although Chu Yun is not really here at the moment, so is he.

"Emperor of Kyushu?"

The fairy queen floated and fell on the opposite side of Chu Yun. A pair of beautiful eyes that amazed time quietly stared at Chu Yun, looked at him for a long time.

After a while, she suddenly smiled and said, "sure enough, you are not the soul of this world. There are two wills in this body, and the will belonging to this body is being suppressed by you now."

This is a good judgment information. There is no need for any complex means. There is only one basis, that is, Chu Yun can look at her equally.

In this world, there is an eternal rule, that is

Do not look directly at God!

Unless you get the permission of the God himself, anyone who looks directly at the God will be violently shaken by the soul.

The only exception is that the person who looks directly at the God is another God.

Just now, when Chu Yun looked at the fairy queen, he had no waves and looked at each other calmly, which has proved that his own will is another God.

"Interesting. I didn't expect to meet an alien god in Xingguang mainland as soon as I came back. So... Please tell me, what are you doing here?"

The fairy queen looked at Princess Feiya who ran quickly, gently stretched out her hand, took her into her arms, and then looked at Chu Yun opposite with calm and curious eyes.

At the moment, even if Chu Yun has released the hostages in his hand, any elder in the holy land around him can shoot him to death at any time, but no one makes decisions without authorization.

Because, as the fairy queen said, there is only another God who can look directly at the gods. Chu Yun proved that he is an alien god with that short look at each other.


At this time, this matter has entered the level of gods. Ordinary elves, even the elders of the holy land, don't dare to make their own decisions anymore. They can only leave everything to the elves queen to deal with.

"I'm here to save the star land."

Chu Yun spoke again and said the words that had been repeated many times again.

"What's the danger of starlight mainland? You need to save it?"

The fairy queen didn't say whether she believed it or not, but asked.

"Not yet."

Chu Yun shook his head, paused again and said, "however, in hundreds of years, there will be a large-scale demon invasion outside the Xingguang mainland. Within the demon family, there are demon gods and almost immortal demon emperor. The Xingguang mainland resisted for more than 700 years and was destroyed by the demon family."


The voice fell, and the fairy queen's eyebrows picked slightly and fell into deep thought.

Many ordinary elves around immediately began to look at each other and talk in a low voice.

In the starlight continent, there are also demons. That's because a small number of cosmic demons can enter the world along the space gap of the transmission array and breed the natural demons.

Because of the starlight continent itself, what passes is not the spirit of heaven and earth, but a kind of magic on the magic side, which is somewhat similar to the magic energy of the universe.

Therefore, there is no deep hostile relationship between the demon family in the Xingguang mainland and the creatures of all ethnic groups, not even to the degree of hatred between the elf family and the human family.

Therefore, when Chu Yun said that in the future, there will be a group of foreign demons to invade the starlight continent and destroy the world, people instinctively don't believe it.

"So, according to you, you come from the future time and space? From time and space after the destruction of the starlight continent? "

The fairy queen raised her eyebrows and asked.

"That's right."

Chu Yun nodded and then exclaimed, "the Queen's intuition is so sharp and admirable."

The fairy queen smiled faintly, ignored Chu Yun's flattery and said, "you can continue to say."

"That foreign demon clan was born in the universe. Its demon God Emperor, born as God, is the most powerful creature in the universe. I don't know how many thousands of years, he led the demon clan to fight in the universe and destroyed one world after another, and Xingguang continent is one of them.

Thousands of years ago, the demon clan destroyed all the worlds in the universe, and the only remaining world, in the easternmost part of the universe, is called Kyushu world.

Although the Xingguang continent was destroyed, one person escaped, or a semi elf God.

Her name is daisia. She is a hybrid of the elves and the demons. She has the blood of the demons, so she can change her form into the body of the demons, and can mix in the demons without being found.

She wandered with the demon clan and came to Kyushu. By chance, she met me... "

Then Chu Yun told the elves about the two people and how he came to the world through Chen lightsaber.

After he said the name of daisia, Princess Feiya, standing next to the fairy queen, suddenly opened her eyes and looked at Chu Yun with unbelievable eyes.

"Feiya, what's the matter?"

The fairy queen noticed her daughter's abnormality and asked.

Princess Feiya looked at her mother in a daze and said, "I, I had thought about what kind of name I would give them if I had my own children in the future. If it was a boy, I would call him Elantra. If it was a girl, I would call her... Daisia. I never told anyone about it. "

"... Oh, roar."

Chu Yun smelled the speech, and the expression on his face was also extremely unexpected. He couldn't help touching his nose.

Unexpectedly, when he came to Xingguang mainland, although he didn't meet daisia, he met daisia's mother, and just now he kidnapped each other!

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