Princess Feiya just said that if he had a son, she would name him Elantra. Then Elantra is expected to be daisia's eldest brother.

The most popular news is that as a female elf, daisia not only likes women, but also the wife of her eldest brother.

"Evil fate..."

Chu Yun thought in his heart and couldn't help shaking his head. His face was full of strange colors.

On the other hand, Princess Feiya looked at Chu Yun after saying that. Her mood was very complex.

Because Chu Yun said to her that her daughter daisia is a semi elf God, made of a mixture of ELF family and demon family, that is to say, her future husband will be a demon family. How can this be possible?

The elves are arrogant by nature. They don't like human beings, nor do they like the demons. As the princess of the elves, how can she have children with a demon in the future?

After listening to her daughter's words, the fairy queen actually believed half of Chu Yun's words.

The last half fell on the spell of the tree of life said by Chu Yun.

The fairy queen made an inviting gesture to Chu Yun and motioned him to move on through the boundary of the dark jungle.

Chu Yun nodded happily and walked forward. Soon he crossed the barrier of the dark jungle and came to the holy land of the elf family and the root of the tree of life.

Looking up, I saw an incomparably strong tree rising from the ground, with a green crown blocking the sky and the sun, and its volume is wider than a high-rise building. However, it is strange that countless lights shine down from the sky and penetrate the crown, but there is no shelter at all.

Chu Yun stood under the tree of life and looked up at the sky. He didn't feel a trace of cold. He felt warm all over his body.

"Then, make a fool of yourself."

Chu Yun's lips slowly curved, and his face showed an indifferent smile. Then he slowly opened his mouth and read the spell that daisia gave him.

As the spell came out, the tree of life seemed to get some induction, began to move regularly, exuded abundant and warm magic, and surrounded the whole holy land.

There was an uproar all around.

With the proof of the tree of life, no one doubts whether what Chu Yun said is true or false, because only the leader of the elf family knows this spell, and only the leader of the elf family knows how to correctly teach it to the next leader.

Unless someone gets the unreserved trust of an elf clan leader, it is absolutely impossible to know this spell, because it is related to the lifeblood of the whole elf clan.

"I have probably believed what your excellency said."

The fairy queen took a deep breath, stared at Chu Yun opposite and said, "in other words, if nothing changes, the demon family will come to the starlight continent and destroy the world in hundreds of years, right?"

"It's a pity, but... That's right."

Chu Yun nodded.

"Well, if you have come to our world for thousands of years, what are you going to do to save the starlight continent? Or why do you want to save the star land? Is it good for you? "

Asked the elf queen calmly.

Chu Yun couldn't help smiling when he heard the speech.

Sure enough, a person who can become a queen should not only have strong strength, but also have a mind that can be compared with others. In a word, he hit the key to the problem.

He took a deep breath and replied in a deep voice: "to tell you the truth, on the existing timeline, the demon clan came outside Kyushu to destroy the last world in the universe, but they failed.

After I became a God, I killed all the demon gods in the demon family, except the emperor of the demon family - the demon God Emperor.

He has destroyed countless worlds. Whenever he destroys a world, he will absorb the edge of heaven and earth of that world and take it as his own, so as to enhance his vitality.

Now when it comes to combat power, I can suppress the demon God Emperor, but I can defeat him, but I can't kill him, because its life is close to the level of the whole universe.

The only solution is to start from the past time and space. I can go back to the past and save the world destroyed by the demon clan. If the demon God Emperor has never invaded those worlds and has never successfully swallowed the source of heaven and earth of those worlds in the past history, there will be a deficit in the vitality of the demon God Emperor on the existing timeline thousands of years later.

If I save all the worlds he destroyed, the demon God Emperor is an ordinary demon God who has never absorbed the source of heaven and earth in any world, and I can completely kill the biggest scourge in the universe.

That's why I came to the star land, and that's why I want to save the world. "


When the words came out, many elves around fell into a burst of shock and silence.

If what Chu Yun said is true, it's terrible.

Just now they thought Chu Yun was just an ordinary human warrior in the middle three realms, but now he has proved to be a powerful God, and according to him, he is still the most powerful God in the whole universe, more powerful than the demon emperor who destroyed countless worlds!

"I see."

The fairy queen nodded, looked at Chu Yun and said, "so, what are you going to do? Or what do you need us to do for you when you come to the elves? "

Hearing this sentence, Chu Yun's face showed a happy smile. After tossing for so long, he finally achieved his goal.

He looked like the elf queen and said, "my request is very simple. I want to use the power of the elf family to help me destroy the royal family of a human kingdom."

"The royal family of the human kingdom?"

The fairy queen's face showed a puzzled expression and asked, "does this have anything to do with saving the star land? Can it be said that the royal family of the human kingdom took refuge in the demon family several years later? Or what did they do to threaten the barriers of the whole world and eventually lead to the successful destruction of the world by the demon clan? "


Chu Yun shrugged his shoulders and replied honestly, "to be honest, I don't know the specific details, but this is the task released by the temple of space and time. If I want to save the world, I must do it according to the rules of the book of the universe.

I must make certain changes in this world to offset the past history. In this way, my power can be transmitted to the starlight continent through endless space and time.

As long as my power can be transmitted, I can completely block the space barrier of the whole starlight continent without any flaws.

In this way, when the extraterritorial demons of the world timeline come to the starlight mainland, they will find that there is no flaw in the world barrier and they can't enter it at all.

The world is safe and sound. "

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