Chuyun held housekeeper Yite to the dungeon. Along the way, the old man with white hair was always talking in his mouth.

Chu Yun couldn't hear what he said. With the passage of time, the voice in his ear was often intermittent and unclear.

He knew that housekeeper YT would not be able to hold on.

The moment I walked out of the dungeon, there was a bright light outside the prison door.

Housekeeper Yite raised his head blankly, looked at the sunshine, showed a bitter smile on his face, and said, "young master, I may not be able to go."

"Don't be silly."

Chu Yun shook his head and raised his eyes to see the palace above the dungeon falling into chaos.

The castle collapsed, the city gate shattered, a beautiful and noble figure hung high in the sky, and those slender hands seemed to grasp the power of fate and judgment.

"Your majesty!"

Chu Yun shouted.

When the voice fell, the elf queen looked over and saw the housekeeper Yite beside him, which was to understand Chu Yun's meaning.

With a finger in her hand, a pure light flew into the air and fell into the broken body of housekeeper Yite.

Housekeeper Yite snorted. His weak body was excited by this force. He only felt that his body entered with the light, and the whole person became warm.

The elf family is good at magic, and the healing skill of the elf queen is unique in the world. As long as there is still a breath, it is still difficult to die in front of her.

Seeing that the state of steward Yite gradually improved, the stone hanging in Chu Yun's heart gradually put down.

It would be a pity for a loyal man who, in order to keep the secrets of his Lord's family, even endured all kinds of painful punishments and didn't say a word in the end.

For Chu Yun, he borrowed boon White's body. When Chu Yun leaves the world, boon White's consciousness will return and regain the initiative of the body. At that time, all the past things Chu Yun has done will be handed over to the Lord.

After Chu Yun's episode, Boone white has to go on his own for the rest of his life.

In that case, when Chu Yun leaves, he certainly doesn't want some tragedies to happen to boon white. He will try his best to protect the people and things around boon white as long as they are still there.

Of course, like Duke white and Bette white, who are dead, Chu Yun has no choice but to hope that he will be relieved.

Boom, boom!

A violent explosion came from above the palace.

The fairy queen was suspended outside the palace and attacked the huge circular Dharma array in the outer layer of the palace one after another. Several bright lights bombarded away and hit the palace barrier shaky.

At this moment, the royal family members of the high collar Kingdom, together with king chersley III, are huddled in the palace. Looking at the powerful and beautiful figure outside the barrier, their hearts are full of inexplicable fear and fear.

"Your Majesty, what should we do now? The barrier will soon fail! "

The leader of the court mage in charge of maintaining the barrier asked with a frightened face.

"What should I do? What do you want me to do? blamed! That's a god! The God of the elves! "

The king had a gloomy face, and the whole man was in an extremely restless state. The old majesty and calm disappeared without a trace at this moment.

There is a saying called, in the face of absolute power, any fancy, intrigue has no effect.

At the moment, the king is facing such an embarrassing scene. As the king of kaolin Kingdom, he has the most powerful power in the whole kingdom and can mobilize thousands of people, soldiers and nobles for his own use.

But these are just the power of the common world. Even if they are extraordinary, they have no effect in front of the figure at the moment.


That is beyond all the existence in the world. The gods of the whole starlight continent can count with one hand. Now, the God of the elf family somehow came to the high collar Kingdom and launched a fatal attack on the royal family without saying a word.

Even though Wang's periphery is sheltered by the court Dharma array, this degree of protection can only be broken in front of a God.

In fact, the fairy queen is controlling her power to make it not too violent. Otherwise, if she attacks fiercely, she can raze the whole palace with one blow.

Not only the protective array outside the palace, but also everything in the palace will be completely annihilated. At that time, the royal family and all other creatures will die together.

But the fairy queen doesn't kill innocent people indiscriminately. She's only here to suppress the royal family and help Chu Yun complete the task. She's not willing to kill those ordinary guards and maids.

"Dear spirit God, I'm king chersley III of the high collar kingdom. I don't know what we offended and made you so angry. If you have any requirements, you can say it and we will try our best to meet them..."

Seeing that the protective cover was about to fail, the king quickly begged for mercy, regardless of the royal majesty. He could only say it in a good way.


The fairy queen just looked at him quietly and didn't say anything.

Of course she has a request, but this request itself is to destroy the royal family of the high collar kingdom. Even if the king wants to agree, I'm afraid he can't agree.

With a loud bang, the bright brilliance in the hands of the fairy queen completely exploded on the protective cover of the palace, and the whole circular Dharma array was smashed between the release of the terrible divine power.


In a violent explosion, the figure of the fairy queen crossed the barrier and came to the castle of the palace.

She looked calmly at the king below, and stretched out her hand to point out.

The whole body of the king exploded with light, and the ring and necklace on his body cracked instantly. The strength was vented and turned into a barrier in front of the king.

However, the magical power of the fairy queen is still beyond the control of these foreign objects, even though they are of high quality and invaluable.

The bright light penetrated the protection of those rings and ornaments and came to the king. A heavy blow hit him and flew him out directly. He fell heavily on the periphery of the court wall, making a big hole, and the whole court castle was crumbling.

In the ruins of the wall, the king struggled to get up from the ground. Even though he was a saint and had great strength, he still had no resistance to the pressure of the spirit God.

He climbed out of the ruins angrily, glared at the spirit God in front of him, and scolded: "you bitch! What on earth has the high collar Kingdom offended you? How dare you kill them like this? As an elf, you come to the human world and kill a king. Aren't you afraid of the gods of the human race coming to trouble you? "

"Of course, there is no need to worry about this."

At this time, Chu Yun came to the palace with a faint smile on his face, as if walking in his own back garden, relaxed and grateful without any pressure.

"... it's you!"

The king widened his eyes, stared at Chu Yun and said, "did you bring the spirit God?"

Chu Yun couldn't help touching his nose when he heard the speech.

Why does that sound a little familiar?

... did you bring the devil here?

He smiled, looked at the elf queen and said, "chersley III must have spread the news during the resistance just now. Soon, the gods of the human race should arrive. I will make it clear to them at that time."

The elves have gods, and so do the Terrans.

As the spirit of the elf family, the elf queen came to the human world and killed a king. Of course, it is against the rules and will inevitably be resisted by the human gods.

Chu Yun asked the fairy queen to come and help. Naturally, he won't let the queen carry the black pot for him. Therefore, before Chu Yun left the world, he will do everything from beginning to end, so that the queen can avoid worries.

The fairy queen smiled faintly when she heard the speech, as if she didn't mind at all.

Then, she stretched out another finger and gently pointed, and the terrible power broke out at her fingertips and vented to the king in the ruins ahead.

This time, there were no more powerful ornaments to help the king block the deadly attack. He didn't even have the ability to resist. With only a cry, he completely disappeared into this beautiful world.


"Congratulations, task completed"

"The world process has changed and the laws of the universe have changed"

"The temple of time and space reminds you that you can go back to the existing timeline at any time"


The system prompt sound fell, and Chu Yun was slightly stunned.

The original task was to destroy the royal family of the high collar Kingdom, but what he didn't expect was that the task was completed after the king died alone?

But that's a good thing.

After all, Chu Yun knows the guilt of the whole royal family except the king's father and daughter and Prince Norton. Chu Yun doesn't know whether the remaining royal family members should be killed or not.

Even if there are some things to do in order to save Xingguang mainland, Chu Yun is reluctant to kill innocent people.

"Your Majesty, you can."

Chu Yun nodded to the fairy queen, smiled and said, "it's over."

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