"Have the rules of the book of the universe been modified?"

Asked the elf queen.


Chu Yun nodded, smiled and said, "now I can go back to the existing timeline at any time, go back to Kyushu world and pass on my strength. If the queen has any people outside the world who need to be recalled, please come back as soon as possible. After I completely blockade the world barrier of Xingguang mainland, people inside and outside the world can no longer pass."

"I see."

The fairy queen nodded. There are many people in the fairy family who are not in the starlight continent now. She thought for a moment and asked, "Sir, can you stay in the starlight continent for a few more days? It won't take long, just three days. "

"Of course."

Chu Yun smiled and said, "Your Majesty has helped me so much, not to mention three days, no matter how long."

Of course, this is just a polite remark. If you really want to keep him here for a year and a half, Chu Yun must be hard to obey.

But in three days, to be honest, there was no problem at all.

At this time, there are two figures in the sky outside the king's capital, flying at a very fast speed.

In an instant, the two men came to the palace one after another and looked at the noble and beautiful figure of the fairy queen.

One of them was wearing a colorful robe, holding a magic wand nearly two meters long, with silver hair and white beard, and a high pointed hat on his head.

The other man, with a cold face and a cloth coat, had nothing but a long sword at his waist.

Needless to say, these two people are the gods of human beings - Blake, the God of Dharma, and Lengfeng, the God of sword.

"I don't know what brings her majesty here?"

Blanc, holding a magic wand in his hand, turned slowly for two times. From the perspective of expression and posture, he is not like a top power who practices magic to Shinto, but more like a clown in a circus and likes to make people laugh.

He looked around, his eyes fell on the dead king of the high collar Kingdom, Chesley III, smashed his mouth twice, raised his eyebrows and asked, "what did this unlucky guy do to make your majesty so angry that you even came to the depths of the human kingdom alone? Don't you know that such behavior is a signal that the elves are at war with the Terrans? "

He said this before he finished. Leng Feng, the sword God on the other side, had already held the sword handle, and the air machine locked the elf queen in front of him, as if he wanted to cut people without saying a word.

The fairy queen looked at the two human gods in front of her. Her face was calm and unafraid. It seemed as if she really started, and she was not afraid, but to tell the truth, there was no need to fight.

"If you have any questions, just ask the one next to me."

The fairy queen said faintly, with a haughty and reserved look.

When the voice fell, Blake and Lengfeng looked at Chu Yun next to the elf queen.

At the moment, Chu Yun faced them calmly with a smile. Only at this moment, the two human gods had noticed something wrong.

"Let me introduce myself for the first time -"

Chu Yun said with a smile, "my name is Chu Yun. I come from Kyushu, the easternmost world in the universe thousands of years later. This time, I came to save the Xingguang continent."

After saying these words, the two human gods opposite looked at each other and couldn't see their expressions and happiness and anger.

Obviously, they don't trust what Chu Yun said, but it doesn't matter, or only in this way is normal.

Chu Yun did not mind repeating what he had said to the fairy queen, telling him the reason why he came to the world one by one.

The two human gods looked at each other and listened to Chu Yun's narration. They were silent for a long time.

Although this sounds like a fantasy, it also explains why the elf queen came all the way to the human world to kill the king of a small human country.

"So, after the destruction of the starlight continent, only one and a half elf gods survived, and all the rest died?"

After listening, Blanc asked this in the first sentence. He seemed to care very much.

Chu Yun couldn't help but be surprised when he heard the speech. Unexpectedly, the focus of the Dharma God was so strange.

Then he nodded and said, "it's a pity, but that's right. Besides her divine strength, what's more important is that she has her own blood, which is a mixture of half elves and half demons. She can transform herself into the form of demons, so that she can't be found by demons.

And if it is a pure elf family, or a pure human family, in this long time, it has long been discovered and killed by the demon family. "

When the voice fell, Blanc nodded, slowly breathed out a breath, looked at the cold wind on one side, saw that the other party had nothing to say, and said, "although it's hard to believe what Zunjia said, it seems that this is true, so what else do we need to do now?"

"It's over."

Chu Yun smiled faintly and said, "after killing the king of the high collar Kingdom, the rules of the book of the universe have changed. Now I can return to Kyushu world at any time to pass on the power and block the world barrier of Xingguang continent.

The reason why I haven't left is that I'm waiting for you to come and make it clear to you, so that you won't misunderstand her majesty later. "

The voice fell, and Leng Feng, the sword God, looked calm and took away his hand on the hilt.

And Blake, the God of Dharma, smiled and hit a ha ha and said, "how could it? I have admired her majesty for a long time. I know she will not do such bad rules without reason. It's just to investigate the cause of the matter... "

With that, he turned to Leng Feng, the sword God, and said, "Stinky wood, do you think so?"

Lengfeng ignored his words, and his eyes always fell on Chu Yun. In fact, his focus was not Chu Yun, but the body itself, or boon white.

After pondering for a long time, Leng Feng opened his mouth, his voice was low and hoarse, and said, "what will happen to the master of this body after you leave this world?"

"As usual, not affected."

Chu Yun said.

"I've been looking for a suitable successor."

Leng Feng said.

The voice fell, and Chu Yun was stunned. Then he seemed to understand something and couldn't help laughing.

"That's a coincidence. To tell you the truth, the body I came to this world with, this young man named boon white, is the strongest sword God in the starlight continent hundreds of years later.

According to the original timeline, Boone White was persecuted by the king and his family was destroyed. He wandered alone. It should be that he met Zunjia at a certain time.

Perhaps, in the original time and space, you are the master of Boone white. "

Leng Feng couldn't help being silent when he heard the speech. Then a smile of self mockery came up at the corners of his mouth and said, "whether it's him or me, what's the use of the strongest sword God? He was not killed by the demon God Emperor. What kind of power should he have... "

He lowered his head and thought for a moment, but it was obvious that there was no answer to the question.

Chu Yun heard the speech and replied positively, "don't think like this, sir. The fact is that no matter what strength you have, no matter how powerful you are, you can't be the opponent of the demon emperor.

Because the ability of the demon God Emperor can copy the strongest person he has ever seen. No matter how strong you are, he can copy your ability immediately.

Even if you have stronger combat power than the other party when the demon Emperor just copied his ability, it is impossible to kill him completely.

Because the demon emperor devoured the source of heaven and earth of countless destroyed worlds, its vitality has reached an endless degree.

He has enough time and enough life to accumulate experience in death again and again, and finally defeat all the enemies he has seen.

The only way to defeat him is to go back to the destroyed world and change their fate swallowed up by the demon God Emperor. In this way, the demon God Emperor can lose his life on the existing timeline and completely defeat him. "

The voice fell, and the cold wind opposite was silent for a long time. Finally, he nodded to Chu Yun and said, "I've been taught!"

"You're welcome."

Chu Yun smiled and nodded.

Then, Chu Yun told the two human gods what he had just told the elf queen, and asked them to inform those who are no longer in the Xingguang continent to return as soon as possible, otherwise they will never return until the world barrier of the Xingguang continent is completely closed.

Then the two human gods left one after another.

When Leng Feng learned that Chu Yun would be a guest of the elf family, he said that three days later, when Chu Yun left the Xingguang continent, he would go to the elf forest and take boon white as his disciple.

After the two human gods left, Chu Yun focused on the high collar king. Although the king had died, the mess in this place had not completely ended.

In order to make Boone white worry free, the necessary aftermath work still needs to be done.

"Many of you should know the truth about bunnwhite's brother betterwhite's escape from marriage and what king chersley III did to the Duke white family.

Now, I ask you to make the truth of all this public. I don't want them to be damaged by the outside world.

Do you understand? "

Chu Yun's deep voice made the people in the king's palace look frightened, and then quickly nodded to understand.

Regardless of Chu Yun's control over the life and death of all of them at the moment, only two human gods arrived here alone and left without taking care of anything, which is enough to explain the problem.

The power of mortals can't fight against God. Boon white now has the support of the fairy queen and will be accepted as a disciple by Lengfeng, the sword God. Such people have already jumped out of the restrictions of the high collar Kingdom and reached a broader world.

The best way to provoke people who can't afford it is not to provoke them. Even children know this truth.

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