After placing the steward of Yite, Chu Yun followed the fairy queen and returned to the fairy forest.

This is the last three days when Chu Yun came to Xingguang mainland. He was busy doing tasks before and didn't have time to enjoy the world. Now he has leisure to have a look, but there is also a different flavor.

In order to deal with the world barrier that will be closed in three days, the elf queen is urgently recalling the elf people who are still outside the world and handed over the reception of Chu Yun to her daughter Princess Feiya.

So Chu Yun preoccupied by some troubles with Princess Fei Ya, and was in the spirit of the elves, but obviously, the princess's interest was not high and his heart was heavy.

"Mr. Chu, my daughter... Daisia, did she say anything about his father?"

Princess FEIA asked hesitantly.


Chu Yun shook her head and showed a smile of sadness on her face. "I don't seem to like to talk about what is happening in this respect," she said. "To be frank with you, this is not a good memory for her, perhaps, between your Highness Princess and you."

He didn't go on, but the meaning was obvious - daisya didn't want to mention it at the beginning, so it was expected that the background of the matter must be very dark. I'm afraid the demon family who gave birth to daisya with Princess Feiya used some unspeakable means at the beginning.

Thinking of this, Princess Feiya's face turned slightly white.

"But now you don't have to worry."

Chu Yun smiled and said, "because of my arrival, history has changed. Princess Feiya, you just need to be more careful, and you won't let this happen again."

When Princess Feiya heard the speech, she certainly understood this truth in her heart, but after she was silent for a long time, she suddenly said, "but in that case... Wouldn't daisia be born in the world? If I don't follow the established history, even if I give birth to a daughter and call her daisia in the future, she won't be the half elf daisia or the daisia who saved the star land. "

The voice fell, and Chu Yun was also stunned.


If the current history is changed and Princess Feiya is no longer combined with the demon family, Daisy will not be born in the world.

"It's not fair to her."

Princess Feiya took a deep breath and said, "if she hadn't survived and gone to Kyushu with the demon family, all this would not happen now. Xingguang mainland can't change the fate of being destroyed. She has done so much, how can I prevent her from being born in this world? How can she never exist? "

Obviously, Princess Feiya is ready now and has made great sacrifices in her heart.

"Princess, you don't have to."

At this time, Chu Yun shook his head. After a long silence, he said: "today's daisia is in Kyushu. Although this timeline has been modified, my power has not been transmitted. The history of this change has not been synchronized to the existing timeline.

In other words, when I return to Kyushu, daisia is still there. Before I synchronize the timeline, I will try to keep her there. "

"Can you do it?"

Princess Feiya asked hurriedly with a look of hope in her eyes.


Chu Yun smiled and said, "although it's hard to avoid boasting, but... I'm also the most powerful God in the universe. You can believe me."

"I believe you!"

Princess Feiya nodded hard and stepped forward. She looked a little excited and took Chu Yun's hand and said, "Mr. Chu, you must promise me that if one day the demon God emperor dies, you must let daisia return to the star continent. I really want to see her and my daughter."

Chu Yun felt a lot of emotion when he heard the speech. Is this the power of maternal love? Princess mingfeiya hasn't really given birth to daisia. She just heard that she has such a daughter, so she thought of this situation for her. She's very distressed

"OK, I promise you."

Chu Yun smiled.

Three days passed quickly.

During this time, the elf queen recalled many people outside the world, but this is not all.

According to a rough estimate, more than 40% of the people have not returned yet.


For these people, the fairy queen can't be contacted. She can only let herself go.

"The tree of life can contact all the elves in the star domain. Since they have no news, they represent that they have been far away from the star domain, either dead or gone to other worlds far away. No matter what kind, they can only wish them good luck."

Whispered the elf queen.

Chu Yun heard the speech and said with a smile, "if they are still alive, no matter which world they live in, I will save that world. Please rest assured that when I kill the demon emperor, all those who leave will meet again."

"On behalf of the elves and Xingguang continent, I thank Mr. Chu for everything he has done for us."

The fairy queen made a deep bow to Chu Yun.

"You're welcome."

Chu Yun smiled, glanced at the faces of the elves in front of him, smiled at Princess Feiya and said, "well, goodbye... See you later!"


With the separation of consciousness, Chu Yun's mind went through a long time and space and returned to the noumenon.

Suddenly, in a trance, Chu Yun's consciousness returned to the noumenon. When he opened his eyes, he found that he had appeared in the temple of time and space.

"Your Majesty, welcome back to the temple of time and space."

The system prompts the sound to start.

Chu Yun smelled the speech, and the corners of his lips couldn't help but evoke a radian. He said, "the name of me has changed?"

The system prompt tone does not answer and continues to ring.

"The historical process of Xingguang continent has changed. There is a flaw in the rules of the book of the universe. You can pass on your own strength and completely block the world barrier of Xingguang continent."

"Don't worry."

Chu Yun shook his head and promised Princess Feiya that he hadn't done it yet.

He thought and left the temple of time and space. After searching the location of daisia in Shenmu state, he immediately teleported it.

When he appeared in the familiar mountain forest, Daisy was sitting on a swing made of trees and vines. She looked a little trance and seemed to be waiting for some fate.

Yes, daisia herself thought about the possibility that the past history had been changed and her present self might disappear.

Chu Yun realized this when she first came to her.

But she didn't say anything.

Because, in her heart, she has already made a choice.

Compared with the whole star continent, her disappearance alone is not an unacceptable result.

After Chu Yun left, she had been waiting here. She didn't know what she was waiting for, and whether she would suddenly disappear in a moment.

At the moment, daisia was moved in her heart. Looking at the sudden appearance of Chu Yun, an accident flashed in her eyes. She couldn't help standing up and asked, "have you failed? Why do I feel like nothing has changed? "

"I succeeded."

Chu yundun paused and said, "the history of Xingguang mainland has been changed. I can pass on my power at any time. What I want to solve now is actually your problem."


Daisy was stunned.

Chu Yun said: "I passed through the past time. It was Boone White's youth. On that timeline, your mother Princess Feiya had not been married, so you were not born. Now the past timeline has been changed. If everything is synchronized, it is estimated that you will not appear in the world. From the past history, You have never appeared. "

Then she took a deep breath, shrugged her shoulders freely and said, "come on. After the destruction of the starlight continent, I have been wandering with the demon clan for so many years. I have long been tired. Compared with the whole starlight continent, my life is insignificant. "

"Your mother and daughter are really noble."

Chu Yun smiled and said, "you know? When Princess Feiya and I talked about you, she told me that such a result is very unfair to you.

She said, if you didn't survive and go to Kyushu with the demon family, all this would not happen now, and Xingguang mainland would not be able to change the fate of destruction. How could she prevent you from being born in this world after you have done so much? How can you never exist? "

As the voice fell, daisia's body trembled. She had experienced wind, frost, rain and snow for thousands of years. Her calm heart was suddenly stabbed.

"... no!"

At that moment, daisia couldn't control her emotions. Tears soon gushed out and said, "it can't happen again for her mother! She must not talk to that beast... No! "

Chu Yun heard the speech and determined at the first time that Princess Feiya was indeed forced by a demon family to give birth to daisya on the original timeline. Therefore, a lot of dark events happened.

He comforted: "don't be nervous. I've talked to Princess Feiya and dispelled her idea. For you personally, I actually have some ideas. If you can succeed, maybe you can fix your own existence in this world without the influence of past history."

"... what are you going to do?"

Daisia wiped away the tears from her eyes. When she heard that Princess Feiya had given up the idea, she seemed to be much more relaxed. When talking about her own problems, she didn't seem to care much.

Chu Yun smiled and said, "go with me to the temple of time and space. There, I will build a seal of time and space for you and completely freeze your existence outside this boundary. In this way, when the past history changes, you should not be affected."

"Is this really OK?"

Asked daisia.

"Try it, always try."

Chu Yun sighed gently. To tell the truth, he just had an embryonic form in his mind. In fact, he was not sure whether it would work or not.

However, theoretically speaking, this should be feasible, because the space-time temple itself is a special space independent of all time and space. Chu Yun fixed a person or a thing in the space-time temple, then the change in the history of the external timeline should have no impact on it.

This is the only way.


Daisia took a deep breath, came to Chu Yun and said, "my greatest wish in this life is to return to the star land and return to my mother. If this method can't be done, when you see my mother again, please tell her that I never regret being her daughter."


Chu Yun heard the speech and was silent for a moment. Then he smiled and said, "I hope you can say this to her yourself."

After that, Chu Yun waved his hand, and a virtual shadow of the magnificent temple appeared in the sky. The gate of the temple was open and transparent steps were laid down.

Chu Yun turned his head, looked at daisia, and then made a gesture of invitation.

Daisia took a deep breath and stepped up the steps towards the temple of time and space.

A moment later, they came to the main hall of the space-time temple.

Chu Yun thought for a while, looking for ideas and inspiration, while operating, he slowly built a seal shackle of time and space.

After several hours of exploration, Chu Yun finally fixed a space-time seal. After optimization and research in all aspects, this is the most perfect seal Chu Yun can make. It is almost completely separated from the whole external world and perfectly hidden under the shelter of the space-time temple.

"Go in."

Chu Yun exhaled deeply and looked solemnly at daisia.

For this moment, daisia has been waiting for a long time. Now she smiled easily and walked into the translucent square frame. Before entering, she turned around and said with a smile like flowers: "... Thank you."

"You're welcome."

Chu Yun smiled back and watched daisia enter it. The whole person seemed to be completely frozen, and everything stopped in the seal of time and space.

Breathing, heartbeat, everything has been static, no temperature, no everything.


Chu Yun's heart tightened, and then immediately said, "let's start!"

The voice fell, and the system prompt sounded immediately in the space-time temple. At the same time, the Chenguang sword also appeared in the hall.

"Everything is ready. You can transfer your power to the world where the starlight continent is located."

"Pass or not"


Chu Yun nodded and reached out to hold the handle of Chen lightsaber. The majestic force of space and time rushed out. With Chen lightsaber as the medium, it was instantly transmitted to the other end of the distant universe. On the historical timeline, it completely blocked the world barrier of Xingguang continent.

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