In a moment, all the two gangsters died in the silent deep lane.

Chu Yun shrugged his shoulders and thought you two would do bad things if you did bad things. Who's bad to provoke? You have to provoke me

Although Chu Yun is now just an ordinary person's body without any supernatural power, his soul and his will itself are the most abnormal weapons.

With the soul of God, Chu Yun can control an ordinary person's body. Under the powerful control, Chu Yun can often do things that are incredible to ordinary people.

For example, in the recent gun battle, before the first black gangster pulled the trigger, Chu Yun keenly observed that the other party's hand muscles had changed, indicating that he was about to shoot.

Then Chu Yun kicked out a stone on the ground and shot it accurately into the muzzle of the black gangster.

This sounds simple, but it is extremely difficult to do it. It requires extremely keen observation, rapid response and perfect control of every muscle and bone of the body.

Otherwise, how can you kick that small stone into such a small muzzle so accurately?

Then the white gangster shot Chu Yun, which was even simpler.

Chu Yun's speed is not as fast as the speed of bullets, but faster than the aiming speed of white gangsters. He always observes the shooting action of white gangsters. Once the other party aims, he quickly dodges in advance, so that the white gangsters even fired several shots, but missed one shot.

"I know you're still awake. Don't worry. I'm not a bad person. I just... Don't like wearing clothes. You can leave now."

Chu Yun looked at the white woman lying on the ground, unconscious on the surface, but her fingers trembled slightly. She sighed helplessly and said.

When the voice fell, the white woman's body shook, and then quickly got up from the ground. She was still in shock. Looking at Chu Yun, she just said thank you in a panic, and then limped out of the alley. She lost one of her high-heeled shoes and almost fell.

For an ordinary modern man, watching a gun battle happen with his own eyes and seeing a sick nudist kill two gangsters holding himself, he can maintain such a state at the moment without shouting. It is a firm mind.

Chu Yun looked at the other party's back and smiled helplessly. Then he pulled out the white gangster's clothes on the ground and put them on himself.

Although it doesn't fit very well, and Chu Yun doesn't like this style of dressing, it's better to have clothes to wear than to continue to be naked.

Later, he searched the two gangsters and found two very old mobile phones, which were push-button, with a small screen and were not even touch-screen smartphones.

The brands of mobile phones are produced by a pineapple and a sun company respectively, which is not any brand known by Chu Yun on the earth in his previous life.

In addition, the two men also had two packs of opened cigarettes and some small denominations of money.

It is worth mentioning that the style of those coins is also not the currency of any country Chu Yun has seen on the earth in his previous life. They are very similar to the US dollar, but what is printed on them is not the head of the first president, but an eagle spreading its wings.

This is a pity for Chu Yun.

If this is the earth, maybe he can go back to his motherland and meet those familiar people, but now

Chu Yun shook his head, took the white gangster's pistol, checked the bullets in the magazine, and walked out of the street. He was a newcomer. He wanted to have a good look.

At the moment, the sky was bright. Just after noon, the streets were empty.

Chu Yun observed that at first, there were often vehicles speeding by on the street, each in a hurry, but with the passage of time, there were fewer and fewer vehicles, and even pedestrians were rare.

He came to a corner cafe, which was empty. A TV was playing behind the window. In the live news, a short haired hostess was flustered outside a chaotic Square: "there is still no explanation for the sudden killing that swept the whole city. The atrocities are rampant. It seems that there is no end. Support, We need support... "

In the background of the picture, several police cars are parked behind the hostess. Several men in police uniforms are hiding behind the defense composed of police cars and shooting at their "enemy".

The enemies are not soldiers or bandits, but ordinary citizens.


Surprisingly, those "ordinary" citizens are now charging forward in droves, grinning and acting strangely. Bullets hit them as if they were painless. They can't stop them at all. Only when they are shot in the head can they fall to the ground motionless.

Once they come to a stranger, they will rush forward recklessly and bite with their own teeth. Their behavior is crazy and terrible!


Chu Yun's mouth was slightly drawn, and his face was full of strange expressions.

Before coming to this world, the space-time temple has said that every star core world is infiltrated by the magic of the demon family, causing various disasters from inside to outside, so as to complete the world of extinction.

He originally thought that the so-called "all kinds of disasters" meant natural disasters such as landslides, tsunamis, earthquakes and avalanches, but who thought there would be such things as zombies.

Looking at the situation at the moment, it seems that the city has just erupted a zombie crisis, because from the analysis of the words broadcast by the host, it is obvious that the people in the city have just experienced this kind of thing and don't know much about zombies.

"The star core world is destroyed for some reason, and then swallowed up the source of heaven and earth by the demon God Emperor. Even if my power is transmitted to block the space, it doesn't make much sense? I'm afraid the key to the problem is to lift the crisis of world destruction... "

Chu Yun thought in his heart, but soon he couldn't help crying and laughing: "it's just that how to solve the zombie crisis? Kill all the zombies? I'm just an ordinary person's body now. I'm afraid I can't do it... "

Just thinking, there was a sudden change behind him.

Chu Yun turned around and saw that several figures suddenly rushed out from a store. Their clothes were messy, their mouths were covered with blood, and their bodies emitted a strong stench and bloody smell. Their eyes were empty, but they looked particularly terrible. As soon as they saw Chu Yun standing outside, they rushed up immediately.

"Tut tut."

Chu Yun couldn't help smashing his mouth. It's true that Cao Cao will arrive. Just after seeing the news, he let him see the living zombie. To be honest, it's a little disgusting.

There are five zombies, male and female. Two of them are wearing striped work uniforms of the store. The other three look like ordinary citizens. Everyone has torn marks and wounds. At the moment, they are rushing towards Chu Yun. Although the speed is not very fast, that is, the level of ordinary people jogging, it is better than tireless, across the whole street, The speed didn't decrease, so he ran over without breathing.

Of course

They can't breathe now.

"The speed of this thing is not too slow. It's really troublesome to be in groups and besieged by dozens or hundreds of people."

Chu Yun thought in his heart, but he said there was a little trouble, it was really just a little.

Facing these five dishes, he didn't even use a gun. He picked up a few small stones on the ground, threw them out lightly, and shot the five zombies one after another.

Chu Yun's strength now is only the level of ordinary people. It's really not strong, but his technique of throwing stones transfers every strength to the kinetic energy of the stones. In addition, he aims at the parts hit, which are the eyes of those zombies, so he can kill every hit.


"You successfully killed a zombie"

"Current power unlocking process: 1 / 1000"

"When the process is over, you can restore the power of the five physical qualities in the current world"


The system tone sounded five times in total. After Chu Yun killed all the five zombies, the power unlocking process reached five thousandths.

In other words, as long as Chu Yun kills a thousand zombies, he can unlock and recover his cultivation. Although he has only the level of five physical qualities, he can be regarded as Superman in an ordinary world without extraordinary power.

"In that case, it's still interesting..."

Chu Yun's lips slowly curved, nodded with satisfaction, and then his eyes turned around, looking for the zombies around.

After more than half an hour of searching, Chu Yun killed 72 zombies in the whole block and completed the process of unlocking the power to nearly one tenth.

At the same time, Chu Yun carefully selected a new suit in a shopping mall and changed the clothes he had picked from the two gangsters.

"Logically speaking, if today is the first day of the zombie crisis, there should be many citizens in the city. Why is the whole street so empty?"

Chu Yun was full of questions as he walked. At the moment, he was dressed in a decent blue suit, his coat button was open, and there was a straight white shirt. If he didn't carry a gun in his left hand and a pile of small stones in his right hand, he really looked like a workplace elite walking in a high-rise building.

At this time, a tinkling bell sounded.

A phone on Chu Yun's body rang. The pineapple mobile phone was picked from the white gangster.

After taking a look at the phone screen, the caller shown on it is marked as boss. It is obviously the boss of the white gangster or a role like boss.

Pressing the connect button, Chu Yun put the phone to his ear. Without opening his mouth, he heard an impatient voice from the other side and said, "Damn it, what are you doing with that fool Bob? The whole Raccoon City has turned upside down. Come to the meimen bridge quickly. We have to leave this damn place quickly! "

"... oh?"

Chu Yun raised his eyebrows and heard the noise from the other end of the phone. It can be judged that there are many people there.

In other words, after the zombie crisis, did the citizens of Raccoon City go to the meimen bridge?

"Damn it, are you listening? Why not talk! "

The voice on the other end of the phone was very impatient.

"I'm sorry..."

Chu Yun smiled faintly and said, "he and Bob can't answer your words now."

With that, Chu Yun hung up the phone and threw it aside.

Raccoon City

The name of the city sounded familiar. It seemed that he had heard it somewhere, but Chu Yun couldn't remember it at all.

He shook his head, stopped thinking, walked into a store, took a local map of Raccoon City, took a look at the location of meimen bridge, and set off there.

It's not Chu Yun who wants to leave the city, but where there are many people and there should be many zombies. No matter what he wants to do in the world, the first step must be to improve his strength. With an ordinary person's body, Chu Yun can do many things, but he will still be limited.

With the map, Chu Yun set out towards the meimen bridge. From the map, the bridge seems to be the only entrance and exit to the raccoon city.

Well, when the disaster occurs, the citizens in the city flee towards the bridge, that is, when they should, they basically leave.

Only a few survivors and a large number of zombies remained in the city, which made Chu Yun quite comfortable. He killed all the way. In a short time, he had killed hundreds of zombies and completed two tenths of the progress of unlocking his power.

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