Shua Shua——

With the stones drawing a beautiful arc in the air, several zombies wandering in the street in front were hit in the left eye socket, shot blood holes, and then fell to the ground.

Chu Yun walked on the road after the chaos. In front of a vehicle hitting a street lamp, an office worker in a suit was sticking out his head and stretching out his neck to the outside. Half of his face had been festered and his flesh and blood was blurred by the zombie bite, but he couldn't leave because he was trapped in the driver's seat by the safety belt.


Chu Yun threw a stone back and wanted to shoot it.

However, something unexpected happened. From the bloody mouth of the office worker's zombie, several long tongues like tentacles were stretched out, with barbs on them. A total of four of them gushed out of his mouth and directly blocked the stones shot by Chu Yun.

"... eh?"

Chu Yun raised his eyebrows, but the appearance of this scene surprised him.

Because he killed nearly 200 zombies in this long street. This is the first time he saw a variety of zombies. The four tentacles spit out from his mouth are obviously not what ordinary zombies can have.

Only from the appearance, we can also judge that the strength of this tentacle zombie is bound to be stronger than ordinary zombies, because the four flexible, strong tentacles with barbs can obviously be used as a good means of attack and defense, and can effectively protect their key, that is, the position of the head.

The small stone shot by Chu Yun can be instantly fatal when it hits the eye socket, but when it hits the tentacle of the zombie, it is quickly bounced away.

Seeing this, Chu Yun's heart gradually began to play, so he shot four stones at the same time to see if the four tentacles of the zombie could block all the four stones.

The result is that it doesn't work.

When the stones flew out, the zombie just waved his tentacles and blocked two of them, but the remaining two still bypassed the tentacles and shot through his eye sockets.


"Congratulations on killing a mutant zombie"

"Current power unlocking process: 257 / 1000"

"When the process is over, you can restore the power of the five physical qualities in the current world"


The system prompt sound fell, and Chu Yun's lip angle slowly raised a radian.

"It's not bad. After killing a special zombie, the power unlocking progress is also different. Killing this mutant zombie has brought me an unlocking progress of almost 50 points. If I can meet more zombies, I'll save a lot of time. I don't have to find those ordinary zombies to grind time..."

Chu Yun thought in his heart and walked on. At the moment, it was completely dark. He was not far from the meimen bridge.

In this dark night, you can see a church standing in the dark, a short distance from Chu Yun.

As Chu Yun walked, he observed the surroundings. After dark, the number of zombies obviously increased. When he walked near the church, Chu Yun obviously felt that a feeling of being peeped emerged.


A strange sound sounded on the wall behind him.

Chu Yun was calm, but he had picked out the two sharpest stones and held them between his fingers.

Suddenly, a violent wind broke behind the side. Chu Yun immediately lowered his waist and twisted his waist to shoot the two sharp stones back.

Just listen to 'poop' two times!

The two stones pierced some flesh and blood and were embedded in it.

"Roar -"

A deep roar followed.

It was also at this time that Chu Yun saw the appearance of the sneaker. It was a disgusting monster jumping from the wall. Crawling on all fours, with a big mouth open and a sharp mouth full of fangs, he found a tongue nearly two meters long, which was similar to the tentacles of zombies. It was full of toughness and full of barbs.

At the moment, Chu Yun's two sharp stones shot into the monster's eyes, but the monster had no exposed eyes at all. The orbital part was wrapped with a thick layer of flesh and blood.

The stone was embedded in the flesh and blood of its eyes. Obviously, it hurt the monster very much, but it was not fatal. In the final analysis, it was the stone shot by Chu Yun, and the lethality was not enough.

"Tut tut."

Chu Yun smashed his mouth twice and was helpless for this scene. After watching the monster roll twice on the ground, he peeled off the stones embedded in his eyes with his tongue, and then rushed at Chu Yun at a very fast speed.

Chu Yun shot again, and two stones flew out, shooting straight at the two holes in the monster's eyes.

Poop! Poop!

There are two more sounds of entering the meat. This time it is much deeper than last time.

Because of the blood hole shot by the two stones for the first time, there were two big holes in the defense of the monster's eyes. Chu Yun shot the stones into the monster's brain from this weak point again.


"Congratulations on killing a licker"

"Current power unlocking process: 412 / 1000"

"When the process is over, you can restore the power of the five physical qualities in the current world"


The system prompt sound fell, and Chu Yun's heart suddenly moved.

Sure enough, the stronger the monster, the more power unlocking process it will get after killing. Killing this licker almost brings Chu Yun about a hundred points of power unlocking process.

The successive mutant zombies and lickers made Chu Yun find something consistent with them in his dusty memory.

"Isn't this the world of biochemical crisis? Whether it's the end of zombies, special zombies with tentacles, or this licker, it seems that they are monsters in biochemical crisis movies... "

Chu Yun thought in his heart that his visual sense was getting stronger and stronger.

As for the biochemical crisis film, he had seen it a long time ago, because he didn't like horror films very much before, so he only had a rough look. Up to now, many details can't be recalled. He can only remember a valiant female martial god, Alice, who killed zombies in the end of the world.

This may or may not be a coincidence, but if it is, Chu Yun needs to contact the heroine if he wants to save the world.

"Whether it's right or not, unlocking the power first is the most critical. It's almost half finished. The rest must be found from these lickers..."

Chu Yun thought in his heart. He immediately looked at the distant church where the sense of peeping came. He could clearly feel that there were more lickers in the church.

"Experience babies, I'm coming!"


Now, inside the church.

Three figures walked into the church together. One man and two women were Terry, the hostess of raccoon weather forecast, Sergeant wales of the military special combat force, and Jill, the policewoman of raccoon police station.

The three of them had just entered the church. From behind the pillar in the corner behind the door, a nervous gunman immediately appeared, nervously pointing a gun at them.

"You leave quickly!"

The gunman shouted, "this is my territory. I hide here!"

His sudden appearance made the hostess Terri a little nervous, but when she saw the two beside her, one was a sergeant of the military special combat force and the other was a female police officer of the police station, she relaxed quickly, looked at the gunman, shrugged and said, "this place is big enough, we can hide here together."

"Don't talk to me..."

The gunman immediately objected and was about to continue, but Sergeant Wales stopped him and said, "calm down and put the gun down!"

Wearing a blue tights, revealing snow-white shoulders, slender waist, long legs and slim figure, the policewoman Jill, however, has a look of indifference. With her skill, she can directly subdue this jumpy man without any combat training at any time.

If the other party plans to act rashly, it's just asking for trouble.


The man with the gun looked nervously at the three people opposite. His eyes stayed on the muscular Welsh for a moment. He seemed to realize that he did not have an advantage in force. Although he had a gun, he also had one opposite, and more than him.

So he took a few deep breaths and put the gun down slowly.

Seeing this, Wales nodded in affirmation, which eased the atmosphere a little. The party sat down on a row of benches in the church hall.

All the way back from the meimen bridge, Wales was bitten by the damn zombie. Several people were very tired, while the hostess Terri held up a video camera and asked the female police officer's views on the zombie incident.

Policewoman Jill lit a cigarette and didn't intend to comment.

"Roar -"

At this time, a low roar of zombies came from the upstairs of the church. The sound was not clear, but it was faintly visible.

Several people resting on the bench in the hall were in a tense mood.

Policewoman Jill stood up, looked at Sergeant Wales, then raised her pistol and explored the second floor.

After some searching, she came to an office on the second floor of the church. The source of the zombie cry was here. In front of her, there was a chair with its back to her. The armrest of the chair was tied with an iron chain and tied a thin and black arm. At the moment, the owner of the arm was struggling on the chair.

"... are you okay?"

Jill asked, trying to move on.

"What are you doing?"

At this time, a strange man's voice suddenly came from one side. Jill immediately raised his gun and aimed at the direction of the voice. He saw a fat middle-aged priest looking at her with sweat.

Jill frowned, glanced at the figure trapped in the chair and asked, "what's the matter with her?"

"She's my sister. She's not feeling well..."

The priest explained nervously as he approached the chair. He seemed afraid that Jill would go to check. At the same time, the figure trapped in the chair was still struggling violently, and a low roar came out of his mouth.

At this moment, even a fool could see that there was a problem. Jill naturally wouldn't believe what the priest said, so he pushed the priest aside and stepped forward to the front of the chair.


Gilton's beautiful eyes shrunk and there was a look of shock in his eyes.

Because what was tied to the chair was an old woman who had become a zombie. Her body was stiff, struggling, and her bloody mouth roared.

She subconsciously stepped back, but she tripped over something and almost fell. When she looked down, she found that there was a corpse on the ground, motionless, her arm was cut, and the bloody broken arm was gnawed in half and scattered under the chair of the zombie old woman.

"... you fed her? What a pervert! "

Jill couldn't accept it.

When the priest saw that this scene was found, he was extremely nervous and terrified. He quickly came to the chair, blocked the old zombie woman behind, and said to Jill, "go, what does this have to do with you?"

At this time, the old zombie woman suddenly broke free of the chain at her wrist, rushed forward, grabbed the priest's arm and was about to bite his body.

Jill was quick eyed and ready to shoot the old zombie woman. As a result, the priest shouted, "no!" Then he pressed Jill's muzzle down.

The old woman of the zombie bit the priest's neck and bled all over the ground.


The priest uttered a painful scream, but Jill couldn't bear it any longer. He raised his pistol and shot the dead old woman together with the priest.

In the church hall on the first floor, Wales and Terry, as well as the nervous gunman, heard the gunfire upstairs and became more nervous.

Terri's hands and feet were cold. She only felt that the church was extremely dangerous. After hesitating for a moment, she immediately walked to the church door, pushed the door open and left.

However, unexpectedly, as soon as she opened the door, she saw more than a dozen zombies gathered outside the church. When she saw the door open, she wanted to rush in.

Terri was startled. She immediately wanted to close the door, but she almost couldn't resist it. Wales, who was on the side, immediately came forward and put a hand on the door. Then she resisted the door again and inserted the latch from the inside.

"What the hell..."

Welsh couldn't help scolding. He just breathed a sigh of relief, but suddenly heard something crawling on the ceiling and walls of the church.

He immediately turned his head and looked, but he found that a monster crawling on four limbs was like a gecko swimming on the wall. He quickly crawled on the wall of the church. His figure disappeared in a flash. His action was very agile and rapid. He immediately raised his gun and shot several shots, but he missed at once. The monster quickly climbed without a trace.

The appearance of this scene made the three Welsh people more nervous and hid in one corner to be careful of the reappearance of the monster.

The man with the gun, breathing violently, seemed to feel that the goal with the other two people was too big and easy to be stared at. He ran away alone and was ready to find a safe place to hide.

"... come back!"

Wales couldn't help shouting, but he couldn't stop the man at all. He watched the other party leave, and soon heard the other party scream after being eaten by the monster.

At the moment, there are zombies outside the church and mysterious monsters inside the church. There are fewer and fewer people around. The atmosphere of despair is getting stronger and stronge

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