Jill was on the second floor of the church, looking at the bodies of priests and zombie old women in front of her. After a while, she breathed out a long breath.

Although the priest did something stupid to feed his dead zombie sister, even in this desperate scene, he didn't give up his relatives. It's really a little meditative.

"Ah, ah --"

At this time, the gunman downstairs gave a scream, accompanied by several gunshots, which made Jill instantly regain his consciousness and immediately picked up his pistol.

Worried about Wales and Terri downstairs, she immediately went downstairs and walked carefully in the corridor of the church. In this dark environment, she didn't notice that the ground under her feet was wet and completely soaked by dark red blood.

He opened the door and came to the hall on the first floor of the church. Jill stood at the entrance and looked around the church. He didn't find Wales and Terri, nor did he see the neurotic gunman.

She took a deep breath, her heart became more nervous, and some beads of sweat appeared in her hand holding the gun.

Just above her head, a licker, with a tongue full of barbs, rolled up the bloody body of the gunman and was silently chewing

Jill went on and found that under the church bench, a pistol was discarded, which was the one used by the gunman earlier.

She frowned and calculated her remaining bullets. She found that there were not many remaining bullets, so she attached herself and slowly went to pick up the gun.

Just as she was about to get up, the noise above suddenly sounded!

Before Jill could raise her head, a heavy object fell from the top of the church and hit her in front of her with a bang. The smell of blood came to her nose.

... it's the body of the gunman!

Jill suddenly looked up, opened fire with two pistols, pointed at the direction where the body fell, and saw a licker hiding in the grandstand on the second floor of the church at a very fast speed.


Jill couldn't help scolding in her heart and got up quickly. The pistol she had just picked up soon ran out of bullets, but it didn't cause any damage to the licker.

Lick eaters move very fast, pistols are very hard to hit the key, and ordinary bullets on its body, it is difficult to damage its strong muscle tissue.

Jill looked at the body of the gunman on the ground. The bloody skin surface was full of wounds scratched by barbs. It looked very terrible and disgusting.

She took a deep breath, calmed herself down, then leaned against the wall, continued to move forward, looked in a low voice, and shouted the names of Wales and Terri.


With a dull noise, the church door suddenly opened, and the biting night wind roared into the church hall.

Jill immediately turned and aimed the muzzle at the door, preparing to retreat immediately.

Because she knew that many zombies were gathering outside the church at the moment. When they came, there were many wandering outside. The gunfire in the church was constant. At the moment, it must have attracted all the zombies around, dozens or even hundreds.


To her great surprise, the church door opened to both sides, but it was not a group of corpses that walked into it, but a man in a dark suit, tall and straight, handsome and straight, holding a silver long sword like hanging in a handicraft shop.

At the man's feet, dozens of zombies fell to the ground. Some had blood holes in their sockets, and some had their necks cut off.

"This place is quite spacious. Do you mind if I'm alone?"

Chu Yun smiled and walked in.


Jill frowned and couldn't figure out what the strange man was in front of her, but when she thought of the long tongue monster in the church, she said, "the place is not small, but it's a pity that it has been occupied by monsters. If I were you, I'd turn around and leave now."

At this time, Sergeant Wales and hostess Terri, who were hiding in the prayer room on the first floor of the church, immediately came out when they heard something outside.

"Jill, be careful, there are three monsters, which have surrounded us!"

As Welsh spoke, he walked out of the prayer room with a gun, aimed at the licker walking upstream of the wall behind Jill, and shot several shots.

As soon as the gunshot rang, the lickers who had been walking silently in the church seemed to be angered in an instant, and their actions immediately became radical.

They swam back and forth on the walls of the church, climbing very quickly, followed by a series of bullets, but few guns could hit them.

Boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom——

With a burst of gunfire, Jill and Wales covered the hostess Terri. The three formed a small tactical formation and were retreating towards the door.

Originally, they were worried about the corpses outside and could only hide in the church. Now these long tongued monsters appear in the church. If they can go, they'd better withdraw.

"Damn it, I'm running out of bullets. Those monsters can't die!"

Welsh cursed.

Just listening to the "Shua", a licker flew down from the wall and approached Jill and the three. It stretched its tongue in its big mouth, and its limbs were strong and strong on the ground. It was slowly and oppressively approaching the three.

Jill immediately pointed the muzzle of the gun at the licker's head and pulled the trigger several times, but no bullet went out. Her pistol was empty!

On the other side, Wales used the last two shots to temporarily push back the other two lickers. Now he turned his head and looked at the lickers close to them. His heart was full of despair.

"Roar -"

The licker gave a low roar. His slowly moving body suddenly jumped up and rushed towards the three people. The tongue full of barbs, like a sharp spear, stabbed Jill's neck!

Just then, just listen to the "Shua"!

The silver sword crossed an extremely beautiful arc in the air

The licker screamed, and his tongue was cut in half. The broken tongue fell on the ground under Jill's feet through inertia, twisted and twitched like a living creature.


Jill's eyes widened in surprise. Her eyes moved away from the tongue on the ground and looked at herself.

I saw that the handsome man in a dark suit had come to them somehow and stood between the three and the licker.

In the short fierce battle just now, the three of them retreated towards the church door to avoid the threat of the three lickers, and the man in front of them took the initiative to come in.

"The quality is really poor."

Chu Yun cut off the licker's tongue with his sword. Looking at the blade, he couldn't help shaking his head.

He took it from the handicraft shop next to the church. Because there are too many zombies at the door of the church, it's more convenient to use a sword to chop with a stone.


The quality of this sword is also very poor.

To be honest, he has begun to miss his Xuanyuan sword now.


There are two more oppressive rumors. The two lickers wandering on the church wall have also flown down and occupied the left and right rear of the three. Together with the lickers in front, they form a triangular siege station, ready to go.

"We're dying, aren't we?"

At this time, the hostess Terri held her breath and looked at Wales and Jill with helpless eyes.

With a calm face, Wales pulled out the tactical dagger in his boots and was desperate.

He is very strong. He has been trained in the army for many years. He holds a dagger in hand to hand combat. Even if he can't beat tigers and lions, such as wolves and leopards, he still has no problem.


The three monsters in front of us, completely, are monsters!

They are powerful and invulnerable. Bullets can't break through their muscle tissue. Tigers and lions are probably as weak as ants in front of them.

Jill took a deep breath, suddenly laughed at herself and said, "I knew I should have left a bullet for myself. I don't want to die in the mouth of these monsters. It's disgusting..."

"You guys, there's no need to be so pessimistic. It's just a few little reptiles."

Chu Yun smiled and said.

Little reptile

Wales looked at Chu Yun. Although he had to admit that Chu Yun's body looked very symmetrical and beautiful, he was not as good as himself in terms of size and muscle. He was holding a rolling blade handicraft sword. Why did he fight with these three monsters and call them little reptiles?

At the moment, the three lickers are tightening the encirclement circle, surrounding Chu Yun and Jill from three directions, just like a well-trained wolf pack, ready for the final bite.

And just then

With the roar of motorcycles, the bright light shines on the glass of the church, shining the gods in the glass painting.

Then, a dark figure riding a motorcycle broke the holy painting glass and suddenly fell into the church. The motorcycle crashed into the surrounding circle composed of three lickers.

Chu Yun picked up his eyebrows and saw the figure riding a motorcycle, wearing a vest and shorts, showing his slender and powerful waist and legs, which were hung with all kinds of guns and weapons.

The rider dashed in and flew a licker. After the brake stopped, he took off his helmet, and a golden curly hair fell down, revealing his delicate face.

Chu Yun is very familiar with that face. It is Alice, the heroine in the biochemical crisis series of previous lives.

Although the plot has been forgotten, Alice's heroic figure left a deep impression in Chu Yun's mind.

"... get out of the way!"

Alice pinched the brake, stopped the motorcycle, looked at Chu Yun and Jill standing in front of her, took a deep breath, and her face was serious, so she was about to start her massacre show.

The three of Jill were obviously shocked by her crazy and cool way of coming out, and gave way to one side one after another. They trembled like a chicken brought by the great God.


Chu Yun didn't move. He looked at Alice strangely and said, "wait a minute, miss."

Alice turned to look at him.

"In everything, we should pay attention to first come, first served."

Chu Yun smiled. Considering that Alice might not understand the meaning of this, he explained in a more popular way: "in short, these monsters are mine. Don't rob them."

With that, Chu Yun walked past Alice and helped her twist the key of the motorcycle and turn off the engine. It was very considerate.


A series of question marks suddenly appeared in Alice's mind.

Then, she looked at Chu Yun with his sword and walked towards the licker whose tongue was cut off by Chu Yun.

At the moment, the licker retreated slightly, as if afraid of the man who cut off his tongue.

But actually

Behind Chu Yun's side, the licker who was hit by Alice on a motorcycle has quietly come behind a pillar and completely hid his body in the blind area of Alice's vision. At the moment, he has fixed his eyes on Chu Yun's back and suddenly jumped out, which is a sneak attack.

"Be careful!"

Jill shouted, while Alice on the other side had pulled out her submachine gun and was about to shoot.

Although the man in front of him has some inexplicable self-confidence and likes to take the initiative to do such things, Alice is beautiful and kind-hearted after all. If she can save, she will still do it.


The licker flew out and pounced on Chu Yun who seemed unprepared.

When Alice raised the gun, Chu Yun's body immediately moved. The silver long sword in her hand quickly turned the blade and stabbed out towards the oblique rear.


The blade of the long sword stabbed the licker's head like a toothpick stabbing tofu with the power of the licker's sprint.

Chu Yun's body, with the strength of ordinary people, could not bear the inertia of licker's charge, so he jumped up, somersaulted in mid air and pulled out his long sword. At the same time, two sharp stones had been shot out of his hands, and the man aimed at the opposite licker in mid air.

Whew! Whew!!

The stone flew out, disappeared into the eyes of the licker and pierced the flesh and blood. Although it failed to kill it, it caused a brief blindness.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Chu Yun strode forward after landing. Holding the handle of the long sword in both hands, he stabbed the long sword into the licker's head with a powerful stab.

In a moment, all the two lickers died, and the last licker also came behind Chu Yun.

At the moment, Chu Yun's long sword is still inserted in the head of the second licker. It is stuck by the other party's muscles and is difficult to pull out for the time being. If you want to shoot with a stone at such a close distance, even if you hit the other party's head, the best result is to lose both sides and seem to be in danger.


Chu Yun was not in a hurry. He pulled out the white gangster's pistol from his waist. He didn't look at it. He raised his hand with two guns.

Boom! Boom!

One by one, the two bullets hit the licker's left eye socket, with injuries and repairs, and instantly burst the licker's head.

"I'm kidding. I can use a gun, too."

Chu Yun blew the muzzle of the gun.

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