"It doesn't matter. Everything will be all right..."

Alice looked more and more depressed. Angela, who was about to cry, couldn't help bending over and holding her in her arms and comforting her softly.

Jill looked at the two people behind her through the rearview mirror. What she cared more was that there was an antidote for T virus?

Chu Yun breathed out when he heard the speech, and the corners of his lips slowly raised a radian.

Sure enough

He remembered correctly that in this zombie apocalyptic world, there is an antidote for T virus. The antidote serum in Angela's backpack is.


"Salvation mission triggered"

"Objective: to assist Dr. Ashford in making T virus antidote and spreading it all over the world"


A series of system prompts fell, and Chu Yun moved slightly in his heart.

This is the first system task he received after he came to this world, but at the same time, this is the final task in the whole biochemical crisis world.

The car continued to drive forward, and soon found a public telephone booth in front. Seeing the existence of a camera nearby, Chu Yun immediately signaled to Jill to stop the car.

Several people got out of the car. Sure enough, not long after, the camera probe turned and aimed at them, and then the telephone booth rang.

"Long time no see, doctor. We have received your daughter. Can you see her?"

Chu Yun said hello to the camera.

"Thank you."

Dr. Ashford smiled, controlled the camera, nodded up and down, and then immediately said, "in Raccoon City, there is a helicopter about to take off, located in the city hall. That will be the last plane to leave Raccoon City before the explosion."

"That plane is not for us, is it?"

Chu Yun smiled and said, "what is its original purpose?"

"I don't know."

Dr. Ashford shook his head and said, "I can only see the departure time and information of this aircraft in the umbrella company's system. The departure time is only 47 minutes. That's your only chance."

"I see."

Chu Yun nodded, waved to Angela and said, "come and say something to your father."

Angela trotted over, took the phone from Chu Yun's hand and asked expectantly, "Hi, is it dad?"

"Oh, my daughter..."

As soon as he heard Angela's voice, Dr. Ashford's heart melted, and then quickly said, "follow the people around you, they will help me take you to a safe place, and then we can meet, okay? Listen to them. "

"I see, Dad."

Angela nodded and returned the phone to Chu Yun.

Chu Yun took it over and asked, "doctor, how's the analysis of what I told you before?"

"... I'm afraid you're right."

Dr. Ashford took a deep breath. As soon as he mentioned this, his breath became a little dignified, lit a cigarette and said: "I just re analyzed and calculated that the dissemination efficiency of T virus in the air has far exceeded the geographical scope of raccoon city.

In other words, even if the nuclear explosion destroys the whole Raccoon City, it can not really stop the spread of T virus to the world. Maybe all this is happening now. "

"Do you have a way to save it?"

Chu Yun asked, "you are the developer of T virus. You have also developed the detoxification serum of T virus. If there is a way to crack T virus in this world, it's only you."

Dr. Ashford was silent for a moment and said, "after you leave Raccoon City, I will try my best to solve this matter. It starts with me and I will settle it. For this, I will do anything."


Chu Yun nodded and hung up.

Turning around, he said to the crowd, "come on, let's go to the city hall."

On the other side, inside the camp.


After Dr. Ashford took a deep breath of smoke, his heart was full of complex thoughts. When he was empty, the voice of major gene came from behind.

"Computers are very unreliable, just like humans themselves."

Major gene stepped forward, pressed one hand on the back cover of Dr. Ashford's laptop and closed the screen. His eyes stared at Dr. Ashford. A trace of anger flashed in his eyes and said, "doctor, you don't really think I don't know anything?"

"Ha ha."

Dr. Ashford was not surprised by his arrival. He slowly snuffed out his cigarette butt and said, "you know what I did, and you know I have to do it. That's my only daughter."

Major gene shrugged and said, "whatever, but what you have done has violated the rules of the umbrella company. Now I want to deprive you of all authority and take you back to the headquarters.

But... You have successfully locked the position of the goddess Alice for us, which has played a little auxiliary role in our plan. If the nemesis plan is successful, I will plead with the board of directors for you. "

With that, major gene gestured to a security guard behind him to escort Dr. Ashford out.

Previously, Dr. Ashford should have left Raccoon City by helicopter, but in order to wait for his daughter, Dr. Ashford insisted on not leaving.

At that time, major gene, as the general director of the camp, had too many things to do, so he didn't care about him. But who would have thought that after calling the records of the background of the system, he knew that the doctor who seemed harmless to humans and animals and was still in a wheelchair had done so many things behind his back.


As major gene said, Dr. Ashford guided Alice and her party to the city hall, which helped them determine the position of the goddess.

The tall security guard stepped forward, came behind Dr. Ashford, pushed his wheelchair and was about to get out of the tent.

"Wait, I have something you don't know!"

Dr. Ashford stared at major gene and said, "nuclear explosion can't stop this crisis at all. T virus has spread through the air and spread outside Raccoon City! Even if the raccoon city is blasted by a nuclear bomb, the outside world will not be spared, and eventually the whole world will become like Raccoon City! "


The voice fell, and there was a moment of silence in the camp tent.

Not only did major gene raise his eyebrows, but the security guard also looked shocked.

They all saw the scene in Raccoon City with their own eyes. It's no exaggeration to call it hell on earth. They thought that a nuclear bomb could flatten it and dissipate everything. But who knows that Dr. Ashford said that even a nuclear bomb can't completely eliminate t virus?


Suddenly, with a low silencing pistol, a figure was shot in the middle of the eyebrow and fell down.

Dr Ashford's eyes widened and his pupils tightened.


The shooter was major gene standing opposite him.

The man who was shot and fell to the ground was actually under major gene's hand, that is, the security guard who pushed the wheelchair at the moment.

"... you killed him?! Why? "

Dr. Ashford asked in shock.

"He's not bad. It's a pity."

Major gene shrugged his shoulders, picked up a handkerchief, gently wiped the body of the silencing pistol, and then inserted the pistol back into his waist.

He looked at Dr. Ashford, who was shocked and didn't know what was going on, suddenly smiled and said, "as I said just now, don't think I don't know anything, including what you're talking about. The Ministry of science has secretly given the analysis results."

The voice fell and Dr. Ashford was silent for a long time.

At the mention of this department, Dr. Isaacs's face immediately appeared in his mind.

It was an equally excellent genetic scientist who also had a deep understanding and cognition of the T virus he developed. If it was that person, he was not surprised to be able to analyze the spread of T virus.


If the science department of umbrella company already knows that nuclear bombs can't stop the spread of the virus, why

"Inside the company, some senior executives are too stubborn, and the things in their minds have long solidified into stones. They can't keep up with the changes in the new world, but we are different..."

Major gene leaned down, put his hands on Dr. Ashford's wheelchair armrest and said, "the spread of the virus is far faster than everyone's imagination. This is an unprecedented opportunity and the best opportunity for us to shape a new world. Think about it!

A world destroyed by viruses, and we are new humans in this new world! The vengeance plan represents the future of new mankind!

After everything is completely successful, people living in the new world will be stronger and more perfect. Everything is under our control. Everything dirty and decadent in the old world will be destroyed by the virus. It is a new world and a perfect world! "


Dr. Ashford was silent.

As a scientist devoted to research, he has also heard that the umbrella company is vaguely divided into two factions.

One is conservative and the other is radical.

Among them, the radicals have always advocated to destroy the world, and then build a new world in the ruins, a world completely controlled and shaped by umbrella companies.

Conservatives, on the other hand, scoff at it.

Although both factions pay equal attention to the development of genes and t viruses, their purposes are quite different.

At the moment, T virus triggered a zombie crisis, which broke out in Raccoon City.

Major gene, as a conservative, was sent by the company's top management to deal with the incident. The conservatives believe that this incident is an accident that should not happen. As long as a nuclear bomb goes down, everything will end. Things will be the same as before. The research of umbrella company will continue to be carried out secretly.

But in fact, major gene and Dr. Isaacs of the Ministry of science are all hidden radicals!

They have long known that nuclear explosions cannot stop the spread of T virus.

But they don't say anything.

Secretly, the radicals are ready to take the opportunity of the spread of the virus to complete the destruction of the old world, so as to build their ideal new world!

The reason why major gene wanted to kill the security guard just now is purely because Dr. Ashford said that sentence, which was heard by the security guard, and the fact that the T virus will spread out is absolutely unknown to the Conservatives.

Otherwise, conservatives will find a way to break up the T virus.

"Dr. Isaacs and I think that you are old, Dr. Ashford, and you are no longer agile, but now it seems that you can realize and analyze the spread of T virus when you are worried about your daughter, which proves that you still have high value."

Major gene stared into Dr. Ashford's eyes, smiled and said, "we have always welcomed people of value."

"What are you going to do with me?"

Dr. Ashford took a deep breath. He knew that major gene would not allow him to return to the company and tell the conservative senior management that the other party was actually a radical. Therefore, major gene even killed his confidants and killed them, let alone get used to him.

"You now have, and have only one choice."

Major gene smiled and said, "I will take you into Raccoon City and bring your daughter back. After that, on the open record of the umbrella company, you are dead, but in fact, you will turn to the dark and assist Dr. Isaacs to continue the development and research of T virus.

Of course, in addition to restricting your personal freedom, your daughter Angela will grow up happily under our supervision... Don't worry, if you are obedient, she will be very happy, at least very safe. "

"... asshole!"

Dr. Ashford clenched his fist and his breath was a little uneven.

"Don't be so angry. At least you still have the value of being used. Things like him are just tools that can be discarded. I hope you don't end up with him."

Major gene shrugged, looked at the body of the security personnel on the ground, then came to the back of Dr. Ashford's wheelchair, hummed a minor in his nose, pushed him out of the tent and said, "come on, let's go into the city to see the vengeance and vengeance God you created. Who is the future evolution direction of the new mankind?

I should put my chips on Alice. The evil god is really ugly. Although some people in the company don't care about the sudden change in appearance, I still can't accept it.

Doctor, what about you?

If you are such a slovenly scholar who only knows how to do research, you should not care about these appearances, right? I really want to see what you will look like when you become a monster, ha ha... "


Dr. Ashford's face was expressionless, but his heart set off thousands of waves, which could not be calm for a long time.


Radical people are all crazy!

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