In the silent night, a group of four drove to the city hall.

When they arrived outside the tall building, Chu Yun proposed to get off the bus to prevent the umbrella company guarding the helicopter from discovering it. They went to discredit it while it was dark.

Came to a nearby building and silently cleaned up the zombies inside. Alice took a telescope and observed the situation of the city hall.

I saw that the helicopter they were thinking about was parked in the square in front of the city hall building, but there were many armed guards around to protect them along the way.

"The security force here is not weak. There should be snipers on the building. Before we start again, we must clean up the people above."

Alice said, looking through the telescope, glanced at the top floor of the city hall and said, "Chu Yun, you and Jill protect Angela, and then attack the apron together after I get rid of the snipers above."


Chu Yun nodded and agreed.

Jill had no problem, but patted Alice on the shoulder. "Be careful yourself."

Alice smiled, then touched Angela's hair, took advantage of the night, sneaked into the city hall building, searched layer by layer along the way, searched all the positions suitable for sniping, went all the way to the top floor, and found the existence of snipers on the roof.

The other party lay on the edge of the roof and locked the position of the apron with a sniper mirror. Alice touched it lightly and broke his neck.

Then Alice stood on the roof and made a gesture to the small building where Chu Yun and Jill were hiding.

"Let's go."

Chu Yun saw Alice's signal through the telescope, then pulled Angela out of the small building and went to the apron of the city hall.

In the silent night, the three men moved forward all the way. There were many armed guards patrolling around in the field of vision, but Chu Yun just waved his hand gently, and several marbles were fired out, killing them one by one.

After coming out of raccoon junior high school, Chu Yun's equipment can be described as a "change of gun". He got a box of marbles confiscated by students. This thing shoots smoother than stones, which is also a small weapon upgrade.

They moved here. Alice on the top floor tied up the downhill rope and stepped directly on the wall glass all the way down from the top floor.

When she was less than 20 meters away from the ground, the length of the downhill rope was not enough. She simply took off her belt, somersaulted and fell to the ground at a height of nearly 20 meters.

Then, she quickly stepped forward and rushed to the back of the four umbrella security personnel in front. One heavy blow solved one, but it also attracted the vigilance of the other three.

After an extremely rapid close combat, the scene fell to the ground for security. In the face of Alice, who was far faster than ordinary people and had extremely strong fighting intuition, they didn't even have the chance to shoot. They were directly knocked down at close range and had no room to fight back.

Then Alice stepped forward quickly and came to the bottom of the apron. At the same time, Chu Yun and Jill also protected the little girl Angela.

They made a gesture to each other, and then they moved forward together, leaving Angela alone waiting below. The three were like beasts out of the cage.

"... who?!"

A security guard with a gun found Chu Yun and hurriedly raised the muzzle of the gun, but saw that as soon as Chu Yun raised his hand, something flew to him.

With a dull bang, the helmet of the security personnel broke open, and something shot through his face and fell directly to the ground.

As if this was a signal of attack, Jill and Alice immediately took out their guns and fired at the security guards present.

They don't have many bullets. Good steel should be used on the blade, and now it's obviously now that they come to the last moment of seizing the plane.

After a fierce battle, several security guards next to the plane fell to the ground one after another.

"Well done."

Jill's face rose with a smile. It's been a long time since she played such a relaxed and smooth cooperation battle. From the battle level, Chu Yun and Alice are undoubtedly the best teammates.

She immediately ran to the plane and entered the cabin from the rear hatch. Holding a pistol, she approached the driver's seat and said to the pilot of the plane, "raise your hands and put them where I can see them. Be obedient. We won't kill you."

"OK, ok..."

In the driver's seat, a pilot was looking at her in horror, raised his hands and stood up slowly.

Jill stepped forward and was about to say something, but at this time, a man suddenly appeared from the co pilot's seat, and the muzzle of the gun was directly against her forehead.


Major gene smiled at her, and the pilot immediately disarmed Jill's pistol.

Jill took a deep breath and suddenly realized

This is a trap!

On the other hand, outside the apron, a large number of umbrella company members came around the apron with guns and surrounded it directly.

Among them, there is a terrible monster with a Gatling machine gun in his left hand and a rocket launcher in his back.

Needless to say

Of course, the vengeance of the umbrella company.

Chu Yun and Alice stood under the cabin, their faces were very dignified, and the most deadly thing was that Angela, a little girl waiting under the apron, was also kidnapped by a security guard with a gun.

"What should I do?"

Alice took the gun, slowly approached Chu Yun and asked in a low voice.

Chu Yun's eyes swept through the crowd surrounding them, and his eyes only stayed on the vengeful evil god for a moment.

He whispered, "they're here to catch us alive, otherwise they would have shot. We'll act according to the circumstances and give priority to Angela's safety."

He was talking here. In the cabin on the other side, major gene had taken Jill out. He smiled with great joy and said, "you may not have seen me, but I've been watching you for a long time. Finally... We can stay face-to-face for a while."


Alice and Chu Yun looked at him and said nothing.

Major gene pointed his gun at Jill, then looked at the gun in their hands and said, "put that thing down so that we can have a good talk, can't we?"

The voice fell, and Alice looked at Jill who was kidnapped. Jill looked bitter and shook her head slowly, but Alice still threw the gun on the ground.

As for Chu Yun, he also threw a gun he had just picked up on the ground. It was purely something he looked curious and took up for fun. The real killers were those marbles hidden in Chu Yun's sleeve and pocket. Each one was more powerful and accurate than bullets.

At this time, a figure in a wheelchair was pushed over by a security guard. Angela, who was kidnapped, was pleasantly surprised when she saw him: "Dad!"

"Anjie, my Anjie..."

Dr. Ashford was also excited.

Under the sign of major gene's eyes, the armed security guard released Angela and let her trot all the way to her father. In this critical wood day, the father and daughter finally reunited.

"Although I don't want a bad atmosphere, but... Doctor, did you betray us?"

Chu Yun asked.


Dr. Ashford looked at Chu Yun with a complicated face and sighed, "he found the record of my retrieval of information."

Chu Yun smiled at him and nodded.

At this time, major gene asked people to bind Jill. He walked to Alice and Chu Yun. After hearing the dialogue between Chu Yun and Dr. Ashford, he couldn't help laughing.

"You are really an optimistic person. You can laugh at this time."

Major gene said to Chu Yun with a playful face.

"Why not?"

Chu Yun asked with a smile. His heart said that when you were exposed in front of me, I just raised my hand to shoot through your head. At this time, you can still laugh. It's really a little too optimistic.

Major gene shrugged and said, "I have to admit that your shooting skills are very good, forcing us to temporarily transform and upgrade the vengeful evil god..."

While he was talking, the vengeful evil god on the other side stepped in front of Chu Yun and Alice. He saw that the monster had not changed much as a whole, but there was a bulletproof helmet on the head, and the eye position was transparent and thickened bulletproof glass.

At first, under the viaduct, Chu Yun shot a series of bullets directly through the eye monitor of the vengeful evil god. After repairing the monitor, the researchers of the umbrella company had to temporarily install such a helmet to avoid the embarrassing situation of suddenly becoming blind.

"That's good."

Chu Yun smiled and said, "at least he can cover his face so as not to frighten children."

"I hope you can be so humorous later."

Major gene smiled as well, then turned around and ordered the vengeful evil god to lay down his main weapon.

When the voice fell, the vengeful evil god put his Gatling machine gun and rocket on the ground together, waiting for the next order.

Major gene came to Alice, looked at her like a perfect object, and said, "you two, let's see a bright future, but we must also see your actions, and your performance is particularly excellent.

You are like a brother and sister, with the same extraordinary strength, speed, agility and killer instinct, which are the two parallel lines of our research.


We must know which of you is better and which is the direction of new human evolution in the future.

Go and fight him. "

When the voice fell, Alice took a deep breath and looked at the vengeful evil god. She instinctively resisted. She immediately shook her head and said, "no, I won't fight."


Major gene picked up his eyebrows, smiled, stretched out his hand and pointed to Chu Yun and said, "if you don't fight, I'll let him fight. If you don't want to fight after he died, the rest will die. Don't you want to see that scene?"

When Alice heard the speech, a violent struggle appeared in her heart.

"And such a good thing?"

At this time, Chu Yun laughed and said, "OK, let me fight first."

The voice fell, and several people present were stunned. Including Jill and Dr. Ashford, they thought whether Chu Yun was crazy.

Major gene was also stunned. Then he couldn't help laughing and said, "interesting, interesting, it's so interesting. It seems that our goddess Alice can't help but have strong power and fascinating charm, which can make men willing to die for you..."

"Are you crazy?"

Alice looked at Chu Yun nervously. She didn't know how he had this idea.

The gene mutation of the vengeful evil god, coupled with biochemical transformation, has turned him into a complete monster and a ferocious war machine.

Even if Alice has far more power than ordinary people, she thinks she is not the opponent of vengeance. Chu Yun is just an ordinary person. Even if she has all kinds of miracles, she is only an advantage at the skill level. When the power gap reaches a certain level, any fancy skills are meaningless.

What's more

This is not a battle that can be fought with a gun. Chu Yun can't even give full play to his greatest advantage.

"Just a big fool."

Chu Yun shrugged his shoulders, then looked at Jill whose hands were bound by the tie on the other side and said, "moreover, I promised her that I would help her kill the monster the next time I saw it. Although there is some suspicion of boasting, what I said will usually be fulfilled, without exception. "

"OK, you go."

At this time, major gene nodded to Chu Yun with a playful face.

"... no!"

Alice immediately objected. She wanted to stop it, but two security guards from the umbrella company grabbed her arm. She immediately looked at major gene and said, "I agree. Let me fight!"

Major gene couldn't help laughing when he heard the speech. Although this was his original purpose, at the moment... He didn't want to serve the main dish so early.

"No, let him come first."

Major gene shook his head with a bright smile that controlled the fate of others.

He had found that Alice's war intention was not strong. In that case, he should use other means to pave the way and ignite Alice's war.

The so-called bedding, of course, is the scene that Chu Yun was killed by the vengeful evil god in public, or simply torn into minced meat

Seeing Alice worried about Chu Yun, major gene thought that the scene would be very interesting

At this time, Alice was about to struggle, but Chu Yun had come to her.

"Hey, calm down..."

Chu Yun smiled at her, holding Alice's face in both hands, looked at the beautiful face hidden in blonde hair, leaned forward, whispered in her ear, "look at my gesture later, go to save Dr. Ashford and Angela first, okay?"

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