
Alice's sudden intimacy to Chu Yun was obviously a little unexpected. Her two clear blue eyes were wide open and looked at Chu Yun.

However, when she heard Chu Yun's whispering words in her ear, Alice suddenly understood that Chu Yun seemed to have some other plans and plans. This time, she proposed to take the initiative to fight against the vengeful evil god, which was not to die, but another plot


What else is there? The power gap is too big!

After Chu Yun said that in Alice's ear, he let Alice go. When their cheeks were staggered, Chu Yun gently winked at her.

And I said a word with my mouth

believe me.

Alice was silent and took a deep breath. Beautiful lines appeared between her snow-white neck and nodded to Chu Yun.

On the other hand, in the eyes of others, Chu Yun just stepped forward and kissed Alice's side face. He didn't notice anything wrong.

"You are so romantic..."

Major gene, with a strange smile on his face, hummed: "I hope you can be so romantic when you are beaten into meat sauce by the vengeful evil god later, ha ha."

As the voice fell, Chu Yun walked towards the silly big black monster. As he walked, he moved his muscles and bones. He looked very leisurely.


The vengeful evil god stared at his opponent and rushed to Chu Yun with big steps under the command of major gene.

His speed is very fast. Although he looks a little clumsy compared with his body shape, in fact, both the forward speed and the reaction speed, and the basic quality of vengeance against evil gods are much higher than ordinary human men, and more than a little.

But of course

Compared with Alice, he must be a bit slower, which is determined by the direction of mutation.

Vengeance focuses more on strength and defense, while Alice is a hexagonal warrior, taking into account strength, defense and speed. The latter allows her not to be pressed in the face of vengeance.

The vengeful evil god came to Chu Yun with a helmet. Two arms thicker than ordinary people's thighs clenched into fists and hit Chu Yun at an amazing speed.

All around, whether Jill, Dr. Ashford's father and daughter in custody, or the security personnel of the umbrella company with guns, are watching the battle closely at the moment.

A battle between humans and evil gods.

Jill and others are worried, while the security personnel of the umbrella company are full of excitement and expectation.

Looking forward to seeing Chu Yun smashed into meat mud by the vengeful evil god.


In the face of the fierce attack of the vengeful evil god, Chu Yun quickly slipped from the armpit of the vengeful evil god, came to the back of the vengeful evil god and kicked him in the back.

Chu Yun didn't use all his strength, but kicked it with the power of ordinary people. It was light and floating, as if he was tickling the vengeful evil god.

In fact, after the vengeful evil god received this foot, he did not cause any damage. Even his two strong thighs and body did not shake, and the roots of the old tree were as stable as before.

And he quickly turned around and swept towards Chu Yun.


The power and speed of terror broke out, and the foot of the vengeful evil god was kicked out, just like the autumn wind sweeping away the fallen leaves.

Chu Yun's body was the fallen leaves. He made a somersault in mid air and put his hand on the calf of the vengeful evil god. Although his body was not hurt, it was kicked out directly and flew far under the influence of inertia!

The direction he flew out was in the middle of gene and Alice. Seeing Chu Yun's figure hit, major gene immediately dodged to the other side.

Alice's heart tightened. She wanted to rush up to catch Chu Yun, but she saw that Chu Yun's body was flying upside down in mid air. She turned her face and winked at her.


Alice understood Chu Yun's meaning. After hesitating for a while, she didn't come forward, but hid in the opposite direction of major gene, and very naturally approached Dr. Ashford and his daughter.


Next to Dr. Ashford's father and daughter, there are only four armed guards from the umbrella company.

Alice calculated her position, speed and distance.

She found that standing in this position, she could go up and knock down up to three of the four armed guards without hurting Dr. Ashford's father and daughter.

On the other hand, Chu Yun's body fell to the ground. It seemed that he was going to fall heavily to the ground, but Chu Yun people only made a twisting movement in the air. They fell to the ground like fallen leaves, without any damage. They were beautiful like gymnasts.

"He flew in this direction on purpose to get me close to Dr. Ashford and Angela..." Alice immediately realized this.


The vengeful evil God saw that the insect kicked away by himself was not hurt at all. He immediately roared again and rushed forward with big steps. When he came close to Chu Yun, he immediately made a fierce attack. His fists and feet were combined, and the attack speed increased to a very high range in a very short time.

After watching that battle, all the people present couldn't help but hold their breath and concentrate, because it was so wonderful. Every attack of revenge evil god was full of strength and extremely dangerous.

Chu Yun stood there and used the method of constantly unloading his power to dissolve the attacks of vengeance evil gods one by one. If he couldn't unload his power, he hid in the past.

The battle between the two sides shows two kinds of extreme beauty.

One is the beauty of violence, the other is the beauty of skill.

It seems that the vengeful evil god representing power can tear Chu Yun into minced meat as long as his power is stronger or faster.

Chu Yun, who represents skills, will be smashed to pieces as long as he slows down or makes any mistakes. He will be beaten to death without burial place.

At the moment, even the security personnel of the umbrella company, even the major in charge of personality, couldn't help but bring themselves to Chu Yun's side and couldn't help being secretly nervous for Chu Yun.

This is not about position, but human instinct. In the war between the two sides, anyone with compassion can't help substituting himself into the weak side.

"Input data analysis, classify the operation mode of the experimental object into the database, try to understand and analyze, and assign it to the operation system of vengeance."

Major gene pressed his wireless headset with one hand and gave orders to the researchers in the camp.

At the moment, he has also immersed himself in this battle.

Originally, he just made Chu Yun into a tool, a tool to stab Alice and stimulate her fighting spirit. He didn't think that Chu Yun's battle could bring a little value to the revenge evil god.

But now, Chu Yun's performance far exceeded his expectations. He found himself wrong. The mysterious oriental man in front of him, with all his skills, has reached the peak that human beings can understand. Even to some extent, his skills have reached the non-human field as strong as the power to revenge evil gods.

Such terrible fighting skills and consciousness, if coupled with a slightly stronger power than ordinary people, will be enough to burst out superhuman combat power.

Once the vengeful evil god can understand and learn Chu Yun's combat skills, how terrible will it be?


Major gene has reconsidered whether to leave Chu Yun as another experimental object equivalent to Alice and the evil god of revenge?

If Chu Yun is also injected with T virus and his abilities at the mental level and battle consciousness level are developed, it will be a new research direction not inferior to the Alice goddess plan and revenge evil god!

Think of here

Major gene couldn't help breathing heavily and looked forward to it.

And he, as well as all the security personnel of the umbrella company around him, focused all their attention on the battle between Chu Yun and the evil god of revenge.

Without noticing, Alice is quietly approaching Dr. Ashford's father and daughter, and she has stood in a very dangerous position.

In this position, she can shoot at any time and kill all four armed guards guarding Dr. Ashford's father and daughter in one breath.

Alice took a deep breath and looked at Chu Yun who was' hard supported 'in the battlefield. She knew that this was what Chu Yun wanted her to do, but

What about yourself?

Once Alice starts to save people, what should Chu Yun do? Can he protect himself?

At this time, the battle in the field seems to have entered a white hot stage.

In the continuous fierce attack, the vengeful evil god seems to have broken some shackles. His strength and speed have increased a lot at the same time!

Chu Yun had easily avoided the blow. At the moment, there seemed to be a strong wind around him. Before his body touched Chu Yun, the strong wind tore Chu Yun's clothes on his chest.

"... evolved!"

Seeing this, major gene immediately widened his eyes. His eyes were full of shock and ecstasy. Looking at the battle between the fields, he couldn't help laughing: "it has evolved and unlocked a new super ability! Incredible, this is incredible! Ha ha ha! "

In his research on the evolution direction of T virus, Dr. Isaacs, director of the Department of science, pointed out that the impact of T virus on human evolution is not as simple as strength and speed.

Its impact on brain development and spiritual power is also huge! Once this influence is magnified to a certain level, it is possible for the infected to have a secondary plan and have a new ability.

And now

When the vengeful evil god takes his hand, there is a strong wind around his arms all the time, as if it is a whirlwind attached to his hands, which makes it clear that it is a new super power.

At the same time, this also represents that Dr. Isaacs's research on T virus is correct. T virus can indeed enable infected people to have super power!

At this moment, major gene immediately put the idea behind him. He didn't care about the existence of Chu Yun. Looking at the vengeful evil god after evolution, he immediately said loudly: "attack with all his strength. Let me see all your strength after evolution and tear him into powder!"

The voice fell, and the vengeful evil god immediately roared.

"Roar -"

In the little brain consciousness that he was controlled, he had already been full of anger at the insect that jumped up and down, hid around, couldn't catch and couldn't kill.

Now, the vengeful evil god has the evolved super ability. The attack range and attack power have been greatly enhanced. When he shoots again, he has become more ferocious.


With his strength and speed far exceeding that of the past, he smashed into Chu Yun's face. At that moment, Chu Yun seemed to be unavoidable.

Everyone opened their eyes, stared at the battle in front of them, and waited for the result of the battle to appear at the next moment. It clearly seemed that Chu Yun had no room to dodge. This thrilling battle was about to decide the outcome at this moment, and ended with Chu Yun being punched in the head?


A very dull explosion suddenly exploded in the field.

The crowd of onlookers opened their eyes, and their eyes almost jumped out of their sockets.

The expected scene of Chu Yun's head being punched and his brain scattered on the ground did not appear.

Not only that

Chu Yun's move even shocked everyone.

I saw that in the field at the moment, the revenge evil god, an unprecedented heavy fist, suddenly attacked with the whirlwind around the fist, and was directly caught by Chu Yun!

The two men's fists collided with each other firmly, without any fancy. The two terrible forces collided with each other, and then burst into a dull fist ring.

Chu Yun's figure was so light that he stood in place. After catching the fist of the vengeful evil god with a fist, he didn't retreat at all. Instead, the vengeful evil god after evolution in the opposite side was knocked back for several steps by the force of this fist, and he didn't retreat.

"... how is this possible?!"

Major gene's eyes widened angrily. How could the vengeful evil god lose?!


But he saw that Chu Yun rushed forward with big steps. When the vengeful evil god was repelled by him and his steps were unstable, he jumped away, flew out and kicked it in the chest of the vengeful evil god.


With a dull noise, the body of the vengeful evil god was hit hard and fell to the ground. The back of his head fell heavily to the ground. The heavy bulletproof glass of his helmet was directly broken!

The toughened glass, which could not be pierced by bullets, was directly kicked and cracked by the force of this foot!

The helmet was broken, revealing the ferocious face of the vengeance evil god.

Chu Yun jumped up and stepped on the chest of the vengeful evil god. The vengeful evil god subconsciously waved to sweep, but Chu Yun suddenly fell a kilo and stamped his feet down.


With the crack sound of "click, click and wipe", the chest of the vengeful evil god sank instantaneously. Chu Yun's foot directly crushed the bones of the vengeful evil god. The sternum and ribs were all broken, and the whole body was like a shriveled ball, losing all vitality.

The weakness of vengeance is indeed not in the brain, but in the core of all biochemical transformation, that is, the heart. Chu Yun's foot directly broke his chest, his heart burst and died.

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