It was also at this moment that everyone around the apron opened their eyes and looked at the scene with unbelievable eyes.

Major gene was particularly shocked and couldn't accept the reality in front of him.

Obviously, the vengeful evil god has been suppressing Chu Yun, hanging him unilaterally, and even awakened his special ability and completed self evolution.

Logically speaking, the power of revenge on evil gods should have a stronger outbreak immediately and crush Chu Yun, a jumping insect, to death.



Why did the evolved vengeful evil god be directly beaten back by Chu Yun and killed cleanly?!

Why? WHY?!

Countless question marks hovered in his mind. Major gene even felt whether he was dreaming or not?

"What are you waiting for?"

At this time, Chu Yun turned his head and looked at Alice outside the crowd.

Needless to say, Alice rushed forward for the first time. When everyone was shocked that Chu Yun killed the revenge evil god, she quickly rushed to the four guards on the side.

She was like a clever cheetah, very fast and beautiful. A long-standing hand knife directly hit one of the guards on the neck.


The crack sounded and the gunman died on the spot.

But Alice didn't stop. She immediately picked up the guard's rifle and fired at the remaining three guards around.

Stu, Stu!

A series of rapid and brief gunshots rang out, and all four umbrella company armed guards guarding Dr. Ashford and Angela were killed.

The rapid gunfire immediately aroused the high vigilance of the people around him. Major gene woke up for the first time, suddenly raised the muzzle of the gun and was about to hit Alice.

At the same time, many armed guards around also picked up their guns.


What people didn't expect was.

But Chu Yun, who was in the middle of the crowd, suddenly turned around and shot his hands around. Dozens of transparent glass marbles burst out between his hands.

Each shot at the surrounding umbrella company members.

Shua Shua!

Just listen to a burst of extremely fast breaking wind. Those marbles accurately hit every armed guard and major gene.

Among them, some marbles hit the enemy's vital points, either hit the head or hit the chest, and killed them directly.

However, some marbles just pierced the shoulder and abdomen, which was not enough to kill at the first time. After they were injured, they immediately screamed, shot at Chu Yun and immediately hid behind the nearby bunker.

"I knew it would."

Chu Yun shrugged his shoulders and flashed at his feet. His body was like a ghost. He avoided those bullets, and then immediately rushed to the survivors. At the same time, he shot several marbles to kill him.

From the moment when major gene appeared with the encirclement, Chu Yun was ready to fight at any time, but he knew he couldn't kill everyone at the first time.

With his current state and strength, it is impossible to hit so many targets at the same time and kill everyone.

Someone will not die and have a chance to fight back.

Chu Yun's greatest fear is that these people will hurt Dr. Ashford in the process of counterattack, which he can't allow. After all, the way to save the world is to assist Dr. Ashford in making the antidote to T virus. Protecting him is Chu Yun's first goal at any time.


Chu Yunshun followed major gene's request and fought a war with the evil god of revenge. In addition to giving priority to solving the most difficult enemy, he also had to attract everyone's attention and create a rescue opportunity for Alice.

Now it seems that everything is going very well.

Alice successfully killed four guards next to Dr. Ashford. After Chu Yun's first wave of shock fire, most of the enemies have died, including major gene, who only wore a suit, and the remaining members of the umbrella company have also been successfully solved by Chu Yun's second wave of replenishment gun.

"... shet!"

At this time, Jill, whose hands were tied and kneeling under the plane, couldn't help shouting.

She had somehow cut the tie that bound her wrists with the knife hidden in her body and restored her freedom. But at the moment when Alice started, before she had time to respond, everything was over. Chu Yun killed all the enemies with dozens of marbles.

Alice took a gun and protected Dr. Ashford. She was also very surprised. After killing four armed guards, she didn't stop and was preparing to kill other enemies. However, when she raised her gun, she was also seeing that the enemies around had been hit by Chu Yun's marbles and died on the spot.

At the moment, the only people standing in place on the whole apron are Chu Yun, Jill, Alice and Angela, in addition to the new Dr. Ashford.

"You are a monster, Chu Yun!"

Alice shook her head, a surprised smile on her face, and sighed in a heavy tone.

"You have no position to say that about me if you have injected the virus."

Chu Yun smiled, looked at the two helicopters coming quickly in the distance, shrugged his shoulders and said, "it seems that they didn't come to send us away, so there's no need to fly in the sky, right?"

Said, Chu Yun's feet a hook, two heavy weapons, have appeared in his hands, it is the vengeful evil god's left hand Gatlin machine gun, the right hand heavy rocket launcher.


Chu Yun pulled the trigger, and the rocket propelled grenade flew out a long white tail gas and flew towards the first helicopter.

When the helicopter pilot saw Chu Yun pick up the rocket launcher, he was shocked and frantically raised the altitude for the first time. As a result, the rocket launcher almost wiped the bottom of his cabin and flew over.

"Oh, thank God!"

The driver was glad, but suddenly heard a "boom" from the rear!

It turned out that when Chu Yun opened fire, the two helicopters were almost at the same level. After the first helicopter hid, the second helicopter didn't have enough hiding space. It was blocked by the first helicopter and directly bombed.


A fireball exploded in mid air, and the helicopter spun and fell to the ground.

The first helicopter was not happy for too long. Chu Yun raised the Gatling machine gun and was just supplemented by the umbrella company with 5000 bullets in sufficient magazine. It almost connected into a spiral gun line in mid air and fired at the first helicopter.

As a result, the helicopter did not resist the fierce attack of such heavy firepower, and the defense of the cabin soon couldn't hold up. A lot of blood burst out inside. Chu Yun shot through it one after another, including the driver and gunman. The smoking helicopter lost control and fell to the ground.


There was another dull explosion. The helicopter turned into a fireball on the ground. The wreckage complemented the first helicopter not far away.

Seeing this, Chu Yun threw the bazooka and Gatling machine gun on the ground. He was very happy.

Before crossing, Chu Yun didn't have a chance to touch these guns when he was on the earth, let alone Gatling machine guns. He didn't even have a chance to touch the simulation guns that couldn't be fired.

As a result

This time, back in the world of biochemical crisis, he was addicted to guns.

"Are you all right?"

Chu Yun looked at Alice and others with a smile on his face and asked.

"What can I do? You solved it all. "

Alice shrugged her shoulders and gave a somewhat complicated smile.

Chu Yun stepped forward, looked at Dr. Ashford behind Alice, held out a hand and said, "Hello, doctor, after talking on the phone for so long, I finally saw your real person."

Dr. Ashford shook hands with Chu Yun, but stared at him and said, "have you... Been transformed by other types of viruses or genetic engineering?"

Chu Yun was shocked when he witnessed the battle just now.

After T virus transformation and strengthening, the vengeance evil god has almost no power to fight back in front of Chu Yun. When Chu Yun shows his real strength, the vengeance evil god is fragile like a chick.

As a researcher of T virus, Dr. Ashford does not want the umbrella company to use T virus as a way to develop combat effectiveness, but as a scholar, his pride also makes it difficult for him to accept that the genetic weapons or viruses developed by someone are stronger than him in this regard.

That's a very subtle emotion.

"No, you misunderstood."

Chu Yun smiled and said, "I haven't been injected with any kind of virus. At most, I've been vaccinated before, but that shouldn't count?"

"Then you..."

Dr. Ashford asked in a daze. Alice and Jill also looked with concern.

Chu Yun replied, "this is my own ability. I can get it through cultivation."

"Chinese martial arts?"

Jill asked, raising her eyebrows.

"You can say so."

Chu Yun nodded, then skipped the topic, looked at Dr. Ashford and said, "let's talk about T virus. Doctor, have you confirmed that the nuclear explosion in Raccoon City can't completely stop the spread of T virus?"


Dr. Ashford took a deep breath, nodded and said, "after my analysis, T virus has now spread in the air to areas outside Raccoon City. As long as there are dead bodies in these places, whether human or other animals, it will cause the re transmission of T virus, that is, zombie crisis will occur again and again in other places, Eventually spread to the whole world! "

Jill and Alice looked at each other. Although they had already made similar psychological preparations, when they suddenly heard the news, they couldn't stop their shock and instant despair.

"Is there a solution?"

Chu Yun asked, "you are the developer of T virus and have made an antidote to T virus for Angela. You must have a way to resolve this crisis?"


Dr. Ashford was silent for a while, then exhaled and said, "however, I need some things, some vital data, which are blocked in the main control center deep in the hive. Only with those data can I find out which transmission link the spread T virus source is based on, and then I can make antidotes for it, It also spreads through the air. "

When the voice fell, Jill frowned slightly, looked up at the dark sky and said, "however, raccoon city is about to bear the attack of nuclear explosion. We must leave immediately!"

"How long?"

Chu Yun frowned, looked at Dr. Ashford and asked, "what time was the scheduled nuclear explosion?"

"Six in the morning."

Dr. Ashford replied, then looked at the dead major gene's body and said: "as the general director of the Raccoon City theater, he can call the emperor nuclear weapon aircraft at any time to carry out a nuclear attack on Raccoon City in advance, but now... He obviously can't do it."

Chu Yun smelled the speech and looked at the time. It's about 3:30 in the morning. He exhaled and said, "there are still two and a half hours left at that time. That's enough. You leave first. I'll go to the honeycomb to get the data. Doctor, tell me the characteristics of the data."

"I'm with you!"

At this time, Alice stepped forward and said in an undeniable voice, "you know, I have to go with you. I used to work for the umbrella company. The hive is my territory."


Chu Yun couldn't help laughing when he heard the speech. He nodded to her and said, "OK, let's go together."

On the other side, Jill still wants to speak, but Chu Yun takes her first step.

"Don't come."

Chu Yun shook his head and said, "your task is also very important. Escort Dr. Ashford and Angela out of Raccoon City, take them to a safe place, and then you have to drive a helicopter back to pick us up. You wait outside the hive until 5:50 and set aside ten minutes for yourself. We will try to get out before this time..."

Jill took a deep breath. Although she wanted to go with Chu Yun and Alice, someone must protect the unarmed Dr. Ashford and his daughter now.

So she nodded and said, "you have done the thing of killing evil gods and avenging Wales. Now, I want you to promise me again. When the time comes, whether you get the data or not, you must come out alive!"

"... OK."

Chu Yun smiled again, nodded to Jill, then watched the three get on the plane and left Raccoon City.

Watching them leave, Chu Yun suddenly remembered something and patted his forehead: "... It's broken!"

"What's the matter?"

Alice looked at him nervously, her hand on the handle of the gun.

Chu Yun smiled bitterly and said, "they should give us a ride and take us to the entrance of the honeycomb. Where can they fly fast when we drive?"


Alice was in a state of bewilderment when she heard the speech.

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