"Dog officers and soldiers, die for me!"

With a roar, the evil way suddenly burst into violence and stabbed at Chu Yun's heart.

However, at such a distance, if he can be attacked by a tripod Taoist like him, Chu Yun can simply find a piece of tofu and kill him.

As soon as Chu Yun picked up his long gun, the front of the gun swept forward and crossed an incomparably beautiful silver arc in the dimly lit cave.

Immediately, I saw a great head rising into the sky, and the blood at the broken neck was gushing like a spring. The corpse of the evil road was completely silent and fell directly to the ground.


This head is the real weakness of the evil way.

The reason why Chu Yun chose to attack here is just to do exclusion. He doesn't believe that Mao has no ability to do such a small evil way, but he can be immortal in the real sense.

Stabbing the heart did not die, which only shows that the heart is not his fatal weakness. In that case, Chu Yun plans to test one by one by beheading, dismembering, burning and so on. There is always one suitable for this evil way.

However, what Chu Yun didn't expect was that the evil way died so happily. With Chu Yun's spirit, he obviously felt that the evil way had no breath of life.


Just now, the demon asked Chu Yun why he didn't die. Chu Yun only said half the answer.

In addition to stabbing the heart will die on the spot and unable to turn around, what is more important is that Chu Yun sensed that the life breath of the evil road did not completely disappear.

And now, No.


Chu Yun stepped forward, picked up the head of the evil way, and then came to the body of the evil way. He saw a yellow book in his arms.

Chu Yun picked it up and saw that it was an ancient book. On the cover of the book was written five big characters with mottled vicissitudes of life. Yin and Yang belong to divine skill.

"This is the cultivation method of the evil way?"

Chu Yun puts it away and is ready to take it back. Although he can't use women's life as a means to absorb Yin Qi like this evil way, understanding the Taoist skills in this world is also helpful for Chu Yun to understand the cultivation system of the whole world.

No way, Chu Yun's luck in tracing back to the world is not good.

As a level-5 world, the highest combat power can accommodate nirvana, while the unintentional possessed by Chu Yun has strong combat power, but his martial arts are only about the level of Qianjun territory to Wanshi territory.

Further up, there is still a mountain and sea boundary and a Nirvana boundary. Once an opponent with these two levels of combat power meets, Chu Yun's end will not be different from Liu Zhi.

"Unfortunately, there is no spiritual power in this world. Under the rules of this world, I can't practice my skills and martial arts normally. I can only find the skills under this world system to improve my strength..."

Chu Yun breathed out slowly, took the head of the evil way, got up and left the cave.


Out of the cave, Chu Yun came to the blockade composed of 100 soldiers of Shenfeng camp and made a gesture to them, representing the success of the action.

A hundred soldiers of the sacred wind camp immediately emerged from the seemingly silent corners, and everyone's face was excited.

"I knew that the general would be invincible as soon as he came out. The little evil way is just easy to catch!" A soldier immediately boasted.

"General, is the evil way really like the rumor that it can fly to the sky and hide from the ground, grow three heads and six arms, and become a mountain when it is angry?"

Another soldier came forward curiously and asked.

"There's only one head, not many."

Chu Yun threw the head over and said, "get ready, take people to rush into the array, beat the refugees below, and let them blow it up first, so that after the evil road is dead, the refugees will elect the next thief head by themselves, and our efforts will be in vain."

When the voice fell, the soldiers immediately nodded and answered, shouting, "yes! Obey the general's order! "

After that, he immediately formed a formation and, under the leadership of Chu Yun, launched an assault on the refugee gathering place at the foot of the mountain.

Although for Chu Yun, attacking the refugees is tantamount to killing civilians.

However, this is very necessary.

Although the refugees themselves are poor people, they follow the evil way all the way. So far, there are human lives in each hand. Even many people have eaten other innocent people raw in the state of hunger.

Chu Yun took these 100 people and faced 30000 refugees. The number was a little too small. Once the refugees really gathered their strength to deal with them, the soldiers of the sacred wind camp couldn't stand it and had to run hard.

Therefore, in order to avoid the inside of the thief camp, it is necessary to elect the next thief head and lead the refugees to continue to make trouble. A night attack and rush array must be done.

The refugees must be dispersed, and only scattered and chaotic refugees are refugees.

Together, it's a rogue bandit!

It's also a disaster.

In this dark night, Chu Yun, with a hundred soldiers of the sacred wind camp, resolutely launched a charge towards the refugee gathering place at the foot of the mountain.

In an instant, torches were waving heartily in the mountains and forests, and the sound of killing was loud. The elite soldiers who had been in the army for many years seemed to be very proficient in how to shout the most frightening momentum with the least people.

The No. 100 people shouted with their necks in the mountains and forests, but the momentum brought by it seemed as if thousands of people were charging, which scared the refugees in the camp almost out of their wits.

Chu Yun, carrying a steel gun, kept rushing into the array among the refugees. He also carried the head of the evil way in his hand and shouted, "the evil way is dead and the thief's head has been removed!"

"The evil way is dead, and the thief's head has been removed!"

"The evil way is dead, and the thief's head has been removed!"

"The evil way is dead, and the thief's head has been removed!"

The soldiers of the sacred wind camp shouted with Chu Yun. When they met the fierce bandits who dared to resist, they killed them, while when they met the refugees who just fled in panic, they let them run around.

During the rush, Chu Yun strictly restricted the soldiers of the sacred wind camp, asking them not to kill innocent people, but only those who had the courage to resist.

Because some of these people are often not courage, but madness after killing people.

If you only rely on a group of weak refugees like sheep, the evil way can't coerce so many people and make things happen.

Among the more than 30000 refugees, there must be a group of crazy people who have killed red eyes in the continuous killing, forgot etiquette, righteousness, integrity, loyalty, filial piety and integrity.

After they kill people and taste the taste of blood, they will become merciless beasts when they attack their peers. It is precisely because of the drive of these people that the refugees can show crazy aggression and destroy the villages, towns and counties they have experienced along the way.

Chu Yun led his troops into the array to kill these people. For those who were coerced, they only knew how to escape, but Chu Yun let them escape.

Or that sentence, the refugees who are frightened out of their courage are the refugees. Those who can get together to resist are the exiles!

In this short rush, Chu Yun was fully aware of what a mob was.

Normally speaking, 30000 people beat 100 people.

Even one spit is enough to drown Chu Yun and them, because according to each head, Chu Yun and them have to beat 300 people alone.

In the army, one enemy of ten is already a fierce soldier selected from thousands of miles. If one enemy of a hundred can be achieved, it can not be an ordinary soldier. But if one enemy of three hundred is fundamentally difficult for people.


On a real battlefield, that's not how many people count.

The mob of refugees simply have no ability to gather everyone together and use 300 people to deal with one person.

The truth is that the vast majority of the refugees have been frightened by the cries of beating and killing, the screams of the refugees, and the noise of the battlefield before they have fought with Chu Yun and others.

Before fighting with the enemy, he has collapsed. He is like a headless fly. He is in a mess on the battlefield. He doesn't know where the enemy is or where he is a friend.

It's easy for a person to do so, but the problem is that more than 20000 of 30000 people are in this state, and a few sober people are coerced by more than 20000 people. Many times when they want to do something right, they even encounter resistance from friendly forces.

To put it simply

In such an environment, it is a rare good luck that people are crowded with people and can not be pushed to the ground and let the crowd trample to death.

There was a rush from night to dawn. When the sky in the distance rose a touch of fish belly white, the battle was finally over.

Chu Yun almost retreated with 100 soldiers. His loss was very small. It goes without saying that Chu Yun was unharmed. Only two of his 100 soldiers died and more than 20 were injured.

They are like a sharp knife, seven in and seven out among the refugees, just like shepherds, driving the sheep and letting them run around by themselves.

In fact, there are not many people who really kill. Most of the damage is caused by the refugees themselves after they become chaotic.

"Cool, I haven't fought such a smooth war. I think there are fewer people sent by general Sima to the general. If you let the general take the 2000 soldiers of the Shenfeng camp, wouldn't you kill the 30000 refugees directly?"

A soldier of kamikaze camp was so excited that he couldn't help laughing after he left.

Chu Yun looked at him and said, "it's just some poor people who can't help themselves. Our purpose is to drive away, not to kill."

"... yes, general."

The soldier immediately restrained his smile, lowered his head under Chu Yun's gaze, and realized that he was a little complacent.

Chu Yun took back his eyes, looked at the dawn and said, "take a rest and continue to rush the camp tomorrow. We can't let these refugees gather again until the people of Jiqing mansion come to meet them."


All the officers and men responded and camped on the mountain.

On the evening of the second day, when Chu Yun rushed back to the camp again with the soldiers of the sacred wind camp, he finally waited until the officers and soldiers of Jiqing mansion came to receive the refugees.

Chu Yun contacts with the other party. At the same time, he also gets the written military order of general Sima's army and tells Chu Yun that the task is completed and he can return to the flaming army to resume his life.

Before leaving, Chu Yun asked the officers and soldiers of the Jiqing government how to settle these refugees.

"You can't let them into the mansion. Go back to where they came from. Although those places have been destroyed and ruined by rogue bandits, they also need someone to rebuild, don't you?"

The officer and soldier answered rightly.

Chu Yun was not happy when he heard the speech, because he knew that the refugees had a hard life except because they were coerced by the evil way.

In recent years, the weather in the south is bad and disasters are frequent. People often work hard to plant land, but there is no harvest. Only when they can't be happy, can they follow the bandits and plunder everywhere in order to get a meal.

And those who were looted by them were also such poor people. The real rich were all in the mansion, protected by high walls. The refugees dared not fight or could not fight in.

In this case, the imperial court is still levying heavy taxes on every village and town. At present, the officers and soldiers are going to return the refugees to the villages and towns destroyed by the exiles. There is no way to live there. Although food can be replanted, I don't know how many people will die before the harvest season comes.

Chu Yun put these things in his heart and didn't say much to the officer and soldier, because he knew that the decision-maker was not these small soldiers in front of him.

"Jiqing mansion, flame Army..."

Chu Yun looked into the distance and slowly breathed out a sigh. The people lived such a miserable life. In addition to the continuous natural disasters, man-made disasters must also be an extremely important reason.

Perhaps, in the flame army, Chu Yun can find an answer.

So he followed the military order and led the 100 soldiers of the sacred wind camp back to the great wall outside Jiqing mansion.

Here is the southernmost part of the whole Dagan Dynasty and the boundary line of the dynasty. Further south, there is the grassland.

In history, nomads on the grassland often crossed the plain and invaded the Central Plains. Tianhong fortress was a military fortress set up in the south by the founding emperor of the Daqian Dynasty.

So far, it has guarded the peace of the Daqian Dynasty for more than 300 years, and the flame army is the garrison sitting in Tianhong fortress. In addition to calming the turmoil in China, the most important duty of the flame army is actually to guard against the attack of grassland tribes on the Daqian Dynasty.

In fact, the wolf cubs on the grassland have indeed been restless in recent years. With the unrest within the Daqian Dynasty, they are also like a group of wild wolves smelling blood outside the Great Wall, always thinking of biting a bite of meat while the Daqian Dynasty is weak.


With Tianhong fortress here and the flaming army in the fortress here, it is difficult for the grassland Hu people to cross the Tianchi Lake one step, just like the name of Tianhong fortress. With this fortress here, it is like the gap between heaven and earth.

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