Chu Yun returned to the fortress with nearly 100 soldiers of the sacred wind camp.

The bodies of those martyred soldiers could not be brought back for a long time, so they burned into ashes and took them back to the military camp, so as not to expose their bodies in the wilderness and become lonely souls.

After returning to the sacred wind camp, Chu Yun cleaned up, took a bath, cleaned up the outdoor meals and lodging in recent days, and then went to the military aircraft mansion of the fortress to meet general Sima Shuntian.

"Where can the general be?"

Chu Yun came to the conference hall of the military aircraft mansion and asked.

"General unintentionally, the general is discussing the matter. You..."

The guard at the door arched his hand.

Before he finished, a strong voice came from the conference hall and said, "did you come back unintentionally? Enter! "

The voice fell, and the bodyguard immediately made a gesture of invitation to Chu Yun.

Chu Yun stepped into it.

I saw that in this conference hall, in addition to general Sima Shuntian, there were also Mr. pangce, the military division of the flaming army, and several generals of the army.

Seeing Chu Yun coming in, Mr. pangce showed a smile on his face and said, "this time, you have made another contribution to calming the evil way of Jiqing mansion."

"It's just a small thing."

Chu Yun said, saluting the mighty middle-aged man who sat on the throne with only one eye and said, "at the end, I will be lucky to live up to my life."

"Very good. I knew it would be no problem to send you. Come on, sit down. The general has something to do for you!"

Sima Shuntian pointed to the vacant seat at the conference table and motioned to Chu Yun to sit down.

Then he put his eyes on the huge sand table on the conference table. Here is a very detailed strategic map. In the middle, there is a long line of defense, starting from songyun mountain in the South and the edge of chakong River in the north. It is like a wall blocking the prairie in the south.

It's Tianhong fortress.

At the moment, Sima Shuntian and Cheng Jian are not referring to the grassland outside the fortress, but to the boundaries within the fortress, mainly including Jiqing mansion, Shuncheng mansion and Guangyi mansion.

"Since the end of last year, a small-scale refugee uprising first appeared in Guangyi mansion and Shuncheng mansion. After being calmed down by the government, it was not completely extinguished, but rekindled more and more. At the beginning of the year, the giant Kou Huo XIONGTIAN pulled up a refugee team of 120000 people outside Guangyi Mansion!

One hundred and twenty thousand refugees!

Although I led the flaming army to break through and kill the huge bandits, the subsequent turmoil, large and small, still can not be calmed down and continues to this day.

All of you here are military men in the flaming army. You don't understand state affairs and politics. You only know how to March and fight, and so do I, a great general.


Even if we don't understand anything, we should understand that there is a problem in Chaozhong, a big problem!

Although the people in the South revolted, they revolted with the bandits because they couldn't survive. As soldiers, we should calm the rebellion, but this is only a temporary cure, not a permanent cure. After killing one wave, they will rise up and the next wave will be endless. Should we kill them all the time?

As early as the end of last year, I had asked Jiqing house, Shuncheng house, Guangyi house and other government towns disturbed by refugees to explain the situation to the imperial court, so that the emperor could see what happened here, reduce taxes and distribute food for disaster relief.

However, in the past ten months, there was no news from the central government. The civil and military forces of the Manchu Dynasty turned a blind eye to the affairs in the south of Daqian!

We stick here and never flinch, but we must know what happened to the princes in the hall?

Are they really powerless to control the people in the southern provinces, or do they know but don't want to? In any case, our flaming army must make its own voice! "


Sima Shuntian took a deep breath and looked at the generals sitting here. His eyes finally fell on Chu Yun and said, "unintentionally!"

"The end will come!"

Chu Yun immediately stood up and saluted general Sima.

"I order you to leave immediately, rush to the capital, present this letter to your majesty, and play everything that Tianhong wants to happen outside the Great Wall to the Ming emperor!"

Sima Shuntian's great general Shen Sheng opened his mouth and sent a sealed secret letter to Chu Yun.

Chu Yun heard the speech and immediately answered and received the secret letter.

On one side, the military Master Mr. pangce smiled and said to Chu Yun, "you are a pioneer general. It's not so easy to go to Beijing to face the saint.

I'd like to introduce you to a person, Fu Tianqiu, the Minister of rites. He was promoted with me at the same time. It's considered that he has some friendship with his classmates. I know his character is a good official with clean hands for the country and the people. After you go to Beijing, you can go to the minister's house to find him and ask him to take you to the court. "

"The end will understand!"

Chu Yun nodded and wrote down the name of Fu Tianqiu, the Minister of rites.

Sure enough, the imperial court of the Daqian Dynasty has been in chaos. Not only Chu Yun noticed it, but also the main generals and Sima General of the flaming army care about it.

And this time to Beijing to face the saint, you don't have to think about it. It must be the most critical place to complete the task of saving the world. In that sentence, only the place closest to the storm center is most likely to change the world.


After receiving the order, Chu Yun immediately collected the whole pack and took 800 li of urgent documents and arrows. Then he rode out of Tianhong fortress and went far away to the capital.

The capital of the Daqian Dynasty is on the northeast side of the land, while Tianhong fortress is the most marginal fortress in the south. To go to the capital means that Chu Yun needs to go through the whole land of the Daqian Dynasty and span dozens of government cities in the middle.

With the strength of cavalry, even if it doesn't stop every day, it will take at least two or three months to reach the capital, and one time is a small half a year.

That's why general Sima Shuntian wrote to the imperial court for the first time. It took ten months for him to make the second move. Besides that Tianhong was too busy to stop because there were too many disturbances outside the Great Wall, he had to wait for more than half a year.

In this long journey, Chu Yun read on horseback every day in addition to driving.

What are you looking at?

Naturally, it's the Taoist skill that Chu Yun brought from the demon. Yin and Yang belong to the divine skill.

After several days of study, Chu Yun had a preliminary understanding and understanding of this skill. Surprisingly, this skill is very different from the evil skill of eating human blood steamed bread and absorbing Yin Qi by slaughtering innocent people.

In fact, this is a very orthodox skill, which is a Taoist Scripture. It focuses on strengthening your body by absorbing Yin and Yang.

As the saying goes, there is nothing wrong with the weapon itself, but the person who uses it.

And this skill is to eat this loss, purely by the evil way to practice crooked, because its own talent is not good, it is difficult to accumulate Yin and Yang in the body, so he came up with another way.

Among the exiles, the cult held every night by the demon road requires 2000 people to participate. In this cult, the demon road teaches them each population formula mantra. The function of the mantra is to gather Yang Qi to the demon road.

The evil way gathers the Yang Qi through the weak Qi of these two thousand people, one by one, and then absorbs their Yin Qi by killing three women.

On the surface, the evil way coerces the refugees to make trouble in order to become a huge bandit, but in fact, in addition, he also plans to practice martial arts with the help of the refugees.

In this yin-yang return to divine skill, the orthodox cultivation method does not need the help of external forces, but pays attention to a talent. If the talent is good, its own Yang Qi or Yin Qi is sufficient, and even does not need to be absorbed.

There are more and less Yin and Yang Qi in each human body. Men's Yang is abundant and Yin is declining, and women's Yin is abundant and Yang is declining. The return of yin and yang to divine skill is a skill that pays great attention to talent. He requires the cultivator to meet the constitution of anode body or cathode body.

This constitution is frightening to say, but in fact, many people have it. In the crowd of ordinary people, it accounts for almost one-third. If men have strong breath and sufficient Yang, they can be regarded as the body of anode. If women are weak and charming, they can also be regarded as the body of cathode.

When this physical condition is met, the return of yin and yang to divine skill can make the people of the anode body absorb the Qi of Yin, or the people of the cathode body absorb the Qi of Yang.

The specific way is to absorb the Qi of Yin, cultivate by the moon at night, absorb the moonlight, and absorb the Qi of Yang by absorbing the sun at noon.

The reason why the evil way goes astray and kills innocent people indiscriminately is simply because this person's physique is too weak to reach the anode body or cathode body, and he does not meet the cultivation conditions at all.


He will also ponder that since his own Yang is not enough, he will absorb other people's Yang, Yin is not enough, and he is too lazy to absorb Yuehua, directly from a woman's body.

It is hard to cultivate a serious Taoist skill into a man eating evil skill. To some extent, this demon can be regarded as a spiritual genius.

Does Yin and Yang return to the divine skill advocate this method of absorbing Yin Qi or yang qi by external objects? Of course, it is not recommended. In addition to hurting heaven and harmony, what is more important is that this method depends too much on foreign things and is not good for the cultivator himself.

After all, whether it is to absorb Yang gas from men or Yin gas from women, the gas absorbed by the devil is impure.

Men are full of Yang and Yin decline, and the Qi of Yin is only less, not No. women are full of yin and Yang decline, and the Qi of Yang is only less, not No.

The Yang Qi absorbed by the evil way will inevitably be mixed with some impurities of Yin Qi. As long as it is absorbed from the living people, it is inevitable.

Therefore, he also came up with another way. In order to reduce the Yin gas of women and contain the Yang gas, he did not suck it from living women, but killed women and absorbed it at the moment they died, so as to ensure that the Yin gas he absorbed was pure and free of Yang gas.


He can do this when absorbing Yin Qi, but not when absorbing Yang Qi. Even if he is willing to kill people, he can't absorb it again.

Because when a person dies, his Qi will only be transformed into Yin Qi. Whether a man or a woman dies, it is Yin Qi and cannot become pure Yang Qi.

It is doomed that the Yang Qi absorbed by the evil way is mottled and impure. Even if it endangers so many people, their self-cultivation level is still half.

"However, in the eyes of ordinary people, if you become a half hanging person, you can be pierced by a long gun without dying. It's also powerful. You can practice this skill."

Chu Yun thought in his heart that with his eyesight, even if he had not learned the Taoist skill in this world, he could see the merit of the return of yin and yang to the divine skill.

Although it is not as good as the top skill of Kyushu, it is useful in the rules of the world. It can transform Chu Yun, an ordinary martial arts man, into an extraordinary man. Even if the time of cultivation is still short, he can't practice any famous skills, but Chu Yun can have more power anyway, can't he?

After this practice, Chu Yun quickly realized that the body he occupied was the anode body marked in the return of yin and yang to the divine skill.

This is not surprising. After all, the proportion of anode body and cathode body in the general population is already very high, and those strong men with sufficient Yang are more likely to be anode body.

This body is a military general in the army. It is originally a man among men. If it is not an anode body, Chu Yun will be surprised.

Then, along the way, Chu Yun practiced martial arts while riding a horse every day. At night, he stopped to absorb the moonlight to supplement the Yin Qi.

For the anode body, its own Yang Qi is sufficient, so there is no need to supplement, just absorb the Yin Qi.

After a month, Chu Yun had mastered the Yin and Yang completely and had a clear understanding of the Taoist system of this world.

People practice with Yin and Yang. Taoism follows the path of heaven and earth, eight trigrams and five elements. The world's "heaven and earth aura" is actually the two Qi of yin and Yang, which is called heaven and earth.

"It's a pity that yin and Yang belong to the divine skill, but there is no matching martial arts. I really start. In addition to abundant Yin and Yang Qi in my body and deep internal skills, I don't have any means to defeat the enemy with one move, such as palm thunder and sword defense..."

Chu Yun couldn't help shaking his head. In this troubled world, if his strength is not strong enough and wants to save the world, it's like a fool's dream.

Along the way, he has also seen and heard about the situation everywhere. Although most areas of the mainland are not like the south, people rise up and wander with giant bandits, life is also very difficult.

The wine and meat in Zhumen are smelly, the road is frozen to death, and the Wulin atmosphere is cautious. There are often bandits wandering. Almost every county is covered with all kinds of wanted documents.

In places like county and government offices, people's parents and officials who do not take the lead in blatant corruption and bribery are already good officials. What's more, they are worse than the unscrupulous landlords.

Whenever he met such corrupt officials, Chu Yun always couldn't help going out in the middle of the night and turning into a bandit. He killed wherever he went on the way.


Chu Yun knows that this is useless. It's just a temporary cure rather than a permanent cure.

However, even if it is useless, Chu Yun will still do it when he sees it. After all, even if it is useless to cure the symptoms, it is better to let it rot and fester without even treating the symptoms.

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