When the border troops came to Beijing, they were in a hurry. They walked all the way along the official roads. They rested and changed horses through the post stations along the way.

Chu Yun spent most of his time resting at various post stations along the way.

However, in many places, the distance between the two post stations is too far. The horses can't stand running all night. They can only find the nearby county and go to the inn for a day.

At this time, Chu Yun was sitting in the hall of an inn eating breakfast in a small county in Central China, more than half a month away from the capital.

I had a night's rest in the inn yesterday. The horses were taken care of by the shop owner. If it was an ordinary passer-by, nine times out of ten there would be problems.

What's the problem?

Some unscrupulous shopkeepers tend to look at people's dishes for passers-by.

When the horse is taken care of by them all night, they will secretly apply medicine to make the horse vomit and diarrhea, falsely claiming that the horse is malnourished or acclimatized.

Because the guests are in a hurry and have no time to argue, the store will contact the horse dealer at this time, buy your sick horse at a low price, and then sell you a good horse at a high price.

Of course

It's hard to say whether this good horse is a good horse or not. In fact, the sick horse sold at a low price is just taking laxative. It can be lively after a two-day rest.

This means of changing horses is not uncommon in inns anywhere. Chu Yun encountered this situation when he just left Tianhong fortress and lived in the first inn. At that time, he didn't want to be too ostentatious. Wearing plain clothes, he was regarded as a fat sheep by the innkeeper.

As a result, when Chu Yun handed the horses to the waiter on the day he entered the store, he found that the other party was sneaky and didn't seem to be kind, so he left a heart and went to follow him.

Needless to say, Chu Yun broke several bones of the shopkeeper and the waiter that night, and rode away the best horse in the hands of the horse dealer. He also supplemented the fare in the hands of those black hearted guys.


If something like this happens once, it's enough to annoy people. Chu Yun will not let them happen again. Therefore, if you need to go to the city to live in the inn later, Chu Yun will put on his armor and directly say a warm greeting when he hands over the horse to the inn.

"Take good care of my horse. If something goes wrong, take your family to the army!"

As a result, no one dared to do anything, and the service attitude was extremely good. Even the cost in the inn was often halved, for fear of the killing star with a silver gun in his armor.

In such a troubled time, officers and soldiers are no different from bandits. When wandering bandits bully the people, officers and soldiers will do the same. Moreover, because they think they are on the side of justice and jurisprudence, they are especially comfortable when they bully the people.

... I'm a soldier defending our country. What's wrong with taking advantage of you?

This is the inner thought of many army ruffians, who feel they should take it for granted.

Chu Yun, of course, is not such a person.

He pays all the expenses in the inn according to the original price. The reason why he shows his scales and claws is just to let those who are interested not treat him as a soft persimmon.

Chu Yun took a tea cup and looked at the sky outside the inn window. It was gray and raining. Just like his mood, he was not very good to be honest.

At this time, the pedestrians in the street were in a hurry and were taking shelter from the rain. Some people hid under the eaves in front of the Inn and wanted to take shelter from the rain temporarily.

"Go, don't stand in the way. It's hindering our business!"

Under the sign of the shopkeeper, the waiter immediately went to drive away these people from the rain. With a fierce look on his face, his posture was like a dog supporting others, which was very different from his smiling face when welcoming guests, forming a sharp contrast.

Chu Yun frowned, but said nothing.

After all, this shop is opened by others. It's natural that people who don't want to take shelter from the rain block the door. It's just that how many guests can there be under the pouring rain? Let people take shelter from the rain under the eaves. The store will have no loss. Instead, it will have a good reputation. Why not?

But Chu Yun still didn't say anything.

Because he knows that in these troubled times, a good reputation for charity often sends a signal to the outside world that we have advantages here.

This is a sad time when people are good at being bullied, and the folk atmosphere has been very degenerate.

At this time, a young man wearing gray clothes and carrying a Book basket walked into the gate of the inn. His clothes and the book basket behind him had been wet by the rain. When he left, he twisted his wet sleeves and squeezed the water down.

He stepped to the counter and put his book basket on the ground.

"My guest, accommodation?"

The shopkeeper behind the counter smiled and said, "ah Jinna, please help the guests with their luggage. We happen to have a clean upper room here, sir..."

The young man dressed as a scholar wiped the rain on his face with his sleeve. The waiter on one side immediately came forward and helped the young man take away his book basket on the ground and was going to send it to the second floor.

The young man quickly said, "the shopkeeper misunderstood. I'm not here to stay. I'm sent by jibaozhai to collect..."


When the shopkeeper heard the speech, the smile on his face soon disappeared, and the waiter holding the book basket threw the book basket on the ground in an instant. It turned his face quickly, which made people stare and tongue tied.

Chu Yun was holding a teacup and drinking while watching. In fact, he was not interested in this excitement, but interestingly, the young man's clothes were stained with many vermilion mantras behind. After being wet by the rain, he fainted on his clothes.

It doesn't look like a serious spell, but like paper money for the dead... How can someone print this kind of thing on their body? Chu Yun is very curious.

"My luggage..."

Hearing the movement behind, the young man immediately turned around, picked up the book basket left by the waiter from the ground, raised his head to find the waiter's theory, but found that the other party had gone forward without looking back.

At this time, the shopkeeper behind the counter said as if complaining, "are you here to collect money? How come the people who come are different every time? "

"The person who came to collect the money last time was killed on the road after collecting the money..."

The young man explained, and then carefully checked his book basket to see if there were any places broken by the waiter.

"Anyway, after you collect the bill, you will also be killed. I'll just make it cheaper. Hey, don't accept it, don't accept it..."

The shopkeeper waved his hand and gloated.

"Don't be kidding..."

The young man's temper looked very good. He was not angry when he heard this. He took out an account book from the book basket and opened it on the counter. He was about to find out the records of the inn, but his face changed. Then he quickly took the account book up for fear of being seen by the shopkeeper.

Because the contents of the account book are already black. After the ink is wet by the rain, the handwriting originally written on it can't be distinguished at all.

The young man turned several pages and his face gradually became a little embarrassed. Then he closed the account book, held it on his chest, looked at the shopkeeper and said, "shopkeeper, can I see the stub receipt in your store? This is the new rule of jibaozhai... "

"New rules?"

The shopkeeper looked up at him and saw that the edge of the account book was still dripping. His eyes turned, as if he suddenly realized something. He suddenly stretched out his hand and pulled the account book held by the young man in his arms, saying: "what new rules? Let me see! "

The young man panicked and hurriedly said, "you can't see, you can't see..."


The account book had been opened by the shopkeeper. The ink in it was dark and black. He immediately sneered: "what account book is this? Black lacquer, black, messy! "

The young man took back the account book, held it in his arms and said wrongfully, "it's wet in rainy days. If I can't receive the account, I won't have money to go back..."

The shopkeeper, with a playful smile, came out from behind the counter, came behind the young man, sneered and said, "Oh, since you don't write my account in this account book, I don't owe you any money? You want to collect money. Be careful I'll take you to the Yamen! "

With that, the shopkeeper pushed the young man on his back, pushed the young man out of the store door and let him fall into the puddle outside the door.


The young man was about to get up from the ground and go into the store to argue with the shopkeeper, but he saw that the shopkeeper raised the young man's book basket again and was ready to throw it away together. He scolded: "don't let me see you again, otherwise you will feel better and collect..."


He raised the book basket with his hand, but he couldn't throw it out. His arm was frozen in place, because a powerful big hand stretched out from the side and pressed it on the shopkeeper's shoulder.

As soon as the shopkeeper's face changed, he tried to exert himself several times, but he found that the hands pressed on his shoulders were as indestructible as iron tongs. He was strong enough to eat milk, but he couldn't move anything. He had to put the book basket on the ground, and then turned away angrily.

"Who? Mind my business! You... "

The shopkeeper turned around angrily. When he saw the master of those hands, he suddenly stiffened in place, and his momentum became depressed for a moment: "you, you... Ouch, general, how are you? Hey, hey, look at this... "

The shopkeeper was immediately subdued. He just glanced at Chu Yun's armor and didn't dare to look more. He is not a person without knowledge. He knows that such a powerful armor can't be worn by big soldiers. The person in front of him is also a general in charge of thousands of ten feet, which is the most inviolable existence in his small shop.

At this time, the young man who was pushed out of the inn hurriedly ran in and carried the book basket on his back. He was afraid that he would be thrown by the shopkeeper again, and then stared at the shopkeeper's face with indignation.

"How much does he owe you?"

Chu Yun asked calmly.

"I dare you to tell the general that he owes me not money, but money from our owner, Ji Baozhai. There are seventy Liang silver in total! But the account book was drenched with water, but he wanted to default... "

The young man looked at Chu Yun and quickly complained.

Chu Yun nodded and looked at the shopkeeper. His eyebrows picked slightly and said, "is this the number?"


The shopkeeper wanted to argue, but the young man learned to be smart and quickly said, "there is a stub receipt for purchasing goods from our jibaozhai in the account book of the inn. He can't rely on it. If the general doesn't believe it, just look at the account book of the inn!"

As soon as he said this, the shopkeeper immediately looked bitter, but he could only nod and say, "it's this number. I owe them seventy Liang silver for jibaozhai..."

"Don't you take the money?"

Chu Yun asked faintly.


The shopkeeper sighed and bowed to Chu Yun's arrogance. Instead, he came behind the counter and took out seventy liang of silver. It was all good snow silver, full Jin and two Liang.

If it weren't for Chu Yun's fault finding, even if the shopkeeper wanted to pay back, he must have used those dirty silver coins, which took up ash and soil, and could offset part of the weight. He could give less money, but now... The poor scholar was backed by the general, but he didn't dare to do these small moves. He had to give money happily and thought he was unlucky.

The scholar took the seventy Liang silver from the shopkeeper. His face was filled with joy. He quickly thanked Chu Yun and said, "thank you, general, thank you!"

Chu Yun looked at each other's thin body, but the corners of his lips slowly lifted a radian and said, "if you help you, just thank me?"

"... huh?"

The scholar was stunned for a moment, and he didn't understand his meaning.

The surrounding diners stared at the silver in the scholar's hand, but sneered and said, "you poor scholar, you really don't know interest. If someone else's general helped you, can't you let others return empty handed?"

The young man understood that Chu Yun wanted him to honor some silver

He hesitated and said, "how much does the general want? In fact, when I came out to collect money this time, the owner only promised to give me five liang of silver, and the remaining 65 Liang will still be sent back to the owner, you...... "

Before he finished, Chu Yun said faintly, "five Liang silver is not enough for the general to drink a glass of wine. Will you take it out to send the beggar? Bring it all, you! "

With that, Chu Yun grabbed all the seventy Liang silver in the young man's hand, and then walked away with big steps under the eyes of the people.

The young man stood where he was, his face was confused, his fingers shook twice, but there was no money in his hand. When the surrounding diners saw this, they laughed and laughed at the stupid poor boy.

"How can there be a good man in the army these days? Do you really think he's helping out when things get rough? It's just for the silver in your hand! Ha ha ha, there are really such stupid people... "

Someone laughed and sneered.

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