Chu Yun led his horse and walked up the mountain road to lanruo temple. It has to be said that the temple really looked very strange in the dark night.

The fog in the forest floats outside lanruo temple, which is like a ghost in the hell. Combined with the howling of wolves in the distance, it can be said that the effect is excellent.

When he came to the gate of the temple, Chu Yun tied his horse to a tree, and then walked into lanruo temple. After a few steps, he heard the sound of fierce fighting and burst up in lanruo temple.

Qiang! Qiang!

The fierce sword spirit, accompanied by the sound of metal clang, stirred in the temple.

I saw that there were two figures in the dilapidated ancient temple, holding a long sword and flying up and down, with deadly moves.

Chu Yun raised his eyebrows and saw the two of them, one young and the other old.

The young man was dressed in black and wore a high black hat. His face was cold, but he looked a little mean. He was very quick to draw a sword, but he was always too impetuous.

The old man was a bearded man who looked almost 50 years old, with a full forehead, thick eyebrows and big eyes, a thick beard on his face, wearing gray cloth clothes and a wine gourd tied around his waist.

It is worth mentioning that the bearded shot was fast and steady, the sword move was fierce, and the defense was flawless. It was obviously a level higher than the young man in black.

At the moment, the two men are competing with each other in the ancient temple. The young man in black is merciless, but he can't break the defense of the beard.

The beard isolated each other's sword moves several times. When he fought back, he kept his hand when he was about to take the life of the young man in black.

In Chu Yun's opinion, the battle has been divided at this stage. If it weren't for the beard and hands, the young man in black would have been sealed by a sword.

However, the young man in black obviously didn't see that beard was letting him. When he was nervous about facing the attack of beard and saw that the other party was about to take his life with a sword, but he couldn't stab the key sword, he took it for granted that beard's martial arts were not enough and he was one level worse after all.

So, with a sneer on his face, he made a counterattack again, almost to fight with his life, to distinguish himself from the beard, and to decide life and death.


The beard sighed. Seeing that the young man in black was so uninterested and impatient, he continued to fight with him. Suddenly, a sword broke the young man in black's defense. The blade passed by his neck. Instead of cutting it, it cut the young man in black's shoulder, and a sword saw blood.

After this sword, their body shape finally settled and landed in the courtyard of lanruo temple. Both sides were still holding swords and facing each other.

Chu Yun is holding his arm and watching with great interest.

"Brother Xia Hou, you and I have played for seven years, and you have lost for seven years, but you are very patient. You can catch up wherever I avoid!"

The big beard spoke in a deep voice.

"Yan Chixia, I didn't expect that you hid in lanruo temple for half a month and sharpened your sword!"

Xia Hou was unwilling, raised his chin and said proudly.


Yan Chixia immediately shook her head and said, "you will lose, just because you waste your youth, have too much ambition and don't want to make progress. For the sake of the reputation of the world's first sword, your edge is too exposed, your intention is not correct, your posture is uncertain, the fire is too large, and your moves are weak... You still have a problem. You can't make a sword quickly!"

The voice fell. The young man in black opposite had an extremely ugly face, severe breathing and fluctuating chest. He stepped forward and said, "I'm here to compete with you, not to listen to you! You! You... "

At this time, Chu Yun on one side could not help shaking his head and smiling.

Although the laughter was not big, the young Xia Hou in black heard it really and immediately turned his head and looked at Chu Yun.

"Smelly boy, what are you laughing at?!"

Xia Hou asked.

Chu Yun shrugged his shoulders and said, "I think of happy things... Well, I'm just laughing at you."

The voice fell, and Xia Hou's face became more ugly. In the dark night, he looked at Chu Yun opposite, but he was a young general wearing flame army armor.

At the sight of the armor system, Xia Hou felt a trace of Yin Jie in his heart. Once upon a time, he had been in the army, but unfortunately, he was expelled from the military camp because of some trivial things. Since then, he has no good feelings for those soldiers. He thinks that they are either regular fools or greasy army ruffians. He doesn't care about either of them, I was disgusted.

At the moment, seeing such a young general with no hair, he dared to laugh at him face to face. He was so angry that he asked coldly, "why do you laugh at me?"

"It's because you don't know yourself."

Chu Yun shook his head and said, "you seem to have fought with this beard in the sword competition just now. In fact, he can kill you many times, but he just keeps his hand.

But you, however, can't see this. You regard the other party's retention of hands as inferior to others, and are complacent about it. Don't you think about it. Which is more difficult for bearded's last sword to cut your shoulder or your throat?

Weakness is not the original sin. Weakness without self-knowledge, but arrogance and arrogance, is hopeless.

Now that you have been defeated by big beard for seven years, you should know that there is a big gap between you. He has pointed out your problems. As an opponent, although he speaks a little ugly, he has done his utmost to do this. Otherwise, he will kill you with one sword. Isn't it more clean for several years?

You, however, do not listen at all. You are still immersed in your own world, closing off external information and useful suggestions. If you remain complacent, you will only become weaker and weaker.

Don't mention the best sword in the world. If you go on like this, in a few years, the more you practice the sword, the more biased you are. I'm afraid you can't even compare with ordinary first-class experts. "


The voice fell, and Yan Chixia, standing opposite Xia Hou, showed a trace of surprise in her eyes.

He didn't expect that the young general was young, but he could have such insight and insight, which is not the ability that everyone can have.

Xia Hou obviously lacked such ability, and there was no room for people. After hearing this, his lungs were about to explode.

I saw that the young man in black suddenly took back his sword, pointed again, and already pointed to Chu Yun opposite. He roared loudly: "how dare a suckling smelly boy with no hair grow up to talk in front of me! When Grandpa swept the world, you were still eating shit in the pit!

Since you belittled grandpa as worthless, let me see what kind of ability you have to make you say such nonsense and make a move! "

"Brother Xia Hou, this is between you and me. Why should we be angry with others?"

Yan Chixia frowned.

Xia Hou immediately roared and said, "if he dares to humiliate me like this, it's a matter for me and him! Yan Chixia, don't mind your own business! "

These words are also fierce and internal. In front of Yan Chixia, if Yan Chixia doesn't want him to deal with Chu Yun, he may not be able to fight this battle.

With the protection of Yan Chixia, Xia hou can't hurt the smelly boy.


Chu Yun shrugged his shoulders and said, "if he wants to fight, come and let him recognize the reality as soon as possible. It's also a good thing for him to avoid living in his own world all day."

When Xia Hou heard the speech, he became more angry, but he no longer said anything to Chu Yun. He immediately flew towards Chu Yun with his strength under his feet. He was very fast and cut out with a sword.


The blade of the sword cut quickly. In the dark night, it crossed a bright sword arc and swept towards the key point of Chu Yun's neck. The sword was really fast. Based on the martial arts cultivation in the early stage of Wanshi territory, the speed of the sword cutting out was comparable to the peak level of Wanshi territory.

Chu Yun saw this, but his face did not change at all. He didn't even want to draw his sword. He didn't have to let him draw his sword to deal with such an opponent.

So Chu Yun kicked at his feet, and the silver long gun placed aside had fallen into his hands. Then he shook the front of the gun and stabbed forward.

to be sonorous!

A violent metal clang and the collision between the gun and the sword aroused a violent force. When it reached Chu Yun, it made him slightly numb, and the opposite Xiahou was shocked to land in a somersault in mid air under the anti shock force of the gun.

However, both sides bear the force of anti earthquake. On the surface, Xia hou can unload the force faster with the help of somersault, but in fact, Chu Yun's arms holding the gun are clenched, and just a twist of his waist transmits this force to the ground under his feet.

Just listening to the "click" sound, the stone bricks on the ground under Chu Yun's feet suddenly cracked, but Chu Yun's body had quickly stepped forward and swept out the barrel of the gun.

"... what?!"

Xia Hou's face changed. Unexpectedly, Chu Yun unloaded his strength and fought back so fast.

He just fell to the ground with a somersault and his feet were still unstable. He swung a long gun in front of Chu Yun and beat it like a stick. He could only raise his long sword and cross his chest to block it.


This shot hit Xia Hou's sword heavily. It was hard to stop it with the horizontal sword style.

So he saw that the gun pressed Xia Hou's sword body and hit him heavily on the chest. Under the great power, it bombarded Xia Hou's body protection and internal power.


Xia Hou gave a dry cough and was hit hard on his chest. For a time, his breath was extremely depressed and almost spit out a mouthful of blood.

Just after the fight, he suffered such a heavy injury. Logically speaking, he has lost, and he has lost more than a little, but Xia Hou is not the character to admit defeat.

Since he was defeated by Yan Chixia for the first time, Xia Hou has found his card. Whenever he dares to work hard, he can always burst out new potential and create opportunities for himself.

Therefore, in the past seven years, almost every time he started, he would work hard with Yan Chixia and use the fight method of fighting with his life. Now in the face of Chu Yun, he would also use this move.


Seeing that he drew his sword to counterattack, Chu Yun did not hesitate to exchange injury for injury and life for life with himself, but he couldn't help shaking his head in his heart.

Obviously, Yan Chixia, a good man, is "spoiled" Xia Hou. Every time Xia Hou wants to take this life-threatening game, Yan Chixia will certainly not kill, nor can she really exchange injuries with Xia Hou, so she will choose to retreat, so Xia Hou will feel that his every effort is useful.

But actually

It's just that she took advantage of Yan Chixia's kind character and couldn't bear to kill him.

Chu Yun, of course, would not be so used to him.

Seeing that Xia Hou pulled out his long sword, gave up his defense and wanted to exchange injuries with Chu Yun, Chu Yun sneered. The steel gun in his hand suddenly fell down again and hit Xia Hou's chest heavily, so that his body was not close to threatening Chu Yun, so he was directly hit on the ground.


With a dull noise, Xia Hou's body was hit on the ground and fell into the ground on the spot. The surrounding bluestone bricks were broken. Centered on his body, the cobweb generally spread around.

This blow directly broke several bones in Xia Hou's chest. If Chu Yun used more force, he would be enough to kill him on the spot, but Chu Yun was not a murderer, so he just seriously injured him here.

At the moment, Xia Hou coughed and vomited a few mouthfuls of blood. His breath was very depressed. His eyes looked at the sky blankly. It was obvious that he had been stunned.

He thought that Xia Hou had been fighting swords in the Jianghu for many years. With his own sword, he actually killed the name of the best sword in the world.

Before he met Yan Chixia, Xia Hou had been in charge for many years and never lost. After losing to Yan Chixia, he was unwilling to catch up with Yan Chixia for seven years and lost for seven years.

I thought Yan Chixia was the most difficult mountain to cross in his life, but who thought that there was another person who could see him defeat in this deserted mountain and in a small broken temple.

The most unacceptable thing for Xia Hou is that the other party is just a suckling smelly boy, and he is also the most hated soldier in his life

"Ah ah ah!"

Xia Hou roared, clenched his fist and beat it on the ground. He was incompetent and furious.

Chu Yun glanced at him, slowly took back his eyes, turned around and ignored him. People like this are headstrong and high-minded. Looking at the peak they have reached, they forget everything and blindly immerse themselves in the glory of the past. They don't want to listen to or see anything.

The higher your martial arts, the lower your mind. You are just a giant baby today.

He took his gun, turned and left.

Behind Chu Yun, the Xia Hou trembled and got up from the pit. His eyes were red. He stared at Chu Yun's back angrily. He suddenly grabbed the long sword he threw on the ground. Without a word, he suddenly rose up and stabbed Chu Yun's vest at the key place. Unexpectedly, he launched a sneak attack!

"... be careful!"

On the other hand, Yan Chixia's face changed. She was just surprised at Chu Yun's strength. At the moment, she never thought that Xia hou would use such a mean means to sneak attack on the winner after the defeat... He wanted to help, but it was too far away to be late.

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