Chu Yun walked and heard the sudden sound of the broken wind behind him. He was not surprised, but sighed gently.

Immediately, he turned around and handed the gun back naturally. The silver long gun broke through the air and directly met Xia Hou's chest.


The spear pierced into the chest and stabbed out of the back. On the bright front of the spear, it was stained with blood.

As the saying goes, one inch long, one inch strong.

The battle between the long gun and the long sword is that the gunman has an advantage in distance, and the advantage of the sword lies in skills. But Xia Hou was crushed by Chu Yun in terms of skills. He can only seize the first opportunity by sneak attack. Now Chu Yun predicted that there is only a dead end?


Xia Hou's eyes widened. He couldn't believe it. He looked at his chest and stabbed out the sword in his hand, but he was a few feet away from Chu Yun.

It doesn't seem like a long distance, even one step can cross it, but in this tit for tat competition, under the fight of life and death, an inch of distance represents life and death, let alone the whole ruler.

Chu Yun shook the front of the gun, and Xia Hou's chest suddenly gushed blood. A bloody fountain splashed out in situ. Then he lost his breath of life and fell to the ground.


One side, Yan Chixia stared at the scene, couldn't help but sigh, looked at Chu Yun and said, "since you have defeated him and expected his sneak attack, just drive him back, why do you have to take his life? Although brother Xia Hou is a little paranoid, he is also a Xiake... "

"Yes, I was a Xiake before."

Chu Yun shook his head, took back his long gun and corrected: "after being defeated by you, since he has been chasing you for seven years, it means that his mentality has been completely unbalanced. At this time, he is not the Xia hou you first met seven years ago, great Xia Yan."

The voice fell, and Yan Chixia was silent.

Xia Hou said that it was already between him and Chu Yun, and Yan Chixia had no reason to intervene.

However, who can be ruthless? Yan Chixia has a knife mouth and a heart of tofu. She is more or less an acquaintance than Xia Hou's sword for seven years. Otherwise, she can't hold back her hand and didn't kill Xia Hou for seven years.

At the moment, Xia Hou competed with Chu Yun. After his failure, he was shameless and attacked behind his back. Even if Chu Yun killed him, others couldn't say anything, but

Still that sentence, Yan Chixia's heart is too soft and kind.

Chu Yun took back his long gun. As soon as the front of the gun shook, he shook off the blood on the ground, looked at Xia Hou's body and said, "great Xia Yan, if you want to bury this man, I have no problem."


Yan Chixia looked at him, silently came forward, took Xia Hou's body and came to lanruo temple. A fire burned to ashes.

Then, the ashes were sent to the nearby river and scattered down the river.

"You've chased me for seven years, and we're friends. You're to blame for your death here today. But since I know the danger here, I won't let you become a lonely ghost. Go and be a good man in the next life. Don't be so extreme. What's the reputation of the best sword in the world and what's good..."

Yan Chixia looked at the drifting River and couldn't help sighing.

He was a famous magistrate in 26 provinces in Guandong, Guangxi. He hated corrupt officials most. He had tried to do a lot of things, but his blood was wasted because the treacherous officials were in power.

After quitting the court, Yan Chixia wandered in the Jianghu. She wanted to be happy here, but she didn't want to. Although there were no intrigues in the vast Jianghu, the fighting between them was still endless. There were many things that stabbed her brothers in the back for a little benefit.

Compared with those "Jianghu heroes" who are full of benevolence, righteousness and morality on the surface, but dirty and dirty on the back, and worse than ghosts, Xia Hou, who is paranoid and arrogant, is still a simple person.

Yan Chixia saw through all this, so she quit the Jianghu and wandered around the world with one sword and one person.

The only person that makes Yan Chixia feel that she is still involved in the past is Xia Hou, who has never stopped coming to compete with him in the past seven years.

Although the Xiahou cuisine is stingy and has been playing more and more Vietnamese cuisine for seven years, she is also an acquaintance. Now even he is dead. Yan Chixia feels that everything in the past has drawn a line from him at the moment.


With another sigh, Yan Chixia turned and returned to lanruo temple. Looking at the gloomy ancient temple, she was surprised to find that someone lit a light in the house.

Yan Chixia frowned and saw Chu Yun's horse tied to the yard. She stepped into a dilapidated attic. The light was lit from inside. As soon as she went in, she saw Chu Yun adding firewood to a fire.

"Why are you still here?"

Yan Chixia frowned and asked.

"I'm here to stay, not to kill. How can I kill someone and leave? Of course I'll stay here for one night. "

Chu Yun said with a faint smile in his eyes.

When the voice fell, Yan Chixia said with a straight face, "it's not as simple as you think. At night, there will be many more dangerous things than the summer marquis. I advise you to leave quickly."


Chu Yun raised his eyebrows and couldn't help laughing and said, "I heard that Xia Hou said, great Xia Yan, you have lived in lanruo temple for more than half a month. Since it is so dangerous here, why does great Xia Yan stay here? Oh, I see. You want to guard the danger here. Am I right? "


Yan Chixia was a little surprised. He just said these two sentences casually, but unexpectedly, Chu Yun guessed his idea and intention to stay here. This idea is amazing.

In fact, as Chu Yun said, Yan Chixia stayed in lanruo temple for so long because he wanted to get rid of the demons of lanruo temple.

Yan Chixia's apprenticeship is not only kendo. At the beginning, he trained with his master in Beihai. In addition to the martial arts of sword, he mainly studied the Taoist art of catching ghosts and eliminating demons.

Some people seem to be Jianghu swordsmen with beards, but in fact, they are a mage who can catch ghosts and eliminate demons, and are proficient in orthodox Taoist magic.

In the past, after Yan Chixia came to a place, she only tasted the local wine and good dishes. When she was tired of eating, she would leave. If she met any landlord bullies and ghosts, she would get rid of them and change to another place.

When he came to Qingquan County, he found that the people in the county had changed their color about lanruo temple. He knew that there were demons here. He wanted to leave except for demons, but unexpectedly, the Millennium tree demon road was profound, and he was not sure enough. So he settled here to suppress the demons so that they would not continue to harm people.

Not only did he live here for more than half a month in the past, but if the monster was not eliminated, Yan Chixia was ready to live in lanruo Temple all the time.

"Now that you have believed what I said, don't you leave quickly?"

Yan Chixia asked.

Chu Yun smiled faintly and replied, "great Xia Yan is willing to guard demons in lanruo temple for the sake of the people. I, the pioneer General of the flame army, take it as my duty to protect the people and all living beings of the people. How can I not have this consciousness?"

When the voice fell, Yan Chixia couldn't help looking at Chu Yun, then seemed to think of something and looked at Chu Yun's flame army armor.

"Are you the flame army of Tianhong fortress? The general under general Sima? "

Yan Chixia asked.


Chu Yun nodded and said with a smile, "it seems that great Xia Yan has heard of the reputation of our flaming army."

"That's natural. I used to be a judge in the court hall for a period of time. Everyone used to be colleagues, but even ordinary people know that the flame army of Tianhong fortress is the first strong army of Daqian, guarding Tiannan, so that the grassland alien dare not cross Tianchi."

Yan Chixia spoke slowly and admired the flame army in her tone. Although corrupt officials were rampant in the court during his official days, the flame army's achievements and reputation in the military were still rare in the eyes of many clean officials.

When Chu Yun revealed his origin, Yan Chixia looked up at him, but looked at the dark wind roaring outside the lanruo temple. She couldn't help shaking her head and said, "I can understand my little brother's mood, but to tell you the truth, the strangeness here can't be solved by a little martial arts. Do you know how many evil things there are in a mass burial post outside lanruo temple?"

"A tree spirit, just a few female ghosts."

Chu Yun smiled faintly.

When the voice fell, Yan Chixia was surprised and asked, "do you know?"

"I observed it when I came here. Otherwise, I don't have to come here to stay. I have the same idea as great Xia Yan to get rid of the demons here."

Chu Yun's face didn't change and his heart didn't jump. Yan Chixia on the opposite side looked at him carefully. Only then did he know that Chu Yun knew Taoism except that he was a martial artist on the surface. Otherwise, ordinary people who didn't open their eyes could not see through demons and evil things even if their martial arts were high.

At this point, Yan Chixia had some doubts about the origin of Chu Yun and said, "the flaming army is in Tianhong fortress, which is the place of Antarctica. If you come here alone, you can also learn Taoism. What's the origin?"


Chu Yun patted his forehead and said with a smile, "after talking for so long, I haven't introduced my identity. It's really impolite. I have no intention. I am the pioneer General of the sacred wind camp of the flaming army. This time, I went to Beijing to face the saint according to the order of the great general. As for this skill... "

Chu Yun smiled and said, "in the southern part of the world, bandits are rampant. There is an evil cult that rose up outside Jiqing's house and bewitched 30000 exiles to revolt. I was ordered to kill this officer, and the evil cult did have several brushes. I shot him in the chest and could not die. I wasted some strength. After killing him, I was on this evil cult, Got this person's Taoist heritage. "

When the voice fell, Yan Chixia's mouth twitched slightly and asked, "how long has it been since the unintentional little brother got the magic of the evil way?"

"Not much. It's only January."

Chu Yun answered truthfully and said, "just after killing the evil way and returning to the fortress, general Sima ordered me to go to Beijing. It was on this road that I practiced for a month."


Yan Chixia's face became more strange. She took a deep breath, then sighed and said, "you have just practiced Taoism for a month. Do you dare to catch ghosts and eliminate demons? No matter whether the Taoist art of the evil way is orthodox or not, even if it is a serious Taoist skill, you have only learned it for a month. How much skill can you have? I really met a powerful demon. How can you keep your life? "

The voice fell. Chu Yun looked at him with a smile in his eyes and said, "I'm also worried about this. Although the skill of the evil way is a serious skill, it's only skill, not Taoism. I've cultivated the Qi of yin and Yang, but I don't have the appropriate magic power of Taoism."


Yan Chixia continued: "your ability is not home yet. You still have to practice for two years first. At least master the five element Taoism, ghost sword formula and other skills, and then talk about catching ghosts and demons."

Chu Yun nodded and said, "great Xia Yan, what you said is very reasonable. Then, can you point out your moves and skills to me?"


Yan Chixia was shocked when she heard the speech. Is it so direct?

The two talents have just met. They just met on the first day of the first day. Chu Yun also killed an old friend of Yan Chixia. At present, Xia Hou is in the river, and his bones are not cold. Chu Yun even directly asks for Yan Chixia's skill?

"We are all righteous friars in the world. It is our duty to help justice and save the people. We should help each other. Is that the truth, great Xia Yan?"

Chu Yun asked.

"... seems to be."

Yan Chixia nodded in a daze. He found that the young man in front of him didn't play cards according to the routine at all.

However, when he thought about it carefully, he found that it didn't seem impossible.

At the beginning, his master accepted him as an apprentice, a little boy wandering in the street. Didn't he just like his outstanding character and dare to defend himself for a strange beggar?

At present, Yan Chixia is old. Although it is not a problem for a practitioner to live for another thirty or fifty years, he is far away from the imperial court and the Jianghu. Up to now, he always feels a little lonely. If he doesn't find a successor to inherit his martial arts and Taoism, will he fail his master?

With this idea, Yan Chixia looked at Chu Yun in front of her. She saw that the young man was beautiful, upright, young and vigorous. He was already a pioneer general in the army and was very excellent in all aspects.

The most rare thing is that he also has a righteous heart to eliminate demons and defend the Tao. He has just learned Taoism for a month. He dares to come to lanruo Temple alone and intends to work hard with the Millennium tree demon.

This courage is also quite rare.


Yan Chixia took a deep breath and said, "then I'll take you as an apprentice. Come on, knock my head three times, and you'll be under my door."

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