“After waiting for so long, I finally have to wait for this day!”

“God forbid, you must let me create a powerful world of immortal cultivation!”

“I don’t want to be able to create any powerful technological world, I just want the most ordinary extraordinary world!”

“As long as you create the most ordinary world, you can be admitted to the academy instead of becoming the most ordinary ordinary person.”


Tianhai No. 1 Middle School.

Inside a classroom.

A group of boys and girls whispered.

Their faces were full of nervousness and anticipation.

A student glanced up at the blackboard cautiously.

There are still three days before Awakening Day.

This simple line seemed to weigh on everyone’s hearts.

They are a group of students who are graduating from high school.

Three days later, they will face one of the most demanding and important exams in the world.

Awakening Day, or you can call it ….


In the corner of the classroom.

Su Xiao looked at the book in his hand very indifferently.

It was as if the noise around him had nothing to do with him.

“It’s been so long…” he whispered, casually closing the book in his hand.

He was not originally from this world.

Travel to this parallel world that is almost exactly like Earth.

Fifteen years have passed.

The situation in this world, he has probably groped about it.

The name of his country is Daxia, and both customs and festival history are not much different from Yanhuang.

But the difference is.

This world is a world where everyone can become a god.

At the end of high school, each of them has to participate in the college entrance examination, which is the day of awakening.

And the content of the Day of Awakening is…

Create your own kingdom of God.

The potential, talent, and direction of God’s kingdom will all become the criteria for whether they can be admitted to the university.

Someone creates technological heritage, and the creatures in the world create two-way foil to destroy everything.

Someone deduces magical energy, and all beings in the kingdom of God can control magic power to control the extraordinary.

Someone creates the main god space, so that the creatures in the god’s country can surpass everything by constantly accepting tasks….

In short, once you create the Kingdom of God, you can enter the Divine Academy, then even if you create the worst Kingdom of God.

It will also complete the class leap in an instant, soar into the sky, and get rights and powers that ordinary people dare not imagine.

Conversely, students who cannot create the kingdom of God.

You can only enter an ordinary university, and all your life, you can only rush for life, and you can do nothing.


Just as everyone was discussing.

The wooden door of the classroom was slowly opened.

Suddenly, the originally noisy classroom fell into silence.

A woman with a bumpy figure walked slowly into the classroom.

“There are still three days left to be the awakening day, students don’t be nervous.”

“The day is coming to test what you have learned and seen in these three years, and the teacher hopes that you all have a bright future.”

Class teacher Liu Yingjiao stood on the podium to cheer everyone up.

However, all students, including Su Day.

Their eyes were on the small box in the head teacher’s hand.

“So now, according to the order of student numbers, start distributing the divine source.”

“1526, Li Ming, you come first”

The voice fell.

The breathing of everyone present couldn’t help but feel heavy.

The source of God becomes the foundation for the creation of the Kingdom of God, and it is also the energy source for increasing power in the future.

It will be based on the talent of each student.

And unfold a miniature world.

The world is unknown until it unfolds.

It may be an endless desert, it may be a black earth, and it is more likely a mighty galaxy.

The creation of the Kingdom of God according to one’s own unfolding world is the key to everything.

Whether or not it succeeds in creating the kingdom of God, whether it is strong or not.

All have a great relationship with this world.

What’s more, only those who use the Divine Source for the first time will be able to open their own world.

After that, using the divine source again can only be used to enhance the essence of your own world, that is, it is the only opportunity in a lifetime.

Hence three days before the Day of Awakening.

The divine source will be distributed uniformly, and with the help of the teacher, the world will be expanded.

Let students adapt in advance and prepare for the creation of the Kingdom of God.

Li Ming heard the teacher’s voice and took a deep breath.

Stride to the podium.

Under the guidance of the teacher.

Held a divine source the size of a broken diamond.

The next moment…


Above Li Ming’s head.

An image of the void world slowly emerged.

The fairy spirit is floating, and the flowers and plants are vibrant.

Above the sky, the thick flowing clouds are mighty.

Like a fairyland, Li Mingdu reflects with a bit of extraordinary aura.

“This is!”

“Oh my God! Actually unfolding such a fairy world, this Li Ming will definitely be able to create a kingdom of God! ”

The students couldn’t help but talk.

Many female classmates looked at Li Ming’s eyes and changed and changed.

“Immortal cultivation world, the potential is good, but the restrictions are too great.” Su Yang looked at Li Ming on the stage and said secretly in his heart.

According to his understanding, although the world of immortal cultivation is powerful, the creatures in it have a series of disasters such as thunder calamities in the process of cultivation.

And Li Ming, as the creator, will also be affected to a certain extent.

In a life-and-death battle, a moment of distraction can lead to the shattering of the kingdom of God.

This is not what Su Yang pursues.

“In such a world, creating a cultivator immortal god kingdom is not a big problem.” The head teacher’s face couldn’t stop smiling.

Based on so many years of experience, the world with such a fairy spirit.

Creating the Immortal Cultivation Divine Kingdom is already a certainty.

Among the countless divine kingdoms, the Immortal Cultivation Divine Kingdom can rank in the top hundred.

It can be said to be very powerful.

When Li Ming heard the teacher’s words, his face also showed a trace of rebellion.

“As it should be!” As a descendant of the Li family of the first family in Tianhai City, he was originally not on the same level as this group of guys.

“Okay, next.” Although Li Ming’s attitude made the head teacher a little unhappy.

But she didn’t take it to heart either.

Instead, he continued to distribute guidance sources to other students.

“Student Su Yang, come up and receive your divine source.”

Not for long.

The teacher named him.

He walked up to the podium and, under the guidance of the teacher, held the divine source.

Followed by.

An incomparably vast aura emanated from his body.

The breath was chaotic but orderly, terrifying but extremely sacred.

Everyone’s eyes were drawn to the world that emerged in mid-air.

It was an endless nothingness.

Darkness, no, or rather, there is no concept of darkness in Su Day’s world.

There is only nothingness, which can also be said to be…


“What kind of world is this, it’s so strange.”

“Can such a world create the Kingdom of God?”

“I’ve looked up all the materials about miniature worlds, and there has never been a world like this in books.”

Everyone is confused by this strange world.

They can’t comprehend, and they’ve never even seen such a world in more than a decade of cognition.

“This is the Chaos World!!”

Only the head teacher Liu Yingjiao looked at Su Yang with a shocked face.

The look on her face became very strange, and she continued.

“A world without all concepts, without any power, without many laws of infertility, without evolving the beings of heaven and earth…”


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