
“There really is a waste.”

“I thought the wasteland was just a legend…”

“I really don’t know if to say that he is lucky or not.”

Heard Liu Yingjiao’s words.

The students looked at Su Xiao on the stage and whispered.

Previously, many students only expanded the most ordinary world.

It is also a change of the expression of loss.

They all looked at Su Yang with a bit of pity.

Some people are like that, no matter what they have fallen into.

Once someone is worse than themselves, they will have a look of contemplation.

to appease your humble heart.

The wasted world, as the name suggests, is a world that cannot create any kingdom of God.

Not compatible with any forces.

Creatures cannot be created.

Laws cannot be built.

The future cannot be deduced.

It is a world that is doomed to uselessness.

However, compared to the Immortal Cultivation World, the Waste World is even rarer.

Because among millions of students, there may not be a single waste.

Even the most ordinary world without any aura has the possibility of creating a kingdom of God.

The wasteworld, on the other hand, has no hope at all.

There was once a ninth-order god who controlled the kingdom of God as a prophecy of the world.

He spent most of his cultivation and could not see any hope for his son’s wasteland.

“Student Su Yang… Don’t be too sad, with your grades, even if you can’t be admitted to the Divine Academy, you can have a good future. ”

Liu Yingjiao looked at Su Yang with a complicated mood.

“I can give you a letter of recommendation if you want

You can directly enter the top ten ordinary universities in the country, do not have to take the college entrance examination, and your results have long reached the standard of guarantee. ”

Su Yang was a very high-achieving student in her class and throughout the school year.

In Liu Yingjiao’s heart, as long as Su Yang can unfold even the most ordinary world.

Relying on Su Tian’s understanding of the Kingdom of God, he can create a good Kingdom of God.

But I didn’t expect to make people happy….


From graduating from college to now, she has witnessed an unknown amount of unfolding of the world.

But this is the first time she has seen the waste.

“Wasteland? It turns out that this world knows you like this, do you actually treat the chaotic world as a waste world? ”

Su Yang looked at the desolation in front of him.

I only feel that my throat is dry, and it is a little funny.

The people of this world are completely unaware of behind this seemingly empty and chaotic world.

What exactly does it mean.

And Su Tian, as a traverser.

He could clearly know what kind of powerful existence would be born in this chaos.

There is chaos in heaven and earth, three thousand gods and demons rise, Pangu opens heaven and earth, and floods and desolations rise.

It can deduce the heavens and suppress the ages.

It can even break through time, space, and even everything is tangible and intangible, and the future has unlimited potential in the flooded world.

In this world, it is actually a wasteland?

The three thousand gods and demons represent the three thousand laws of the world, space, time, life and death, and even technology may be nurtured in them.

And the higher level of Da Luo Honghuang, now, in the future, everything is only the true self Da Luo Jinxian.

A single thought can destroy a world.

In the presence of this presence.

Immortal cultivation world? The wizarding world? The martial arts world is simply weak!

“No, teacher, thank you very much, I will take the college entrance examination, and…”

The corners of Su Tian’s face lifted the corners of his mouth, and he smiled: “This world, I am very satisfied.” ”

Speaking of which, in the eyes of the students who looked like crazy people.

Returned to his seat.

“He said he was satisfied, crazy, right??”

“In a way, he’s a genius. There is not a single waste world among millions of people. ”

“I wouldn’t be a wasteland, it’s terrible, he can actually laugh…”

It is only a few meters from the podium to the seats.

But the students’ discussions kept pouring into Su Tian’s ears.

But Su Xiao didn’t care about all this.

The smile at the corner of his mouth is still hanging, not salty or faint.

“It’s okay, Su Tian, with your results, even if you become an ordinary person, you can mix well.”

Su Tian’s tablemate whispered comfort to him.

“The college entrance examination is more important than participation.”

And Su Xiao shrugged casually, not wanting to explain anything.

Soon all students have successfully started their own world.

The teacher also announced his dismissal.

Prepare for Awakening Day in three days.

Su Yang returned to the bedroom.

Eyes slightly closed.

Consciousness floated into the chaotic and void world.

“Sure enough, it’s chaos, and even the direction doesn’t exist.”

As soon as he entered this world, Su Tian noticed that there is no concept of direction in this world, after all, direction is also part of the rules, and the essence of chaos is to engulf all rules.

He stood in nothingness, as if his consciousness was constantly being turned upside down.

Although everything is chaotic and disorderly.

But Su Yang felt the surge of countless rules in this world.

To create the Kingdom of God, you need to integrate the world power and laws you want to build into this world.

However, chaos itself is pregnant with countless rules.

Three thousand gods and demons represent the three thousand rules.

His mind moved slightly, wanting to strip a law out of the chaos.

But this side of the world is extraordinarily strong.

Even if he does it with all his might, he can only move a fraction and is difficult to peel off.

Su Xiao frowned slightly, and his brain was running rapidly.

Three days later is the day of awakening, and if you peel away the rules one by one.

That time is simply not enough.

“Peeling off the three thousand gods and demons is too difficult to do, it is more difficult to create than to destroy, in mythology, if it were not for the Pangu God to slash it…” Su Xiao whispered softly, but the next moment there was a light in front of his eyes.

That’s right!

Pangu God!!

Stripping out the three thousand avenues, creating gods and demons is too cumbersome.

But what if it is to create a great god who has a mission from scratch and opens the sky!

Su Yang raised it with one hand, and continued to construct the legendary scene he heard according to the hint.


The chaotic world began to shake and roar.

A little bit exploded in the infinite nothingness.

In front of Su Tian’s eyes, a lotus disk appeared, and then an inch floated.

Thirty-six pins of green lotus appeared, living in chaos.

A huge and incomparable chaos egg emerged from the lotus heart.

An extremely faint aura emerged.


Boom! Boom!! Boom!!!

A heartbeat like thunder began to sound in the chaos.

Every heartbeat carries an extremely terrifying deterrent.

But even so, Su Yang still looked at the chaos egg that was pregnant with Pangu with some dissatisfaction.

“God who opens the heavens, born of the road of pregnancy, comes for all births, and dies for the heavens.”

“With a groundbreaking mission, in this world, although it represents the law of force, in essence, it does not represent any rules.”

“In that case, let me give you a mission and rules.”

Su Xiao said softly.

In this world He is the beginning of everything and the source of everything.

Or it can be called the avenue.

“The god of opening the sky, the venerable of all worlds, its name is Pangu!” He looked at the giant egg and whispered

And the entire chaotic world seemed to be whispering together.

As the Creator, his giving and will were all instilled in the giant egg at this moment.

In the heartbeat like thunder, there were a few more different sounds.

An even grander, mysterious aura began to emerge in that chaotic egg.

One after another, extremely simple but mysterious and majestic laws began to converge around the thirty-six pins of green lotus.

Like guards, they turn into chains and guard their supremacy.

Seeing this scene, the corners of Su Tian’s mouth lifted slightly, with a hint of a smile.

It’s done.

And then it was immediately after.

Another unexpected scene appeared for Su Yang.

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immediately rush charge (Event period: August 13 to August 15)

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